26 resultados para urolithiasis
Urolithiasis is a disease that despite being a commonly observed problem in veterinary practice is uncommon in birds. Such disease was not reported in passeriforms to date. Accordingly, the aim of the present article is to describe a case of urolithiasis in an adult female lesser seed finch (Sporophila angolensis) pet bird which presented abdominal distension, respiratory distress, and apathy prior to death. The bird had history of being fed with a diet rich in protein. After the bird death, a necropsy was conducted in order to determine the cause of death. At necropsy, accentuated ascites, hydropericardium, and ureteral stones in the left ureter could be grossly observed. Additional tests related with viral and bacterial microbiological testing and with the determination of calculi composition could not be performed since the owner did not consent with the procedures because of the cost. Since the bird was fed on a high protein diet, a relationship between the ureteroliths and dietary imbalance was suggested with participation of protein in calculi development by providing the organic nuclei. Additionally, we conclude that the presence of calculi in the ureter resulted in urinary flow blockage, ascites, and consequent acute respiratory failure due to filling of air sacs with liquid.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the influence of combined clinical therapy and nutritional guidance on the recurrence of urolithiasis. METHODS: From our registry of patients with recurrent urolithiasis we selected 57 who had at least 5-years of follow-up. We collected 24h urine samples in order to analyze Ca, Na, uric acid, citrate, oxalate, and Mg concentrations and to assess urine volume. Patients filled out a clinical questionnaire before treatment, and abdominal radiographs and/or ultrasound were performed both before treatment and during the follow-up period. During follow-up, specific and individualized dietary advice was given based on the individual's metabolic disorders. Patients also received specific pharmacological treatment for their metabolic alterations. Outcome measures were metabolites in urine and the urolith recurrence rate. Pre- and post- intervention values were compared using tests as appropriate. RESULTS: Fifty six of the patients were male and the majority of patients were overweight. The mean BMI was 27 kg/m2. Urinary excretion of calcium, uric acid and sodium decreased significantly over the five year follow-up period. The number of uroliths that formed during the 5-year follow-up also decreased significantly compared to pre-treatment values. CONCLUSION: Individualized dietary advice combined with pharmacological treatment significantly reduces long-term urolithiasis recurrence.
Durante o processo de assimilação e uso dos alimentos, diferentes respostas metabólicas podem ser desenvolvidas pelo organismo dos animais. Estas respostas são fruto da integração de mecanismos complexos, que envolvem os sistemas neuro-endócrino e o funcionamento dos órgãos, sendo influenciadas pela dieta, espécie animal, idade, condição fisiológica e composição corporal. Este trabalho enfoca a importância fisiológica e os métodos de estudo das respostas pós-prandiais aos carboidratos, bem como as alterações fisiológicas conseqüentes ao balanço eletrolítico da dieta. A quantidade, estrutura química e processamento industrial do amido determinam boa parte da resposta pós-prandial de glicose e insulina de cães. em gatos, outros mecanismos parecem ser mais importantes, como a ingestão de aminoácidos. A fibra alimentar também altera a resposta pós-prandial ao alimento, devendo ser consideradas sua quantidade, solubilidade e fermentabilidade no desenvolvimento das dietas. Os métodos de estudo destas respostas incluem avaliação das respostas glicêmica e insulínca pós-prandiais, teste endovenoso de tolerância à glicose e à arginina. O clâmp euglicêmico apresenta-se também como ferramenta de estudo, no entanto revela informações mais relacionadas ao animal do que à dieta. A compreensão do conjunto de alterações metabólicas aos carboidratos é importante no estudo do controle da saciedade, composição corporal e inúmeras doenças degenerativas e endócrinas. A concentração e relação entre os macro-elementos da dieta (Na, Cl, K, P, Ca, Mg e S) e dos aminoácidos sulfurados (metionina, cistina e taurina) interferem em inúmeras funções orgânicas, como a cardiovascular, neuromuscular, metabolismo ósseo, renal e pulmonar, refletindo-se no equilíbrio hidro-eletrolítico e ácido-básico orgânicos. de importância prática para cães e gatos encontram-se a relação destes nutrientes com cardiopatias, nefropatias, osteodistrofias e urolitíases. A relação entre os macro-elementos é estabelecida em mmol/kg de matéria seca da dieta, calculando-se seu balanço cátion-ânion (excesso de bases ou ânions dietéticos não determinados). Suas repostas orgânicas são medidas, dentre outros métodos, pela hemogasimetria, balanço hídrico, mensuração do volume dos espaços extracelular e vascular, supersaturação e pH urinários.
INTRODUCTION: Metabolic investigation in patients with urinary lithiasis is very important for preventing recurrence of disease. The objective of this work was to diagnose and to determine the prevalence of metabolic disorders, to assess the quality of the water consumed and volume of diuresis as potential risk factors for this pathology. PATIENTS and METHODS: We studied 182 patients older than 12 years. We included patients with history and/or imaging tests confirming at least 2 stones, with creatinine clearance > 60 mL/min and negative urine culture. The protocol consisted in the collection of 2, 24-hour urine samples, for dosing Ca, P, uric acid, Na, K, Mg, Ox and Ci, glycemia and serum levels of Ca, P, Uric acid, Na, K, Cl, Mg, U and Cr, urinary pH and urinary acidification test. RESULTS: 158 patients fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Among these, 151 (95.5%) presented metabolic changes, with 94 (62.2%) presenting isolated metabolic change and 57 (37.8%) had mixed changes. The main disorders detected were hypercalciuria (74%), hypocitraturia (37.3%), hyperoxaluria (24.1%), hypomagnesuria (21%), hyperuricosuria (20.2%), primary hyperparathyroidism (1.8%) secondary hyperparathyroidism (0.6%) and renal tubular acidosis (0.6). CONCLUSION: Metabolic change was diagnosed in 95.5% of patients. These results warrant the metabolic study and follow-up in patients with recurrent lithiasis in order to decrease the recurrence rate through specific treatments, modification in alimentary and behavioral habits.
Diversos fatores podem contribuir para a formação de cálculos urinários, dentre estes, o desequilíbrio nutricional e a dureza da água consumida pelos ruminantes. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar as características de propriedades que predispõem à urolitíase, através da avaliação da água, da dieta e determinações séricas e urinárias de cálcio, fósforo, magnésio, cloretos, sódio, potássio, cálculo da excreção fracionada (EF) dos eletrólitos, e da creatinina, proteína total, albumina e globulinas séricas. Foram colhidas amostras de sangue e urina de bovinos, Guzerá, criados semi intensivamente, distribuídos por dois grupos. O primeiro denominado grupo urolitíase (Gu), composto de animais com histórico, sinais clínicos e confirmação ultrassonográfica que apresentavam urolitíase; o segundo: grupo controle (Gc), sem histórico, nem sintomas da doença. Os bovinos do grupo urolitíase consumiam água com dureza total na concentração de 166,0mg CaCO3/L. A dieta dos animais do Gu apresentava maior concentração de fósforo e relação Ca:P inadequada. Os teores de fósforo sérico e urinário dos animais do Gu foram maiores do que os do Gc, assim como a concentração sérica de magnésio (p<0,05). Não houve aumento nas concentrações de creatinina no grupo urolitíase, mas ocorreu hipoproteinemia por hipoglobulinemia (p<0,05). As EFs de cálcio, fósforo e sódio não diferiram entre os grupos (p>0,05), mas houve diminuição significativa nas EFs de magnésio, cloretos e de potássio do grupo urolitíase (p<0,05). A união destes fatores contribuiu para a ocorrência da urolitíase, sendo dureza total da água e a alta concentração de fósforo na dieta os principais fatores na gênese dos cálculos em bovinos.
Introduction: The occurrence of urolithiasis in pregnancy represents a challenge in both diagnosis and treatment of this condition, because it presents risks not only to the mother but also to the fetus. Surgical treatment may be indicated for patients with infection, persistent pain, and obstruction of a solitary kidney. We present our experience on the management of pregnant patients with ureteral calculi and a review of the literature.Materials and Methods: The charts of 19 pregnant patients with obstructive ureteral calculi were retrospectively reviewed. Gestational age ranged from 13 to 33 weeks. In all patients, ureteral stone was diagnosed on abdominal ultrasound. In regard to localization, 15 calculi were in the distal ureter, 3 in the proximal ureter, and 1 in the interior of an ureterocele. Calculi size ranged from 6 to 10 mm (mean, 8 mm). The following criteria were used to indicate ureteroscopy: persistent pain with no improvement after clinical treatment, increase in renal dilation, or presence of uterine contractions. Nine patients (47.3%) were submitted to ureteroscopy. All calculi (100%) were removed with a stone basket extractor under continuous endoscopic vision. None of the calculi demanded the use of a lithotriptor.Results: Nine patients (47.3%) treated with clinical measurements presented no obstetric complications and spontaneous elimination of the calculi. Nine patients (47.3%) submitted to ureteroscopy had no surgical complications. There was remission of pain in all cases after ureteroscopy and ureteral catheter placement.Conclusion: The diagnosis and treatment of ureteral lithiasis in pregnant women present potential risks for the fetus and the mother. Conservative management is the first option, but ureteroscopy may be performed with safety and high success rates.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Relataram-se dois casos em que a penectomia com transposição peniana perineal foram as técnicas cirúrgicas de escolha e que resultaram em 50% de sucesso. Quatro casos em que as cistotomias seguidas de cistostomias apresentaram 100% de sucesso, um caso em que só a cistotomia foi realizada e não se obteve sucesso, um caso em que apenas o tratamento clínico foi eficiente e dois casos em que houve 100% de insucesso, independentemente da técnica cirúrgica utilizada, devido ao quadro avançado de azotemia e choque toxêmico dos animais. O estudo foi realizado durante os anos de 2003 a 2005, com a casuística de urolitíase obstrutiva em caprinos e ovinos, de forma a descrever as causas e as conseqüências das decisões terapêuticas empregadas.
Studies for the food development of formulations for pets, look for key components to maintaining healthy way of life and safety of products, including these, elements capable of preventing the risk of certain metabolic disorders associated with diet. Feline urinarytract disorders, highlights the urolithiasis, have high incidence in clinical series. Studies linking dietary factors such as ingredients, digestibility and chemical composition, changing the volume, density and pH of urine and consequent induction training for urolithiasis. A highly significant correlation between the mineral composition of the diet and urine pH of cats began to be studied, using the association between the cation-anion balance of the diet (DCAB) and regulation of acid-base balance of the body. The DCAB can be defined as the difference between the total fixed anions and cations present in the diet, important tool for estimating the urinary pH and to determine the range of pH that favors the food used, thereby linking the trigger and the prevention of struvite and calcium oxalate urolithiasis in the urinary tract of cats. Thus, this review aims to clarify the effects of the nutritional composition of diet on urine pH in cats.
Food base excess (BE, mEq/kg) can be calculated from the diet macroelements, together with either the sulfur amino acids methionine and cysteine (BEaa) or total sulfur (BEs) concentrations. The present study compared the use of sulfur or methionine and cysteine for calculating the food BE (experiment 1) and investigated the influence of food BE on blood gas analysis and the urine pH of cats, and proposes a prediction equation to estimate the urine pH of cats fed kibble diets based on the calculated food BE (experiments 2 and 3). In experiment 1, nine healthy, adult cats were used in a change-over design and fed with nine commercial dry cat foods. The cats were housed in metabolism cages over seven days for adaptation and three days for total urine collection. All of the urine produced over 24h was pooled by cat and diet. The cats' acid-base status was assessed through blood gas analysis after 10 days of diet consumption. A mean difference of -115mEq/kg between BEs and BEaa was observed, which could be explained by a greater concentration of sulfur in the whole diet than in methionine and cysteine. Urine pH presented a stronger correlation with food BEs (R2=0.95; P<0.001) than with food BEaa (R2=0.86; P<0.001). Experiment 2 included 30 kibble diets, and each diet was tested in six cats. The food BEs varied between -180 and +307mEq/kg, and the urine pH of the cats varied between 5.60 and 7.74. A significant correlation was found between the measured urine pH and the food BEs (urinary pH=6.269+[0.0036×BEs]+[0.000003×BEs2]; R2=0.91; P<0.001). In experiment 3, eight kibble diets were tested (food BEs between -187mEq/kg and +381mEq/kg) to validate the equation proposed in experiment 2 and to compare the obtained results with previously published formulae. The results of the proposed formula presented a high concordance correlation coefficient (0.942) and high accuracy (0.979) with the measured values, and the estimates of urine pH did not differ from the values obtained in cats (P>0.05). The cats' venous blood pH, bicarbonate, and blood BE were correlated with food BEs (P<0.001); the consumption of diets with low food BEs induced a reduction in these parameters. In conclusion, food macroelement composition has a strong influence on cats' acid-base equilibrium and food BEs calculation is a useful tool to formulate and balance kibble diets for felines. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)