202 resultados para Cuidado centrado no paciente


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This essay discusses the issue of the contemporary fall of human shaping as an opening possibility to think it in another way. For that purpose it analyzes the latest favorite courses at the Collège de France by Michel Foucault in order to verify the notion possibility of care of oneself and of psychology to regard the human shaping with a different look. By approaching the point of view of the esthetics of existence, it offers reasons with the possibility of life concept as a work of art to be an alternative to the fall of the modern concept of shaping in the contemporary times.


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Este ensayo procura analizar el tema de la educación a lo largo de la vida en su intersección con la escuela. En oposición a las perspectivas teóricas que defienden una posible conciliación entre vida y escuela, evidenciamos la tensión existente entre esas dos esferas, al hacer el análisis de los temas de la experiencia con el nacimiento, con la muerte y con la diferencia, y señalamos que su reflexión invita a los sujetos de la praxis educativa a una actitud ética de cuidado para con el otro, para con uno mismo y para que el otro cuide del cuidado de uno, que, de modo complementario a los saberes y prácticas escolares, posibilita una formación continuada que implica la transformación de sí mismo. Eso porque, teniendo como referencia el pensamiento de Arendt y Foucault, comprendemos que la vida transborda a los saberes y prácticas escolares, ofreciéndonos lo que pensar en la praxis educativa y haciendo que los sujetos de esa praxis aprendan a ubicarse entre la vida y la escuela, a la búsqueda de nuevos sentidos para ellos y de resistencia a lo que existe mientras se transforman a sí mismos. Así, buscamos ofrecer a los educadores algunos problemas de la vida que interfieren en la praxis educativa, que repercuten en su experiencia y que hacen pensar sobre aquello que les queda.


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This article discusses the genesis and development of the relationship between art education and childhood. To address this issue, we highlight the virtualities of the care with childhood postulated by Rousseau and Kant, also in its genesis, as opposed to an extreme government or to the domain that has on it or from it, in its subsequent development in contemporary times. Discussed, in this way, how these virtues have been abandoned by the practices included by art pedagogical, in order to find a place for thought of Rousseau and think it in its actuality.


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Com a reforma psiquiátrica o modelo de atenção à saúde mental sofreu transformações, retirando a centralização do poder do hospital psiquiátrico por meio da implantação de programas e serviços substitutivos de atenção e cuidado aos sujeitos em sofrimento psíquico, sendo que uma das principais estratégias adotadas é a consolidação dos Centros de Atenção Psicossocial. O retorno do sujeito ao convívio familiar após longos anos de internação coloca em questão a dificuldade do convívio social e familiar, assim como a retomada dos cuidados da família em relação a este. Assumir os cuidados de um paciente psiquiátrico pode gerar sobrecarga e muitas vezes, significa renunciar às próprias necessidades, projetos e desejos, colocando os do paciente/familiar em primeiro plano. A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo investigar a presença de indicadores de sobrecarga em cuidadores informais de pessoas com transtornos mentais atendidas em um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial - CAPS de um município do interior de São Paulo. Participaram da presente pesquisa 37 cuidadores informais de pessoas com transtornos mentais. Para coleta de dados foram utilizados dois instrumentos: um roteiro de entrevista para caracterização da amostra e o protocolo ZaritBurden Interview (ZBT) para avaliar a presença de indicadores de sobrecarga. Os dados foram analisados de acordo com os escores atribuídos no manual de aplicação da escala padronizada. Os resultados obtidos revelam o predomínio da sobrecarga moderada e modera da severa (78%), indicando a necessidade de intervenção junto aos cuidadores no sentido de desenvolver estratégias que favoreçam o cuidado e ao mesmo tempo preservem sua saúde.


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O Câncer é uma doença epidêmica e multifatorial. O uso combinado ou não de cirurgia, radioterapia e quimioterapia formam o alicerce sobre o qual se assentam a quase totalidade dos tratamentos contra os mais variados tipos de câncer. Essas terapêuticas quase sempre são agressivas, o que leva a uma ameaça séria à integridade física, sabidamente associada a problemas nutricionais. Pela legislação RDC nº220, publicada pela Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA) em 21 de setembro de 2004, que regulamenta os estabelecimentos públicos e privados do país que realizam tratamento de quimioterapia antineoplásica, o farmacêutico deve fazer parte da equipe multiprofissional em terapia antineoplásica, como responsável pela manipulação de todos os antineoplásicos. Levando isso em consideração, o trabalho realiza uma descrição geral desde o desenvolvimento da doença, passando pelos principais agentes causadores e destaca a importância da terapia nutricional, principalmente no período pós-tratamento que influencia diretamente na morbi-mortalidade do câncer. Associando conhecimentos interdisciplinares entendemos que o farmacêutico possa exercer além da manipulação de drogas, a atenção farmacêutica contribuindo positivamente na equipe de saúde, visando uma maior adesão ao tratamento além do aumento da qualidade de vida do paciente oncológico. A partir do levantamento bibliográfico apresentado ampliamos a compreensão da complexidade dos mecanismos da doença, a importância da Terapia Nutricional e o Papel que o profissional farmacêutico pode desempenhar nesse campo


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The burn is among the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in our society. It shows a great complexity and is hard to treat. Beyond the physical suffering, the burned patient is affected by psychological distress, requiring a high level of knowledge for assistance planning. The Professional Practice Law No. 7498 establishes the nurse as in charge of the client, as leader of the nursing team and as responsable for the management of physical and human resources. The nurse has autonomy to design the quantitative and qualitative picture of the nursing staff and should use the methodologies for their suitability to the real levels of assistance needed. Material resources represent 15 to 25% of total expenditures at health organizations. Therefore, to maintain the care level, nurses must determine the needs, considering the quantitative, qualitative and financial aspects. The study aimed the survey of the human and material resources necessary for nursing care to patients in a Burns Treatment Unit and identify its epidemiological profile and its nursing diagnoses. We collected the data from medical records of hospitalized between July and August, and the nursing diagnoses were classified through the Taxonomy II proposed by the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA). The design of the picture of nurses followed the parameters of COFEN Resolution nº 293/2004. We apply the Fugulin's Patients Classification System to establish levels of the required care. The institution's Cost Center provided a spreadsheet with the purchased items, subsequently classified into ABC. Most hospitalized patients were men, aged between 20 and 50. There was a predominance of patiences with minor burned and the most common type of burn was due to fire. The average residence time was 28.71 days, and 88% of the patients were discharged... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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GOALS: This research evaluated the change in arterial pressure before and after two procedures of dental prophylaxis: Jet system baking soda and conventional prophylaxis and patient's opinion regarding the comfort of each one. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Were selected 32 patients with age between 18 to 30 years old, who need prophylaxis to remove biofilm and were subjected to three different types of treatment: sodium bicarbonate jet (G1), prophylaxis conventional (G2) and placebo (G3) at intervals of one month between them. Patients were divided randomly. Arterial pressure was measured by wrist digital Omron HEM – 6111. The measurements were realized in four times: before the prophylaxis, immediately the end of procedure, 15 and 30 minutes after finished of treatment. Patient comfort was measured by a Visual Analog Scale (VAS) after the end of the treatment. The data were analyzed using the variance test. The results showed that there was statistically significant difference to the comfort of the procedures. RESULTS: There was a statistically significant difference to the comfort of the procedures, and G2 and G3 better than G1. Regarding the variation of arterial pressure there was no statistically significant difference between groups. CONCLUSIONS: The methods of prophylaxis no effect on arterial pressure, but conventional prophylaxis is more comfortable than others treatments


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Most cancer types are treated by antineoplastic chemotherapy, which can be performed conjointly with other treatments, such as radiotherapy and surgery. Due to its action, chemotherapy provides the possibility of cure, but it also leads to a number of adverse effects, such as myelosuppression, cutaneous and gastrointestinal toxicity, etc. Patients undergoing chemotherapy must receive constant information concerning how to prevent or minimize these effects in order to achieve better quality of life and, consequently, a more successful treatment. Hence, this study aimed at investigating the need and preference for different forms of information by oncologic patients submitted to chemotherapy. It is a cross-sectional, descriptive and quantitative study conducted at the chemotherapy division of the Botucatu School of Medicine University Hospital/SP on a sample of 50 patients older than 18 years. After previous knowledge of the study and formalization of Free Consent, the individuals answered a questionnaire containing 12 questions related to the importance attributed to the information received, from which professional and when to receive it. Data were analyzed by Fisher’s exact test and showed that 62% of the patients were females, and the remaining 38% were males of whom 46% were older than 60 years, 26% were from 50 to 60 years old, 24% from 30 to 50, and only 4% were younger than 30 years old. The patients had lymphatic (23.4%) and solid (76.6%) tumors. All the respondents reported that receiving information about the disease and its treatment was extremely important. As regards information related to side effects, 98% of patients answered that receiving it was extremely important, and only 2% answered that it was little important. Correlations were made between age, gender, and tumor type with the answers obtained for the best moment, how and from whom to receive such informatio... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The incidence of neoplasias has increased worldwide every year, and the training of qualified nurses for quality care provision to oncologic patients is necessary. This study aimed at identifying, in the literature, how oncology has been taught in the curricula of several undergraduate nursing programs in Brazil, the United States and other countries. The articles were located on Internet-based databases, namwly Lilacs and Scopus, from which 35 publications were found, and 18 articles were included. In Brazil, oncology is taught in undergraduate nursing programs in an isolated and punctual fashion, and it is not included in curricula. Parallelly, in the other countries included in the study, similarity was found as to this aspect; however, there is evidence of the implantation of elective and extracurricular courses. It is noteworthy that, in Brazil, there is evidence of government policies for oncology teaching and cancer control; nevertheless, such guidelines have not been concretized in curricula. The study showed a scenario in which oncology teaching in undergraduate nursing programs is insufficient or inexistent both in Brazil and in other countries, which compromises the training of future qualified professionals that will be attentive to that theme, since cancer is a frequent pathology, and the presence of nurses is fundamental for the care of such patients from diagnosis to cure, or even during occasional death


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Com os avanços em oncologia, os profissionais de saúde despertaram para o fato de que cuidar de um portador de um câncer requer uma abordagem interdisciplinar, que proporciona a assistência integral, de forma a compreender o paciente em múltiplos domínios, tendo como preocupação fundamental a preservação da sua qualidade de vida. A ação do farmacêutico é parte fundamental desse cuidado ao paciente, para garantir a qualidade e a segurança da terapia em quaisquer das etapas da doença. Para tanto, este profissional deve mostrar profundo conhecimento na área de farmácia clínica em oncologia, atenção farmacêutica e ações relativas à promoção e recuperação da saúde, o que demanda formação técnica de excelência e desenvolvimento de competências comportamentais. . Deste modo, o trabalho de conclusão de curso intitulado O farmacêutico em oncologia – o que temos, podemos e fazemos teve por objetivo buscar na literatura especializada quais são os requisitos para se formar tal especialista, quais são os dispositivos legais que regem sua atuação, as suas atribuições técnicas, sobretudo, o como e o quê sua atuação gera. Os estudos realizados por diversos autores evidenciaram a importância da atenção farmacêutica no setor oncológico, na prevenção de erros de medicação pela revisão das prescrições médicas, contorno dos resultados negativos associados aos medicamentos, o que refletiu na economia dos gastos hospitalares, caracterizando um processo positivo de farmacoeconomia, em que seu sucesso leva à melhora da qualidade de vida para o paciente.


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WHO has launched the “Safe Surgery Saves Lives” program with the purpose to reduce damage to surgical patients and define safety standards specifically in order to reduce such patients’ morbi-mortality by providing surgery teams and hospital managers with orientation about the standards of safe surgery and a uniform service evaluation instrument for national and international surveillance. Hence, this study aimed at applying the WHO safe-surgery checklist to the surgical specialties of a university hospital and evaluating the team’s opinion about the influence of its application on the safety of surgical process and on the team’s interpersonal communication. It was a descriptive, analytical, qualitative field study conducted in the surgery facilities of a university hospital in a public establishment in São Paulo state. The checklist was applied to eight surgical specialties, resulting in a total number of 30 surgeries. Its application was conducted by the researcher in three phases: Sign in, Time out, Sign Out. Next, one member of the surgery team was invited to voluntarily participate in the study by signing an informed consent form and answering guiding questions. Thirty members of the surgery team participated in the study. Bardin’s Content Analysis Method was used to organize and analyze the data. As regards the safety provided by the checklist, the following thematic categories emerged: “It reduces risk and possible complications”; “It standardizes conducts and reviews safety steps”; “It allows for better understanding of the process”; and “It provides safety to the team as a whole”. The category “It is not included in the institution’s routine” emerged from the subjects’ statements when they understood that, in this form, the checklist does not provide safety to surgical procedures. As regards communication, two thematic categories emerged: ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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With reference to curricular changes proposed by the CNE Resolution 1 /2002 and CNE 2/2002 on Teacher Education in Basic Education teaching degree - this study aims to analyze the new professional profile proposed in curriculum pedagogy , Physical Education , Science Biology , Mathematics , Physics and Geography . Within the curriculum guidelines was observed in a more normative articulated curriculum, focused on action-reflection- action. A guided design in practical rationality and the skills set without breaking the commitment of the public university with emancipation and quality education . Although there is this understanding we must also attend to the care that must be given to the new guidelines , based on the same reveal great concern with vocational training , with its instrumentation , with the pragmatic and utilitarian dimension of the training process . It is noteworthy that throughout the twentieth century in Brazil , where he fought for educational policies that were to solidify the construction of teacher identity , but the gains have largely remained restricted to the issue of educational reforms and a roster of disciplines , called pedagogical varnish . Therefore, this work is to deepen this thematic perspective , studying the identity of the teacher in the new curriculum design presented by undergraduate courses . Therefore , the central objective seeks to understand how the identity of teacher ( professional profile ) was presented in the proposals for teacher training , as well as the different elements that make up this identity process . Specifically if you want to ( a) identify the proposals of courses for Teachers of Primary Education , UNESP / RC - Institute of Biosciences and Geosciences and Exact Sciences - Biological Sciences , Physical Education , Physics , Geography , Mathematics and Pedagogy - the proposed profile and ( b ) analyze the fundamental knowledge that this professional listing the elements...


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This study aimed at evaluating the perception of leprosy patients, the disease, with regard to its concept and self-care practice, as well as their knowledge concerning drug therapy. Fifteen patients participated in the study, of whom 11 were classified as multibacillary and 04 as paucibacillary. Semi-structure interviews containing six guiding questions were used for data collection, and the Collective Subject Discourse (CSD) was utilized as a theoretical framework. Analysis was performed based on the Theory of Complexity. It showed that patients suffer pain, a fact that is reflected on the need to change habits and prevent disability. It also showed that patients have doubts and feel insecure about treatment and prognosis, and that they are also the target of social prejudice even thought the term leprosy has been replaced by Hansen‟s disease. As regards self-care, the subjects showed lack of autonomy, limitations and subjection to instructions from health care professionals, who, according to the discourse that emerged, are mostly responsible for transmitting the knowledge concerning self-care practice. This fact can be explained by evidence of self-knowledge deficit by the the subjects. Concerning polychemotherapy treatment, which is recommended by the Ministry of Health, it was observed that the knowledge concerning its action and adverse effects is precarious. This information is provided during consultation; however, CSD showed that the subjects do not apprehend it. Therefore, health care professionals must instruct their clients not only as regards conventional treatment practices, but they must also help them to know themselves and to improve their critical judgment so that they can choose the best form of living after being diagnosed with the disease, thus guiding self-care by taking such choice into account


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Individuals of the species Turdus leucomelas are adapted to live in environments already modified by humans, thus obtaining reproductive success in their nesting in vegetation, as well as built their nests in human buildings. Nests found in buildings are often less camouflaged, making them more exposed to predators compared to nests built in vegetation; however the nests built buildings are common, indicating a possible advantage associated with these nests. By means of this idea if was assumed that a possible advantage to this construction in buildings is linked to a change in variation in the internal temperature of the nest during incubation and development of pups until they leave their nests. Accordingly, with the aid of iButtons and TidBits (temperature data loggers), the present study aimed to analyze the influence of the nesting site on how the temperature is kept, and how it changes in the microenvironment in which the nest is inserted, indicating potential benefits associated with that choice. In the samples found with the vegetation, temperature data showed a pattern of temperature of the microenvironment of the nests is not very stable, varying with ambient temperature, whereas in the samples found with the human constructions, the temperature data showed a pattern of temperature microenvironment nests more stable for a long time. When comparing the two environments which they settled nests, as well as the different times of day (daytime and nighttime), how the temperature was kept and pattern of change within the nest was significantly different (F=43.85, p<0.001), with higher and more constant internal temperatures in nests installed in construction, compared to vegetation. When observing periods of the day, it was found that in both environments the temperature inside the nest reached higher values and higher than the environment at night, coinciding with the rest of the female at night. Data may suggest changes in the...


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)