31 resultados para thermal radiation
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A transmissão de radiação ultravioleta de comprimentos de onda entre 250 e 360 nm através do pelame e da epiderme de bovinos foi determinada em laboratório, usando-se amostras de couro de animais recém-abatidos. A quantidade de radiação transmitida através do pelame depende da coloração e também das características estruturais do pelame (espessura da capa; comprimento, diâmetro, número e inclinação dos pêlos), pelas quais é definido o trajeto médio de um fóton pela massa de pêlos (L). A maior transmissão é proporcionada por pelames brancos com altos valores de L, ao passo que pelames negros em geral apresentam transmissão nula ou muito baixa. Quanto menos pigmentada a epiderme, maior a transmissão de radiação através da sua superfície. A melhor proteção é proporcionada por pelames negros com baixo valor de L sobre epiderme igualmente negra, mas em vista do aquecimento causado pela absorção de radiação térmica (em vacas Holandesas a temperatura das malhas negras atinge 44,1ºC ao mesmo tempo em que a das malhas brancas é 37,7ºC), a combinação ideal para ambientes tropicais é um pelame branco com baixo valor de L sobre epiderme negra, uma combinação dificilmente encontrada em animais de raças européias. Uma alternativa seria um pelame negro com um baixo valor de L. Animais vermelhos apresentam alta transmissão de radiação UV através da epiderme e do pelame, sendo desaconselhados para ambientes tropicais. Entretanto, foi observada uma vaca Holandesa com áreas isoladas de epiderme negra coberta com pelame branco, o que pode trazer perspectivas para uma seleção para combinações mais adequadas de epiderme e pelame em bovinos de raças européias.
The work aimed at presenting analyses and comparisons of the thermal performance of a laying hens housing in the region of Bastos, in the state of São Paulo, adapted from natural alternatives of acclimatization, having a not adapted housing as reference, that is, of a more common typology in the area, and another one, artificially acclimatized. The index evaluated was the temperature and humidity (THI), the black globe temperature and humidity index (GTHI) and the thermal radiation charge (TRC). It was calculated from the measurement of the temperature of dry bulb, temperature of wet bulb, temperature of black globe and air speed. The measurements were made both in the intern and the extern environment, at four times (5 a.m, 11 a.m., 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. o'clock) and in two seasons (late spring and early summer), for ten days in a row. The results allow to conclude that the house naturally acclimatized (NA) has presented intermediate performance as compared with the others, making it to possible to control environment at adequate levels only during spring.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar e relacionar a radiação líquida com o calor latente equivalente, em mm de água, nos cultivos protegido e de campo, na cultura de pimentão. O experimento foi feito em Botucatu, SP. A estimativa do fluxo de calor latente foi feita pelo método do balanço de energia, por meio da razão de Bowen. Foram feitas medidas instantâneas da radiação líquida (Rn), dos fluxos convectivos de calor latente (LE) e sensível (H), do fluxo de calor no solo (G), e dos gradientes psicrométricos sobre a cultura. O cultivo protegido, apesar de receber menor quantidade de radiação solar global, foi mais eficiente na conversão da radiação líquida disponível em matéria seca total e na produtividade de frutos. No balanço de energia, o cultivo protegido apresentou razões G/Rn e LE/Rn inferiores e H/Rn superior, com um fluxo de calor latente, equivalente em milímetros, 45,43% menor que no cultivo no campo. Apresentou, ainda, menor quantidade de radiação líquida disponível e menores perdas de energia, mostrando-se mais eficiente no uso da água.
In this work we rederive the Lamb-Retherford energy shift for an atomic electron in the presence of a thermal radiation. Using the Dalibard, Dupont-Roc and Cohen-Tannoudji (DDC) formalism, where physical observables are expressed as convolutions of suitable statistical functions, we construct the electromagnetic field propagator of thermo field dynamics in the Coulomb gauge in order to investigate finite temperature effects on the atomic energy levels. In the same context, we also analyze the problem of the ground state stability.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
Notwithstanding the solar radiation is recognized as a detrimental factor to the thermal balance and responses of animals on the range in tropical conditions, studies on the amount of thermal radiation absorbed by goats therein associated with data on their production and heat exchange are still lacking. Metabolic heat production and the heat exchange of goats in the sun and in the shade were measured simultaneously, aiming to observe its thermal equilibrium. The results showed that black goats absorb twice as much as the white goats under intense solar radiation (higher than 800 W m(-2)). This observation leads to a higher surface temperature of black goats, but it must not be seen as a disadvantage, because they increase their sensible heat flow in the coat-air interface, especially the convection heat flow at high wind speeds. In the shade, no difference between the coat colours was observed and both presented a lower absorption of heat and a lower sensible heat flow gain. When solar radiation levels increases from 300 to 1000 W m(-2), we observed an increase of the heat losses through latent flow in both respiratory and cutaneous surface. Cutaneous evaporation was responsible for almost 90 % of the latent heat losses, independently of the coat colour. Goats decrease the metabolic heat production under solar radiation levels up to 800 W m(-2), and increase in levels higher than this, because there is an increase of the respiratory rate and of the respiratory flow, but the fractions of consumed oxygen and produced carbon dioxide are maintained stable. The respiratory rate of black goats was higher than the white ones, under 300 W m(-2) (55 and 45 resp min(-1)) and 1000 W m(-2) (120 and 95 resp min(-1), respectively). It was concluded that shade or any protection against solar radiation levels above 800 Wm(-2) is critical to guarantee goat's thermal equilibrium. Strategies concerning the grazing period in accordance with the time of the day alone are not appropriate, because the levels of radiation depend on the latitude of the location.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Dentre os materiais de construção utilizados nas instalações rurais, merecem destaque as coberturas, pois são grandes responsáveis pelo conforto térmico, influenciando no balanço térmico no interior das instalações. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar a influência das coberturas sobre a entalpia (H), Carga Térmica Radiante (CTR) e no Índice de Temperatura de Globo Negro e Umidade (ITGU), em abrigos individuais para bezerros leiteiros. O delineamento foi o inteiramente casualizado com três tratamentos: Z - telha de zinco; CA - telha de cimento amianto, e CAB - telha de cimento amianto pintada de branco na face superior. As médias foram comparadas pelo teste de Scott Knott, a 1% de probabilidade. Os resultados mostraram que não houve diferença estatística entre os tratamentos (P<0,01) e o ambiente externo, para a H. Para a CTR, houve diferença estatística entre todos os tratamentos, em que CAB demonstrou menor CTR, 489,28 W m-², seguido do tratamento CA, 506,72 W m-², e Z com maior valor de CTR, 523,55 W m-². Para o ITGU, observaram-se menores valores para CAB (76,8) e CA (77,4), diferindo-se, significativamente do Z, que obteve maior valor (81,6). As telhas com pintura branca em sua face superior promoveram menor CTR e menor ITGU, favorecendo o ambiente térmico da instalação.
Electrochemical processes in industrial effluents have been studied as a means to obtain higher efficiency in wastewater treatment. Heterogeneous photocatalysis appears as a low-cost alternative through the use of lower wattage lamps and thermal TiO2 films. Photocatalysis became a clean process for water treatment due to hydroxyl radicals generated on semiconductor surface. Such radicals are able to degrade several organic compounds. This study used different electrodes and analytical methods for degradation of phenol molecules to reduce treatment costs, improve efficiency, and identify compounds formed during the decomposition of phenolic molecules. Thermal growth of TiO2 film was observed on the titanium electrode in rutile form. Application of an electrical potential on the Ti/TiO2 working electrode increases efficiency in reducing concentration of phenol after photocatalytic treatment. Still, high energy radiation (UVC) showed best degradation rates in photolytic process. Different compounds formed during the degradation of phenol were also identified in the UVC-PE treatment.
We study and look for similarities between the response rates R-dS(a(0),Lambda) and R-SdS(a(0),Lambda,M) of a static scalar source with constant proper acceleration a(0) interacting with a massless, conformally coupled Klein-Gordon field (i) in de Sitter spacetime, in the Euclidean vacuum, which describes a thermal flux of radiation emanating from the de Sitter cosmological horizon and (ii) in Schwarzschild-de Sitter spacetime, in the Gibbons-Hawking vacuum, which describes thermal fluxes of radiation emanating from both the hole and the cosmological horizons, respectively, where Lambda is the cosmological constant and M is the black hole mass. After performing the field quantization in each of the above spacetimes, we obtain the response rates at the tree level in terms of an infinite sum of zero-energy field modes possessing all possible angular momentum quantum numbers. In the case of de Sitter spacetime, this formula is worked out and a closed, analytical form is obtained. In the case of Schwarzschild-de Sitter spacetime such a closed formula could not be obtained, and a numerical analysis is performed. We conclude, in particular, that R-dS(a(0),Lambda) and R-SdS(a(0),Lambda,M) do not coincide in general, but tend to each other when Lambda-->0 or a(0)-->infinity. Our results are also contrasted and shown to agree (in the proper limits) with related ones in the literature.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
In this work a software developed in the Instituto de Fisica Gleb Wataghin, IFGW, UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, Brazil for obtaining thermal histories using apatite fission track analysis is presented. This software works in Microsoft-Windows environment. It will be freely disposable in the web site of the Departamento de Raios Cosmicos, IFGW, UNICAMP. Thermal histories obtained through this software are compared with those deduced using Monte Trax the software compatible with Apple Macintosh developed by Gallagher. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Samples of commercial alkyd resin varnish were spread in a film form on slides, dried at room temperature and exposed to solar radiation from one day up to seven months.Thermogravimetric measurements have been done. Based on the TG data, the Flynn-Wall isoconversional method was applied. The activation energy varied between 176-154 kJ mol(-1) and logA was between 15.5-12.9 min(-1) for A, B and C samples at 95% confidence level.
Samples of water based commercial acrylic resin paints were spread in a film form on slides, dried at room temperature and exposed to solar radiation for up to eight months.The characterization and quantification of resins and charges in the white paint emulsion were carried out for the thermal decomposition. Besides this, X-ray diffractometry was used to identify CaCO3 as charge and TiO2 (rutile phase) as pigment.It was observed through thermal techniques similar behavior to the samples even though with varied exposure time.Kinetic studies of the samples allowed to obtain the activation energy (Ea) and Arrhenius parameters (A) to the thermal decomposition of acrylic resin to three different commercial emulsion (called P-1, P-2, P-3) through non-isothermal procedures. The values of E. varied regarding the exposition time (eight months) and solar radiation from 173 to 197 U mol(-1) (P-1 sample), from 175 to 226 W mol(-1) (P-2 sample) and 206 to 197 kJ mol(-1) (P-3 sample).Kinetic Compensation Effect (KCE) observed for samples P-2 and P-3 indicate acrylic resin s present in these may be similar in nature. This aspect could be observed by a small difference in the thermal behavior of the TG curves from P I to P-2 and P-3 sample.The simulated kinetic model to all the samples was the autocatalytic estdk Berggreen.