173 resultados para Ensayos Clínicos Controlados Aleatorios como Asunto
To isolate, to concentrate and to purify bacteriophages from isolates of P. aeruginosa; To observe the capacity of bacteriophages to infect isolates of P. aeruginosa susceptible and multiresitant to antimicrobial; To caractherize bacteriphages by electronic microscopy techniques. 10 isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa from LEMC culture collection were submitted to the experiments of ideal temperature for the lyse region appearance in the MaConkey culture plate and 2 extraction methods for the concentration of the phages, clorophorm (Silankorva) and filtration plus centrifugation (Bergan). Three infected clinical isolates of multiresistant P. aeruginosa an one susceptible isolate ( PA01) were evaluated by 3 transmission electron microscopy techniques to caractherize phages morphologically (“on grid”, “on drop” and direct extraction from the lyse region of the culture plate). The ideal temperature to obtain lyses region was 37°C. The stock solutions, obtained through the methodologies of Sillankorva and Bergan, had satisfactory results in infecting the multiresistant isolate and the negative control. Among the 3 techniques of electronic microscopy tested the direct from the lyse plate was the best to obtain the micrography of the phages
Osteosarcoma is the primary osseous neoplasia frequently diagnosed in dogs and it’s the main answerable for more than 85% of the neoplasias origened from the skeleton. The average age of onset of the lesion is 7 years, especially in large breeds and giant, with males being more affected than females. In general, 75% of osteosarcomas develop in the appendicular skeleton and 25% in the axial. The forelimbs are more affected than the hindlimbs, since support 60% of body weight. The osteosarcoma diagnosis is made by the analys of the animal’s clinic historic, detailed physique exams, blood exams alkaline phosphatase, xray exams, cytology, biopsy. The treatment of choice is the amputation associated to the chemotherapy. However, in some cases the member is preserved by the allograft technic. The chemotherapy associated to the surgery reduces the total load of the tumor, lengthens the interval of the life and improves the quality of pacient’s life. The most used medicines are cisplatin and doxorubicin. They can be used in separated or associated ways. The prognostic of dogs with osteosarcoma is reserved
Pós-graduação em Cirurgia Veterinária - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Cirurgia Veterinária - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Cirurgia Veterinária - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Odontologia Preventiva e Social - FOA
Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB
As alterações que afetam as hemoglobinas estão relacionadas à síntese estrutural ou quantitativa dos aminoácidos que compõem as diferentes cadeias globínicas (α/β). Existem inúmeras causas que podem resultar nessas alterações, dentre elas as mutações. A talassemia é um dos distúrbios genéticos mais frequentes do homem e mais difundidos no mundo. Fatos históricos, como imigração e colonização populacionais de diferentes partes do mundo, contribuíram para a difusão da patologia em outras localidades, incluindo o Brasil. A forma de manifestação clínica e laboratorial da talassemia do tipo beta menor (BTT), foi objeto de estudo nesta revisão bibliográfica, pois embora seja uma patologia que não mostra claramente manifestações sintomáticas, seus aspectos clínicos e laboratoriais são muito relevantes. A importância do diagnóstico laboratorial das anemias microcíticas e hipocrômicas presentes, tanto em indivíduos portadores de deficiência de ferro como em beta talassêmicos menor, é um ponto chave quando nos referimos a esses parâmetros, pois os índices HCM e VCM apresentam-se com valores extremamente reduzidos (<24 pg e <70 fL) e a quantidade de glóbulos vermelhos muito aumentados (> 5,0 milhões/μL), na beta talassemia menor em comparação à deficiência de ferro. Portanto os valores contidos no hemograma bem como a presença da inclusão citoplasmática ponteado basófilo e morfologia das hemácias observadas em análise de extensões sanguíneas coradas, é de grande valia na suspeita da beta talassemia menor, tornando-se ponto importante na sugestão da realização de eletroforese de hemoglobina para confirmação do diagnóstico da beta talassemia menor, devido ao aumento quantitativo da Hb A2.
Molar-Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH) is a qualitative developmental enamel defect that affects one to four permanent first molars, with or without involvement of permanent incisors. Enamel defects may produce many symptoms that have physical, social and psychological effects and influence day-to-day living or quality of life. The available treatment modalities for teeth with MIH are extensive, ranging from prevention, restoration, to extraction. Factors such as age, patient expectations, severity of the lesion and materials should be considered in the treatment of the patient with MIH. Restoration with composite resin is an alternative choice for posterior and anterior MIH defective teeth and its use has been show acceptable results. This article describes two clinical cases involving pediatric patients with MIH whose procedure of cavity preparation was based on the use of CVD ultrasound diamond tips and restored using composite resin obtaining favorable esthetics results after a 1 year follow-up.
Introduction: Adult patients are more prone to periodontal disease mainly caused by poor plaque control. In these patients, orthodontic movement is not contraindicated, but it is necessary to evaluate their periodontal status so that we can establish the appropriate treatment plan. Objective: The objective of this article is to describe and discuss the clinical cases of severely periodontally compromised individuals in need of oral rehabilitation. Methods: The study consisted of orthodontic treatment of two cases with periodontal involvement. After clinical and radiographic examinations, the cases were analyzed by a multidisciplinary team of Orthodontics, Periodontics and Prosthodontics, in order to provide the patient with the best possible esthetic, functional and stability outcomes. Periodontal treatment consisted of supra and subgingival scaling prior to orthodontic treatment, and regular maintenance performed on a quarterly basis throughout orthodontic movement. Activation was carried out every 45 to 50 days, with light forces. Retention remains to the present day, even after completion of the rehabilitation. Conclusion: Multidisciplinary oral rehabilitation treatment yields satisfactory results. The interaction between Orthodontics and Periodontics reveals that patients with reduced, but healthy periodontium, can receive orthodontic treatment as long as the forces applied do not exceed patient's biological limits.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objectives: The objective of this study was to evaluate the ability of endodontists and general practioners to perform the differential radiographic diagnosis between internal and external root resorptions, using digitized periapical radiographs. Methods: Thirty periapical radiographic images of external and internal resorption were selected. The evaluators were comprised of 15 endodontists and 29 general practitioners who answered a questionnaire with the following question: “What type of resorption in the following radiographics do you diagnose?” (1) Inflammatory external root resorption. (2) Internal root resorption. Statistical analysis was performed based on the Mann-Whitney test, with significance level of 5%. Results: There was no statistically significant difference in the percentage of correct answers from specialists in endodontics and general practitioners. Conclusions: Both groups demonstrated satisfactory skill in the radiographic interpretation of internal and external resorption and there was a higher percentage of correct diagnosis of internal resorption than the external.
Based on the aesthetic investigations of Freud, the work intends to bring joints between possible sensitive effects caused by contact / reception with works of art (having them here as “framed art”) and psychoanalytic clinical setting. The text is also concerned to show that the production of these striking effects, happens by the condition of these items (artistic and clinical) are under a frame and therefore conceptualized as aesthetic in this article arguments.