199 resultados para Infraestruturas de carregamento
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In an ever more competitive environment, power distribution companies must satisfy two conflicting objectives: minimizing investment costs and the satisfaction of reliability targets. The network reconfiguration of a distribution system is a technique that well adapts to this new deregulated environment for it allows improvement of reliability indices only opening and closing switches, without the onus involved in acquiring new equipment. Due to combinatorial explosion problem characteristic, in the solution are employed metaheuristics methods, which converge to optimal or quasi-optimal solutions, but with a high computational effort. As the main objective of this work is to find the best configuration(s) of the distribution system with the best levels of reliability, the objective function used in the metaheuristics is to minimize the LOLC - Loss Of Load Cost, which is associated with both, number and duration of electric power interruptions. Several metaheuristics techniques are tested, and the tabu search has proven to be most appropriate to solve the proposed problem. To characterize computationally the problem of the switches reconfiguring was developed a vector model (with integers) of the representation of the switches, where each normally open switch is associated with a group of normally closed switches. In this model simplifications have been introduced to reduce computational time and restrictions were made to exclude solutions that do not supply energy to any load point of the system. To check violation of the voltage and loading criteria a study of power flow for the ten best solutions is performed. Also for the ten best solutions a reliability evaluation using Monte Carlo sequential simulation is performed, where it is possible to obtain the probability distributions of the indices and thus calculate the risk of paying penalty due to not meeting the goals. Finally, the methodology is applied in a real Brazilian distribution network, and the results are discussed.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
The present work is to analyze the importance of exchanging knowledge and technological innovation in Business Condominium Square Capital installed in the Metropolitan Region of Campinas (SP). The condominium corporate Capital Square is the new result of the productive rearrangements that allow the reproduction of capital. This new production space, endowed with infrastructure and sophisticated logistics is able to enable the development of companies installed there in addition to promoting the advancement of technological innovation in the region because of its relations with laboratories, universities and research centers. The research aims to contribute to the understanding of this new form of organization of space activities corresponding to the logic of exchange of knowledge and technological innovation. The logical location of innovation services have similar aspects to economic activities in general, which is distinguished due to the intangible nature of services of high added value through the strategic role of information, the nature of services and because there are services whose logic operation is beyond the economic, but also scientific. The project includes the study in an integrated environment, which allows to evaluate, under various aspects, the importance of established companies and infrastructure available that enable the advancement of skills and knowledge exchange in Capital Square Condo
Increasingly, people searches for an efficient and economic way for transporting bulk materials. Transport through belts is now the most widely used mean for transporting bulk materials, used by companies from various sectors such as mining, quarrying, agribusiness, etc. There are many advantages of using a conveyor belt as compared to rail or by truck. Trucks needs a driver, have a high risk of accidents as well as a high cost for maintenance and as well as trains, after making the downloading of the material, return empty to the next load. The cost for the construction of a railway is very high, making it often impossible. The conveyor belt have a high cost of installation, but it works 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The upper side of the belt is always loaded, the maintenance cost is average and the risk of accidents is low, causing it to be the ideal way to transport bulk materials. This monography aims to interest the reader about what is a conveyor belt, what are its main components and demonstrate the basic calculations for their sizing and selection of components. Throughout the work, scaled a belt conveyor for use in the mining sector, but the concepts demonstrated apply to the transport of any material
O objetivo do presente estudo foi realizar bioensaios para avaliação da toxicidade da hidrametilnona, (solubilizada em acetona, com e sem óleo de soja) para operárias de Atta sexdens rubropilosa, bem como a análise morfológica dos órgãos dissecados dessa espécie de formiga, cujos indivíduos foram coletados em momentos específicos dos bioensaios de toxicidade. Por meio da análise morfológica, verificou-se o efeito toxicológico do composto químico nas glândulas pós-faríngeas, no ventrículo (intestino médio) e nos túbulos de Malpighi das formigas e, adicionalmente, foi possível correlacionar esses dados morfológicos com os dados da taxa de sobrevivência obtida nos bioensaios. O experimento com a hidrametilnona, solubilizada em uma mistura de acetona e óleo, indicaram uma via alternativa de ingestão do princípio ativo das iscas formicidas devido ao fato do óleo atuar como um coadjuvante, confirmando estudos prévios que sugerem a ação da glândula pós-faríngea na metabolização dos lipídios ingeridos. Dessa forma, o óleo presente na solução de hidrametilnona poderia estar envolvido no carregamento indireto da hidrametilnona para a glândula e, consequentemente, a diminuição da concentração desse princípio ativo no lúmen intestinal. Isto explicaria o menor grau de degeneração tecidual observada no intestino das formigas tratadas com hidrametilnona solubilizada em uma solução de acetona e óleo, em comparação com formigas tratadas com hidrametilnona solubilizada somente em acetona. Os controles com adição da acetona não apresentaram diferença significativa na porcentagem de sobrevivência em relação ao grupo testemunha e este solvente não interferiu na morfofisiologia das células. Os dados obtidos foram importantes para a melhor compreensão do efeito toxicológico da hidrametilnona nestes indivíduos
The intensive development in the urbanization process implied a series of economic, social, and gradually, environmental transformations, essentially, since its intensification, which took place from the Industrial Revolution in Europe and North America. In Latin American countries, including Brazil, there was such acceleration in urban sprawl, only in the middle of the twentieth century, fomented by a peculiar industrialization, coming from the scientific-technical revolution, which occurred in developing countries. In this context, and with a lack of planning and an effective organization, cities of the dependent countries face an inordinate population growth and an unprecedented industrial swelling. Brazil, following this trend, presents several issues regarding the gaps in the provision of necessary infrastructure to meet the most basic needs of its population and the intense activity and anthropogenic effects on the environment. In this sense, environmental problems, related to air and water pollution, degradation and contamination of soil, paving roads, reduction of green areas, urban heat island, among others, reaching ever deeper into the Brazilian urban areas. It is important the analysis in this final project, the weather events related to episodes of strong winds and the events and the impacts to the population of Rio Claro (SP) in the period 2005 to 2010, basing themselves in Geographical Climatology and Urban climate studies. In this scenario, we found the prevalence of occurrences linked to falling trees in the study area, connected, at the same time, to the occurrence and to the absence of episodes of extreme events, with measurements of strong winds, showing a connection between the events and external facts to episodes of winds
The increasing demand for productivity and quality in companies has converged to a common point: reducing costs. In this context the present work aims at the development of a mechanical press which is designed for pressing polar hydrogenerators coils with salient pole in field facilitating the assembly of the poles in the plant, as well as reforms especially in hydrogenerators, reducing significantly the transport costs. With security in mind as well as reduced costs, a study was made of the materials to be used as it was applied a methodology for calculating the correct choice of safety factor to be used in the device. Through mechanical calculations were dimensioned critical items of the device as the diameter of the rods as well as the minimum thickness of the base of the device must have so that it does not break threaded shear in the region by applying the total load of traction on the risers implementation of the pressing. All compression loading device will be through the application of torque on the nuts of bolts in this way was defined by calculations the required torque for each nut so that you can reach the pressure specified in the design specifies. The modeling of the device was made using the INVENTOR™ program in conjunction with the program ANSYS ™. These programs have created designs in three dimensions, assembly and simulation of stress analysis in components of the device
The objective of this study was to present the comparison between analytical and numerical results trying to identify the differences and behaviors of the variation of the principal stresses and the maximum contact pressure for different model configurations. The analytical equations of the theory of Hertz from the boundary conditions adopted by him were differences are shown. A step-by-step of developing the model indicating the geometric dimensions, surface contact, type of contact, the formulation used by the software, type of mesh, as well as the boundary conditions and load was presented. In the results, the stresses calculated analytically and compared with the stresses obtained by the finite element simulation software indicating the changes have been made
As formigas cortadeiras são consideradas pragas por causarem diversos prejuízos em áreas agrícolas e, por este motivo, há um crescente interesse em métodos variados de controle destes insetos. Atualmente, existem diversos métodos de controle conhecidos, mas o mais utilizado é o controle químico, que apresenta diferentes estratégias de formulação e modos de aplicação. O principal método químico utilizado são as iscas tóxicas, que tem a melhor eficiência e já são utilizadas em escala comercial. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as alterações que ocorrem na dinâmica de colônias de Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel, 1906 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) submetidas ao tratamento com iscas tóxicas contendo os ingredientes ativos sulfluramida e hidrametilnona, as quais serão comparadas com uma colônia controle, que receberá isca sem ingrediente ativo. Para isso, foram utilizadas três colônias de A. s. rubropilosa, mantidas em laboratório, com aproximadamente 1000 mL de jardim de fungo cada. Elas foram dispostas em vitrais, interligados a dois potes plásticos, um para a câmara de forrageamento e outro para o lixo. Um dia antes de iniciar o experimento, todo o lixo foi retirado e as colônias foram deixadas sem o fornecimento de alimento. Após 24 horas sem alimentação, as iscas foram oferecidas na câmara de forrageamento de cada colônia. A colônia 1 recebeu 3g de isca sem ingrediente ativo; a colônia 2 recebeu 3g de isca contendo sulfluramida; e a colônia 3 recebeu 3g de isca contendo hidrametilnona. Durante 10 dias, foram avaliados aspectos como carregamento, incorporação e devolução das iscas, alterações comportamentais das operárias classificadas como sintomas de intoxicação, mudanças no aspecto físico dos jardins de fungo, como umidade e aparecimento de fungos contaminantes, e a extinção da colônia. A partir dos dados obtidos, foram feitas análises comparativas das atividades comportamentais...