405 resultados para Eucalyptus. eng


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The effect of competition is an important source of variation in breeding experiments. This study aimed to compare the selection of plants of open-pollinated families of Eucalyptus with and without the use of competition covariables. Genetic values were determined for each family and tree and for the traits height, diameter at breast height and timber volume in a randomized block design, resulting in the variance components, genetic parameters, selection gains, effective size and selection coincidence, with and without the use of covariables. Intergenotypic competition is an important factor of environmental variation. The use of competition covariables generally reduces the estimates of variance components and influences genetic gains in the studied traits. Intergenotypic competition biases the selection of open-pollinated eucalypt progenies, and can result in an erroneous choice of superior genotypes; the inclusion of covariables in the model reduces this influence.


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The influence of different media and incubation temperatures on the quantification of microbial populations in sorghum, eucalyptus and forest soils was evaluated. Microbial growth was compared by using complex (tryptone soybean agar, TSA, casein-starch, CS, and Martin) and saline (Thorton, M3, Czapeck) media and incubation temperatures of 25 and 30° C. Higher numbers of total bacterial. and fungal colony-forming units (CFU) were observed in sorghum soils, and of spore-forming and Gram-negative bacteria in forest soils than other soils. Actinomycetes counts were highest in forest soil when using CS medium at 30° C and in sorghum soil at 25° C in M3 medium. Microorganism counts were dependent on the media and incubation temperatures. The counts at temperatures of 30° C were significantly higher than at 25° C. Microbial quantification was best when using TSA medium for total. and spore-forming bacteria, Thorton for Gram-negative bacteria, M3 for actinomycetes, and Martin for fungi. © 2005 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Com o objetivo de avaliar a eficiência da seleção precoce em Eucalyptus spp. foram usados dados de dois testes clonais avaliados quanto ao crescimento em altura (ALT), diâmetro à altura do peito (DAP) e volume individual de madeira (VOL) aos 25, 50 e 72 meses de idade. O delineamento experimental nos dois testes clonais foi o de blocos casualizados, com trinta tratamentos (clones), seis repetições, sendo um deles com seis e o outro com dez plantas em linha por parcela, no espaçamento de 3,0 m x 3,0 m. Foi feita a análise de variância para cada caracter e idade. Foram obtidas as estimativas de coeficiente de determinação genotípico e de correlações genotípicas entre os caracteres nas idades juvenis e na idade de rotação. Para verificar a viabilidade da aplicação da seleção precoce, foi simulada a seleção de 30% dos clones nas idades juvenis e na idade de rotação para cada um dos caracteres e idades avaliadas, obtendo-se as estimativas de ganhos genéticos com a seleção direta e indireta. Houve diferenças significativas entre os clones avaliados nos dois experimentos para todos os caracteres e idades. Com base nos resultados obtidos, é possível efetuar a seleção precoce aos 2 anos de idade sobre o caracter DAP em testes clonais de eucalipto.


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Agouti paca is both considered as a species vulnerable to extinction and recognised with the potential for domestication. In spite of this, its behaviour is poorly documented and captive breeding is mainly based on trial and error. The aim of the present research was to analyse whether different strategies of straw supply could affect the behaviour and welfare of pacas in captivity. The study was done with eight adult pacas grouped in four mated pairs, three of them with one offspring. Each group was housed separately in 10 m 2 pens and the straw collecting behaviour was recorded. The quantity of straw collected per day was measured to compare four different strategies for straw supply and nest removal, where: every day nest removal treatment (1R) = supplying 1 kg of straw every day (outside the burrow) and removing all straw from inside the burrow every day; every 3 days nest removal treatment (3R) = supplying 1 kg every day and removing after 3, 6, and 9 days; no nest removal treatment (9R) = supplying 1 kg every day and removing after 9 days; nest deprivation treatment (Dep) = supplying 1 kg every day except at days 3, 4, and 5 and removing after 3 and 9 days. Straw collecting was always performed after 17:30 h, with three behavioural acts being performed: mouthing, transporting, and depositing the straw into the artificial burrow. The straw collected per day mean of 1R was significantly higher than the means of other treatments. During the deprivation period of Dep, chips cut from the eucalyptus branches and a great quantity of fruits and manioc were found inside the burrows. The motivation to collect seemed to increase as a consequence of straw deprivation. By these we conclude that straw should be offered to pacas in captivity, giving them the opportunity to collect straw by themselves. Doing this we expect to promote an effective environmental enrichment for this species in captivity. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The study analyzed the wood basic density effect in two Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus urophylla hybrid clones (440 kg/m(3) e 508 kg/m(3)) on bleached pulp quality (fiber dimensions and physical-mechanical properties). The woods performance on pulping, bleaching and beating results were analyzed. The Kraft pulping was carried out in forced circulation digester in order to obtain 17 +/- 1 kappa number targets. The pulps were bleached to 90 +/- 1 using delignification oxygen and D0EOPD1 bleaching sequence. Bleached pulp of low basic density clone showed, significantly, lowest revolutions number in the PFI mill to reach tensile index of 70 N.m/g, low Schopper Riegler degree and generated sheets with higher values to bulk and opacity. These characteristics and properties allow concluding that bleached pulp of low basic density clone was the most indicated to produce printing and writing sheets. The bleached pulp of high basic density clone showed higher values of bulk and capillarity Klemm and lower water retention value when analyzed without beating. The bleached pulp of high basic density clone showed more favorable characteristics to the production of tissue papers.


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The components used in the production of substrates influence directly the growth cycle, quality and consequently the cost of production of seedlings. In this experiment we studied the development, quality and cost of Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden x E. urophylla S. T. Blake, through sexual propagation using 12 compositions of substrate. The results showed that the pure substrates, with the exception of coconut fiber, did not present physical characteristics appropriate for the production from seedlings of eucalyptus in container, with the best results obtained for the substrates with a mixture 1:1 of carbonized rid of rice and coconut-fiber and a mixture 1:1 of vermiculite and coconut fiber, due to the best morphological characteristics and the possibility of reducing the production period which enables a reduction in the cost of final seedling.


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The juvenile wood presents great difference in its anatomical and physical properties in relation to the mature wood. That heterogeneity of the wood causes a series of upset for the processing industry. The present research had as objective the study of the physical properties of the juvenile and mature wood of Pinus elliottii Engelm var. elliottii, with 25 years of age and of Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden, with 30 years of age, coming from the Experimental Station of Itapetininga and State Forest of Santa Barbara, belonging to the Forest Institute of the state of São Paulo. From both species there were taken from radial boards, specimens with dimensions of 20x30x50 mm, for the determination of density, swelling and swelling coefficient of the juvenile and mature wood. The results of the species showed that the mature compared with the juvenile wood presented: (1) an increase in the values of the basic density, at 0% and at 12% of moisture content and of the volumetric, radial and tangential swelling at 12% moisture content and maximum coefficient of radial and tangential swelling; (2) a reduction in the values of longitudinal swelling at 12% and maximum and of the longitudinal swelling coefficient.


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This study aimed to evaluate the adhesion ability of eucalyptus lumber from three tillage systems, using adhesives: resorcinol formaldehyde and two adhesives in water emulsion based on vinyl poly-acetate. The management systems were characterized by three strata, the stratum one (E1) characterized by wood from coppice and 70 months of age, the stratum two (E2) characterized by wood and retirement age of 166 months and stratum three (E3), also characterized by retirement at 70 months of age. The wood was derived from a random mixture of the first two sawn logs, each three feet from the base, which comprised three treatments on the adhesive used. We evaluated the shear strength by compression tests and the percentage of wood failure in the glue line. Based on the results obtained, it can be said that the adhesion had satisfactory performance with all the resins used, and the average values of shear strength of the glue line were shown to be equivalent to the shear strength of solid wood only for the samples which adhered with 'Wonderbond' adhesive and also provide higher values for wood failure (97.64%). The highest density present in the wood of the second stratum (E2) influenced only sticking with the resorcinol formaldehyde resin. For polyvinyl acetate (Cascorez 2590), shear values decreased in the third management condition (E3).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This paper mainly aimed to evaluate the physical and mechanical properties of LVL panels made from Eucalyptus grandis, from reforestation at the region of Senges, in Parana state, Brazil. LVL panels were manufactured using 23 veneers (2,4mm thick each one) in commercial dimension of 2.500 mm long and 1,200 mm wide. The properties of static bending were analyzed (strength and rigidity) in beams of the LVL, in the flatwise and edgewise positions. The properties of compression parallel to grain and shear parallel in the plans L-X and L-Y and density in this LVL panels were also analyzed according to ASTM-D 5456/4761 and ASTM-D 198 codes. The mean values to flatwise bending MOE and MOR were 13114 MPa and 88.76 MPa, respectively, and for edgewise bending MOE and MOR were 15871 MPa and 88.63 MPa, respectively. The density (12%) of the LVL panels and of the veneers were 690 kg/m(3) and 649 kg/m(3). The mean values to parallel compression MOE and MOR were 16856 MPa and 58.05 MPa, respectively. The mean values of the maximum resistance to shear parallel in the plans L-X and L-Y were 5.96 MPa and 591 MPa, respectively. All these values reached partially or they passed the medium limits of reference (normative codes, researches and commercial catalogs) established for LVL panels and original solid wood, attesting overall the quality of those panels produced with this wood.


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O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a sobrevivência do clone H13 de Eucalyptus urograndis sob dois manejos hídricos de viveiro, plantados em dois solos, com e sem a adição de polímero hidroabsorvente (hidrogel). O plantio foi realizado em vasos mantidos em estufa, com dois tipos de solo: um arenoso e outro argiloso. Cada vaso recebeu 2,5 L de solo, um litro de água e o hidrogel na proporção de 0,4 g vaso-1 (120 mL de gel). O delineamento experimental adotado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com três repetições. Os sintomas de estresse, nos vários níveis avaliados, sempre se manifestaram primeiro nas plantas no solo argiloso, de modo mais acentuado naquelas que foram mantidas sem estresse de água na fase de viveiro. Isso garantiu que as plantas sobrevivessem por um período menor sem água, variando de 14 a 20 dias (com e sem hidrogel, respectivamente), enquanto, no solo arenoso, a sobrevivência foi maior, de 29 a 34 dias (com e sem hidrogel, respectivamente). Apesar da não significância estatística, os resultados com o hidrogel possibilitam, em ambos os solos, maior flexibilidade operacional na intervenção com novas irrigações.


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Este trabalho teve como principal objetivo definir padrões fotográficos que representem o uso e a ocupação do solo da cabeceira de drenagem do Córrego Rico, localizada no Município de Monte Alto, Estado de São Paulo, para fins de adequação ambiental no que tange à legislação florestal brasileira. O mapeamento foi realizado utilizando técnicas de sensoriamento remoto e interpretação visual da imagem World View, seguida da digitalização da rede de drenagem e vegetações (naturais e agrícolas) no AutoCad, com auxílio de documentos e trabalho de campo. A área de estudo apresenta uma superfície de 2.141,53 ha, e os resultados permitiram constatar que a principal cultura é a cana-de-açúcar, com 546,34 ha, seguida de pastagens, com 251,22 ha, culturas perenes, com 191,71 ha, Eucalipto, com 57,31 ha, e a cebola, com 49,52 ha da área total, confirmando o avanço dos canaviais na região. A área possui 375,04 ha de áreas de preservação permanente (APPs), e desta superfície verificou-se que apenas 72,17 ha (19,24%) encontram-se compostos por vegetação arbórea ou mata, e destas 302,87 ha precisam ser enriquecidos e reflorestados com vegetação nativa da região, de acordo com legislação vigente. Os dados de área possibilitam futuras propostas de modelos de adequação ambiental para a microbacia, de acordo com a legislação ambiental vigente.


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A new methodology for tree seedling production (Aquaforest system) based on a continuous floating subirrigation system was developed and tested using creeks with different nutrient levels. Eucalyptus grandis seedlings were produced in water from polluted and clean creeks, and compared to conventional tree nursery production. The growth variables analyzed in the seedling phase were: survival, height, diameter, shoot and root dry weight, leaf area, and root/shoot ratio. Water and substrate were analyzed, as well as leaf nutritional status. Plant survival was 100% in all treatments. Height and diameter were greater in the higher nutrient water treatment. Leaf area and dry weight of plants produced in the higher nutrient water treatment were similar to those of the control. The results showed that polluted water can represent a good nutrient source. The preliminary results show that the Aquaforest system can be a viable alternative for tree seedling production. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.