142 resultados para COGNIÇÃO


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Previous studies support that regular physical activity in aging contributes as a protective factor against cognitive decline and improves mood states. However, there is a lack of longitudinal studies in this area. Objective: To observe possible changes in cognition related with physical activity. METHODS: This study reassessed, after one-year period, 31 elderly women divided into two groups, sedentary versus active, using behavioral scales and cognitive tests. RESULTS: The active group exhibited significantly enhanced performance in general cognitive function, particularly on tasks of episodic memory and praxis, and also on the mood states scale compared to the sedentary group. The active women also reported higher self-efficacy. CONCLUSION: Long-term physical activity promoted improvement on quality of life in the elderly women.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A neuróbica é um conjunto de atividades que necessitam mobilizar extensas áreas do córtex cerebral para serem realizadas. Esta mobilização neuronal acarreta a formação de estímulos que fazem com que células especiais do tecido nervoso produzam neurotrofinas. Estas neurotrofinas agem sobre os neurônios fazendo com que seus prolongamentos cresçam para procurar novos contatos sinápticos o que em, última análise, da maior longevidade não só para este neurônio, mas para o neurônio que foi incluído no circuito pela nova sinapse realizada. Por isso trata-se de uma verdadeira ginastica para o cérebro. Acreditando que a leitura de textos criativos e com narrativa cheia de detalhes e cenas inusitadas e espetaculares são textos que podem ser usados para este fim, nos propusemos a analisar a obra Reinações de Narizinho de Monteiro Lobato neste contexto. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é Identificar se a leitura do texto da obra de Monteiro Lobato Reinações de Narizinho, pode fornecer elementos que desencadeiam a mobilização das mais diferentes áreas do córtex cerebral fazendo com que possa ser considerada uma leitura neuróbica. Para tal, realizamos um levantamento bibliográfico sobre a temática da neuróbica na tentativa de identificar a prática desta atividade na leitura de textos que estimulam a imaginação e cognição. A conclusão deste trabalho é que a atividade de leitura é um imenso campo para a prática da neuróbica, e que aqueles textos que permitem o aguçar dos sentidos e emoções como é o exemplo de Reinações de Narizinho de Monteiro Lobato, podem ser utilizados como meio para a prática do exercício neuronal, pois estimulam amplamente a utilização de áreas corticais e circuitos neuronais localizados em diversas regiões cerebrais, dentre elas, a área da visão, sistema límbico, região do giro angular e supramarginal (áreas 39 e 40 de Brodmann, consideradas como integrantes...


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The autism is a severe mental illness that involves psychological, social, educational and neurobiological aspects. The Education plays an important role in recovering, preserving and increasing the cognitive task of people with autism. There are several ways to observe a person with autism. Through the studying of cases, it is also possible to address issues of everyday life of the person with the illness, its cognitive issues and its obstacles of psychosocial involvement, as well as psychological aspects such as illness acknowledgement. Through specialized literature, it is possible to identify characteristics referring to the learning process and neurobiological components involved in the condition, such as brain activity disorder and genetic factors. The objectives of this paper are: from the analysis of two books: Unique World: comprehend the Autism (SILVA, A. B. B; GAIATO, M.B; REVELES, L.T) and The cats never lie about love (DILLON, J.), it is intended to describe cognitive and psychosocial aspects of the autism. Based on the specialized literature, the goal is to identify cognitive and neurobiological components in the illness. The methods that were used: analysis of the books Unique World: comprehend the Autism and The cats never lie about love to describe psychosocial and educational aspects of the autism; analysis of the specialized literature to identify clinical and neurobiological components of the illness, such as changes in brain activity, genetic factors or clinical evolution; and also details of the Education role in preserving the person with autism and his cognitive and emotional development. The study had the documentary research as reference for the methodological design, including book analysis and research in specialized literature. It is intended to deepen discussions about the Education roles related to the cognitive and neurobiological aspects of the autism


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Cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS) is a progressive degenerative disorder of older dogs, characterized by a decline in cognitive function. The main clinical signs consistent with CDS are: disorientation, changes in socio-environmental interaction, sleep-wake cycle disturbance, changes in hygiene habits, urinate and/or defecate in unusual places, decreased physical activity, anxiety and eating disorders. There are no specific diagnostic tests for this condition in vivo, but alterations in neurological examination, cognitive tests and magnetic resonance imaging can be observed. The diagnosis is confirmed by histopathological examination of brain tissue. Diets rich in antioxidants, environmental enrichment with exercise and the use of selegiline and L-deprenyl have been recommended for the treatment of CDS.


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Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB