143 resultados para saline medium


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The objectives of this work were to characterize pineapple plants (Ananas comosus L. Merril) cv. Smooth Cayenne, cultured in vitro, in saline medium, in relation to bromelian activity, identifying the parts of the plant with the highest bromelian activity. Also under aim was the study of the influence of saline stress on the enzyme activity. Axillary buds of pineapple were cultivated in vitro in MS medium, supplemented with 2 mg.L-1 BAP and 1 mg.L-1 NAA. The levels of salinity tested were: 0.57 g.L-1 NaCl, 1.15 g.L-1 NaCl, and 2.30 g.L-1 NaCl. Bromelian activity was evaluated in the development of buds, shoots, and roots. The results showed that bromelian activity was higher in buds at the highest salt concentration at 15 days. Cultured shoots showed bromelian activity decreasing in the saline treatments in all the collection, up to 60 days in culture. The roots showed higher bromelian activity in the roots in saline medium.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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P>AimTo evaluate the effectiveness of a new storage medium for avulsed teeth, coconut water, in maintaining the viability of human fibroblasts.MethodologyCell viability after different time periods was evaluated in the following storage media: coconut water, coconut water with sodium bicarbonate, milk, saline and still mineral water. Human fibroblasts were seeded in Eagle's minimal essential medium (EMEM) supplemented with 7.5% foetal calf serum. After trypsinisation, 100 mu L of culture medium containing approximately 10(4) cells mL(-1) were collected and pipetted into the wells of 96-well plates, which were incubated overnight in 5% CO(2) and 95% air mixture at 37 degrees C. EMEM was then replaced by the storage media and the plates were incubated at 37 degrees C for 1, 2 and 4 h. Cell viability was determined using the neutral red assay. The proportions of viable cells after exposure to the storage media were analysed statistically by anova and the least significant difference (LSD) test (alpha = 5%).ResultsMilk had the greatest capacity to maintain cell viability (P < 0.05), followed by coconut water with sodium bicarbonate and saline. Coconut water was significantly worse at maintaining cell viability compared to milk, coconut water with sodium bicarbonate and saline. The smallest number of viable cells was observed for mineral water (P < 0.05).ConclusionCoconut water was worse than milk in maintaining human fibroblast cell viability.


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Uma das utilizações da técnica de cultura de tecidos para o melhoramento vegetal é a identificação de linhas de células que apresentem tolerância ao estresse salino. Para se estudar os mecanismos bioquímicos envolvidos na expressão genética da tolerância a salinidade, calos oriundos de eixos embrionários de quatro cultivares de feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L.; cultivares IAC - carioca, IAPAR 14, JALO-EEP 558, BAT - 93), foram cultivados em meio sólido Murashige & Skoog (1962), suplementado com NaCl nas concentrações de 0, 20, 40, 60 e 80 mM. Após 14 dias de incubação, os calos foram coletados e analisados quanto aos padrões isoenzimáticos e de atividade das peroxidases. Os cultivares BAT e IAPAR apresentaram duas zonas de atividade em comum na região anódica e apenas uma zona enzimática específica a cada um deles (migração mais rápida).Possivelmente as duas zonas anódicas intermediárias sejam produtos do mesmo loco enzimático, porém com alelos diferentes, consequentemente diferentes mobilidades eletroforéticas. O cv. JALO apresentou duas zonas anódicas de atividade em comum com os cultivares IAC e IAPAR com uma zona anódica exclusiva de migração mais lenta, a qual apresentou atividade mais intensa de todos os cultivares analisados. Este cultivar revelou ainda uma zona catódica provavelmente dimérica e heterozigota nos indivíduos de todos os tratamentos aplicados. Provavelmente, esta é a mesma zona que ocorre em homozigose com fixação do alelo lento para os indivíduos de todos os tratamentos efetuados nos cultivares BAT e IAPAR. O cv. IAC apresentou duas bandas anódicas em comum com os cv. IAPAR e JALO. Apresentou também a banda anódica mais rápida em comum com o cv. IAPAR e uma banda anódica exclusiva de migração mais lenta. Curiosamente, os indivíduos deste cv. mantidos em meio suplementado com 20 mM de NaCl não apresentaram atividade nas três zonas anódicas mais lentas. Ocorreu no cv. IAC uma única zona de atividade catódica, dimérica e heterozigota para os indivíduos provenientes de todos os tratamentos, composta provavelmente de dois alelos diferentes da zona correspondente ao cv. JALO. Amostras provenientes dos tratamentos 40 e 60 mM de NaCl, desta zona catódica, apresentaram maior atividade enzimática. A análise da atividade da peroxidase no extrato bruto, revelou que os cultivares responderam diferentemente ao aumento da concentração salina no meio de cultura, com aumento pronunciado dessa atividade nos cultivares IAC e JALO.


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In order to assess experimentally the usefulness of some procedures employed in man to prevent venous thrombosis following phlebography, thrombosis was induced in rats using sodium diatrizoate in a temporarily isolated segment of a jugular vein. The prevention of thrombosis was attempted by washing out the vein with physiologic saline or saline plus heparin or by injecting saline plus heparin in the opposite jugular vein. Thrombosis occurred in all animals in the control group and in the group treated with saline alone. Both treatment schemes with heparin significantly reduced the incidence of thrombosis, the wash out with heparin being more effective than systemic heparin.


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This study evaluated the influence of tooth embedding media on the accuracy ofan electronic apex locator. The root canal length of 20 human mandibular canines was measured by inserting a 15 K-file into the root canal up to the apical foramen. The distance was measured with a digital caliper. The embedding media evaluated were alginate, saline, floral foam or gauze soaked in saline. Electronic root canal length measurement was performed with Root ZX II. Data were analysed using ANOVA for repeated measurements and Tukey test, at a significance level of 5%. There was no difference between the actual root canal length measurement and the electronic reading recorded with alginate medium. The readings obtained with the other media differed from the actual root canal length measurements. Alginate provided greater accuracy in electronic root canal length determination by Root ZX II than saline, floral foam and gauze.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The study of caffeine in racing horses has been of growing concern in veterinary sports medicine since the Association of Racing Commissioners International (ARCI) stated that it has no valid therapeutic use in racehorses. We examined the kinetic alterations in the urinary excretion and salivary secretion of caffeine in seven horses subjected to urinary acidification using ascorbic acid because this procedure can simulate the acidosis that follows anaerobic exercise. They participated in two treatment groups: the control group (SG) received 500 ml of saline and then 2.0 mg kg(-1) caffeine i.v. 30 min later; and the acidified group (AG) was subjected to urinary acidification with ascorbic acid at a dose of 0.5 g kg(-1) i.v. and then 2.0. mg kg(-1) caffeine i.v. 30 min later. Samples were collected 30 min before caffeine administration, immediately before caffeine administration (time zero) and at 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24, 48 and 72 h afterwards. The samples were assayed by gas chromatography. The mean urinary pH for SG was 8.2, but for AG it was as low as 5.9 at 4 h, extending acidosis for up to 8 h. The kinetic curves for the two groups were similar for urinary excretion and salivary secretion. Differences occurred only in peak excretion and peak secretion in SG obtained at 1 h and 30 min, respectively, and in AG at 2 h and 1 h, respectively. This could be explained, in part, to the diuresis in AG compared with SG, resulting in less concentrated urine in the former group. The large difference between the pK(a) of caffeine and the pH of the medium may be responsible for the similar pharmacokinetics observed for the two groups. Copyright (C) 2004 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.


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The influence of different media and incubation temperatures on the quantification of microbial populations in sorghum, eucalyptus and forest soils was evaluated. Microbial growth was compared by using complex (tryptone soybean agar, TSA, casein-starch, CS, and Martin) and saline (Thorton, M3, Czapeck) media and incubation temperatures of 25 and 30&DEG; C. Higher numbers of total bacterial. and fungal colony-forming units (CFU) were observed in sorghum soils, and of spore-forming and Gram-negative bacteria in forest soils than other soils. Actinomycetes counts were highest in forest soil when using CS medium at 30&DEG; C and in sorghum soil at 25&DEG; C in M3 medium. Microorganism counts were dependent on the media and incubation temperatures. The counts at temperatures of 30&DEG; C were significantly higher than at 25&DEG; C. Microbial quantification was best when using TSA medium for total. and spore-forming bacteria, Thorton for Gram-negative bacteria, M3 for actinomycetes, and Martin for fungi. © 2005 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Xanthan is a important biopolymer for commercial purpose and it is produced in two stages by Xanthomonas campestris. In the first one, the bacterium is cultivated in the complex medium enriched in nitrogen and the biomass produced is used as inoculum for the next stage in which the gum is produced in another medium. In this work a new medium for the first stage is proposed in place of currently used YM medium. Different formulated growth media were studied and the correspondent biomass produced was analysed as inoculum for the second stage. The inoculum and gum were produced by batch process in shaker at 27A degrees C in pH 6.0 and at 30A degrees C in pH 7.0, respectively. The gum was precipitated with ethanol (3:1 v/v). The dryed biomass and xathan gum produced were determined by drying in oven at 105 and 40A degrees C, respectively. The viscosity of the fermentation broth and 1% gum solution in water were determined in Brookfield viscometer. The formulated medium presented the increase in gum production (30%), broth (136%) and 1% gum solution viscosity (60%) compared to YM, besides the inferior cost. The results showed the importance of the quality of the inoculum from the first stage of the culture which influenced on the gum viscosity in the second stage.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Chlorhexidine, even at low concentrations, is toxic for a variety of eukaryotic cells; however, its effects on host immune cells are not well known. We evaluated in vitro chlorhexidine-induced cytotoxicity and its effects on reactive oxygen/nitrogen intermediate induction by murine peritoneal macrophages. Thioglycollate-induced cells were obtained from Swiss mice by peritoneal lavage with 5 ml of 10 mM phosphate-buffered saline, washed twice and resuspended (10(6) cells/ml) in appropriate medium for each test. Cell preparations contained more than 95% macrophages. The cytotoxicity was determined by the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-tetrazolium bromide assay and the presence of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and nitric oxide (NO) by the horseradish peroxidase-dependent oxidation of phenol red and Griess reaction, respectively. The midpoint cytotoxicity values for 1- and 24-h exposures were 61.12 ± 2.46 and 21.22 ± 2.44 µg/ml, respectively. Chlorhexidine did not induce synthesis or liberation of reactive oxygen/nitrogen intermediates. When macrophages were treated with various sub-toxic doses for 1 h (1, 5, 10, and 20 µg/ml) and 24 h (0.5, 1, and 5 µg/ml) and stimulated with 200 nM phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) solution, the H2O2 production was not altered; however, the NO production induced by 10 µg/ml lipopolysaccharide (LPS) solution varied from 14.47 ± 1.46 to 22.35 ± 1.94 µmol/l and 13.50 ± 1.42 to 20.44 ± 1.40 µmol/l (N = 5). The results showed that chlorhexidine has no immunostimulating activity and sub-toxic concentrations did not affect the response of macrophages to the soluble stimulus PMA but can interfere with the receptor-dependent stimulus LPS.