172 resultados para Lesões traqueobrônquicas
INTRODUCTION: Basketball is characterized with high injury rate. In the literature it's not defined whether or not there are differences between the sexes. OBJECTIVE: Characterize and analyze the incidence of athletic injuries in basketball players, comparing the sexes. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifteen under-23 category athletes of each sex were interviewed with the reported morbidity inquire. RESULTS: The age of the female and male teams, in average, was 18 ± 0.65 and 18.20 ± 1.57 years respectively. The male team had more injuries than the female one (respectively 2.6 ± 1.45 against 1.2 ± 1.18, p < 0.05). The joint damage was the most common injury in the male team, representing 58.97%, and the second most common in the female team (33.33%). The lower limbs were the most common injured sites (80.95% in the female and 69.23% in the male). The most frequent injury mechanism in the male team was the landing (43.59%), and in the female was the vertical jump (28.57%). In both teams the most injuries occurred during the training (61.9% in the female and 71.8% in the male). The absence was necessary in 47.62% (female) and 56.41% (male). Great part of the athletes didn't received any treatment (61.9% and 51.28% in the female and male team respectively). The return to the activities was mostly symptomatic, in both female and male team (85.71% and 84.62% respectively). CONCLUSION: The incidence of injuries in basketball is higher in the lower limbs. The male team is more likely to suffer injuries, and the main injury mechanisms were different between male and female team.
The artistic gymnastics is a modality that associates arts with biomechanical gestures, and it has been prominent among children and adolescents. Its practice can lead to sports injuries; therefore, it is important to know the factors inherent to trauma for the formulation of preventive models. Thus, the objective of this study was to characterize sports injuries and to verify factors associated with injury in people practicing artistic gymnastics with different levels of competitiveness. Forty-six gymnasts were interviewed with mean age of 10.1±2.0 years for female participants, who were classified in two competitive levels, i.e, initiation and training. We used the morbidity questionnaire adapted to sports characteristics to collect personal, training, and injury data. It was observed that injury risk was 0.3 injuries per athlete and 1.4 injuries per injured athlete, in which the gymnasts of the training category showed a higher frequency of the injury (83.3%; n=10) compared with the ones in the initiation category (10.5%; n=4). For both levels of competitiveness, training moment and light severity were the most reported variables. In the mechanism, contactless was more prevalent in the training category (90%; n=9) and the direct contact was more common at initiation category (75%; n=3). Anthropometric and training variables were considered as factors associated with injury to the gymnasts. It is concluded that gymnasts of the training category have higher injury frequency. Anthropometric and training variables were factors associated with injury. Characteristics of the injuries depend on the competitiveness level of the gymnasts.
Pós-graduação em Biologia Geral e Aplicada - IBB
Pós-graduação em Ciências Odontológicas - FOAR
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV
Taekwondo practice has been associated with physical and biomechanical overloads, which are related to occurrence of sports injuries (SI). However, etiological and nosographic information about SI are limited and conflicting. This study analyzed and characterized the SI in Taekwondo athletes, according to gender. Casuistic integrated 22 athletes, 12 men and 10 women, athletes from São Paulo State Team of Taekwondo, adult category, with 23,6±6,8 years, body weight of 66,0±13,1 kg and 1,72±0,09 m of height. Reported morbidity survey was used to obtain retroactive information to 2009 season. Nosographic variables were analyzed using Goodman’s Test for contrasts among multinomial populations. All athletes reported injuries in the season; 56 cases were registered, determining an injury rate of 2.54 SI/athlete; 26 events (46.4%) occurred in males (2.17 SI/athlete), and 30 (53.6%) were related to women (3.00 SI/athlete). There were predominance of injuries in joints (35,7%) and muscles (39,3%); both genders presented injuries in lower members (82.1%, p<0.01), predominant in combat situations (80.4%, p<0.05), during the preparatory period of training (73.2%). There was a higher treatment request among male athletes (73.1%), which showed high asymptomatic return (69.2%); the female group referred similar proportions of absence and presence of treatment request, collaborating for the greater symptomatic return of these athletes (70.0%). In conclusion, the results support predominance of muscles and joints injuries in lower segments, derived from fighting, involving female athletes.
Introduction: The table tennis is characterized by requiring of the athletes intense body movement. The gestures performed by athletes require continuous postural changes, in cases of any sway in body structures may produce postural changes or initiate processes of injuries. Objective: The aim of this study was to characterize the table tennis lesions. Method: Were evaluated 31 athletes (26 males and fi ve females) with mean age 22.35±6.67 years. The subjects were interviewed with the Reported Morbidity Inquires retroactive to the 2009 season. It was used techniques of descriptive and analytical statistics. Results: The largest number of injuries was muscular (74.35%), on the shoulder (43.58%) during the movement of top spin (33.33%) in the specifi c training phase (64.1%) with symptomatic return to the activities (69.23%). Conclusion: The weekly training workload infl uences the number of lesions.
Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOAR
Lasertherapy is a method of non-pharmacological treatment and surgery that can be used in several injuries and in various tissues, from bone fractures to tendonitis, skin wounds and damaged nerves, permitting the recovery of these structures and their functions without causing any side effects. Laser therapy aims to restore patients that suffered various injuries, such as bone fracture, inflammation, edema, tendon rupture, spinal cord injury, among others, without invasive intervention, and the results obtained in several studies and case reports have proven the high potential of this therapy to become an official treatment of various pathological changes
A busca pela identificação de fatores que possam apontar o diagnóstico, a resposta terapêutica e sobrevida dos pacientes portadores de neoplasias ósseas tem sido incessante. Poderá ser de grande valia na escolha da proposta terapêutica presumir a agressividade tumoral, capacidade de invasão tecidual, propensão ao desenvolvimento de metástases e resposta ao tratamento. As neoplasias ósseas constituem um grupo heterogêneo de tumores, considerando-se os sítios anatômicos e a etiologia. Existe uma grande dificuldade para se estabelecer o prognóstico nestas patologias. Estudos citogenéticos possibilitam um melhor conhecimento antecipado dessas doenças. Embora fatores ambientais e dietéticos contribuam para a etiologia do câncer, as neoplasias se originam de um processo de múltiplos passos envolvendo alterações de genes e seleção clonal da progênie variante. Estas mutações ocorrem em classes de genes reguladores da proliferação celular como os oncogenes, genes supressores de tumor, fatores de crescimento, vias de sinalização e genes de reparo de DNA. Este projeto tem por objetivo detectar e descrever alterações cromossômicas consistentes e recorrentes através da utilização da citogenética clássica e o seu envolvimento no prognóstico em neoplasias ósseas, de pacientes do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, UNESP. Os conhecimentos sobre a biologia molecular melhoram o entendimento sobre os múltiplos aspectos da carcinogênese. Entretanto, embora, as perspectivas permaneçam, não houve até agora benefícios significativos em termos de prevenção, diagnóstico tratamento e seguimento dos pacientes com lesões ósseas. Este projeto visa estudos na tentativa de contribuir para um melhor entendimento e, por conseqüência, gerar dados para posteriores empregos em terapias mais eficazes para melhorar as taxas de sobrevida e beneficiar maior número de pacientes com neoplasias ósseas
Pós-graduação em Cirurgia Veterinária - FCAV
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV
Durante a transformação maligna dos melanócitos, padrões de metilação do DNA encontram-se alterados, afetando a expressão gênica. As citosinas metiladas (5mC) podem ser hidroxiladas pelas dioxigenases dependentes de 2-oxoglutarato e Fe(II), Tet1, 2 e 3, resultando na formação de 5-hidroximetilcitosina (5hmC) (Globisch et al., 2010; Ko et al., 2010). A 5hmC pode agir tanto como um produto intermediário na desmetilação ativa do DNA quanto na desmetilação passiva ao longo de sucessivas replicações, o que pode contribuir com a dinâmica da metilação do DNA (Tahiliani et al., 2009). Além disso, demonstrou-se que Tet1 e Tet2 são expressas em células tronco embrionárias (Ito et al., 2010) e que 5hmC desempenha importante papel na manutenção e diferenciação destas células (Koh et al., 2011). No entanto, o papel da 5hmC e das proteínas Tet tanto na fisiologia normal quanto em doenças como o câncer ainda não está claro. Utilizando um modelo linear de progressão do melanoma, observamos aumento na expressão gênica de Tet1 nas linhagens celulares correspondendo a melanócitos pré-malignos (4C) e células de melanoma não metastático (4C11-), comparado a melanócitos não tumorigênicos (melan-a) e células de melanoma metastático (4C11+). Em relação à expressão proteica, há um aumento da expressão de Tet1 nas linhagens 4C e 4C11+, o que pode ser relacionado às fases de transição epitélio-mesênquima (EMT) e mesênquima-epitélio (MET), respectivamente. Além disso, constatamos aumento na expressão gênica e proteica de Tet2 na linhagem metastática 4C11+, o que pode indicar diferenças funcionais entre as proteínas Tet1 e Tet2. Também verificamos aumento significativo do conteúdo de 5hmC na linhagem 4C11+, o que se correlaciona com maior expressão gênica e proteica de Tet2. Por fim, linhagens humanas de melanoma metastático menos agressivas apresentaram aumento significativo na expressão dos genes TET1 ...