199 resultados para Covariantização do gauge do cone de luz


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The morphology of the midgut epithelium cells of Anticarsia gemmatalis (Hübner) larvae is described by light and transmission electron microscopy. The midgut of A. gemmatalis is the largest portion of the digestive tract, with three distinct regions: proximal, media and distal. Its wall is formed by pseudostratified columnar epithelial tissue having four cell types: columnar, goblet, regenerative, and endocrine cells. The columnar cells are numerous and long, with the apical portion showing many lengthy microvilli and the basal portion invaginations forming a basal labyrinth. The goblet cells have a large goblet-shaped central cavity delimited by cytoplasmic projections filled with mitochondria. The regenerative cells present electron-dense cytoplasm and few organelles. The endocrine cells are characterized by electron-dense secretory granules, usually concentrated in the cytoplasm basal region.


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Gauge fields in the light front are traditionally addressed via, the employment of an algebraic condition n·A = 0 in the Lagrangian density, where Aμ is the gauge field (Abelian or non-Abelian) and nμ is the external, light-like, constant vector which defines the gauge proper. However, this condition though necessary is not sufficient to fix the gauge completely; there still remains a residual gauge freedom that must be addressed appropriately. To do this, we need to define the condition (n·A) (∂·A) = 0 with n·A = 0 = ∂·A. The implementation of this condition in the theory gives rise to a gauge boson propagator (in momentum space) leading to conspicuous nonlocal singularities of the type (k·n)-α where α = 1, 2. These singularities must be conveniently treated, and by convenient we mean not only mathemathically well-defined but physically sound and meaningful as well. In calculating such a propagator for one and two noncovariant gauge bosons those singularities demand from the outset the use of a prescription such as the Mandelstam-Leibbrandt (ML) one. We show that the implementation of the ML prescription does not remove certain pathologies associated with zero modes. However we present a causal, singularity-softening prescription and show how to keep causality from being broken without the zero mode nuisance and letting only the propagation of physical degrees of freedom.


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Although it is not known how to covariantly quantize the Green-Schwarz (GS) superstring, there exists a semi-light-cone gauge choice in which the GS superstring can be quantized in a conformally invariant manner. In this paper, we prove that BRST quantization of the GS superstring in semi-light-cone gauge is equivalent to BRST quantization using the pure spinor formalism for the superstring © SISSA/ISAS 2005.


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One of the main problems in Computer Vision and Close Range Digital Photogrammetry is 3D reconstruction. 3D reconstruction with structured light is one of the existing techniques and which still has several problems, one of them the identification or classification of the projected targets. Approaching this problem is the goal of this paper. An area based method called template matching was used for target classification. This method performs detection of area similarity by correlation, which measures the similarity between the reference and search windows, using a suitable correlation function. In this paper the modified cross covariance function was used, which presented the best results. A strategy was developed for adaptative resampling of the patterns, which solved the problem of deformation of the targets due to object surface inclination. Experiments with simulated and real data were performed in order to assess the efficiency of the proposed methodology for target detection. The results showed that the proposed classification strategy works properly, identifying 98% of targets in plane surfaces and 93% in oblique surfaces.


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Spinodal decomposition in a model of pure-gauge SU(2) theory that incorporates a deconfinement phase transition is investigated by means of real-time lattice simulations of the fully nonlinear Ginzburg-Landau equation. Results are compared with a Glauber dynamical evolution using Monte Carlo simulations of pure-gauge lattice QCD. © 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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In the light-cone gauge choice for Abelian and non-Abelian gauge fields, the vector boson propagator carries in it an additional spurious or unphysical pole intrinsic to the choice requiring a careful mathematical treatment. Research in this field over the years has shown us that mathematical consistency only is not enough to guarantee physically meaningful results. Whatever the prescription invoked to handle such an object, it has to preserve causality in the process. On the other hand, the covariantization technique is a well-suited one to tackle gauge-dependent poles in the Feynman integrals, dispensing the use of ad hoc prescriptions. In this work we show that the covariantization technique in the light-cone gauge is a direct consequence of the canonical quantization of the theory. © World Scientific Publishing Company.


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Two distinct gauge potentials can have the same field strength, in which case they are said to be copies of each other. The consequences of this ambiguity for the general affine space A of gauge potentials are examined. Any two potentials are connected by a straight line in A, but a straight line going through two copies either contains no other copy or is entirely formed by copies. Copyright © 2005 Hindawi Publishing Corporation.


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Sixty-six trairão (Hoplias lacerdae) fingerlings (average weight of 2.0±0.5 g and total length of 5.8±0.2 cm), trained to accept dry rations, were allotted to six 15-L aquariums, with aeration and controlled temperature (24.0±0.5°C), in a density of 0.7 juveniles/L, aiming to evaluate the effects of darkness on fish productive performance. The treatments consisted of two photoperiods: 12 hours light: 12 hours dark (12L:12D) and 0 hour light: 24 hours dark (OL:24D), with three replicates. Fingerlings were fed ad libitum a commercial extruded diet (42% CP), twice a day. The aquariums were cleaned daily for excrement withdrawal through siphoning, exchanging 1/4 total volume. At the end of the experiment (30 days), weight gain, feed:gain ratio and survival and cannibalism rates were evaluated. The results showed that darkness did not affect the productive performance of trairão juveniles.


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A manifestly covariant treatment of the free quantum eletromagnetic field, in a linear covariant gauge, is implemented employing Schwinger's variational principle and the B-field formalism. It is also discussed the Abelian Proca model as an example of a system without constraints. © Società Italiana di Fisica.


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The scattering of charmed mesons on nucleons is investigated within a chiral quark model inspired on the QCD Hamiltonian in Coulomb gauge. The microscopic model incorporates a longitudinal Coulomb confining interaction derived from a self-consistent quasi-particle approximation to the QCD vacuum, and a traverse hyperfine interaction motivated from lattice simulations of QCD in Coulomb gauge. From the microscopic interactions at the quark level, effective meson-baryon interactions are derived using a mapping formalism that leads to quark-Born diagrams. As an application, the total cross-section of heavy-light D-mesons scattering on nucleons is estimated.


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We object in this work to determine the skeleton sintopy of the medular cone termination of the paca relating to the lumbar and sacral vertebrae, thus aiming at establishing morphometric and topographical parameters of the medular cone in this specie. We accomplished the dissection through skin incision, subcutaneous divulsion and dissection of the vertebral column dorsal region musculature, sectioning and removing the vertebrae arcs for better visualization of the spinal medulla. After the individualization of the medular cone, we registered the anatomical aspects of interest, emphasizing the basis and its apex in relation to the vertebrae, following the measuring of the region using a caliper rule; photographs and schematic drawing were made to register the findings of studied specimens.


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The new conditions of international security don't only attach importance to sovereignty and interstate relations. This new framework has led to changes in the scope and requirements for Politics of Defense. Countries of the Southern Cone seek to establish new parameters in the definition of their policies, but need to define between dissuasive policies, as in the past, or establish mechanisms for cooperation with their neighbors. Furthermore, these policies, by their nature and size, are not exclusively militaries. The purpose of this article is to examine the definitions constraints on strategic deterrence and cooperation in international security, and identify the degree of autonomy and the nature of the concepts derived from the armed forces in shaping Politics of Defense. Finally, we try to check the level of civil policy direction in defining those policies.


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The present study evaluated by cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) the apical canal transportation and centralizing ability of different automated systems after root canal preparation. The mesiobuccal canals of maxillary first molars (n=10 per group) were prepared with: GI - reciprocating system with K-Flexofile; GII - reciprocating system with NiTiFlex files; GIII - rotary system with K3 instruments; GIV - rotary system with RaCe instruments. CBCT scans were taken before and after biomechanical preparation up to a #40.02 diameter. Canal transportation was determined by measuring the smallest distance between the inner canal walls and the mesial and distal sides of the root. The centralization ability corresponded to the difference between the measurements from transportation evaluation, using the linear voxel to voxel method of analysis. The mean transportation was 0.06 ± 0.14 mm, with a tendency to deviate to the mesial side of the root (n=22), with no statistically significant difference among the groups (p=0.4153). The mean centralization index was 0.15 ± 0.65 also without statistically significant difference among the groups (p=0.0881). It may be concluded that apical canal transportation and centralization ability were not influenced by the type of mechanical movement and instruments used.


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Following the Dirac's technique for constrained systems we performed a detailed analysis of the constraint structure of Podolsky's electromagnetic theory on the null-plane coordinates. The null plane gauge condition was extended to second order theories and appropriate boundary conditions were imposed to guarantee the uniqueness of the inverse of the constraints matrix of the system. Finally, we determined the generalized Dirac brackets of the independent dynamical variables. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.


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Objectives: The present study used strain gauge analysis to perform an in vitro evaluation of the effect of axial loading on 3 elements of implant-supported partial fixed prostheses, varying the type of prosthetic cylinder and the loading points. Material and methods: Three internal hexagon implants were linearly embedded in a polyurethane block. Microunit abutments were connected to the implants applying a torque of 20 Ncm, and prefabricated Co-Cr cylinders and plastic prosthetic cylinders were screwed onto the abutments, which received standard patterns cast in Co-Cr alloy (n = 5). Four strain gauges (SG) were bonded onto the surface of the block tangentially to the implants, SG 01 mesially to implant 1, SG 02 and SG 03 mesially and distally to implant 2, respectively, and SG 04 distally to implant 3. Each metallic structure was screwed onto the abutments with a 10 Ncm torque and an axial load of 30 kg was applied at five predetermined points (A, B, C, D, E). The data obtained from the strain gauge analyses were analyzed statistically by RM ANOVA and Tukey's test, with a level of significance of p<0.05. Results: There was a significant difference for the loading point (p=0.0001), with point B generating the smallest microdeformation (239.49 με) and point D the highest (442.77 με). No significant difference was found for the cylinder type (p=0.748). Conclusions: It was concluded that the type of cylinder did not affect in the magnitude of microdeformation, but the axial loading location influenced this magnitude.