54 resultados para neutron stars


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Based on the accretion-induced magnetic field decay model, in which a frozen field and an incompressible fluid are assumed, we obtain the following results: (1) an analytic relation between the magnetic field and spin period, if the fastness parameter of the accretion disk is neglected (The evolutionary tracks of accreting neutron stars in the P-B diagram in our model are different from the equilibrium period lines when the influence of the fastness parameter is taken into account.); (2) the theoretical minimum spin period of an accreting neutron star is max(1.1ms (DeltaM/M(circle dot))(-1)R(6)(-5/14) I(45)(M/M(circle dot))(-1/2),1.1ms (M/M(circle dot))(-1/2) R(6)(17/14)), independent of the accretion rate (X-ray luminosity) but dependent on the total accretion mass, DeltaM; however, the minimum magnetic field depends on the accretion rate; (3) the magnetic field strength decreases faster with time than does the period.


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Considering the ferromagnetic screening for the decay of the X-ray neutron star magnetic field in the binary accretion phase, the phase transition of ferromagnetic materials in the crust of neutron star induces the ferromagnetic screening saturation of the accreted crust, which results in the minimum surface magnetic field of the accreting neutron star, about 108 G, if the accreted matter has completely replaced the crust mass of the neutron star. The magnetic field evolution versus accreted mass is given as Bs ∝ ΔM-0.9, and the obtained magnetic field versus spin period relation is consistent with the distribution of the binary X-ray sources and recycled pulsars. The further thermal effect on the magnetic evolution is also studied.


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We study the equation of state for neutron matter using the Walecka model including quantum corrections for baryons and sigma mesons through a realignment of the vacuum. We next use this equation of state to calculate the radius, mass, and other properties of rotating neutron stars.


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We discuss the possible influence of gravity in the neutronization process p+e-→νe, which is particularly important as a cooling mechanism of neutron stars. Our approach is semiclassical in the sense that leptonic fields are quantized on a classical background spacetime, while neutrons and protons are treated as excited and unexcited nucleon states, respectively. We expect gravity to have some influence wherever the energy content carried by the in state is barely above the neutron mass. In this case the emitted neutrinos would be soft enough to have a wavelength of the same order as the space curvature radius. ©2000 The American Physical Society.


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Nuclear medium effects in the neutrino cooling of neutron stars through the reaction channel γγ→π0 →ν Rν̄L(νLν̄R) are incorporated. Throughout the paper we discuss different possibilities of right-handed neutrinos, massive left-handed neutrinos, and standard massless left-handed neutrinos (reaction is then allowed only with medium modified vertices). It is demonstrated that multiparticle effects suppress the rate of this reaction channel in the dense hadron matter by 6-7 orders of magnitude that does not allow to decrease existing experimental upper limit on the corresponding π0νν̄ coupling. Other possibilities of the manifestation of the given reaction channel in different physical situations, e.g., in the quark color superconducting cores of the most massive neutron stars, are also discussed. We demonstrate that in the color-flavor-locked superconducting phase for temperatures T≲ 0.1-10 MeV (depending on the effective pion mass and the decay width) the process is feasibly the most efficient neutrino cooling process, although the absolute value of the reaction rate is rather small.


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We derive the equation of state (EOS) for electrically charged neutral dense matter using the quantum hadrodynamics (QHD) model. This is carried out in a non-perturbative manner including quantum corrections for baryons through a realignment of vacuum with baryon-antibaryon condensates. This yields the results of relativistic Hartree approximation of summing over baryonic tadpole diagrams. The quantum corrections from the scalar meson is also taken into account in a similar way. This leads to a softening of the EOS for the hyperonic matter. The formalism also allows Lis to make a self-consistent calculation of the in-medium sigma meson mass. The effects of such quantum corrections on the composition of charged neutral dense matter is considered. The effect of the resulting EOS on the structure of neutron stars is also studied.


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Chiral symmetry breaking at finite baryon density is usually discussed in the context of quark matter, i.e. a system of deconfined quarks. Many systems like stable nuclei and neutron stars however have quarks confined within nucleons. In this paper we construct a Fermi sea of three-quark nucleon clusters and investigate the change of the quark condensate as a function of baryon density. We study the effect of quark clustering on the in-medium quark condensate and compare results with the traditional approach of modeling hadronic matter in terms of a Fermi sea of deconfined quarks.


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Chiral-symmetry restoration is usually discussed in the context of quark matter, a system of deconfined quarks. However, many systems like stable nuclei and neutron stars have quarks confined within nucleons. In the present paper we use a Fermi sea of three-quark clusters instead of a Fermi sea of deconfined quarks to investigate the in-medium quark condensate. We find that an enhancement of the chiral breaking in clustered matter as claimed in the literature is not a consequence of the clustering but rather dependent on the microscopic model dynamics.


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We show that relativistic mean fields theories with scalar S, and vector V, quadratic radial potentials can generate a harmonic oscillator with exact pseudospin symmetry and positive energy bound states when S = -V. The eigenenergies are quite different from those of the non-relativistic harmonic oscillator. We also discuss a mechanism for perturbatively breaking this, symmetry by introducing a tensor potential. Our results shed light into the intrinsic relativistic nature of the pseudospin symmetry, which might be important in high density systems such as neutron stars.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We present an implementation of the F-statistic to carry out the first search in data from the Virgo laser interferometric gravitational wave detector for periodic gravitational waves from a priori unknown, isolated rotating neutron stars. We searched a frequency f(0) range from 100 Hz to 1 kHz and the frequency dependent spindown f(1) range from -1.6(f(0)/100 Hz) x 10(-9) Hz s(-1) to zero. A large part of this frequency-spindown space was unexplored by any of the all-sky searches published so far. Our method consisted of a coherent search over two-day periods using the F-statistic, followed by a search for coincidences among the candidates from the two-day segments. We have introduced a number of novel techniques and algorithms that allow the use of the fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm in the coherent part of the search resulting in a fifty-fold speed-up in computation of the F-statistic with respect to the algorithm used in the other pipelines. No significant gravitational wave signal was found. The sensitivity of the search was estimated by injecting signals into the data. In the most sensitive parts of the detector band more than 90% of signals would have been detected with dimensionless gravitational-wave amplitude greater than 5 x 10(-24).


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We present the first results of an all-sky search for continuous gravitational waves from unknown spinning neutron stars in binary systems using LIGO and Virgo data. Using a specially developed analysis program, the TwoSpect algorithm, the search was carried out on data from the sixth LIGO science run and the second and third Virgo science runs. The search covers a range of frequencies from 20 Hz to 520 Hz, a range of orbital periods from 2 to similar to 2,254 h and a frequency-and period-dependent range of frequency modulation depths from 0.277 to 100 mHz. This corresponds to a range of projected semimajor axes of the orbit from similar to 0.6 x 10(-3) ls to similar to 6,500 ls assuming the orbit of the binary is circular. While no plausible candidate gravitational wave events survive the pipeline, upper limits are set on the analyzed data. The most sensitive 95% confidence upper limit obtained on gravitational wave strain is 2.3 x 10(-24) at 217 Hz, assuming the source waves are circularly polarized. Although this search has been optimized for circular binary orbits, the upper limits obtained remain valid for orbital eccentricities as large as 0.9. In addition, upper limits are placed on continuous gravitational wave emission from the low-mass x-ray binary Scorpius X-1 between 20 Hz and 57.25 Hz.


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The possibility of strange stars is one of the most important issues in the study of compact objects. Here we use the observations of the newly discovered millisecond x-ray pulsar SAX J1808.4-3658 to constrain the radius of the compact star. Comparing the mass-radius relation of SAX J1808.4-3658 with theoretical models for both neutron stars and strange stars, we argue that a strange star model could be more consistent with SAX J1808.4-3658, and suggest that it is a likely strange star candidate. Our results are useful in constraining microscopic chiral symmetry restoration parameters in the quantum chromodynamics (QCD) modeling of strange matter.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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lsoscalar (T = 0) plus isovector (T = 1) pairing Hamiltonian in LS-coupling. which is important for heavy N = Z nuclei, is solvable in terms of a SO(8) Lie algebra for three special values of the mixing parameter that measures the competition between the T = 0 aid T = 1 pairing. The SO(8) algebra is generated, amongst others, by the S = 1, T = 0 and S = 0, T = 1 pair creation and annihilation operators and corresponding to the three values of the mixing parameter, there are three chains of subalgebras: SO(8) superset of SOST (6) superset of SOS(3) circle times SOT(3), SO(8) superset of [SOS(5) superset of SOS(3)] circle times SOT(3) and SO(8) superset of [SOT(5) superset of SOT(3)] circle times SOS(3). Shell model Lie algebras, with only particle number conserving generators, that are complementary to these three chains of subalgebras are identified and they are used in the classification of states for a given number of nucleons. The classification problem is solved explicitly tor states with SO(8) seniority nu = 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4. Using them, hand structures in isospin space are identified for states with nu = 0, 1, 2 and 3. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.