172 resultados para chorismate synthase inhibitor


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The increase in incidence of infectious diseases worldwide, particularly in developing countries, is worrying. Each year, 14 million people are killed by infectious diseases, mainly HIV/AIDS, respiratory infections, malaria and tuberculosis. Despite the great burden in the poor countries, drug discovery to treat tropical diseases has come to a standstill. There is no interest by the pharmaceutical industry in drug development against the major diseases of the poor countries, since the financial return cannot be guaranteed. This has created an urgent need for new therapeutics to neglected diseases. A possible approach has been the exploitation of the inhibition of unique targets, vital to the pathogen such as the shikimate pathway enzymes, which are present in bacteria, fungi and apicomplexan parasites but are absent in mammals. The chorismate synthase (CS) catalyses the seventh step in this pathway, the conversion of 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate to chorismate. The strict requirement for a reduced flavin mononucleotide and the anti 1,4 elimination are both unusual aspects which make CS reaction unique among flavin-dependent enzymes, representing an important target for the chemotherapeutic agents development. In this review we present the main biochemical features of CS from bacterial and fungal sources and their difference from the apicomplexan CS. The CS mechanisms proposed are discussed and compared with structural data. The CS structures of some organisms are compared and their distinct features analyzed. Some known CS inhibitors are presented and the main characteristics are discussed. The structural and kinetics data reviewed here can be useful for the design of inhibitors. © 2007 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.


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The enzymes of the shikimate pathway are potential targets for the development of new therapies because they are essential for bacteria but absent from mammals. The last step in this pathway is performed by chorismate synthase (CS), which catalyzes the conversion of 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate to chorismate. Optimization of crystallization trials allowed the crystallization of homogeneous recombinant CS from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MtCS). The crystals of MtCS belong to space group P6(4)22 (or P6(2)22) and diffract to 2.8 Angstrom resolution, with unit-cell parameters a = b = 129.7, c = 156.8 Angstrom. There are two molecules in the asymmetric unit. Molecular-replacement trials were not sucessful. Heavy-atom derivative screening is in progress.


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In bacteria, fungi, plants, and apicomplexan parasites, the aromatics compounds, such as aromatics amino acids, are synthesized through seven enzymes from the shikimate pathway, which are absent in mammals. The absence of this pathway in mammals make them potential targets for development of new therapy against infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis, which is the world's second commonest cause of death from infectious disease. The last enzyme of shikimate pathway is the chorismate synthase (CS), which is responsible for conversion of the 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate to chorismate. Here, we report the crystallographic structure of CS from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MtCS) at 2.65 angstrom resolution. The MtCS structure is similar to other CS structures, presenting beta-alpha-beta sandwich structural topology, in which each monomer of MtCS consists of a central helical core. The MtCS can be described as a tetramer formed by a dimer of dimers. However, analytical ultracentrifugation studies suggest the MtCS is a dimer with a more asymmetric shape than observed on the crystallographic dimer and the existence of a low equilibrium between dimer and tetramer. Our results suggest that the MtCS oligomerization is concentration dependent and some conformational changes must be involved on that event. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Background. The emergence of multi- and extensively-drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains has created an urgent need for new agents to treat tuberculosis (TB). The enzymes of shikimate pathway are attractive targets to the development of antitubercular agents because it is essential for M. tuberculosis and is absent from humans. Chorismate synthase (CS) is the seventh enzyme of this route and catalyzes the NADH- and FMN-dependent synthesis of chorismate, a precursor of aromatic amino acids, naphthoquinones, menaquinones, and mycobactins. Although the M. tuberculosis Rv2540c (aroF) sequence has been annotated to encode a chorismate synthase, there has been no report on its correct assignment and functional characterization of its protein product. Results. In the present work, we describe DNA amplification of aroF-encoded CS from M. tuberculosis (MtCS), molecular cloning, protein expression, and purification to homogeneity. N-terminal amino acid sequencing, mass spectrometry and gel filtration chromatography were employed to determine identity, subunit molecular weight and oligomeric state in solution of homogeneous recombinant MtCS. The bifunctionality of MtCS was determined by measurements of both chorismate synthase and NADH:FMN oxidoreductase activities. The flavin reductase activity was characterized, showing the existence of a complex between FMN ox and MtCS. FMNox and NADH equilibrium binding was measured. Primary deuterium, solvent and multiple kinetic isotope effects are described and suggest distinct steps for hydride and proton transfers, with the former being more rate-limiting. Conclusion. This is the first report showing that a bacterial CS is bifunctional. Primary deuterium kinetic isotope effects show that C4-proS hydrogen is being transferred during the reduction of FMNox by NADH and that hydride transfer contributes significantly to the rate-limiting step of FMN reduction reaction. Solvent kinetic isotope effects and proton inventory results indicate that proton transfer from solvent partially limits the rate of FMN reduction and that a single proton transfer gives rise to the observed solvent isotope effect. Multiple isotope effects suggest a stepwise mechanism for the reduction of FMNox. The results on enzyme kinetics described here provide evidence for the mode of action of MtCS and should thus pave the way for the rational design of antitubercular agents. © 2008 Ely et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Alterations in the synthesis or enhanced inactivation of nitric oxide (NO) and increase in fibrin deposition in the vascular bed lead to an imbalance that can induced intravascular coagulation. NO is produced through L-arginine pathway by constitutive and inducible nitric oxide synthase (NOS). The inducible isoform can be activated by cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor alfa. We evaluated NO-induced tissue-plasminogen activator (t-PA) release from isolated aortic segments of Wistar rats measuring the fibrinolytic activity in the fibrin plate. Inhibition of NO biossynthesis with Nω-nitro-L-arginine (NωNLA) significantly attenuated the fibrinolytic activity (FA) evoked by aortic segments of this group (GII) compared to the saline group (GI). The administration of L-arginine produced restoration of FA in this group (GIII) treated with NωNLA suggesting that t-PA arising from segments of rat aorta is influenced by NO.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The present study investigated the central role of angiotensin II and nitric oxide on arterial blood pressure (MAP) in rats. Losartan and PD123349 AT 1 and AT 2 (selective no peptides antagonists angiotensin receptors), as well as FK 409 (a nitric oxide donor), N W-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) a constituve nitric oxide synthase inhibitor endothelial (eNOSI) and 7-nitroindazol (7NI) a specific neuronal nitric oxide synthase inhibitor (nNOSI) were used. Holtzman strain, (Rattus norvergicus) weighting 200-250 g were anesthetized with zoletil 50 mg kg -1 (tiletamine chloridrate 125 mg and zolazepan chloridrate 125 mg) into quadriceps muscle anda stainless steel cannula was stereotaxically implanted into their Lateral Ventricle (LV). Controls were injected with a 0.5 μl volume of 0.15 M NaCl. Angiotensin II injected into LV increased MAP (19±3 vs. control 3±1 mm Hg), which is potentiated by prior injection of L-NAME in the same site 26±2 mm Hg. 7NI injected prior to ANG II into LV also potentiated the pressor effect of ANG II but with a higher intensity than L-NAME 32±3 mm Hg. FK 409 inhibited the pressor effect of ANG II (6±1 mm Hg). Losartan injected into LV before ANG II influences the pressor effect of ANG II (8±1 mm Hg). The PD 123319 decreased the pressor effects of ANG II (16±1 mm Hg). Losartan injected simultaneously with FK 409 blocked the pressor effect of ANG II (3±1 mm Hg). L-NAME produced an increase in the pressor effect of ANG II, may be due to local vasoconstriction and all at once by neuronal NOS inhibition but the main effect is of the 7-NIT an specific nNOS inhibitor. The AT 1 antagonist receptors improve basal nitric oxide (NO) production and release. These data suggest the involvement of constitutive and neuronal NOS in the control of arterial blood pressure induced by ANG II centrally, evolving AT 1 receptor-mediated vasoconstriction and AT 2 receptor-mediated vasodilatation. These results were confirmed by the experiment using FK 409. © 2006 Asian Network for Scientific Information.


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Despite recent advances, the mechanisms of neurorespiratory control in amphibians are far from understood. One of the brainstem structures believed to play a key role in the ventilatory control of anuran amphibians is the nucleus isthmi (NI). This nucleus is a mesencephalic structure located between the roof of the midbrain and the cerebellum, which differentiates during metamorphosis; the period when pulmonary ventilation develops in bullfrogs. It has been recently suggested that the NI acts to inhibit hypoxic and hypercarbic drives in breathing by restricting increases in tidal volume. This data is similar to the influence of two pontine structures of mammals, the locus coeruleus and the nucleus raphe magnus. The putative mediators for this response are glutamate and nitric oxide. Microinjection of kynurenic acid (an ionotropic receptor antagonist of excitatory amino acids) and L-NAME (a non-selective NO synthase inhibitor) elicited increases in the ventilatory response to hypoxia and hypercarbia. This article reviews the available data on the role of the NI in the control of ventilation in amphibians. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The functional role of nitric oxide (NO) was investigated in the systemic and pulmonary circulations of the South American rattlesnake, Crotalus durissus terrificus. Bolus, intra-arterial injections of the NO donor, sodium nitroprusside (SNP) caused a significant systemic vasodilatation resulting in a reduction in systemic resistance (Rsys). This response was accompanied by a significant decrease in systemic pressure and a rise in systemic blood flow. Pulmonary resistance (Rpul) remained constant while pulmonary pressure (Ppul) and pulmonary blood flow (Qpul) decreased. Injection of L-Arginine (L-Arg) produced a similar response to SNP in the systemic circulation, inducing an immediate systemic vasodilatation, while Rpul was unaffected. Blockade of NO synthesis via the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, L-NAME, did not affect haemodynamic variables in the systemic circulation, indicating a small contribution of NO to the basal regulation of systemic vascular resistance. Similarly, Rpul and Qpul remained unchanged, although there was a significant rise in Ppul. Via injection of SNP, this study clearly demonstrates that NO causes a systemic vasodilatation in the rattlesnake, indicating that NO may contribute in the regulation of systemic vascular resistance. In contrast, the pulmonary vasculature seems far less responsive to NO.


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Paracoccidioidomycosis is a deep mycosis, endemic in Latin America, caused by Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. Macrophage activation by cytokines is the major effector mechanism against this fungus. This work aimed at a better understanding of the interaction between yeast cells-murine peritoneal macrophages and the cytokine signals required for the effective killing of high virulence yeast-form of P. brasiliensis. In addition, the killing effector mechanisms dependent on the generation of reactive oxygen or nitrogen intermediates were investigated. Cell preincubation with IFN-gamma or TNF-alpha, at adequate doses, resulted in effective yeast killing as demonstrated in short-term (4-h) assays. Both, IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha activation were associated with higher levels of H(2)O(2) and NO when compared to nonactivation. Treatment with catalase (CAT), a H(2)O(2) scavenger, and N(G)-monomethyl-L-arginine (L-NMMA), a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, reverted the killing effect of activated cells. Taken together, these results suggest that both oxygen and L-arginine-nitric oxide pathways play a role in the killing of highly virulent P. brasiliensis.


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We investigated the effects of injection into the supraoptic nucleus (SON) of losartanand PD 123319 (nonpeptide AT(1) and AT(2)- angiotensin II [ANG II] receptor antagonists, respectively); d(CH2)(5)-Tyr(Me)-AVP (AVPA; an arginine-vasopressin [AVP] V-1 receptor antagonist), FK 409 (a nitric oxide [NO] donor), and N-W-mtro-(L)-arginine methyl ester ((L)-NAME; an NO synthase inhibitor) oil water intake, sodium chloride 3% (NaCl) intake and arterial blood pressure induced by injection of ANG 11 into the lateral septal area (LSA). Mate Holtzman rats (250-300 g) were implanted with cannulae into SON and LSA unilaterally. The drugs were injected in 0.5 mul over 30-60 s. Controls were injected with a similar volume of 0.15 M NaCl. ANG II was injected at a dose of 10 pmol. ANG II antagonists and AVPA were injected at doses of 80 nmol. FK 409 and (L)-NAME were injected at doses of 20 and 40 mug, respectively. Water and NaCl intake was measured over a 2-h period. Prior administration of losartan into the SON decreased water and NaCl intake induced by injection of ANG II. While there was a decrease in water intake, ANG II-induced NaCl intake was significantly increased following injection of AVPA. FK 409 injection decreased water intake and sodium intake induced by ANG II. L-NAME alone increased water and sodium intake and induced a pressor effect. (L)-NAME-potentiated water and sodium intake induced by ANG II. PD 123319 produced no changes in water or sodium intake induced by ANG II. The prior administration of losartan or AVPA decreased mean arterial pressure (MAP) induced by ANG II. PD 123319 decreased the pressor effect of ANG II to a lesser degree than losartan. FK 409 decreased the pressor effect of ANG II while (L)-NAME potentiated it. These results suggest that both ANG II AT, and AVP V, receptors and NO within the SON may be involved in water intake, NaCl intake and the pressor response were induced by activation of ANG II receptors within the LSA. These results do not support the involvement of LSA AT(2) receptors in the mediation of water and NaCl intake responses induced by ANG II, but influence the pressor response. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the present study, we investigated the effects of pretreatment with N-G-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) (nitric oxide synthase inhibitor) injected intravenously (IV) on the hypotension, bradycardia, and vasodilation produced by moxonidine (alpha(2)-adrenergic/imidazoline receptor agonist) injected into the fourth brain ventricle (4th V) in rats submitted to acute hypertension that results from baroreflex blockade by bilateral injections of kynurenic acid (kyn, glutamatergic receptor antagonist) into the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) or in normotensive rats. Male Wistar rats (n = 5 to 7/group) anesthetized with IV urethane (1.0 g kg(-1) of body weight) and a-chloralose (60mg kg(-1) of body weight) were used. Bilateral injections of kyn (2.7 nmol 100 nL(-1)) into the NTS increased baseline mean arterial pressure (148 +/- 11 mm Hg, vs. control: 102 +/- 4mm Hg) and baseline heart rate (417 +/- 11 bpm, vs. control: 379 +/- 6 bpm). Moxonidine (20 nmol mu L-1) into the 4th V reduced mean arterial pressure and heart rate to similar levels in rats treated with kyn into the NTS (68 +/- 9 mm Hg and 359 +/- 7 bpm) or in control normotensive rats (66 +/- 7 mm Hg and 362 +/- 8 bpm, respectively). The pretreatment with L-NAME (2 5 mu mol kg-1, IV) attenuated the hypotension produced by moxonidine into the 4th V in rats treated with kyn (104 +/- 6 mm Hg) or in normotensive rats (95 +/- 8 mm Hg), without changing bradycardia. Moxonidine into the 4th V also reduced renal, mesenteric, and hindquarter vascular resistances in rats treated or not with kyn into the NTS and the pretreatment with L-NAME IV reduced these effects of moxonidine. Therefore, these data indicate that nitric oxide mechanisms are involved in hypotension and mesenteric, renal, and hindquarter vasodilation induced by central moxonidine in normotensive and in acute hypertensive rats.


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Our studies have focused on the effect of injection of L-NAME and sodium nitroprussiate (SNP) on the salivary secretion, arterial blood pressure, sodium excretion and urinary volume induced by pilocarpine which was injected into the medial septal area (MSA). Rats were anesthetized with urethane (1.25 g/kg b. wt.) and a stainless steel cannula was implanted into their MSA. The amount of saliva secretion was studied over a five-minute period after injection of pilocarpine into MSA. Injection of pilocarpine (10, 20, 40, 80, 160 mug/mul) into MSA produced a dose-dependent increase in salivary secretion. L-NG-nitro arginine methyl-esther (L-NAME) (40 mug/mul), a nitric oxide (NO) synthase inhibitor, was injected into MSA prior to the injection of pilocarpine into MSA, producing an increase in salivary secretion due to the effect of pilocarpine. Sodium nitroprussiate (SNP) (30 mug/mul) was injected into MSA prior to the injection of pilocarpine into MSA attenuating the increase in salivary secretion induced by pilocarpine. Medial arterial pressure (MAP) increase after injections of pilocarpine into the MSA. L-NAME injected into the MSA prior to injection of pilocarpine into MSA increased the MAP. SNP injected into the MSA prior to pilocarpine attenuated the effect of pilocarpine on MAP. Pilocarpine (40 mug/mul) injected into the MAS induced an increase in sodium and urinary excretion. L-NAME injected prior to pilocarpine into the MSA increased the urinary sodium excretion and urinary volume induced by pilocarpine. SNP injected prior to pilocarpine into the MSA decreased the sodium excretion and urinary volume induced by pilocarpine. All these roles of pilocarpine depend on the release of nitric oxide into the MSA. We may also conclude that the MSA is involved with the cholinergic excitatory mechanism that induce salivary secretion, increase in MAP and increase in sodium excretion and urinary volume. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.