82 resultados para continuous study


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The food industry has been rapidly modernized, and with this the disposal and the consumption of industrialized food has been increasing continually. These products lose their original morphological characteristics, requiring fast and reliable tests that could help to identify the species in question, as most fraudulent behavior in the milk and dairy industry (meat and fish) is carried out where there is partial or total exchange of the original material for other with less value at market. Nowadays there is a lot of techniques that can be used for the identification of animal species, based on muscle protein, or DNA analysis. In the case of protein based analysis, we can mention several types of electrophoresis and immunologic methods, as ELISA. In the case of DNA based methods, we have several assays that use the amplification of DNA fragments, known as PCR, as proof. All these techniques have advantages and disadvantages that can be affected by factors- the sample condition, or the degree of relation between the species in question. Because of this, it’s necessary that a continuous study looking for the improvement of the available techniques, making sure that the confirmation of food authenticity is in place. This is to ensure the true product value, to comply with labeling regulationand and protect the consumer of frauds


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OBJETIVO: Comparar duas técnicas de infusão de propofol em cadelas submetidas à ovariohisterectomia, estudando a eficácia da dose alvo de propofol, avaliando os atributos cardiorrespiratórios, hemogasométricos e escala do índice bispectral, (BIS) bem como as características do período de recuperação. MÉTODOS: Foram anestesiadas 20 cadelas, distribuídos em dois grupos (GI e GII). em GI, os animais foram pré-tratados com levomepromazina e anestesiados com propofol por infusão alvo controlada, através de bomba de infusão Harvard pump, associado com remifentanila, através de bomba de seringa. em GII, os animais receberam o mesmo tratamento de GI, só que ao invés de receberem o propofol por infusão alvo controlada, receberam o propofol em infusão contínua de velocidade fixa. RESULTADOS: Bradicardia e discreta hipotensão, estabilidade hemogasométrica e respiratória, além de um bom miorrelaxamento, mais evidente na infusão contínua e boa hipnose. CONCLUSÕES: As doses de propofol utilizadas em ambas as técnicas, após o pré-tratamento de levomepromazina e associadas ao opióide, foram eficazes para a realização cirúrgica. A técnica de anestesia alvo controlada obteve um menor consumo de anestésico (propofol) com períodos mais rápidos de recuperação.


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To establish safety parameters, we in vitro studied the increase in intrapulpal temperature caused by the use of a cw CO2 laser. A thermistor was implanted in the inner part of the pulpal chamber of 25 human lower third molars to measure the intrapulpal temperature produced by laser powers between 2-10 W and exposure times of 0.5-25.0 s. The Pearson linear correlation factor applied to the measured values showed there is a direct relationship between the independent variable and the applied power. A variance analysis produced the linear regression equation: T=1.10+(0.127)E where T is the temperature and E the energy. The results showed that, with a power of 4 W and maximum exposure time of 2.5 s (10 J) and a power density of 12738.85 W cm-2, there will be no damaging reactions affecting the pulpal tissues.


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Objective: To evaluate the cardiorespiratory effects of continuous infusion of ketamine in hypovolemic dogs anesthetized with desflurane.Design: A prospective experimental study.Animals: Twelve mixed breed dogs allocated into 2 groups: saline (n=6) and ketamine (n=6).Interventions: After obtaining baseline measurements (time [T] 0) in awake dogs, hypovolemia was induced by the removal of 40 mL of blood/kg over 30 minutes. Anesthesia was induced and maintained with desflurane (1.5 minimal alveolar concentration) and 30 minutes later (T75) a continuous intravenous (IV) infusion of saline or ketamine (100 mu g/kg/min) was initiated. Cardiorespiratory evaluations were obtained 15 minutes after hemorrhage (T45), 30 minutes after desflurane anesthesia, and immediately before initiating the infusion (T75), and 5 (T80), 15 (T90), 30 (T105) and 45 (T120) minutes after beginning the infusion.Measurements and main results: Hypovolemia (T45) reduced the arterial blood pressures (systolic arterial pressure, diastolic arterial pressure [DAP] and mean arterial pressure [MAP]), cardiac (CI) and systolic (SI) indexes, and mean pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP) in both groups. After 30 minutes of desflurane anesthesia (T75), an additional decrease of MAP in both groups was observed, heart rate was higher than T0 at T75, T80, T90 and T105 in saline-treated dogs only, and the CI was higher in the ketamine group than in the saline group at T75. Five minutes after starting the infusion (T80), respiratory rate (RR) was lower and the end-tidal CO(2) (ETCO(2)) was higher compared with values at T45 in ketamine-treated dogs. Mean values of ETCO(2) were higher in ketamine than in saline dogs between T75 and T120. The systemic vascular resistance index (SVRI) was decreased between T80 and T120 in ketamine when compared with T45.Conclusions: Continuous IV infusion of ketamine in hypovolemic dogs anesthetized with desflurane induced an increase in ETCO(2), but other cardiorespiratory alterations did not differ from those observed when the same concentration of desflurane was used as the sole anesthetic agent. However, this study did not evaluate the effectiveness of ketamine infusion in reducing desflurane dose requirements in hypovolemic dogs or the cardiorespiratory effects of ketamine-desflurane balanced anesthesia.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The objective of this study was to assess the sward canopy structure of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu pastures maintained in three grazing intensities under continuous stocking system during the rainy season, along with the behavior and performance of grazing beef heifers supplemented with mineral salt or an energy/protein supplement. Three levels of forage allowance were assessed: 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0 kg of forage/kg of live weight, combined with two supplements (ad libitum mineral salt, and an energy/protein supplement at 0.3% of live weight/day, supplied daily). The experiment was designed as a randomized block study with two replications. The supplements did not influence the variables related to the canopy structure. Canopy height was greater at higher forage allowances during the late summer and early fall. Similarly, the stem mass was greater in pastures with higher forage allowances. Animals fed protein supplement spent less time grazing than animals supplemented with mineral salt. Stocking rate was higher in pastures with lower forage allowance levels, which increased the live weight gain per grazing area. Daily weight gain did not vary according to the forage allowance levels. The use of an energy/protein supplement did not affect the stocking rate; however, it increased individual live weight gain and live weight gain per grazing area compared with mineral salt supplementation. The use of energy/protein supplements is an efficient alternative to enhance animal performance and production under grazing systems during the rainy season


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu canopy structure maintained at different grazing heights under a continuous stocking rate and with a dietary supplementation strategy for the animals during the rainy season. This study also intended to observe the relationships of these variables with the grazing behaviors of the heifers. The effects of three canopy heights (15, 25 and 35 cm) were evaluated in association with three types of supplements: one mineral and two protein/energy supplements, the first with a high rumen degradable protein and energy and the others with a low ratio. Both the protein/energy supplements were provided at 0.3% of body weight/day. The experimental design was completely randomized, with two replications and repeated measures, and took place during the period from January to April 2008. The supplementation strategies did not affect any variable related to the canopy structure. Total and green herbage masses and the ratio of green/dead material increased with canopy height. The leaf/stem ratio was higher in the lowest canopy height: 15 cm. Changes in the canopy structure caused variations in the grazing behavior of the animals. Animals maintained in the 15-cm-tall pasture grazed for a longer time, increasing the time for each meal, but the number of meals was lower than that of the animals grazing within the 35-cm-tall pasture. The grazing time of animals receiving the energy/protein supplement was lower only in the period of the day during which it was supplied. Canopy structure is affected by sward height, and changes animal behavior. Supplementation does not affect the canopy structure of the pastures with similar heights.


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The neuromuscular junction of the extensor digitorum longus muscle of fingers was analyzed in 21 young (three months) and old (from six to 25 months) mice, from both genders. Morphologic changes were found throughout the mouse life, being more frequent and visible with aging. According with the data described in the literature consulted and the observations taken in this research, it becomes clear that a continuous process of morphological remodeling occurs in all neuromuscular ultrastructural junctions of the extensor digitorum longus muscle of fingers, during the life of the animal. Theses changes are characterized by figures of myelin in the cytoplasm of Schwann cells, pleomorphic and multivesiclar bodies, mitochondrias with morphologically altered crests in the axon terminal and degenerated junction folders. Coated vesicles are common in older animals and rare in young animals.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate histologically the action of chondroitin sulphate in osteoarthritis experimentally induced by continuous immobilization. Fourteen young female Norfolk rabbits aged 2.5-3 months at the beginning of the experiment were divided into two equitable groups submitted to immobilization of the right knee for a period of 12 weeks. The treated group received 1.0 ml/animal/s.c. of 12% chondroitin sulphate, once a week for 12 weeks, and the untreated group did not receive any treatment. Two additional animals were not submitted to knee immobilization (sham group). Microscopical examination of knee preparations stained with haematoxylin-eosin and Masson trichrome showed lesions of both joints in treated and untreated groups, with no significant difference between the scores obtained for the right and left knees. Examination of preparations stained with picrosirius red showed collagen fibre alignment and misalignment in the right and left knees of the animals of all groups, but statistic analysis could not be performed. It was not possible to differentiate the proteoglycan concentration between limbs or groups (treated and untreated) by safrtanin O or toluidine blue staining. It was possible to conclude that the chondroitin sulphate was not able to reduce the histological changes induced by this osteoarthritis experimental model.


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Aim. Extrinsic compression of the popliteal artery and absence of surrounding anatomical abnormalities characterize the functional popliteal artery entrapment syndrome (PAES). The diagnosis is confirmed to individuals who have typical symptoms of popliteal entrapment and occlusion or important stenosis of the popliteal artery with color duplex sonography (CDS), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or arteriography during active plantar flexion-extension maneuvers. However, variable result findings in normal asymptomatic subjects have raised doubts as to the validity of these tests. The purpose of this study was to compare the frequency of popliteal artery compression in 2 groups of asymptomatic subjects, athletes and non-athletes.Methods. Forty-two individuals were studied. Twenty-one subjects were indoor soccer players, and 21 were sedentary individuals. Physical activity was evaluated through questionnaires, anthropometric measurements, and cardiopulmonary exercise test. Evaluation of popliteal artery compression was performed in lower limbs with CDS, ankle-brachial index (ABI) measurements and continuous wave Doppler of the posterior tibial artery.Results. The athletes studied fulfilled the criteria of high level of physical activity whereas sedentary subjects met the criteria of low level of activity. Popliteal artery compression was observed with CDS in 6 (14.2%) studied subjects; 2 of whom (4.7%) were athletes and 4 (9.5%) were non-athletes. This difference was not statistically significant (p=0.21). Doppler of the tibial arteries and ABI measurements gave good specificity and sensibility in the identification of popliteal artery compression.Conclusion. The frequency of popliteal artery compression during maneuvers in normal subjects was 14.2% irrespective of whether or not they performed regular physical activities. Both Doppler and ABI showed good agreement with CDS and should be considered in screening popliteal arteries in individuals suspected of PAES.


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Background: In some parts of the world, peritoneal dialysis is widely used for renal replacement therapy (RRT) in acute kidney injury (AKI), despite concerns about its inadequacy. It has been replaced in recent years by hemodialysis and, most recently, by continuous venovenous therapies. We performed a prospective study to determine the effect of continuous peritoneal dialysis (CPD), as compared with daily hemodialysis (dHD), on survival among patients with AKI.Methods: A total of 120 patients with acute tubular necrosis (ATN) were assigned to receive CPD or dHD in a tertiary-care university hospital. The primary endpoint was hospital survival rate; renal function recovery and metabolic, acid-base, and fluid controls were secondary endpoints.Results: of the 120 patients, 60 were treated with CPD (G1) and 60 with dHD (G2). The two groups were similar at the start of RRT with respect to age (64.2 +/- 19.8 years vs 62.5 +/- 21.2 years), sex (men: 72% vs 66%), sepsis (42% vs 47%), shock (61% vs 63%), severity of AKI [Acute Tubular Necrosis Individual Severity Score (ATNISS): 0.68 +/- 0.2 vs 0.66 +/- 0.22; Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II: 26.9 +/- 8.9 vs 24.1 +/- 8.2], pre-dialysis blood urea nitrogen [BUN (116.4 +/- 33.6 mg/dL vs 112.6 +/- 36.8 mg/dL)], and creatinine (5.85 +/- 1.9 mg/dL vs 5.95 +/- 1.4 mg/dL). In G1, weekly delivered Kt/V was 3.59 +/- 0.61, and in G2, it was 4.76 +/- 0.65 (p < 0.01). The two groups were similar in metabolic and acid-base control (after 4 sessions, BUN < 55 mg/dL: 46 +/- 18.7 mg/dL vs 52 +/- 18.2 mg/dL; pH: 7.41 vs 7.38; bicarbonate: 22.8 +/- 8.9 mEq/L vs 22.2 +/- 7.1 mEq/L). Duration of therapy was longer in G2 (5.5 days vs 7.5 days; p = 0.02). Despite the delivery of different dialysis methods and doses, the survival rate did not differ between the groups (58% in G1 vs 52% in G2), and recovery of renal function was similar (28% vs 26%).Conclusion: High doses of CPD provided appropriate metabolic and pH control, with a rate of survival and recovery of renal function similar to that seen with dHD. Therefore, CPD can be considered an alternative to other forms of RRT in AKI.


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The transmission of influenza in health care settings is a major threat to patients, especially those with severe diseases. The attitude of health care workers (HCWs) may influence the transmission of countless infections. The current study aimed to quantify knowledge and identify attitudes of HCWs involved in intensive care units (ICUs) regarding the risk of nosocomial influenza transmission. A questionnaire was applied through interviews to HCWs who worked in one of the five ICUs from a teaching hospital. Questions about influenza were deliberately dispersed among others that assessed several infectious agents. Forty-two HCWs were interviewed: nine physicians, ten nurses and 23 nursing technicians or auxiliaries. Among the 42 HCWs, 98% were aware of the potential transmission of influenza virus in the ICUs, but only 31% would indicate droplet precautions for patients with suspected infection. Moreover, only 31% of them had been vaccinated against influenza in the last campaign (2008). Nursing technicians or auxiliaries were more likely to have been vaccinated, both by univariate and multivariable analysis. When asked about absenteeism, only 10% of the study subjects stated that they would not go to work if they had an influenza-like illness. Those findings suggest that, in non-pandemic periods, influenza control in hospitals requires strategies that combine continuous education with changes in organizational culture.