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Beside aging process comes the incidence of dementia and, among them Alzheimer's disease (AD) accounts for approximately 60% of cases. This disease is characterized as a neuropathology with unknown etiology that causes cognitive deficits and behavioral disorders. Caring for patients with AD can cause an overload, both physical and psychological, which can cause high levels of stress on the primary caregiver. It is necessary that the caregiver also receives attention and develop activities that promote health benefits, while providing moments of distraction from the task of caring. Nonpharmacological interventions may be favorable for improving health with consequent decreased on the levels of stress. The objective of this study was to conduct a systematic review of scientific papers that aimed to verify the effect of nonpharmacological interventions on stress levels in caregivers of patients with AD. To contamplate this goal was accomplished a systematic search in the following databases: Biological Abstracts, PsycINFO, PubMed/Medline, Web of Science, LILACS and SciELO. The following keywords and Boolean operators was used: “caregivers” OR “family” and “nonpharmacological interventions” OR “support groups” OR “therapies” AND “Alzheimer's disease” OR “Alzheimer's dementia” OR “Alzheimer” OR “elderly” AND “stress”. There were found 3studies that met inclusion criteria adopted for the present work, and none showed significant results for the variable stress. It is not possible to affirm, according to the studies, that nonpharmacologial interventions programs for caregivers of patients with AD are effective to influence and to control the stress. However, studies show benefits for other variables such as self-efficacy and confidence in relation to care... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
This research aims to cover publications related to anxiety suffered by dancers and then to compare their psychological health promotion. This study was developed according to Capes, Scilelo and Google Scholar data basis, besides Sports and Dance Psychology books .These studies state that dance leads its practitioner to increase his self-perception, combined with body and mind work ,as long as the dancer’s limits and possibilities are respected. However, the fear of frustration, exhibition nervousness and expectations can trigger anxiety growth in moments of tension, such as performances. It shows that anxiety can interfere the dancer’s performance in a positive or negative way. It is also believed that, in a general way, his best performance can be achieved when he gets to a proper level of anxiety, which varies from person to person. A lot of authors mention different ways to promote a better balance of anxiety during dance sessions, developing students’ self-confidence, motivation, breathing and recuperation, besides using the benefits from dancing to improve practitioners’ body and mind health.This area lacks more specific studies to let new techniques be created and used by directors and dance companies, to enrich more and more the work of dancers’ emotional balance
The main objective of the presented study is the development of a predictive interval type-2 fuzzy inference system in order to estimate the mortality risk for a newborn, to be used as an auxiliary tool for decision making in medical centers where there is a lack of professionals for this purpose and, afterwards, to compare its performance to a type-1 fuzzy system. The input variables were chosen due to their acquisition ‘simplicity, not involving any invasive tests, such as blood tests or other specific tests. The variables are easily obtained in the first few minutes of life: birth weight, gestational age at delivery, 5-minute Apgar score and previous report of stillbirth. Databases from the DATASUS were used to validate the model. 1351 records from the city of São José dos Campos, a mid-sized city in the São Paulo state’s countryside, were considered in this study. Finally, an analysis using the ROC curve was performed to estimate the model’s accuracy
Objectives: conduct a systematic review of national and international literature, to classify the types of production, comparing the two literatures and synthesize knowledge in the area. Method: Systematic Review of Literature, in the databases LILACS, CINAHL and MEDLINE for selection of articles in their entirety, the data extracted from the articles selected were: the study of bibliographic information (title, author, journal, place of study and year of publication), and general information (multidisciplinary production or specific area, language, type of study, type of population and contributions of the study). The categories established for classification of publications were: raising the cost of procedures/ interventions, economic evaluation of specific intervention, inclusion of nursing in the economic context, using cost as an important variable in the study. Results: The study included 39 publications, with 31% of national production and the remaining 69%, internationally. Most publications were classified according to category of economic evaluation of specific intervention, followed by the category of raising the cost of procedure / intervention, which fits the majority of national production. Human resources is shaped as an important variable for obtaining cost studies that proposed to make this calculation. Conclusion: The production of literature in nursing cost management is relevant in number of publications within the proposed period and is directed to different areas within this theme. There are significant differences in national and international literature: these last use more accurate methods, have more content theorized, use more the economic evaluation tools and related more costs with a amplified context. The production of such knowledge should continue as far as possible and putting that knowledge relating the current reality, in order to amplify the field of nursing and add value
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
As leishmanioses são enfermidades infecciosas que costumam afetar populações de países de clima tropical e subtropical, em sua maioria subdesenvolvidos, uma vez que seus principais vetores necessitam de condições ambientais e climáticas adequadas facilmente encontradas nessas regiões, para se proliferar. Há diferentes formas clínicas que se caracterizam por sua evolução crônica, sendo a forma visceral (LV) uma das mais graves. Neste caso, a disseminação é relativamente rápida uma vez que existe também a abundância de um dos seus principais reservatórios domésticos, o cão, que vive bem próximo ao homem, o qual é também acometido por esta zoonose. Dessa maneira é preciso que as populações, principalmente aquelas localizadas em áreas endêmicas, saibam identificar os pontos principais dessa doença como a transmissão, sinais clínicos e prevenção. Por esse motivo, essa revisão sistemática objetivou procurar saber qual o conhecimento de diferentes populações sobre as leishmanioses. Foram utilizados os seguintes descritores: (knowledge) AND (population) AND (leishmaniasis), através de um levantamento bibliográfico em três bases de dados, LILACS, SCIELO e PUBMED. Foi possível concluir, através da análise de sete artigos, que o conhecimento das leishmanioses ainda se encontra muito superficial dentro das populações e que a principal fonte de informação ainda é a informal, de pessoa a pessoa
Os anti-inflamatórios não esteroidais (AINEs) estão entre os medicamentos mais prescritos em todo o mundo, tanto na medicina humana, como na medicina veterinária. Atualmente os AINEs são classificados em não seletivos (convencionais ou clássicos), que são os mais antigos, e seletivos para COX-2 ou coxibes. Alguns estudos constataram uma possível relação entre os inibidores COX-2 seletivos e os efeitos adversos no sistema cardiovascular. Devido a isso, objetivou-se realizar um levantamento de pesquisas que comprovem os efeitos cardiovasculares ocasionados por essa classe farmacológica utilizando livros e artigos das bases de dados PubMed, Periódicos da Capes e SciELO que respondessem à pergunta: a inibição da COX-2 acarreta efeitos adversos para o sistema cardiovascular?. Do total de resultados encontrados, foram utilizados 16 artigos. Os trabalhos mostraram que o uso de inibidores da COX-2 alterou o perfil de coagulação para uma tendência trombótica, além de diminuir a resposta vasodilatadora gerada na resposta inflamatória. Diante dos resultados obtidos através desses estudos, conclui-se que a COX-2 desempenha papel fisiológico no sistema cardiovascular, facilitando a não formação de trombos nos vasos sanguíneos, e, portanto, que sua inibição favorece a coagulação. Assim, os fármacos que inibem a COX-2 devem ser prescritos com cautela, levando-se em consideração o perfil de coagulação do paciente
This study investigated, by descriptive documental research, the intervention models in Sexual Education in the school with the participation of the family and use of new technologies. The methodological stages were: collects in bases of data, selection and reading of the studies and elaboration of thematic groupings, by the content analysis. Four thematic group were elaborated: 1) intervention models with professionals; 2) intervention models with adolescents; 3) intervention models with the direct participation of the family and 4) Appreciation of the family’s participation in sexual education. The analised articles prioritize the adolescent population, when descrive the intervention. Few studies consider the family as important to sexual education and the techniques of the computer science are not very explored as pedagogic resources.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Objective: evaluate the immediate dental and skeletal changes induced by the Herbst appliance on early treatment of Angle´s Class II malocclusion. Material and Method: several electronic databases such as Scopus, Pub Med, Medline, Cochrane Library, Lilacs and Scielo were searched. The abstracts that fullfilled the selection criteria were selected and those that did not provide enough information about these criteria were selected but the final decision of including them or not on the research, was taken after the complete reading of the article. The selection criteria were: clinical studies with Class II individuals, both male and female, with initial age of 7 to 10 years, treated with the Herbst appliance that analysed the dental and/or skeletal changes evaluated on lateral cephalometric radiographs; researches where the treatment performed did not involve extractions or surgical interventions; studies that included patients without syndromes or health concerns and articles published in English or Portuguese. Results and Conclusions: five articles were selected. The articles showed that significant changes happened in the mandibular sagittal lenght, on facial convexity angle, on maxillo-mandibular relationship, on retroclination of the upper incisors and on distal movement of the upper molars, on proclination of the lower incisors and on extrusion of the lower molars. The appliance exerted a limited effect on the anterior relocation of the maxillary complex and on facial heights. However, more studies about the performance of the Herbst appliance on early treatment of Class II are needed.
Currently it is clear that there are several factors that can act as modifiers of diseases, without causing them directly, but having the potential to make these conditions to progress faster and more severe. There is a growing number of studies investigating the relationship between Diabetes Mellitus (DM) and Periodontal Disease (PD), including some studies focusing on the influence of genetic factors in this process. The aim of this study was to verify through a literature review, the influence of genetic polymorphisms in the development of PD in patients with DM. PubMed and BIREME were used as databases and the terms Periodontitis or Periodontal Disease, Polymorphism, Diabetes Mellitus were searched. After a refinement in the literature, five studies were selected and they were related to chronic PD with DM and polymorphisms in cytokine genes, especially interleukin 1 (IL1) e IL6. Polymorphisms were associated with a higher concentration of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the gingival crevicular fluid of diabetic patients when compared to non-diabetic. In conclusion, it is necessary to confirm this association with longitudinal studies that must investigate a larger number of cytokine genes in order to understand the cause-effect relationship between genetic polymorphisms, DM and PD.
Introduction: The configuration and dimensions of the upper airway are determined by anatomical structures such as soft tissues, muscles and craniofacial skeleton, composing or surrounding the pharynx. Anatomical abnormalities of the soft tissues and / or craniofacial skeleton may become more narrow upper airway. The orthognathic surgery, which is used in the correction of dentoskeletal deformities, also causes changes in the upper airway. Objective: In view of the facts presented, this article aims to review the literature on the changes of the upper airway in patients’ class III undergoing orthognathic surgery. Methodology: International Literature on Health Sciences (Pubmed ) and Port Journals CAPES original and review published between 1990 and 2010, in two bibliographic databases articles were selected. Results: thirty-nine (39) articles were selected for writing this review. Conclusion: The upper airway deformity and dental- skeletal class III should be carefully evaluated prior to orthognathic surgery and whenever surgical planning permit should prefer the maxillary advances to mandibular setbacks
The purpose of this literature review is to present the state-of-the-art on the application of tissue engineering techniques in sinus lifts procedures, reporting the influence of these techniques in increasing bone height and volume in the maxillary sinus, and the osseointegration of the implants installed in the grafted areas. PubMed and Scopus databases were searched using the keywords “scaffold” OR “engineered tissue” AND “sinus augmention” OR “sinus floor elevation”. In the initial search 463 articles were selected, of which 19 were selected abstracts reading, with nine papers selected by the end, for evaluation of the application of tissue engineering techniques in sinus lift procedures. Despite the positive results of tissue engineering procedures in sinus floor elevation reported in the selected articles, further studies are still needed, for a better standardization of experimental models and materials used, leading to definitive conclusions about the effects of the application of tissue engineering procedures on bone formation in maxillary sinus lifting procedures.