33 resultados para ciliary dyskinesia


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The antibody and cellular immune responses against infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) were evaluated at mucosal sites of chickens after immunization with various doses of an attenuated vaccine at 1 day of age. The correlation of these immune responses with protection of tracheal tissues was evaluated after experimental infection of these birds. Significantly reduced tracheal pathologic effects, measured according to ciliostasis and histology lesions, and reduced viral load were observed only in the full-dose vaccinated group at 5 days post-infection (dpi), while incomplete protection was observed for the subdose vaccinated groups. Moreover, birds of vaccinated groups, especially with full dose, developed higher levels of lachrymal IBV-specific IgG and IgA and increased the expression of cell-mediated immunity (CMI) genes, such as gamma interferon (IFNγ), CD8+ T cell marker, and granzyme homolog A more rapidly. In addition, these humoral and cellular immune responses evaluated at mucosal sites correlated significantly with tracheal protection against homologous IBV challenge in a vaccine dose-dependent manner. The results indicate that IgG, IgA and CD8+ T cell responses developed at mucosal sites after IBV vaccination of day-old chicks, could be taken as good correlates of protection against this virus. © 2013, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.


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Com o objetivo de verificar a influência de remanescentes de vegetação ciliar e da ação antrópica na qualidade da água, estudaram-se quatro nascentes, sendo duas com a presença de vegetação natural remanescente e duas com predominância de atividades agrícolas. Essas nascentes fazem parte da bacia hidrográfica do Córrego Rico, estando localizadas nos municípios de Taquaritinga e de Guariba - SP, em duas classes de solo: Argissolo e Latossolo, respectivamente. Definiram-se pontos de coleta da água nas nascentes e ao longo dos cursos d'água (entre 0 a 50 m da nascente), em dois períodos (chuvoso e seco). Foram analisadas as seguintes variáveis: cor, pH, temperatura, turbidez, alcalinidade, dureza total, dureza em magnésio, dureza em cálcio, fósforo, nitrogênio e demanda bioquímica de oxigênio. de maneira geral, ocorreu agrupamento por nascentes e também por períodos, confirmando que os períodos de amostragem, assim como as características e diferentes usos do solo influenciam na qualidade da água das microbacias. As variáveis cor, turbidez, alcalinidade e nitrogênio total foram as que apresentaram maior importância relativa nas variáveis canônicas.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar o epitélio ciliar interno (ECI) do corpo ciliar após aplicação de mitomicina C (MMC) sob retalho escleral, em animais tratados com dois tipos de inibidores da produção do humor aquoso. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados ambos os olhos de 16 coelhos divididos em 4 grupos experimentais. Foi realizado retalho escleral em todos os olhos dos animais, mas apenas os olhos direitos (OD) receberam MMC. No grupo 1 (G1) não houve tratamento prévio. Nos grupos G2 e G4 foi administrada acetazolamida e nos grupos G3 e G4 maleato de timolol. O ECI foi examinado à microscopia eletrônica de transmissão (MET). Os olhos esquerdos formaram os grupos controle. RESULTADOS: em todos os grupos exceto no G1 OE, foram observadas: retração das células e/ou alargamento entre invaginações, mitocôndrias com rarefação, vesículas claras e corpos densos. A membrana limitante interna estava espessada, descontínua ou descolada em todos grupos exceto G1 OE e G2 OE. Foi observada liberação de material citoplasmático apenas nos grupos tratados com inibidores da produção de humor aquoso. CONCLUSÕES: 1- MMC, acetazolamida e maleato de timolol causaram alterações morfológicas no epitélio ciliar mesmo usados isoladamente. 2- A associação MMC e acetazolamida causou mais alterações do que a acetazolamida isoladamente, mas não mais do que a MMC isoladamente. 3- Nas demais associações as alterações foram semelhantes.


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Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito do tartarato de brimonidina a 0,2% tópico, instilado de 12/12 horas, na circulação retrobulbar em pacientes portadores de glaucoma. Métodos: Foram estudados os 2 olhos de 16 pacientes portadores de glaucoma primário de ângulo aberto e glaucoma crônico de ângulo estreito com iridotomia. Usando o Doppler colorido foram avaliados: velocidade sistólica máxima, velocidade diastólica final e índice de resistência das artéria central da retina, artéria ciliar posterior curta temporal e artéria oftálmica. As avaliações foram feitas antes e depois do uso da brimonidina. Resultados: O tartarato de brimonidina a 0,2% aumentou significativamente a velocidade sistólica máxima (28,24 para 34,23 cm/seg) e velocidade diastólica final (6,62 para 8,10 cm/seg) no olho direito e reduziu o índice de resistência (0,75 para 0,71) no olho esquerdo da artéria oftálmica. Conclusão: O tartarato de brimonidina 0,2% 2x/dia aumentou significativamente a velocidade sistólica máxima e velocidade diastólica final e reduziu índice de resistência da artéria oftálmica de pacientes glaucomatosos. Este efeito sugere que a brimonidina pode beneficiar pacientes glaucomatosos com insuficiência vascular na cabeça do nervo óptico.


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Os autores descrevem um caso de hipotonia e descolamento ciliocoroidal que ocorreu com administração de drogas supressoras do humor aquoso (timolol e acetazolamida) em paciente que havia sido submetido à trabeculectomia (3 meses antes). Por ser o 6° ou o 7° caso descrito na literatura, chamam atenção para esta rara síndrome que inclui a supersensibilidade do corpo ciliar aos supressores do HA, como causa de hipotonia e descolamento ciliocoroidal tardios em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia filtrante. Apresentam também um resumo dos casos encontrados na literatura.


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Orofacial movement is a complex function performed by facial and jaw muscles. Jaw movement is enacted through the triggering of motoneurons located primarily in the trigeminal motor nucleus (Mo5). The Mo5 is located in the pontine reticular formation, which is encircled by premotor neurons. Previous studies using retrograde tracers have demonstrated that premotor neurons innervating the Mo5 are distributed in brainstem areas, and electrophysiological studies have suggested the existence of a subcortical relay in the corticofugal-Mo5 pathway. Various neurotransmitters have been implicated in oral movement. Dopamine is of special interest since its imbalance may produce changes in basal ganglia activity, which generates abnormal movements, including jaw motor dysfunction, as in oral dyskinesia and possibly in bruxism. However, the anatomical pathways connecting the dopaminergic systems with Mo5 motoneurons have not been studied systematically. After injecting retrograde tracer fluorogold into the Mo5, we observed retrograde-labeled neurons in brainstem areas and in a few forebrain nuclei, such as the central nucleus of the amygdala, and the parasubthalamic nucleus. By using dual-labeled immunohistochemistry, we found tyrosine hydroxylase (a catecholamine-processing enzyme) immunoreactive fibers in close apposition to retrograde-labeled neurons in brainstem nuclei, in the central nucleus of the amygdala and the parasubthalamic nucleus, suggesting the occurrence of synaptic contacts. Therefore, we suggested that catecholamines may regulate oralfacial movements through the premotor brainstem nuclei, which are related to masticatory control, and forebrain areas related to autonomic and stress responses. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.


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Bivalve filter feeders are sessile animals that live in constant contact with water and its pollutants. Their gill is an organ highly exposed to these conditions due to its large surface and its involvement in gas exchanges and feeding. The bivalve Mytella falcata is found in estuaries of Latin America, on the Atlantic as well as the Pacific Coast. It is commonly consumed, and sometimes is the only source of protein of low-income communities. In this study, gill filaments of M. falcata were characterized using histology, histochemistry and transmission electron microscopy for future comparative studies among animals exposed to environmental pollutants. Gill filaments may be divided into abfrontal, intermediate and frontal zones. Filaments are interconnected by ciliary discs. In the center of filaments, haemocytes circulate through a haemolymph vessel internally lined by an endothelium and supported by an acellular connective tissue rich in polysaccharides and collagen. The abfrontal zone contains cuboidal cells, while the intermediate zone consists of a simple squamous epithelium. The frontal zone is composed of five columnar cell types: one absorptive, mainly characterized by the presence of pinocytic vesicles in the apical region of the cell; one secretory, rarely observed and three ciliated with abundant mitochondria. All cells lining the filament exhibit numerous microvilli and seem to absorb substances from the environment. PAS staining was observed in mucous cells in the frontal and abfrontal zones. Bromophenol blue allowed the distinction of haemocytes and detection of a glycoprotein secretion in the secretory cells of the frontal region. The characteristics of M. falcata gill filaments observed in this study were very similar to those of other bivalves, especially other Mytilidae, and are suitable for histopathological studies on the effect of water-soluble pollutants. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background Damage to the corneal epithelium causes not only a reaction for its repair but also affects other parts of the cornea as well as different components of the anterior segment of the eye. The purpose of this investigation was to analyze the consequences, following epithelial and limbal damage, to the iris of rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus).Methods The corneal epithelium was thoroughly scraped followed by surgical excision of the limbus. Next, (3)H-thymidine ((3)H-TdR) was injected intravitreally both into the right (experimental) and left (control) eyes which had their anterior segments processed for autoradiography at intervals of 2, 7 and 21 days after surgery (three rabbits per interval). The irises were also examined with scanning-electron and confocal microscopy after Evans blue injection.Results There was a high frequency of labeling in the cells of the iris blood vessels in the experimental eye, particularly the endothelial ones. The ratio of labeled cells between experimental and control irises was 40:1, with a population of nuclei increasing by 25% and remaining labeled up to 21 days. There was also an increase in the volume of the iris vasculature as shown by confocal microscopy. The high labeling frequencies of the vascular cells were observed throughout the iris from the ciliary to the pupillary regions.Conclusions The lesions on the corneal epithelium elicit proliferation of the iris vascular cells, mainly its endothelium, as well as an early breakdown of the blood-aqueous barrier. The daughter cells resulting from the damage to the eye surface were detected up to 21 days after a single injection of (3)H-TdR, most likely due to their slow turnover. As a consequence of this proliferation, the vasculature of the iris increased in volume.


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The present study reveals that the excretory system of Glossoscolex paulistus is formed by open holonephridia (exonephridia). It is noticed that different zones are recognized in the nephridial canal, with defined histological and histochemical characteristics: 1) primary canal; 2) lobed canal; 3) first rounded segment; 4) afferent thin segment; 5) efferent thin segment; 6) second rounded segment; 7) ciliary tube; 8) clear canal; 9) pigmented canal; 10) intermediate canal; 11) bladder; 12) terminal canal; 13) nephridiopore. All these regions are intercellular and cilia are found in regions 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 and 13. The connections between afferent and efferent capillary of the vascular supply of the nephridium are made of capillary loops and dilatations which we call glomeruli in this paper. Filtering functions are suggested for the glomerulus. The response of the lobed canal and the first and second rounded segments to Gomori's reaction is strongly positive and this is found to coincide with the largest concentration of glomeruli in the main loops 1 and II, that suggests a higher filtration capacity for the canal and segments.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar as alterações morfológicas no epitélio traqueal de cães expostos à inalação de gases pouco condicionados, sob ventilação com tubo traqueal (TT) ou máscara laríngea (ML). MÉTODOS: Doze cães adultos foram divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos: grupo TT (n-6) e grupo ML (n-6), submetidos à anestesia venosa e ventilação mecânica, em sistema sem reabsorção de CO2. Foram registrados parâmetros hemodinâmicos e ventilatórios, temperatura timpânica, temperatura, umidade relativa e absoluta do ar ambiente e dos gases inalados durante 3 horas. Ao término do experimento, os animais foram submetidos a eutanásia e realizadas biópsias ao longo do segmento traqueal para estudo morfológico. Três cães saudáveis foram utilizados para controle morfológico. RESULTADOS: A temperatura dos gases inalados manteve-se entre 24ºC e 26ºC, a umidade relativa entre 10% e 12%, e umidade absoluta entre 2 -3 mg H2O.L-1 sem diferença significativa entre os grupos. em ambos os grupos a análise histológica evidenciou processo inflamatório epitelial e congestão no córion, e a microscopia eletrônica de varredura mostrou agrupamento e desorganização ciliar. A microscopia eletrônica de transmissão detectou maiores alterações no grupo TT do que no ML, como alargamento das junções intercelulares, desorientação ciliar, vacuolização citoplasmática, alterações nucleares como pcinose e condensação da cromatina. CONCLUSÃO: A máscara laríngea determinou alterações menos pronunciadas no epitélio traqueal de cães expostos à inalação de gases pouco condicionados.


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Purpose. To trace the eye components involved in proteoglycan synthesis and to characterize the sulfated glycosaminoglycans which are associated to these macromolecules.Methods. Sodium [S-35]-sulfate was injected intravitreally and the rabbits were killed at different time intervals after the injection. The glycosaminoglycans of choroid, ciliary body, cornea, iris, lens capsule, retina and sclera were extracted and processed for estimations of their specific activities, and for electrophoresis plus autoradiography with or without previous treatment with specific enzymes. In addition, methacrylate sections of the eyes were analysed by autoradiography.Results. The peak of specific activities of the glycosaminoglycans of all eye components occurred at 2 days after the intravitreal injection of [S-35]-sulfate. The autoradiography of the agarose gels revealed three types of glycosaminoglycans, namely, heparan-, chondroitin- and dermatan sulfate, only in the retina. The other eye components contained heparan sulfate and either chondroitin or dermatan sulfate. Tissue autoradiography together with the biochemical techniques contributed to unravel the origin of the glycosaminoglycans in the eye components.Conclusions. The results of the present investigation have shown that heparan sulfate, contrasting to chondroitin sulfate and dermatan sulfate, is synthesized in all eye components studied and that the glycosaminoglycan composition differs according to the tissue of origin.


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Purpose: To compare a single intraoperative sub-Tenon's capsule triamcinolone acetonicle injection with steroid drops in the treatment of ocular inflammation after cataract surgery.Design: Randomized, double-masked controlled trial.Participants: A total of 100 patients were randomized prospectively into 2 groups: 50 patients treated with 1% prednisolone eyedrops (control group A) and 50 patients treated with sub-Tenon's capsule triamcinolone (treatment group B).Methods: All patients underwent phacoemulsification and intraocular posterior lens implantation. After surgery, patients were randomized to receive either (group B) an intraoperative 40 mg triamcinolone acetonicle sub-Tenon's capsule injection or (group A) 1% prednisolone acetate eyedrops, according to the following schedule: 1 drop 4 times daily (week 1), 3 times daily (week 2), 2 times daily (week 3), once daily (week 4). To mask the study, group B received vehicle drops administered on a similar schedule, and group A received an intraoperative sub-Tenon's capsule injection of a 1 ml balanced salt solution.Main Outcome Measures: the main outcome measures included inflammation (cell, flare, ciliary flush), intraocular pressure, and lack of response.Results: Triamcinolone was shown to have anti-inflammatory efficacy clinically equivalent to conventional 1% prednisolone eyedrops in reducing intraocular inflammation, as measured by clinical methods. Triamcinolone was found to be as safe as the prednisolone in terms of adverse effects, changes in visual acuity, intraocular pressure, and biomicroscopic and ophthalmoscopic variables. on the third, seventh, fourteenth, and twenty-eighth postoperative days, a significantly lower intraocular pressure (P<0.01) was noted in the triamcinolone group than in the prednisolone group.Conclusions: A single intraoperative 40-mg triamcinolone acetonide sub-Tenon's capsule injection demonstrated a clinically equivalent therapeutic response and ocular tolerance compared with 1% prednisolone drops in controlling postoperative inflammation after uncomplicated cataract surgery and merits further investigation. (C) 2004 by the American Academy of Ophthalmology.