180 resultados para Defeito congênito


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O fator de início de tradução 5A (eukaryotic translation iniciation factor 5A, eIF5A) é altamente conservado entre arqueas a eucariotos, sendo que as proteínas eIF5A de Saccharomyces cerevisiae e de mamíferos são 63% idênticas. eIF5A sofre uma modificação pós-traducional única na célula, a hipusinação de um resíduo de lisina. Essa proteína já foi relacionada ao início da tradução, transporte nucleocitoplasmático, decaimento de mRNA e proliferação celular, mas a função crítica de eIF5A ainda não foi esclarecida. A depleção deste fator em S. cerevisiae leva a uma diminuição (30%) da taxa de síntese protéica, sugerindo que eIF5A seja um fator envolvido na tradução de um grupo específico de mensageiros. Dados do laboratório demonstram interação física entre eIF5A e proteínas ribossomais bem como com o fator de elongação 2 da tradução (eEF2). A interação com eEF2, sugere que eIF5A atua na etapa de elongação da tradução, ao invés do início da tradução, como proposto inicialmente. Com o objetivo de avaliar a relação de eIF5A com a etapa de elongação, foram realizadas análises de interações genéticas entre o gene codificador de eIF5A (TIF51A) e diversos genes codificadores de proteínas envolvidas na tradução. Através de análises de interações genéticas, foi observado que o mutante estável de eIF5A, tif51AK56A, apresenta um defeito de crescimento quando o mutante de eEF2, eft2H699K, está expresso em alto número de cópias, enquanto que o mutante tif51AQ22H/L93F não apresenta defeitos nesta condição. Foi observado também que o mutante tif51AQ22H/L93F apresenta um defeito de crescimento mais severo quando ocorre superexpressão de EFT2, gene codificador de eEF2. Foi observado ainda que não há complementação alélica entre os mutantes estáveis de eIF5A e que a reversibilidade do fenótipo de sensibilidade a temperatura... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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O Programa Nacional de Triagem Neonatal (PNTN), popularmente conhecido como “Teste do Pezinho”, é responsável pelo rastreamento das seguintes doenças nos recém-nascidos brasileiros: Fenilcetonúria, Hipotiroidismo Congênito, Doenças Falciformes e demais Hemoglobinopatias, e Fibrose Cística. Seu objetivo é o diagnóstico precoce dessas doenças congênitas em fase assintomática, buscando prevenir o aparecimento de sequelas neurológicas e outras complicações por meio do acompanhamento e tratamento adequados. O PNTN, além de realizar o diagnóstico pré-clínico de doenças que constituem problemas de saúde pública, gera informações que podem ser usadas em estudos epidemiológicos fundamentais para o planejamento de programas de saúde. Para que esse sistema seja completo, no entanto, é necessário haver o treinamento dos profissionais da saúde envolvidos no assunto, bem como a implantação de atividades educativas para estes e para o público em geral. Neste contexto, este estudo retrospectivo propõe investigar a relação de resultados alterados das doenças detectadas pelo PNTN entre os meses de abril e dezembro de 2009 e janeiro e dezembro de 2010 no município de Araraquara, verificar se as primeiras coletas de sangue estão sendo feitas segundo as recomendações do Ministério da Saúde e capacitar agentes comunitários da saúde nesse assunto. Foram analisados 4.116 resultados. Não houve diferença significativa entre as prevalências obtidas em 2009 e 2010, ou seja, as freqüências das patologias estudadas se mantiveram praticamente constantes ao longo dos dois períodos


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Genética e Melhoramento Animal - FCAV


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Enamel microabrasion is a non-invasive method that removes intrinsic and superficial defects from teeth aimed to improve dental esthetic with minimal loss of dental tissue. This case presentation describes the attempt for teeth color correction utilizing that conservative technique in a young girl whose upper central incisor presented an opaque white stain. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was conducted in order to illustrate the glasslike luster and a smooth texture of microabraded enamel surface. The correct diagnosis of defect is a difficult task, when consider this conservative approach.


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Molar-incisor hypomineralisation is a qualitative defect of dental tissue of systemic origin affecting one or more permanent first molars and sometimes the permanent incisors as well. There are still no conclusive data on the aetiology of this hypomineralisation, however, systemic factors such as respiratory diseases and prenatal and perinatal complications are regarded as possible causes. The objective is to present three clinical cases of twins, one Monozygotic and two Dizygotic Twins with molar-incisor hypomineralisation, showing evidence of its manifestation as well as clinical the characteristics and aetiological factors involved. The clinical findings involving twins suggest that ameloblasts are specifically affected in their developmental phase, which includes a number of factors. Although prenatal and perinatal complications are not decisive in the development of molar-incisor hypomineralization, it is suggested a possible genetic susceptibility to the disease. Prospective observational studies using a population sample containing data on the last three months of gestation to the eruption of permanent teeth are needed to confirm the causeeffect relationships.


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Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) when used in combination with autogenous bone graft and bioabsorbable membrane (Resolut® ) in the treatment of Class  III furcation defects in dogs. Material and method: Class III furcation defects (5 mm in height and in depth) were surgically created in the mandibular third premolars of five mongrel dogs. After nine weeks, the lesions were treated with scaling and root planning and each defect received one of the following treatments: autogenous bone graft + membrane (group C) or PRP + autogenous bone graft + membrane (group T). After a healing period of 90 days, the animals were sacrificed. Routine histological processing and staining with hematoxilyn and eosin and Masson trichrome were performed and a histomorphometric analysis determined the effect of the treatments on periodontal tissue regereneration. Data were analyzed by Hotelling’s T-squared (p < 0.05). Result: No statistically significant difference between C and T groups was observed by the histomorphometric analysis of the furcation area. Both treatment groups demonstrated similar regenerative results with the furcation defects partially filled and periodontal regeneration limited to the experimental notches of the lesions. (p > 0.05). Conclusion: According to the present results, PRP does not enhance the periodontal regeneration in class III furcation defects treated with autogenous bone graft and bioabsorbable membrane.


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Introduction: The radiographic characteristics of a biomaterial, such as its density, may influence the evaluation of the results obtained following its clinical use. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the radiographic density of biomaterials used as bone substitutes, inserted into dental sockets and bone defects in created in the jaws of pigs. The influence of a soft tissue simulator on the results was also evaluated. Material and method: Two and three-millimeter-deep bone defects were created in the pigs mandible and the right first molar extraction socket were used. Commercial samples of five biomaterials were tested: Hydroxyapatite, Lyophilized Bovine Bone, 45S5 bioglass (generic), PerioGlass and β-Tri-Calcium Phosphate, and compared to a positive (mandibular bone) and negative (empty alveolar bone defects) controls. Radiographic images were acquired with and without a 10 mm thick soft-tissue simulator. Result: The results for the extraction sockets showed no differences between the biomaterials and the negative control. For the bone defects, the depth of the defect density influenced the density, both in the negative control (p < 0.01) and biomaterials (p < 0.05) groups. The soft- tissue simulator did not alter the results. Conclusion: The type of the evaluated defect can interfere in the radiographic features presented by each biomaterial, while the simulation of soft tissues was not statistically significant.


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Introduction: The Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumor (KCOT) is a benign odontogenic tumor with an infiltrative and potentially aggressive behavior with high recurrence rates. The KCOT occurs more often in men than women, with a frequency of 2:1, being more frequent in the mandible with a predilection for the body and branch. Treatment of KCOT remains controversial. Treatment usually includes enucleation, marsupialization, peripheral ostectomy, curettage associated with Carnoy solution and resection. Objective: To report a case of a KCOT located in the mandible. Case report: male patient, 15 years, with a KCOT on the right side of the mandible treated by enucleation and peripheral ostectomy, with four years of preservation, with no signs of recurrence. Final Comments: The treatment by enucleation associated with peripheral ostectomy reduces the relapse rate, preserves anatomical structures and can avoid a second surgical procedure for reconstruction of bone defects generated in surgery en bloc resection.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) when used in combination with autogenous bone graft and bioabsorbable membrane (Resolut® ) in the treatment of Class  III furcation defects in dogs. Material and method: Class III furcation defects (5 mm in height and in depth) were surgically created in the mandibular third premolars of five mongrel dogs. After nine weeks, the lesions were treated with scaling and root planning and each defect received one of the following treatments: autogenous bone graft + membrane (group C) or PRP + autogenous bone graft + membrane (group T). After a healing period of 90 days, the animals were sacrificed. Routine histological processing and staining with hematoxilyn and eosin and Masson trichrome were performed and a histomorphometric analysis determined the effect of the treatments on periodontal tissue regereneration. Data were analyzed by Hotelling’s T-squared (p < 0.05). Result: No statistically significant difference between C and T groups was observed by the histomorphometric analysis of the furcation area. Both treatment groups demonstrated similar regenerative results with the furcation defects partially filled and periodontal regeneration limited to the experimental notches of the lesions. (p > 0.05). Conclusion: According to the present results, PRP does not enhance the periodontal regeneration in class III furcation defects treated with autogenous bone graft and bioabsorbable membrane.


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The sodium alendronate (AS), considered as inhibitor in the osteoclasts- mediated bone resorption, promotes final effect of inhibition of resorption and increases bone mass. The objective of this research was to assess, by histomorphometry, the effect of sodium alendronate in repair bone of ovariectomized rats, in which there was performed a bone defect in the right tibia. The treated rats received a subcutaneous injection of sodic alendronate once a week, at 0.7 mg / kg, diluted with saline solution; the controls received the same volume of saline solution. In the periods of 16, 30 and 44 days after the first dose of AS, the animals were sacrificed, the right tibia was removed and processed for histomorphometric analysis. Four non-serial fields were used for the density volume quantification utilizing an integrative eyepiece with 25 points, totalizing 100 points per animal. Based on the results, the present study concludes that the ovariectomy induced osteoporosis and that the AS stimulated the bone formation. In addition, the ovariectomy decreased the estrogen levels. However, this procedure did not significantly influence the action of sodic alendronate.


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Periodontal treatment of teeth with furcation lesions often have unpredictable results due to several factors that may hinder therapy or influence the progress of periodontal disease. Of these, the length of the root trunk may contribute to the early injury of the furcations or even cause complications for the application of the treatment; the opening of the roots can guide the type of treatment to be instituted and cervical enamel projections may hinder the instrumentation of the region or even act as a retention plate niche. Thus, the purpose of this study was measured using a digital caliper, root logs database 400 molar both the 1st and the 2nd and both upper and lower as well as analyze using appropriate index type projection cervical enamel and through appropriate classification the opening of the roots in order to guide the diagnosis and treatment plan. We conclude that there is variation in measures of root trunk between the faces of the teeth examined and that greater cervical enamel projection (ECP) correlates with a decrease in the length of the root trunk in the sample evaluated as the first molars have higher occurrence of roots with a degree of opening larger than the second molars.