291 resultados para Modern physics teaching


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The problem of a harmonic oscillator coupling to an electromagnetic potential plus a topological-like (Chern-Simons) massive term, in two-dimensional space, is studied in the light of the symplectic formalism proposed by Faddeev and Jackiw for constrained systems.


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We determine the solutions of the Schrödinger equation for an asymptotically linear potential. Analytical solutions are obtained by superalgebra in quantum mechanics and we establish when these solutions are possible. Numerical solutions for the spectra are obtained by the shifted 1/N expansion method.


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A class of boson-fermion stars, whose spin-0 and spin-1/2 constituents interact through a U(1) current-current term in the Lagrangian density, is analyzed. It is shown that it describes the low-energy behavior of a system of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) from the leptonic sector of the minimal supersymmetric standard model. In this case the effective coupling constant A is related to the Fermi constant GF.


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We examine further astrophysical constraints on a light spinless particle coupled only to photons and proposed by Massó and Toldra. We consider constraints coming from measurements of extra galactic background and from ionization of HI clouds.


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We present a higher derivative gauge theory in (2 + 1) dimensions which can have its parameters suitably tuned in order to become a consistent quantum field theory, in the sense that both tachyons and ghosts are absent from the particle spectrum of the theory.


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Systems containing simultaneously hadrons and their constituents are most easily described by treating composite hadron field operators on the same kinematical footing as the constituent ones. Introduction of a unitary transformation allows redescription of hadrons by elementary-particle field operators. Transformation of the microscopic Hamiltonian leads to effective Hamiltonians describing all possible processes involving hadrons and their constituents.


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We consider a simple way of solving the flavor question by embedding the three-family standard model in a semisimple gauge group extending minimally the weak isospin factor. Quantum chiral anomalies between families of fermions cancel with a matching of the number of families and the number of color degrees of freedom. Our demonstration shows how the theory leads to determination of families structure when the standard model is the input at low energies. The new physics is limited to start below a few TeVs within the reach of the next generation colliders.


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We analyze the presence of a scalar field around a spherically symmetric distribution of an ordinary matter, obtaining an exact solution for a given scalar field distribution.


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We consider an extension of the axial model where local gauge symmetries are taken into account. The result is a mixing of the axial and Schwinger models. The anomaly of the axial current is calculated by means of the Fujikawa path integral technique and the model is also solved. Besides the well-known features of the particular models (axial and Schwinger) an effective interaction of scalar and gauge fields via a topological current is obtained. This term is responsible for the appearance of massive poles in the propagators that are different from those of both models.


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In the usual supersymmetric quantum mechanics, the supercharges change the eigenfunction from the bosonic to fermionic sector and conversely. The classical correspondent of this transformation is shown to be the addition of a total time derivative of a purely imaginary function to the Lagrangian function of the system.


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Recently, Basseto and Griguolo1 did a perturbative quantization of what they called a generalized chiral Schwinger model. As a consequence of the kind of quantization adopted, some gauge-dependent masses raised in the model. On the other hand, we discussed the possibility of introducing a generalized Wess-Zumino term,2 where such gauge-dependent masses did appear. Here we intend to show that one can construct a non-anomalous version of a model which include that, presented by Basseto and Griguolo as a particular case, by adding to it a generalized Wess-Zumino term, as proposed in Ref. 2. So we conclude that it is possible to construct a gauge-invariant extension of the model quoted in Ref. 1, and this can be done through a Wess-Zumino term of the type proposed in Ref. 2.


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The baryon coupling to its current (λB), in conventional QCD sum rule calculations (QCDSR), is shown to scale as the cubic power of the baryon mass, MB. Some theoretical justification for it comes from a simple light-cone model and also general scaling arguments for QCD. But more importantly, taken as a phenomenological ansatz for the present, this may find very good use in current explorations of possible applications of QCDSR to baryon physics both at temperature T = 0, T ≠ 0 and/or density ρ = 0, ρ ≠ 0. © World Scientific Publishing Company.


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We show that if a gauge theory with dynamical symmetry breaking has nontrivial fixed points, they will correspond to extrema of the vacuum energy. This relationship provides a different method to determine fixed points.


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In this letter we apply an alternative approach, recently developed, to the description of massless particles of arbitrary spin to the case of spin-two particles. This provides a non-geometrical approach to the theory of linearized gravitation. Within this method the chiral components of a spinor field are treated as independent field variables. The free field Lagrangian is built up from the requirement of chiral invariance. This formulation is parallel to the neutrino theory and leads to a formulation that generalizes, to particles of spin-two, the two-component neutrino theory. At the free field level the analog of curvature tensor, spin connection tensor, and metric tensor are independent quantities. By introducing left-right asymmetric linear interactions of these chiral components we get the linearized gravitation theory.


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The two-body Dirac(Breit) equation with potentials associated to one-boson-exchanges with cutoff masses is solved for the deuteron and its observables calculated. The 16-component wave-function for the Jπ = 1+ state contains four independent radial functions which satisfy a system of four coupled differential equations of first order. This system is numerically integrated, from infinity towards the origin, by fixing the value of the deuteron binding energy and imposing appropriate boundary conditions at infinity. For the exchange potential of the pion, a mixture of direct plus derivative couplings to the nucleon is considered. We varied the pion-nucleon coupling constant, and the best results of our calculations agree with the lower values recently determined for this constant.