20 resultados para foal
Few reports are available concerning yolk sac remnants in the equine species, with little information on histopathological findings. A stillborn mini-pony foal showed a fluid-filled mass, measuring about 10 cm in circumference, close to the umbilical cord. Microscopic examination better defined the structures seen in the cyst.
Background: Cytosine-phosphate-guanosine oligodeoxynucleotide (CpG-ODN) has been used successfully to induce immune responses against viral and intracellular organisms in mammals. The main objective of this study was to test the effect of CpG-ODN on antigen presenting cells of young foals. Methods: Peripheral blood monocytes of foals (n = 7) were isolated in the first day of life and monthly thereafter up to 3 months of life. Adult horse (n = 7) monocytes were isolated and tested once for comparison. Isolated monocytes were stimulated with IL-4 and GM-CSF (to obtain dendritic cells, DC) or not stimulated (to obtain macrophages). Macrophages and DCs were stimulated for 14-16 hours with either CpG-ODN, LPS or not stimulated. The stimulated and non-stimulated cells were tested for cell surface markers (CD86 and MHC class II) using flow cytometry, mRNA expression of cytokines (IL-12, IFNα, IL-10) and TLR-9 using real time quantitative RT-PCR, and for the activation of the transcription factor NF-κB p65 using a chemiluminescence assay. Results: The median fluorescence of the MHC class II molecule in non-stimulated foal macrophages and DCs at birth were 12.5 times and 11.2 times inferior, respectively, than adult horse cells (p = 0.009). That difference subsided at 3 months of life (p = 0.3). The expression of the CD86 co-stimulatory molecule was comparable in adult horse and foal macrophages and DCs, independent of treatment. CpG-ODN stimulation induced IL-12p40 (53 times) and IFNα (23 times) mRNA expression in CpG-ODN-treated adult horse DCs (p = 0.078), but not macrophages, in comparison to non-stimulated cells. In contrast, foal APCs did not respond to CpG-ODN stimulation with increased cytokine mRNA expression up to 3 months of age. TLR-9 mRNA expression and NF-kB activation (NF-kB p65) in foal DCs and macrophages were comparable (p > 0.05) to adult horse cells. Conclusion: CpG-ODN treatment did not induce specific maturation and cytokine expression in foal macrophages and DCs. Nevertheless, adult horse DCs, but not macrophages, increased their expression of IL-12 and IFNα cytokines upon CpG-ODN stimulation. Importantly, foals presented an age-dependent limitation in the expression of MHC class II in macrophages and DCs, independent of treatment. © 2007 Flaminio et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
The present report describes a 2-month-old foal which signs of respiratory infectious disease, bilateral retropharyngeal swelling and nasal mucopurulent discharge, suggesting guttural pouch empyema. The owners reported that the foal lived in a herd that experienced an outbreak of strangles. Foals younger than 3 months are usually protected against infectious diseases, however in this case, the foal was exposed to an environment heavily populated by Streptococcus equi equi during the outbreak of strangles. Although uncommon in such young animals, the foal was infected and developed a primary bilateral guttural pouch empyema, without signs of lymph nodes alteration
Uma potra da raça Quarto de Milha com dois meses de idade apresentava aumento de volume bilateral na região da parótida desde algumas horas após o nascimento. Por exame radiográfico diagnosticou-se timpanismo bilateral de bolsa gutural. Realizou-se a abertura cirúrgica da bolsa gutural esquerda e fenestrou-se o septo medial das bolsas guturais. Adicionalmente, procedeu-se à ressecção parcial da mucosa na abertura do orifício guturo-faríngeo. A afecção foi debelada, sem recidivas.
Empregou-se a associação midazolam e detomidina para indução de anestesia com cetamina em 16 potros, machos e fêmeas, entre três e seis meses de idade, distribuídos aleatória e equitativamente em dois grupos (GI e GII). A todos os animais foram administrados midazolam, via intramuscular, na dose de 0,2mg/kg, e após 15 minutos, detomidina, via intravenosa, na dose de 0,02mg/kg. Os animais do GII receberam cetamina pela via intravenosa, dose 2,0mg/kg, três minutos após a administração de detomidina. Quinze minutos após o midazolam, ocorreram sedação e ligeira ataxia, e dois minutos após a administração da detomidina, decúbito lateral em todos os potros, com miorrelaxamento e presença dos reflexos de deglutição e miorrelaxamento, anal e oculo-palpebral. A associação midazolam/detomidina e cetamina provocou ausência dos reflexos de deglutição. Para todos os animais, o tempo de recuperação foi de 45-60 minutos, e temperatura retal e frequência respiratória permaneceram estáveis. Ocorreram bradicardia, bloqueio atrioventricular de segundo grau e aumento das pressões arteriais sistólica, diastólica e média após dois minutos da administração da detomidina. A associação midazolam/detomidina e cetamina demonstrou ser um método eficiente e seguro para a anestesia de potros hígidos.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Determinaram-se as características eletrocardiográficas de amplitude, duração, ritmo e eixo cardíaco no plano frontal de potros, sobreanos e éguas prenhes clinicamente normais, da raça Puro Sangue Inglês. Estudaram-se 50 potros e 50 sobreanos, machos e fêmeas, e 11 éguas prenhes. Concluiu-se que a freqüência cardíaca diminui com a idade e que nos potros e sobreanos as características apresentaram valores intermediários entre os valores padrão de neonatos e adultos. Nos sobreanos eles estão mais próximos dos de referência para adultos. Nas éguas em gestação a única diferença observada com o padrão foi o leve desvio para a direita do eixo cardíaco.
Laskoski L.M., Doria R.G.S., Avila L.G., Rocha T.G., Freitas S.H. de & Lacerda Neto J.C. [Paradoxal effect of the seizures treatment caused by physical exercise in a foal - Case report]. Efeito paradoxal do tratamento de manifestacoes convulsivas desencadeadas por exercicio fisico em uma potra - Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 33(2):95-98, 2011. Rua Presidende Wenceslau Braz, numero 670, apart. 1101. Morada do Sol, Cuiaba, 78043-508. MT, Brasil. Email: lucianelaskoski@hotmail.comNeurological disturbs, in special seizures, are rare in adult horses and are normally observed in young animals in consequence of several diseases. A foal was admitted with neurological signs characterized by seizures during exercise. A maintenance protocol with anticonvulsants was not possible to establish therefore all the drugs had aggravated the seizures even with low dosages. Restriction of physical activity was the option, leaving the animal in stall until it had reached the maturity and at this time the neurological signs had stopped.
O perfil de sensibilidade microbiana e a concentração inibitória mínima (MIC) da azitromicina para 42 cepas de Rhodococcus equi isoladas de potros, no Brasil, e em uma cepa-controle, foi avaliado, respectivamente, pelos métodos de difusão com discos e E-test. A azitromicina apresentou 100% de efetividade in vitro para todas as cepas em ambos os testes. As cepas de R. equi apresentaram MIC90 para azitromicina em valores <1.5µg/ml. Este estudo mostra a alta efetividade da azitromicina em linhagens de R. equi isoladas no Brasil, sugerindo o uso dessa droga como alternativa na terapia da rodococose em potros.
Dentre as inúmeras patologias que acometem os eqüinos jovens, as úlceras gástricas situam-se como uma das mais importantes. MURRAY et al. (1987) trabalhando com potros clinicamente normais, constatou uma prevalência de úlceras da ordem de 51%. O mesmo autor realizando gastroscopia em 45 equinos com idade entre 1 e 24 anos, observou a presença de úlceras em 93% dos animais (MURRAY, 1988). de etiologia não completamente definida, acredita-se que inúmeros fatores estejam envolvidos na gênese das úlceras gastroduodenais, sendo o estresse um dos mais importantes. Um desequilíbrio entre os fatores de agressão e proteção da mucosa gástrica é sugerido, onde uma vez ocorrendo o predomínio dos fatores de agressão, a formação das úlceras estaria determinada. de acordo com o tipo, presença ou ausência de sinais clínicos, localização das lesões na mucosa gástrica e possíveis complicações de sua ocorrência, quatro síndromes clínicas são reconhecidas em potros: 1) úlceras assintomáticas ou silenciosas; 2) úlceras sintomáticas ou ativas; 3) úlceras perfuradas e, 4) obstrução gástrica ou duodenal. O diagnóstico deve ser baseado na história clínica, sinais clínicos, resposta à terapia e principalmente nos achados do exame gastroscópico. O tratamento pode ser feito utilizando-se drogas inibidoras da secreção ácida, protetores de mucosas, anti-ácidos, análogos da prostaglandina e estimulantes de motilidade intestinal. Quando indicado emprega-se o tratamento cirúrgico.
ContentsThe objective of this study is to evaluate the reproductive efficiency in donors and recipient Mangalarga Marchador mares in commercial programmes of embryo transfer (ET) and the effects of some reproductive characteristics and ET methodology on conception rates in the recipient mares. A total of 1140 flushing procedures were performed and 830 embryos (72.8%) were recovered. There were no differences between the rates of embryonic recovery in the different breeding seasons (p > 0.05) and 92.8% of the recovered embryos were 8-9 days old. There was no difference in the embryonic recovery regarding the collection order from the first to the ninth embryo collection along the breeding season, as well as among mares inseminated during the foal heat or subsequent cycles (p > 0.05). Pregnancy rates observed in the total period of all reproductive seasons at 15, 30, 45 and 60 days of pregnancy were 73.4, 69.9, 66.7 and 64.5%, respectively. Differences in pregnancy rate and early embryonic loss rates were not observed between embryos transferred immediately after collection (66.8% and 13.5%) and embryos transported at room temperature for periods of < 1 h (62.9% and 14.4%; p > 0.05). Pregnancy rates were higher when the interval between ovulations of donor and recipient mares remained between -3 and -2 days (p < 0.05), and the lowest rates were observed for intervals of -6 days (p < 0.05) with intermediary values for intervals of -1, 0 and +1 (p > 0.05). Embryonic loss rates, however, did not differ between intervals of ovulation's synchronism between donor and recipient mares (p > 0.05). This flexibilization in the ovulatory synchronism between donor and recipient mares optimizes the use of recipient mares, thus reducing costs and facilitating management of horse breeding farms.
Chronic hypertrophic pododermatitis cases in six horses of different breeds, aging 14 months to 19 years are described. The lesion begun with a infiltrative tissue in the frog and sole regions of the hoof, characterized by a fast and disorganized growth, with a papillary aspect, white colored in the roots and dark on the extremity, with a necrotic secretion and an extremely fetid odor. Microscopically, an exuberant epidermic proliferative tissue was observed, intermingled with little connective tissue. The horses were divided into two treatment groups. In the first group, including three young mares and a foal, showing lesions in only one limb, a surgical resection of the invasive mass was performed, followed by cauterization of the remaining edges and subsequent daily local application of antiseptic substances. In three of these horses, recurrence of the initial lesion occurred, with fast growth of hyperplasic tissue, affecting almost all the frog and half of the sole. Two horses developed contraction deformities of the hoof. In the second group, one male and one female, each with lesions in two limbs, after surgical debridement of the tissue, the animals received daily applications of picric acid 5%, associated to local use of oxitetracyclin. Although one of these cases required a second surgical intervention for removal of the mass, the horses showed after a period of two to three months total absence of the infiltrative tissue. The use of local picric acid 5% and oxitetracyclin associated to previous surgical debridement showed to be more efficient than the use of antiseptic substances in the treatment of chronic hypertrophic pododermatitis.
Congenital anomalies of heart and large vessels are among more common found in animals, however rare in horses. This survey describes a cardiac anomaly that presents confluence between aorta wall and lung trunk, ramification of caudal cava vein in left atrium with presence of valve and consequently erroneous position of heart in thoracic cavity of one foal found dead after birth. The diagnostic was carried out for macroscopic finds association during the necropsy and histopathologic exams carried out at School of Veterinary Medicine - Unesp Araçatuba.
Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal - FMVA
Pós-graduação em Cirurgia Veterinária - FCAV