262 resultados para Métodos geoelétricos


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There are several papers on pruning methods in the artificial neural networks area. However, with rare exceptions, none of them presents an appropriate statistical evaluation of such methods. In this article, we proved statistically the ability of some methods to reduce the number of neurons of the hidden layer of a multilayer perceptron neural network (MLP), and to maintain the same landing of classification error of the initial net. They are evaluated seven pruning methods. The experimental investigation was accomplished on five groups of generated data and in two groups of real data. Three variables were accompanied in the study: apparent classification error rate in the test group (REA); number of hidden neurons, obtained after the application of the pruning method; and number of training/retraining epochs, to evaluate the computational effort. The non-parametric Friedman's test was used to do the statistical analysis.


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As arterial hypertension can be diagnosed by different methods, among which are the traditional auscultatory instrument and the automated oscillometric monitor, the aim of this study was to compare the performance of these instruments, to evaluate the reliability of the digital oscillometer. The sample consisted of 40 patients under dental treatment, whose blood pressure measurements were recorded. The measurements of systolic and diastolic blood pressures were evaluated in terms of their intraclass correlation coefficients (r). For systolic blood pressure, an excellent level of agreement was found between the instruments, with r=0.93, and for diastolic blood pressure, there was a good level of agreement (r=0.75). It was concluded, from the excellent agreement for systolic blood pressure, that the oscillometric monitor can be recommended for the monitoring of the variations of that pressure in the same individual, while the good agreement obtained in the determination of the diastolic blood pressure indicates that the oscillometric method is reliable. However, new studies need to be carried out for a better understanding of the disagreements that can occur in the diastolic pressure results.


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The protozoan parasite Giardia lamblia is responsible for a common intestinal infection in all regions of the world. In this study, four laboratory tests were evaluated for diagnostic reproducibility in the detection of this infection: Coprotest®, Direct modified method, Faust method and iron-hematoxylin staining. Positive diagnoses were tested for association with factors such as the age group and gender of the subject and the month when the sample was taken. Feces of 200 children in the Araraquara region (SP, Brazil) were examined by all four methods and the results compared. G. lamblia was found to be the most frequent parasite and 8.0% of the children showed giardiasis. There was no apparent correlation with gender, but most of the parasites were found in three- to five-year-olds. The highest frequency of infection occurred in January. The most reliable diagnostic results for G. lamblia were achieved by combining at least two methods of good reproducibility, i.e. Coprotest-Faust, Direct-Faust or Coprotest-Direct (A > 0.81).


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With the purpose of selecting and recommending promissory cultivars of cotton, Gossypium hirsutum (L) with high yield potential and stability, for crop areas in Venezuela, the yield (seed included) of nine cotton varieties was evaluated. The data from the 1995-96 and 1996-97 cycles was used. The experimental design was a randomized completed block design with four repetitions on twelve environments. Parameters of stability offered by the methods of Eberhart and Russell, (1966), Cruz et al. (1989) and the AMMI model were estimated and compared to determine the best method or combination. There was no coincidence between the best yield varieties, Unellez-2 and the commercial variety Delta Pine 16, in relation to stability criteria. According to Eberhart and Russell, these were classified as stable, while according to Cruz et al. they were adaptive to favorable environments and according to AMMI they were unstable with high interaction,.Of the three methods studied, the AMMI model allowed associating the response of high yield varieties to specific environments, gave more information and was easier to interpret.


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An experiment with four treatments was carried out on the experimental area of ADEI to compare three methods of water use requirement: ETc (T1) - irrigation based on crop evapotranspiration (ETc); Tensiometers (T2 and T3) - irrigations were made through reading of tensiometers installed at 40 cm deep and, Control (T4) - only one irrigation to promote the seedlings emergence. Both Class A pan and soil water depletion methods presented good results when the crop was developed without restraint of water. The Katerji method can be utilized in conditions of water restriction. Irrigation frequency was more important than amount of applied water for higher yield.


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The aim of this investigation was to evaluate four reference methods to estimate evapotranspiration (Makkink, Hargreaves, Class A pan and Radiation), compared tb Penman-Monteith method, that is considered standard by the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Errors due to variable measurements in the reference evapotranspiration estimate were taken into consideration. The research was developed in an experimental area of the Department of Rural Engieering of the School of Agricultural and Veterinarian Sciences, Campus of Jaboticabal, São Paulo State University. An automated weather station was used and it was equipped with sensors to measure global and net radiation, temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed. The aftermath showed a better adjustment to Hargreaves. Makkink, Class A pan and Radiation methods are different from Penman-Monteith, therefore, they cannot be compared. To evaluate methods to estimate evapotranspiration and avoid possible evaluation errors, ETo estimate errors must be considered.


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The objective of this research was to study three methods of parameter determination for irrigation control under different tensions in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). The treatments were a combination of three methods of parameter determination for irrigation control (tensiometer, water retention curve, USWB Class A pan) with three soil water tensions (1:-30 kPa; 2:-60, kPa both for the whole plant cycle; 3:-60 kPa for the vegetative phase and -30 kPa for the reproductive phase). The experimental design was randomized blocks, factorial 32 with three replicates. Although no significant effect on water use efficiency was found, a tendency for increasing water use efficiency in treatments with tensions of -60 kPa at the vegetative phase and -30 kPa at the reproductive phase was observed in all methods of parameter determination for irrigation control. Water was saved as less irrigation was applied during the vegetative phase and more irrigation at the reproductive phase. No precipitation was observed from June to September 1995, leading to a high yield and therefore to a higher water use efficiency.


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Historically, the incorrect waste disposal has been related to epidemics which resulted in thousand of deaths. Despite the efforts to develop sanitary disposal methods in the 19 century, even today, uncontrolled dumps are often found in undeveloped countries. These places are responsible for environment pollution and for several diseases. The process of adequate waste disposal begins with the selection of suitable landfill areas, based on environmental characteristics. The goal of this research was to compare two methods of landfill site selection: the first one developed by IG-SMA (1999), and the other by Basílio (2001). Both methods were developed and applied in the same area - region of Campinas, São Paulo State, Brazil and this fact explains the choice for them; the comparison was made by superposing maps. Despite the same geographic area, the result was very different and few areas in common were found; IG-SMA (1999) obtained more suitable areas than Basílio (2001). This has been attributed to scale, criteria and attribute differences and, as a conclusion, Basílio (2001) was considered more restrictive than IG-SMA (1999).


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The purpose of the work is to evaluate the stability by dry and humid of theaggregate in different systems or the use and management in Argissolos: agricultural, pasture and torest utilization. This work was realized in agricultural property, in Anhumas city, SR Several analyses including percentage of the aggregate (by way of dry and humid); the weighted mean diameter of the aggregate calculation and statistic analysis. Conclusion: the organic matter content of the A horizon of the soil under forest is 64 % more than the soil under pasture and 79 % more than the soil under annual crop; the WMDA of the aggregate obtained by dry and humid ways of the horizon A and its mean value for the soil decrease in the following sequence: PVAd - forest > PVe -pasture > PVd - annual culture, respectively, with the following values: 1.33560 and 1.445496 (D), 2.81114 and 2.351380 (H); 0.66748 and 1.011830 (D); 2.79642 and 1.624250 (H); 0.32468 and 0.993775 (S), 1.25808 and 0.983135 mm (H); the two methods are equally sensitive to reveal the effect of the soil use and management; the organic matter provides additional stability to the aggregates submitted to humid sieving and clay to the dry sieving: the WMDA obtained by dry and humid ways are statistically different for the soil profiles.


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Pain is a subjective condition and, thus, difficult to measure. The best tools to assess pain are the pain evaluation questionnaires, which provide either diagnostic, pain evolution or pain intensity information. To provide information which could help differentiate between nociceptive pain and neuropathic pain is one of the most important functions of these questionnaires. The questionnaires can measure pain intensity, quality of life, or sleep quality. Quality of life and sleep are two really important characteristics to assess the pain impact on patients' life. Pain intensity assessing questionnaires combine physical evaluations with questions, providing information either from the patient sensations or clinical assessment of pain manifestations as well as the underlying biological mechanisms (such as hyperalgesia or allodynia). For example, the Pain Detect questionnaire has two parts: the patient form (intuitive, with pictures and easy understandable) and the physician form. Thus, in this questionnaire, subjective information is provided by the patient and the objective one is provided by the physician. Other pain intensity questionnaires are NPSI, DN4, LANSS or StEP. Quality of life questionnaires are versatile (can be used in different pathologies). These questionnaires include functional self-evaluation questions, and other ones associated to physical and mental health. Two of such quality of life questionnaires are SF-36 and NHP. Sleep evaluation questionnaires include quantitative features such as the number of sleep interruptions, sleep latency or sleep duration as well as qualitative characteristics such as rest sensation, mood and dreams. One of the most used sleep evaluation questionnaires is PSQI, which includes patient questions and bed-partner questions, providing information from two points of view. Copyright 2009 Prous Science, S.A.U. or its licensors. All rights reserved.


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This paper aims to evaluate the quality of the pseudorange observables generated for a Virtual Reference Station (VRS). In order to generate the VRS data three different approaches were implemented and tested. In the first one, raw data from the reference station network were used while in the second it was based on double difference reference station corrections. Finally, in the third approach atmospheric models (ionosphere and troposphere) were used to create the VRS data. Sao Paulo State Network stations were used in all experiments. The VRS data were generated in a reference station position of known coordinates (real file). In order to validate the approaches, the VRS data were compared with the real data file. The results were quite similar, reaching the decimeter or centimeter level, depending on the approach applied.


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There are many methods used to estimate values in places no sampled for construction of contours maps. The aim of this study was to use the methods of interpolation kriging, inverse of the square of the distance and polynomial in the representation of the spatial variability of the pH of the soil in the organic and conventional management in the culture of the coffee plantation. For that, irregular meshes were built for soil sampling in the depth of 0-0,10 meters, totaling 40 points sampling in each area. For gauging of the interpolation methods they were solitary 10% of the total of points, for each area. Initially, the data were appraised through the classic statistics (descriptive and exploratory) and spatial analysis. The method inverse square of the distance and kriging has low error in estimating dados. The method of kriging presented low variation around the average in different managements.


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Since the 1990s, research into indigenous history has grown both quantitatively and qualitatively in Brazilian academia. Nevertheless the concepts of ethnohistory and indigenous history have been frequently used imprecisely. This article discusses the concept of ethnohistory and its development. Also, it discusses the interdisciplinary character of research into indigenous history and its social relevance. Questions are also raised about the training of human resources for teaching, the research into indigenous history, the teaching of it in the context of basic education and the professional ethics of the researcher.


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Dormancy caused by the tegument's impermeability to water is a feature of Schizolobium parahyba seeds. So that the best methodology for overcoming the species's dormancy may be determined, the seeds were submitted to mechanical scarification treatments, using sandpaper and scissors, on the opposite side of the hilum. Chemical scarification was also undertaken with sulfuric (H2SO4) and hydrochloric (HCl) acids for 30 minutes. Seeds were distributed in groups of 25 units in four petri plates. The experiment was undertaken in a BOD germination chamber at 25°C and 120 μmol.m-2.s-1. Data were used to calculate the germination capacity (G%), the Germination Velocity Index (IVG) and Mean Germination Time (TM). Imbibation curve was also calculated to analyze the dormancy type of the seeds by using the three-phase model where phase FI was completed in 6 hours and FIII was initiated after 12 hours of imbibation. Results show that whereas pre-germinative treatments trigger S. parahyba germination, mechanical scarification is the most effective method to overcome the species's dormancy.


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Ecologists usually estimate means, but devote much less attention to variation. The study of variation is a key aspect to understand natural systems and to make predictions regarding them. In community ecology, most studies focus on local species diversity (alpha diversity), but only in recent decades have ecologists devoted proper attention to variation in community composition among sites (beta diversity). This is in spite of the fact that the first attempts to estimate beta diversity date back to the pioneering work by Koch and Whittaker in the 1950s. Progress in the last decade has been made in the development both of methods and of hypotheses about the origin and maintenance of variation in community composition. For instance, methods are available to partition total diversity in a region (gamma diversity), in a local component (alpha), and several beta diversities, each corresponding to one scale in a hierarchy. The popularization of the so-called raw-data approach (based on partial constrained ordination techniques) and the distance-based approach (based on correlation of dissimilarity/distance matrices) have allowed many ecologists to address current hypotheses about beta diversity patterns. Overall, these hypotheses are based on niche and neutral theory, accounting for the relative roles of environmental and spatial processes (or a combination of them) in shaping metacommunities. Recent studies have addressed these issues on a variety of spatial and temporal scales, habitats and taxonomic groups. Moreover, life history and functional traits of species such as dispersal abilities and rarity have begun to be considered in studies of beta diversity. In this article we briefly review some of these new tools and approaches developed in recent years, and illustrate them by using case studies in aquatic ecosystems.