51 resultados para endothelial protein C receptor


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Protein C activation initiated by the thrombin-thrombomodulin complex forms the major physiological anticoagulant pathway. Agkistrodon contortrix contortrix protein C activator, a glycosylated single-chain serine proteinase, activates protein C without relying on thrombomodulin. The crystal structures of native and inhibited Agkistrodon contortrix contortrix protein C activator determined at 1.65 and 1.54 angstrom resolutions, respectively, indicate the pivotal roles played by the positively charged belt and the strategic positioning of the three carbohydrate moieties surrounding the catalytic site in protein C recognition, binding, and activation. Structural changes in the benzamidine-inhibited enzyme suggest a probable function in allosteric regulation for the anion-binding site located in the C-terminal extension, which is fully conserved in snake venom serine proteinases, that preferentially binds Cl1- instead of SO42-.


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The protein C pathway plays an important role in the control and regulation of the blood coagulation cascade and prevents the propagation of the clotting process on the endothelium surface. In physiological systems, protein C activation is catalyzed by thrombin, which requires thrombomodulin as a cofactor. The protein C activator from Agkistrodon contortrix contortrix acts directly on the zymogen of protein C converting it into the active form, independently of thrombomodulin. Suitable crystals of the protein C activator from Agkistrodon contortrix contortrix were obtained from a solution containing 2 M ammonium sulfate as the precipitant and these crystals diffracted to 1.95 angstrom resolution at a synchrotron beamline. The crystalline array belongs to the monoclinic space group C2 with unit cell dimensions a=80.4, b = 63.3 and c = 48.2 angstrom, alpha = gamma = 90.0 degrees and beta = 90.8 degrees. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The orphan receptor nerve growth factor-induced B (NGFI-B) is a member of the nuclear receptor's subfamily 4A (Nr4a). NGFI-B was shown to be capable of binding both as a monomer to an extended half-site containing a single AAAGGTCA motif and also as a homodimer to a widely separated everted repeat, as opposed to a large number of nuclear receptors that recognize and bind specific DNA sequences predominantly as homo- and/or heterodimers. To unveil the structural organization of NGFI-B in solution, we determined the quaternary structure of the NGFI-B LBD by a combination of ab initio procedures from small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) data and hydrogen-deuterium exchange followed by mass spectrometry. Here we report that the protein forms dimers in solution with a radius of gyration of 2.9 nm and maximum dimension of 9.0 nm. We also show that the NGFI-B LBD dimer is V-shaped, with the opening angle significantly larger than that of classical dimer's exemplified by estrogen receptor (ER) or retinoid X receptor (RXR). Surprisingly, NGFI-B dimers formation does not occur via the classical nuclear receptor dimerization interface exemplified by ER and RXR, but instead, involves an extended surface area composed of the loop between helices 3 and 4 and C-terminal fraction of the helix 3. Remarkably, the NGFI-B dimer interface is similar to the dimerization interface earlier revealed for glucocorticoid nuclear receptor (GR), which might be relevant to the recognition of cognate DNA response elements by NGFI-B and to antagonism of NGFI-B-dependent transcription exercised by GR in cells. Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. Copyright © 2007 The Protein Society.


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The Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV), or human herpesvirus 8, is a gammaherpesvirus etiologically linked to the development of Kaposi sarcoma, primary effusion lymphomas, and multicentric Castleman disease in humans. KSHV is unique among other human herpesviruses because of the elevated number of viral products that mimic human cellular proteins, such as a viral cyclin, a viral G protein-coupled receptor, anti-apoptotic proteins (e.g. v-bcl2 and v-FLIP), viral interferon regulatory factors, and CC chemokine viral homologues. Several KSHV products have oncogenic properties, including the transmembrane K1 glycoprotein. KSHV K1 is encoded in the viral ORFK1, which is the most variable portion of the viral genome, commonly used to discriminate among viral genotypes. The extracellular region of K1 has homology with the light chain of lambda immunoglobulin, and its cytoplasmic region contains an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM). KSHV K1 ITAM activates several intracellular signaling pathways, notably PI3K/AKT. Consequently, K1 expression inhibits proapoptotic proteins and increases the life-span of KSHV-infected cells. Another remarkable effect of K1 activity is the production of inflammatory cytokines and proangiogenic factors, such as vascular endothelial growth factor. KSHV K1 immortalizes primary human endothelial cells and transforms rodent fibroblasts in vitro; moreover, K1 induces tumors in vivo in transgenic mice expressing this viral protein. This review aims to consolidate and discuss the current knowledge on this intriguing KSHV protein, focusing on activities of K1 that can contribute to the pathogenesis of KSHV-associated human cancers. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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OBJETIVO: Observar o comportamento do fator de necrose tumoral-a (TNFalfa) e da proteína C reativa (PCR) em cirurgias simultâneas de fígado e intestino. MÉTODO: Para este objetivo foi desenvolvido um modelo experimental, no qual foram operados quarenta ratos da raça Wistar, divididos em quatros grupos: grupo controle, grupo 1 com ratos submetidos à hepatectomia a 70%, grupo 2 com ratos submetidos à colectomia e grupo 3 com cirurgia simultânea de hepactetomia e colectomia. em todos os grupos foram dosados TNFalfa e PCR uma hora após o procedimento. Os animais foram mortos em seguida. RESULTADOS: Os valores encontrados mostraram alteração nas dosagens desses elementos nos diversos grupos, sendo que no grupo 3 houve aumento significativo do TNFalfa e queda de PCR. CONCLUSÃO: Quanto mais complexo se tornou o ato cirúrgico os níveis sangüíneos de TFNalfa aumentaram e os níveis sangüíneos da PCR diminuíram significativamente.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The mode of action of annexin A1 (ANXA1) is poorly understood. By using rapid subtraction hybridization we studied the effects of human recombinant ANXA1 and the N-terminal ANXA1 peptide on gene expression in a human larynx cell line. Three genes showed strong downregulation after treatment with ANXA1. In contrast, expression of CCR10, a seven transmembrane G-protein coupled receptor for chemokine CCL27 involved in mucosal immunity, was increased. Moreover the reduction in CCR10 expression induced by ANXA1 gene deletion was rescued by intravenous treatment with low doses of ANXA1. These findings provide new evidence that ANXA1 modulates gene expression. (c) 2006 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Adhesion is regarded as an important step in the pathogenesis of several microorganisms. Thus, the ability to recognize extracellular matrix proteins, such as laminin or fibronectin, has been correlated with invasiveness. Studying the already characterized laminin-binding protein of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, the 43 kDa glycoprotein (gp43), we evaluated whether MAb 1.H12, raised against the laminin-binding protein from Staphylococcus aureus, cross-reacts with that fungal protein. By immunoblot analysis we show that MAb 1.H12 recognizes gp43. This interaction is able to inhibit the laminin-mediated adhesion to epithelial cells as well as the P. brasiliensis infection in vivo. Moreover, through immunoenzymatic assays, we show that MAb 1.H12 recognizes gp43 in solid phase and that this interaction is partially inhibited by the addition of anti-gp43 MAbs. These results show that MAb 1.H12 recognizes the gp43, suggesting the presence of an epitope similar to those found in the other laminin-binding proteins from phylogenetically very distant cells. These findings reinforce the possibility of evolutionary conservation of such epitopes.


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Proteins containing the classical nuclear localization sequences (NLSs) are imported into the nucleus by the importin-α/β heterodimer. Importin-α contains the NLS binding site, whereas importin-β mediates the translocation through the nuclear pore. We characterized the interactions involving importin-α during nuclear import using a combination of biophysical techniques (biosensor, crystallography, sedimentation equilibrium, electrophoresis, and circular dichroism). Importin-α is shown to exist in a monomeric autoinhibited state (association with NLSs undetectable by biosensor). Association with importin-β (stoichiometry, 1:1; K D = 1.1 × 10 -8 M) increases the affinity for NLSs; the importin-α/β complex binds representative monopartite NLS (simian virus 40 large T-antigen) and bipartite NLS (nucleoplasmin) with affinities (K D = 3.5 × 10 -8 M and 4.8 × 10 -8 M, respectively) comparable with those of a truncated importin-α lacking the autoinhibitory domain (T-antigen NLS, K D = 1.7 × 10 -8 M; nucleoplasmin NLS, K D = 1.4 × 10 -8 M). The autoinhibitory domain (as a separate peptide) binds the truncated importin-α, and the crystal structure of the complex resembles the structure of full-length importin-α. Our results support the model of regulation of nuclear import mediated by the intrasteric autoregulatory sequence of importin-α and provide a quantitative description of the binding and regulatory steps during nuclear import.


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N-Terminally and internally labeled analogues of the hormones angiotensin (AII, DRVYIHPF) and bradykinin (BK, RPPGFSPFR) were synthesized containing the paramagnetic amino acid 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl-4-amino-4- carboxylic acid (TOAC). TOAC replaced Asp 1 (TOAC 1-AII) and Val 3 (TOAC 3-AII) in AII and was inserted prior to Arg 1 (TOAC 0-BK) and replacing Pro 3 (TOAC 3-BK) in BK. The peptide conformational properties were examined as a function of trifluoroethanol (TFE) content and pH. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectra were sensitive to both variables and showed that internally labeled analogues yielded rotational correlation times (TC) considerably larger than N-terminally labeled ones, evincing the greater freedom of motion of the N-terminus. In TFE, τ C increased due to viscosity effects. Calculation of τ Cpeptide/τ CTOAC ratios indicated that the peptides acquired more folded conformations. Circular dichroism spectra showed that, except for TOAC 1-AII in TFE, the N-terminally labeled analogues displayed a conformational behavior similar to that of the parent peptides. In contrast, under all conditions, the TOAC 3 derivatives acquired more restricted conformations. Fluorescence spectra of All and its derivatives were especially sensitive to the ionization of Tyr 4. Fluorescence quenching by the nitroxide moiety was much more pronounced for TOAC 3-AII The conformational behavior of the TOAC derivatives bears excellent correlation with their biological activity, since, while the N-terminally labeled peptides were partially active, their internally labeled counterparts were inactive [Nakaie, C. R., et al., Peptides 2002, 23, 65-70]. The data demonstrate that insertion of TOAC in the middle of the peptide chain induces conformational restrictions that lead to loss of backbone flexibility, not allowing the peptides to acquire their receptor-bound conformation. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Proteinase-activated receptor-2 (PAR2) is a G-protein-coupled receptor that mediates cellular responses to extracellular proteinases. Since PAR2 is expressed by oral epithelial cells, osteoblasts, and gingival fibroblasts, where its activation releases interleukin-8, we hypothesized that PAR2 activation may participate in periodontal disease in vivo. We investigated the role of PAR2 activation in periodontal disease in rats. Radiographic and enzymatic (myeloperoxidase) analysis revealed that topical application of PAR2 agonist causes periodontitis but also exacerbates existing periodontitis, leading to significant alveolar bone loss and gingival granulocyte infiltration. Inhibition of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) and cyclo-oxygenase (COX) decreased PAR2 agonist-induced periodontitis. More specifically, the overexpression of COX-1, COX-2, MMP-2, and MMP-9 in gingival tissues suggests that they are involved in PAR 2-induced periodontitis. In conclusion, PAR2 agonist causes periodontitis in rats through a mechanism involving prostaglandin release and MMP activation. Inhibition of PAR2 may represent a novel approach to modulate host response in periodontitis.


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Molecular neurobiology has provided an explanation of mechanisms supporting mental functions as learning, memory, emotion and consciousness. However, an explanatory gap remains between two levels of description: molecular mechanisms determining cellular and tissue functions, and cognitive functions. In this paper we review molecular and cellular mechanisms that determine brain activity, and then hypothetize about their relation with cognition and consciousness. The brain is conceived of as a dynamic system that exchanges information with the whole body and the environment. Three explanatory hypotheses are presented, stating that: a) brain tissue function is coordinated by macromolecules controlling ion movements, b) structured (amplitude, frequency and phase-modulated) local field potentials generated by organized ionic movement embody cognitive information patterns, and c) conscious episodes are constructed by a large-scale mechanism that uses oscillatory synchrony to integrate local field patterns. © by São Paulo State University.


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In the present work we analyzed the effect of the chronic administration of risperidone (2mg/kg over 65 days) on behavioural, morphological and molecular aspects in an experimental model of schizophrenia obtained by bilateral injection of ibotenic acid into the ventral hippocampus of new-born rats. Our results show that during their adult lives the animals with hippocampal lesions exhibit different alterations, mainly at behavioural level and in the gene expression of dopamine D2 and 5-HT2A receptors. However, at morphological level the study performed on the prefrontal cortex did not reveal any alterations in either the thickness or the number of cells immunoreactive for c-Fos, GFAP, CBP or PV. Overall, risperidone administration elicited a trend towards the recovery of the values previously altered by the hippocampal lesion, approaching the values seen in the animals without lesions. It may be concluded that the administration of risperidone in the schizophrenia model employed helps to improve the altered functions, with no significant negative effects. © 2013.


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Loss of response on repetitive drug exposure (i.e., tachyphylaxis) is a particular problem for the vasoconstrictor effects of medications containing oxymetazoline (OXY), an α1-adrenoceptor (AR) agonist of the imidazoline class. One cause of tachyphylaxis is receptor desensitization, usually accompanied by phosphorylation and internalization. It is well established that a1A-ARs are less phosphorylated, desensitized, and internalized on exposure to the phenethylamines norepinephrine (NE), epinephrine, or phenylephrine (PE) than are the a1B and a1D subtypes. However, here we show in human embryonic kidney-293 cells that the low-efficacy agonist OXY induces G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2-dependent a1A-AR phosphorylation, followed by rapid desensitization and internalization (∼40% internalization after 5 minutes of stimulation), whereas phosphorylation of α1A-ARs exposed to NE depends to a large extent on protein kinase C activity and is not followed by desensitization, and the receptors undergo delayed internalization (∼35% after 60 minutes of stimulation). Native α1A-ARs from rat tail artery and vas deferens are also desensitized by OXY, but not by NE or PE, indicating that thisproperty of OXY is not limited to recombinant receptors expressed in cell systems. The results of the present study are clearly indicative of agonist-directed a1A-AR regulation. OXY shows functional selectivity relative to NE and PE at a1A-ARs, leading to significant receptor desensitization and internalization, which is important in view of the therapeutic vasoconstrictor effects of this drug and the varied biologic process regulated by α1A-ARs. Copyright © 2013 by The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics.