172 resultados para Greenstone belt


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The palm Euterpe edulis is one of the most exploited due the intense illegal extraction, which is very harmful because this species dies right after the cutting process. This study aimed to assess the palms' development as an enrichment plant in a forest fragment belonging to a Preservation Area and the Biosphere Reserve of the Green Belt of Sao Paulo State, in Embu das Artes city. The seeds were obtained from the Instituto Florestal, which follows all the regulations for seeds, in order to get seedlings with a high genetic variation. The seedlings were planted in two successional stages: secondary forest with low trees (SFLT) and secondary forest with medium trees (SFMT). The seedlings survival and growth were periodically assessed and the results were compared by the variance analysis. Both areas presented high rates of survival, which were superior comparing to other similar studies with Euterpe edulis. Despite the successional difference between the areas, the development of the seedlings did not show significant difference on the analysis of variance regarding leaf number, height growth, stem diameter and survival, except for plant height at 60 days after planting, when seedlings planted in SFLT reached higher height (21.38 cm) than when planted in SFMT (19.31 cm).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The Cu-Au mine of Chapada is located in the municipality of Alto Horizonte, in the northwestern portion of Goiás state and is inserted in the geological context of the Brasilia Belt, specifically the Mara Rosa Magmatic Arc, which hosts important deposits of Au and Cu-Au. The rocks found in the study area belong mainly to the Volcano-Sedimentary Sequence of Mara Rosa and are composed of basic to acidic metavolcanic rocks, psammiticpellitic metasedimentary rocks, chemical rocks and also hydrothermal products. Late intrusions occur and are represented by pegmatitic dikes and tonalitic bodies. The ore deposit of the Chapada mine is formed predominantly by the chalcopyrite-pyritemagnetite association, where pyrite is the most abundant mineral. Through the structural mapping of the mining fronts, it was able to recognize three deformational phases (Dn, Dn +1, Dn +2). During the Dn phase, isoclinal recumbent folds were formed, in association with amphibolites facies metamorphism. Later, in phase Dn +1, there was formation of drag folds and intrafolial folds in association with retrograde metamorphism in the greenschist facies. The deformational phase Dn +2, in its turn, was responsible for late symmetrical folding of the foliation, with NS and EW axes, resulting in an interference pattern of the dome-and-basin type


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This study aimed the geological characterization at scale 1:50.000 of an area belonging to the southern sector of the Brasilia Belt, located in the western portion of the Passos Nappe, near the town of Cássia, MG. In this region, outcrops rock types belonging to Araxá Group, composed of metasediments associated with metavolcanics which form a tectonometamorphic terrain of great importance for understanding the geological evolution of southeast and midwest regions of Brazil. With the development of work was possible to group the rocks in 10 lithostratigraphic units and had been identified 3 different zones of metamorphism generated during the peak metamorphism. The structural pattern of the area shows that the main foliation has average dip 30 ° NW and mineral lineation parallel to the stretching direction with 290 °. Still, we can conf irm that this inverse gradient metamorphic rocks of the Passos Nappe, described by several authors. Also, were seen lithotypes of economic interest, some already in exploitation, such as clay and sand, and other mineral commodities, which are occurring and can be used: quartz, quartzite, garnet, kyanite, rutile and zircon.


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The Rio Claro Formation, Tertiary-Quaternary age, is composed of unconsolidated sediments deposited by fluvial systems. In Paulínia (SP) region geological studies comprising sedimentological, structural and geomorphological aspects indicate that the Rio Claro Formation is constituted by deposits of a meandering fluvial system. Data from SPT drillings were used to obtain sedimentary textural information in order to generate stochastic stratigraphic models. Particle size analysis was carried with the core samples which resulted in the distinction of five litofacies, three of which can be grouped into only one mudstone unit. The other two facies represent channel belt facies, being clayey sands and medium to coarse sands. Geostatistical modeling of the stratigraphic architecture followed together with correlation of analogue outcrop data and conceptual models for this type of depositional system. 100 models were generated with the SPT drillings and 50 models were generated with data from an analogue outcrop, which allowed constraining of both simulation sets to the depositional model given for the region. T-PROGS methodology has good applicability in simulating stratigraphic frameworks and its inherent limitations may be approached with parallel studies, such as stochastic modeling of analogue outcrops or geophysical methods


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The detailed study of the Brazilian continental margin basins became possible with the advancement of geophysical tools, with emphasis on seismic reflection. Characterizing the structural and stratigraphic elements of Brazil’s marginal basins they realized that there was a relationship with structures present on the adjacent continental basement. So many works began to be made to understand this relationship and know the major factors that influenced the evolution of the continental margin. The study area of this work includes the northern portion of the Campos Basin and the continental outcropping adjacent areas, which corresponds to the northern of Rio de Janeiro state and the southern of Espirito Santo state. This area stands an important structural feature of NW-SE direction with a projection to the Campos Basin called Lineamento de Piúma. The outcropping basement rocks belongs to the Ribeira Belt which was bonded to other mobile bands forming the continent Western Gondwana during the Brasiliano Cycle, which later fragmented giving rise to the Atlantic Ocean. The opening of the ocean results on the formation of the marginal basins of Brazil. These basins have continental, transitional and marine facies. On Campos Basin the continental phase resulted on the formation of horsts and grabens bounded by synthetic and antithetic faults. Continuing rifting formed the saline lakes that deposited siliciclastic and carbonate sediments. The transitional phase resulted on thick packages consist of evaporites (halite and anhydrite) that was deposited in lagoon environment, tectonically quiet arid and semi-arid. The marine phase it deposited siliciclastic and carbonate in the Campos Basin resulting in shales, marls, limestones, ritmito, turbidites, sandstones and others. The objective of this study is to investigate the possible continuation... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Increasingly, people searches for an efficient and economic way for transporting bulk materials. Transport through belts is now the most widely used mean for transporting bulk materials, used by companies from various sectors such as mining, quarrying, agribusiness, etc. There are many advantages of using a conveyor belt as compared to rail or by truck. Trucks needs a driver, have a high risk of accidents as well as a high cost for maintenance and as well as trains, after making the downloading of the material, return empty to the next load. The cost for the construction of a railway is very high, making it often impossible. The conveyor belt have a high cost of installation, but it works 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The upper side of the belt is always loaded, the maintenance cost is average and the risk of accidents is low, causing it to be the ideal way to transport bulk materials. This monography aims to interest the reader about what is a conveyor belt, what are its main components and demonstrate the basic calculations for their sizing and selection of components. Throughout the work, scaled a belt conveyor for use in the mining sector, but the concepts demonstrated apply to the transport of any material


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Main occurrence of Cu-Au in Goias Magmatic Arc, the Chapada mine fits into the geological context of the Brasilia Fold Belt, specifically in the Mara Rosa Magmatic Arc. Four targets, named Hidrotermalito Norte and Sul, NW Chapada Mine Portion and Suruca, are situated in this context, which includes ortogneisses and rocks from the Mara Rosa volcanic-sedimentary sequence. All these targets have been studied due to the possibility of presenting a great potential in Cu-Au, as well as the Chapada mine. Hidrotermalitos Norte and Sul targets presents four lithological sequences, which were identified as: quartz-muscovite schist; muscovite quartzites and kyanite quartzites; quartz-biotite-amphibole schist with pyrite and epidote-amphibole-biotite gneisses with muscovite; muscovite-biotite gneisses. They are metamorphosed to amphibolites facies and retrogressive greenschist facies. Sulfetation represented mainly by pyrite. In the NW Chapada Mine Portion, three main lithological groups were identified and classified as biotite gneisses; honblende-quartz-biotite-schist; amphibolites, with the first group metamorphosed in greenschist facies (low grade), and the other two groups metamorphosed in amphibolites facies, with subsequent retrogressive metamorphism in greenschist facies. Sulfetation is represented by chalcopyrite and pyrite. Finally, also three main lithological groups were identified in the Suruca target, classified as garnet-chlorite-epidote-eiotite gneiss; biotite gneiss and chlorite-biotite gneiss with epidote and muscovite; muscovite-quartz schist, all them metamorphised in amphibolites, with retrometamorphism in greenschist facies. Sulfetation represented by pyrite and sphalerite


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In order to to research, the region of Perau, base metal mineralization, Grupo Votorantim Metals conducted a soil sampling on targets predetermined holding its chemical analysis. These reviews have been provided by the company for this work was to evaluate the potential use of these data pedogeochemical multi-element for refinement of the work of geological mapping. We selected six targets: Varginha, Salvador, Guararema Taquara Lisa and Coffin of Mendes, in the municipalities of Adrianople, Cerro Azul and Tunas do Paraná, located in Vale do Ribeira (PR). Both have about 10 km2 and situated in the geological context of the Fold Belt Terrane and the Massif de Joinville. The main rock types are present metasedimentary rocks of low to medium grade metamorphic, interspersed the amphibolites ortoderivados, both belonging to the Complex Perau, gneisses and migmatitic Complex. Applied to the geochemical data descriptive statistical techniques (variogram, kriging and histogram). From the correlation between the distributions of elements with the geological data, we could assess the potential of the proposed methodology.


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Important deposits of Zn-Pb associated with the Vazante Group, and Au in Group Canastra occur in the Vazante-Paracatu region (MG). They are located in the Brasília Fold Belt, which was generated from a convergent tectonic in the Brasiliano cycle, forming a complex system of imbricated nappes and faults. This study aims to characterize stratigraphic, structural and metamorphic aspects of an area, located in the Salobo’s farm region. A geological mapping in 1:20,000 scale was executed in order to identify the outcropping lithotypes and to collect structural measures. Drill holes were described to support the surface data and samples were selected for the preparation of thin and polished sections. In this context, the occurrence of rock types and hydrothermal processes that had not been previously described were found, for example layers of phosphatic quartzite in the Serra do Poço Verde Formation (SPV), hydrothermal hematites from martitization magnetite in contact by detachment of the Serra do Garrote Formation and SPV in the Vazante Group and layers of microbanded iron formations in Paracatu Formation (Canastra Group). In the area, four deformational phases were recognized, occurring progressively, in which two of them are related to convergent tectonic, with the development of thrust faults, one is associated to tectonic escape and/or reactivation of basement faults and the last has a distensive character, representing the post-convergence relaxation. The metamorphism in the area was subgreenschist facies, reaching lower greenschist, with temperatures up to 350°C