47 resultados para veterinarian


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A versatile voltammetric method for quantitative determination of fenbendazole (FBZ) in commercial tablets has been proposed, where direct dissolution of tablets is carried out in 0.1 mol l(-1) tetrabutylamoniun tetrafluorborate containing dimethylformamide solutions. Linear sweep (LSV), square wave (SWV) and differential pulse (DPV) voltammetry techniques were applied to study FBZ at a glassy carbon electrode, exhibiting a well defined irreversible oxidation peak at 1.15 V vs. SCE. This methodology allows a precise quantitative determination of FBZ presenting detection limits of 5.2 x 10(-5) (LSV), 5.0 x 10(-6) (DPV) and 5.0 x 10(-5) mol l(-1) (SWV). (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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The present study evaluated in vitro susceptibility testing of dermatophytes isolates from healthy cattle and soil samples against three antifungal agents and three topical veterinarian drugs. Itraconazole and terbinafine showed a higher in vitro fungicidal activity than fluconazole. The veterinarian drugs LEPECID (R) and iodine 5% were more active in vitro than the UNGUENTO (R) spray. All drugs showed fungicidal activity against Microsporum gypseum, and they may be considered as efficient agents for the topical treatment of dermatophytoses in cattle.


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No presente trabalho relata-se caso de paciente, funcionário de hospital veterinário, infectado através de arranhadura de gato doméstico portador de esporotricose. Inquérito domiciliar junto aos proprietários do animal fonte de infecção, revelou dois outros casos presuntivos de esporotricose humana transmitida por gatos, e confirmou o diagnóstico, por cultivo do Sporotrix schenckii, em 3 gatos domésticos adicionais. A esporotricose felina caracteriza-se por lesões cutâneas ulceradas e tendência à disseminação sistêmica e evolução fatal. A transmissão intra e inter-espécie é facilitada pela exuberância de fungos nas lesões cutâneas de felinos infectados.


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Toad poisoning is frequent in dogs, but has been infrequently addressed in published case reports and review articles. Dogs can be poisoned when they bite a toad or otherwise ingest the venom. The venom effects manifest soon after the accident, since the toxin is rapidly absorbed by the mucous membrane of the digestive system. Hospital records of three dogs, diagnosed with toad poisoning, were retrospectively reviewed from January 2005 to July 2007. Poisoned dogs may present only local irritation or systemic signs in the gastrointestinal, cardiac and neurological systems. All three cases presented herein had clinical signs of gastrointestinal alterations including vomiting, sialorrhea and diarrhea. Two dogs developed abnormal cardiac rhythm and two exhibited neurological signs. A poisoned animal requires emergency care and symptomatic therapy with intense monitoring of its clinical parameters. Although there have been reports on the low mortality of dogs poisoned by toads, one animal died even after appropriate therapy. The severity of clinical signs and the risk of death must be considered by the veterinarian.


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The present article relates the occurrence of Proventricular Dilatation Disease (PDD) in a 20 years old blue-fronted amazon parrot (Amazona aestiva). The bird was raised in captivity and was examined at the Ornitopathology Laboratory of São Paulo State University's Veterinarian Hospital, São Paulo State, Brazil. The parrot clinically presented regurgitation, tremors and dyspnea. This is the first case of PDD followed by megaesophagus in a blue-fronted amazon parrot (A. aestiva). This pathological case was not described in birds at all.


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Relata-se o caso ocorrido em um cão, da raça Pinscher, com dois anos de idade e histórico de desconforto no olho direito. O olho esquerdo havia sido enucleado por outro profissional, por apresentar os mesmos sinais, cujo tratamento clínico instituído não lograra êxito. O valor do teste da lágrima de Schirmer encontrava-se aumentado e identificou-se diminuição da pressão intraocular à tonometria de aplanação. Observaram-se, à biomicroscopia, edema corneal profuso e ceratocone, e o teste da fluoresceína foi negativo. Gonioscopia e oftalmoscopia não lograram fornecer dados relevantes dadas as condições da córnea. Diagnosticou-se ceratite bolhosa. Optou-se pelo tratamento cirúrgico, que fora realizado em duas etapas: 1- ceratectomia superficial e flap conjuntival de 360º; 2- ceratectomia superficial para devolver transparência à córnea. Transcorridos 30 dias da segunda ceratectomia superficial, o flap de terceira pálpebra foi desfeito. Observou-se conjuntivalização do quadrante nasal superior da córnea, córnea clara no eixo visual e retorno da visão.


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Com este texto, objetiva-se fornecer ao profissional de Medicina Veterinária subsídios para a realização de mielografia para o qual é necessário submeter o animal À anestesia geral. Este exame não é um procedimento inócuo, pois várias reações adversas podem ocorrer durante e após sua realização. O conhecimento da farmacodinâmica dos agentes anestésicos é de fundamental importância para o Médico Veterinário escolher associações que proporcionem segurança e minimizem as complicações advindas da técnica. Uma série de cuidados no período pré-anestésico, a escolha de associações de fármacos adequada e o monitoramento do animal durante e após a mielografia proporcionarão aos pacientes uma maior segurança no procedimento.


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Foi descrita a hemi-ovariossalpingohisterectomia em cinco pacas prenhes mantidas em cativeiro no Setor de Animais Silvestres da Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias (FCAV-UNESP) de Jaboticabal, São Paulo, Brasil, a fim de observar futura prenhez no corno restante. A tranqüilização foi obtida após aplicação de azaperone (4mg/kg) seguida da aplicação de sulfato de atropina (0,06mg/kg) e da associação de cloridrato de quetamina (20mg/kg) e cloridrato de xilazina (1,5mg/kg), ambos na mesma seringa, para indução da anestesia. A anestesia geral foi obtida mediante inalação de halotano por máscara. Por meio de laparotomia mediana, foram retirados o corno uterino prenhe, o ovário e a tuba uterina, todos do mesmo antímero. Antibióticos (30.000UI/kg de três penicilinas e 12,5mg/kg de duas estreptomicinas) e analgésico (0,02mg/kg de buprenorfina) foram aplicados imediatamente após a cirurgia, sendo repetidos após dois dias. Todas as aplicações foram feitas por via intramuscular. Apesar da permanência de apenas um ovário após a cirurgia, nova prenhez ocorreu no corno restante nas cinco fêmeas submetidas à cirurgia, com o nascimento de filhotes (apenas um por parto) após 215, 248, 276, 302 e 310 dias da hemi-ovariossalpingohisterectomia.


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A citometria de fluxo é um método emergente na medicina veterinária que permite a identificação e quantificação de células em suspensão. Apesar do custo elevado e da necessidade de técnicos especializados para realização da avaliação citofluorométrica, esta técnica tem uma ampla aplicação na hematologia veterinária, incluindo a avaliação de células-tronco hematopoiéticas, eritrócitos, leucócitos e plaquetas. O grande potencial de aplicação clínica da citometria de fluxo inclui a quantificação das células CD34+ como indicação da capacidade de reconstituição hematopoiética após o transplante de células-tronco e das subpopulações linfocitárias para avaliação da resposta imune frente aos transplantes e às doenças que acometem os animais. Projetos científicos sobre a avaliação citofluorométrica das células-tronco e subpopulações linfocitárias de cães têm sido desenvolvidos com sucesso por pesquisadores da área de hematologia veterinária na Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Campus de Jaboticabal. Portanto, no futuro, a citometria de fluxo deve se tornar uma técnica de rotina em laboratórios veterinários no Brasil.


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The objectives of the present study were: to evaluate the variation in total number of microorganisms in laying hen fecal samples and to identify the pathogenic microorganisms possibly present such as Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella sp., Clostridium botulinum, C chauvoei, Campylobacter sp., Escherichia coli, and Corynebacterium sp. The experiment was conducted at the School of Agrarian and Veterinarian Sciences of Jaboticabal, - UNESP. Fecal samples were collected from the aviary. A fully randomized experimental design was used with 7 treatments and 4 replications, for a total of 28 samples. A decrease in total number of microorganisms was detected when treatment T0 (zero days of storage) was compared with treatment T6 (42 days of storage), with oscillations in numbers being observed during this period of time. Pathogenic bacteria such as Clostridium noyvi, C perfringens, C sordelli, C septicum and C noyvi type B were detected, as well as non-pathogenic bacteria such as Bacillus sp. and Staphylococcus epidermidis.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) treatment on the number of induced accessory corpora lutea (CL), plasma progesterone concentrations and pregnancy rate in cross-bred heifers after transfer of frozen-thawed (1.5 M ethylene glycol) embryos. All recipients received 500 mug PGF2alpha (dl-cloprostenol, i.m.) at random stages of the estrous cycle (Day 0) and were observed for estrus for 7 days. on Day 14, heifers detected in estrus between 2 and 7 days after PGF2alpha treatment were randomly allocated to four groups (n = 83 per group) and given 0 (control), 200, 400, or 600 IU of eCG. Two days later (Day 16), these recipients were given PGF2a and observed for estrus. Six to eight days after detection of estrus, plasma samples were collected to determine progesterone concentration and ultrasonography was performed to observe ovarian structures. Heifers with multiple CL or a single CL >15 mm in diameter received an embryo by direct transfer. Embryos of excellent and good quality were thawed and transferred to the recipients by the same veterinarian. Pregnancy was diagnosed by ultrasonography and confirmed by transrectal palpation 21 and 83 days after embryo transfer (ET), respectively. Plasma progesterone concentrations on the day of transfer (Day 7 of the estrous cycle) were 3.9 +/- 0.7, 4.2 +/- 0.4, 6.0 +/- 0.4, and 7.8 +/- 0.6 ng/ml for groups Control, 200, 400, and 600, respectively (Control versus treated groups P = 0.009; 200 versus 400 and 600 groups P = 0.0001; and 400 versus 600 P = 0.012). Conception rates 83 days after ET were 41.9, 50.0, 25.0, and 20.9% for groups Control, 200, 400, and 600, respectively (200 versus 400 and 600 groups P = 0.0036). In conclusion, an increase in progesterone concentration, induced by eCG treatment, did not improve pregnancy rates in ET recipients. Conversely, there was a decline in conception rates in the animals with the highest plasma progesterone concentrations. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The objective of this study was to estimate the relative effects of genetic and phenotypic factors on the efficacy and efficiency of superovulation for Holstein-Friesian cows reared in Brazil. A database, established by the Associacao Brasileira de Criadores de Bovinos da Raca Holandesa, consisting of a total of 5387 superovulations of 2941 cows distributed over 473 herds and sired by 690 bulls was used for the analysis. The records were analyzed by MTDFREML (Multiple Trait Derivative-Free Restricted Maximum Likelihood), using a repeatability animal model. The fixed effects included in the model were contemporaneous group (veterinarian, herd, year and season of the superovulation); number of semen doses; cow age; and superovulation order. The estimated repeatability of the number of the transferable embryos was low (0.13), and the estimated heritability was 0.03. These results indicate that environmental factors play a critical role in the response of a cow to a superovulation treatment. There is little evidence that future responses to superovulation by individual females can be predicted by previous treatment(s) or that superovulation response is an heritable trait.


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The effects of two hypocaloric diets were evaluated, one with 29% and the other with 42% crude protein, on the body composition, nitrogen balance (NB), and some biochemical parameters of obese cats. A total of 16 castrated adult cats were used and divided into two groups of eight animals each. Body composition, determined by dual-energy x-ray absortiometry scanning, and biochemical examinations, were performed at the onset of the experiment (M0), at 10% of weight loss (M10), and at 20% of weight loss (M20) for each cat. The weekly weight loss (0.98 ± 0.37% for group 1; 0.94 ± 0.31% for group 2) and the ingestion of metabolizable energy (33.7 ±3.3 kcal/kg/day for group 1; 35.1 ±3.20 kcal/kg/day for group 2) did not differ between the groups. The NB was different at M0 (-70 ±110 mg/kg/day for group 1 ; 340 ±110 mg/kg/day for group 2) but roughly similar at M20 (140 ±170 mg/kg/day for group 1; 330 ± 410 mg/kg/day for group 2). The lean body mass (LM) loss was significant for group 1 (P < .05) in that it decreased from 2.789 ±198 g at M0 to 2.563 ±188 g at M20; for group 2, the changes in LM were not significant (P > .05). Reduction in body fat was significant between M0 and M20 for both diets (P < .05), without differences between treatments. The ingestion of digestible protein was greater (P < .05) for group 2 (3.20 ±0.29 g/kg/day) than for group 1 (2.21 ± 0.22 g/kg/day). There was a significant correlation between NB and ingestion of digestible protein at M0 (P < .05; r = 0.65), but this correlation was not observed at M20 (P > .05; r = 0.31). A significant reduction in plasma urea was observed for group 1 and in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol for group 2, but the other biochemical parameters did not change. The diet with higher protein content prevented LM loss. However, the lower-protein diet seems to maintain animal health and improve the cats' NB after weight loss.


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This study investigated the effect of assisted nutritional support on the outcome and time of hospitalization (TH) of dogs and cats. The study compared two groups of 400 hospitalized animals. The animals in group 1 did not receive assisted nutritional support because they were hospitalized before the clinical nutrition service was implemented; animals in group 2 were nutritionally managed. Animals in group 1 received a low-cost diet with no consumption control. Group 2 animals had their maintenance energy requirement (MER) calculated, received a high-protein and high-energy super-premium diet, had their caloric intake (CI) monitored, and received enteral and parenteral nutritional support when necessary. The statistical analysis of the results included the standard T test (group 1 versus group 2) and chisquare and Spearman's correlation to evaluate group 2 (CI and outcome, body condition score (BCS) and outcome, BCS and CI). For group 2, favorable outcome (FO), defined as the percent responding to therapy and dis-charged from the hospital, was 83%, and the TH was 8.59 days. These values were lower (P < .001) for group 1 (63.2% FO and TH of 5.7 days). For group 2, 65.5% of the animals received voluntary consumption (93.1% outcome), 14.5% received enterai support (67.9% FO), 6.5% received parenteral support (68% FO), and 6.17% did not eat (38.5% FO), demonstrating an association between the type of nutritional support and outcome (P < .01). Group 2 animals that received 0% to 33% of their MER had 62.9% FO, and those receiving more than 67% had 94.3% FO, which shows that lower mortality rates are associated with higher CI (P < .001). TH was higher for animals with higher CI (P < .001). The BCS did not correlate with Cl (P > .05) but did correlate with outcome (P < .01). FO was 68.7% for animals with low BCS, 85.7% for animals with ideal BCS, and 86.6% for overweight animals. Nutritional support could allow for longer therapies, thus increasing the TH and FO rate.


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The aim of this investigation was to evaluate four reference methods to estimate evapotranspiration (Makkink, Hargreaves, Class A pan and Radiation), compared tb Penman-Monteith method, that is considered standard by the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Errors due to variable measurements in the reference evapotranspiration estimate were taken into consideration. The research was developed in an experimental area of the Department of Rural Engieering of the School of Agricultural and Veterinarian Sciences, Campus of Jaboticabal, São Paulo State University. An automated weather station was used and it was equipped with sensors to measure global and net radiation, temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed. The aftermath showed a better adjustment to Hargreaves. Makkink, Class A pan and Radiation methods are different from Penman-Monteith, therefore, they cannot be compared. To evaluate methods to estimate evapotranspiration and avoid possible evaluation errors, ETo estimate errors must be considered.