243 resultados para Xylem Sap
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Based on the genetic analysis of the phytopathogen Xylella fastidiosa genome, five media with defined composition were developed and the growth abilities of this fastidious prokaryote were evaluated in liquid media and on solid plates. All media had a common salt composition and included the same amounts of glucose and vitamins but differed in their amino acid content. XDM1 medium contained amino acids threonine, serine, glycine, alanine, aspartic acid and glutamic acid, for which complete degradation pathways occur in X fastidiosa; XDM2 included serine and methionine, amino acids for which biosynthetic enzymes are absent, plus asparagine and glutamine, which are abundant in the xylem sap; XDM3 had the same composition as XDM2 but with asparagine replaced by aspartic acid due to the presence of complete degradation pathway for aspartic acid; XDM4 was a minimal medium with glutamine as a sole nitrogen source; XDM5 had the same composition as XDM4, plus methionine. The liquid and solidified XDM2 and XDM3 media were the most effective for the growth of X. fastidiosa. This work opens the opportunity for the in silico design of bacterial defined media once their genome is sequenced. (C) 2002 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a relação entre o consumo de água pelas plantas de cana-de-açúcar e plantas daninhas e a absorção de herbicidas. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em dois experimentos: no primeiro, mediu-se o consumo de água através da pesagem diária das espécies de plantas daninhas Digitaria horizontalis, Panicum maximum, Ipomoea grandifolia, Ipomoea hederifolia, Brachiaria decumbens, assim como para os cultivares de cana-deaçúcar PO8862, SP80 3280 e RB83 5486; e, no segundo, foram determinadas as concentrações do amicarbazone, imazapic, tebuthiuron e hexazinone no xilema dos três cultivares de cana-deaçúcar e de I. grandifolia por meio da bomba de Schollander e de cromatografia e espectrometria de massas (LC-MS). A taxa de transpiração e, consequentemente, a taxa de consumo de água mostraram-se determinantes da taxa de absorção de herbicidas pelas plantas de diferentes espécies de plantas daninhas e cultivares de cana-de-açúcar. As concentrações de herbicidas na seiva do xilema foram variáveis em função da espécie e do herbicida em contato com o sistema radicular, indicando que a facilidade de absorção pelas raízes pode ser determinante para eficácia e/ou seletividade de herbicidas.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a intoxicação de planta daninha e cultivares de cana-de-açúcar ao amicarbazone. Para isso, utilizou-se Ipomoea grandifolia como planta daninha representante e os cultivares de cana-de-açúcar PO8862, SP80 3280 e RB83 5486, caracterizados como sensível, intermediário e tolerante aos herbicidas, respectivamente. Foi verificado o consumo de água e quantificada a concentração do amicarbazone em seiva de xilema dos três cultivares de cana-de-açúcar e de I. grandifolia por meio da bomba de Schollander e da cromatografia e espectrometria de massas (LC-MS). A intoxicação das plantas foi verificada através de leituras da fluorescência, com auxílio do fluorômetro portátil, que permitiu a correlação da taxa de transporte de elétrons (ETR) com a concentração de amicarbazone absorvido pelos cultivares de cana-de-açúcar e por I. grandifolia. Verificou-se, através do experimento, que a redução dos valores da ETR pode ser utilizada para indicar o nível de intoxicação de I. grandifolia e de plantas de cana-de-açúcar ao amicarbazone. I. grandifolia destacou-se em relação à cana-de-açúcar pela maior sensibilidade ao amicarbazone. A suscetibilidade diferencial dos cultivares de cana-de-açúcar PO8862, SP80 3280 e RB83 5486 pode ser justificada, possivelmente, pela absorção diferencial do amicarbazone entre os cultivares.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a seletividade e a absorção do sulfentrazone em clones de eucalipto. O primeiro experimento foi instalado em casa de vegetação, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições, no esquema fatorial 2 x 4, sendo duas doses do sulfentrazone (400 e 600 g ha-1) e quatro clones de eucalipto, híbridos de Eucalyptus grandis x E. urophylla (FB1, FB2, FB3 e FB4). Foram realizadas avaliações visuais de intoxicação das plantas de eucalipto e, no final do estudo, determinou-se a massa seca da parte aérea dos clones. No segundo experimento, foram utilizados os mesmos clones, sendo estes acondicionados em tubos falcon com 50 mL da solução contendo o sulfentrazone na concentração de 129 mM. As plantas de eucalipto permaneceram por 24 horas com as raízes imersas na solução e, em seguida, foi realizada a extração da seiva do xilema das plantas por meio de uma câmara de pressão. A concentração de sulfentrazone na seiva das plantas foi determinada através de cromatografia líquida e espectrometria de massas. O clone FB3 apresentou menor acúmulo de massa seca em relação aos demais, o que pode estar diretamente associado aos altos níveis de intoxicação observados. O clone FB2, apesar de mostrar elevada intoxicação, não apresentou níveis tão elevados de redução de massa seca em relação à testemunha. No tocante às concentrações de sulfentrazone nas plantas, elas foram proporcionais ao acúmulo de massa seca, o que indica que as variações na seletividade dos clones de eucalipto podem estar relacionadas à absorção diferenciada do herbicida.
A cigarrinha-das-raízes Mahanarva fimbriolata (Stål) (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) tornou-se uma praga importante da cultura da cana-de-açúcar na região centro-sul do Brasil. Estratégias de controle têm sido desenvolvidas, mas os danos promovidos por essa praga e sua interação com a cana-de-açúcar ainda são pouco caracterizados. em altos níveis de infestação da praga, os sintomas nas plantas são muito semelhantes à restrição hídrica severa. Este trabalho foi conduzido com o objetivo de determinar se o estresse promovido pela infestação de ninfas de cigarrinha-das-raízes resulta em acúmulo de prolina livre, além de comparar dois genótipos de cana-de-açúcar quanto à tolerância ao déficit hídrico. Dois experimentos foram conduzidos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 2 x 2 x 4 com duas cultivares (SP80-1816 e RB72454), dois níveis de estresse (controle e dez ninfas por planta ou 50% de restrição hídrica) e quatro épocas. O déficit hídrico promovido por M. fimbriolata não resultou em acúmulo de prolina, ilustrando a existência de mecanismos distintos para a percepção do estresse hídrico promovido pela praga e pela variação no potencial osmótico nas células das raízes. A cultivar RB72454 acumula maiores teores de prolina livre, e o acúmulo de massa seca e o crescimento dos colmos são menos afetados nessa cultivar sob restrição hídrica. Os teores de solutos compatíveis provavelmente não podem ser utilizados para quantificar o estresse promovido por M. fimbriolata em cana-de-açúcar. A cultivar RB72454 é mais tolerante ao déficit hídrico do que a cultivar SP80-1816.
It is well established that nitrate is a potent inhibitor of nodulation and nitrogen fixation in legumes. The objective of this study was to demonstrate the relative insensitivity of these processes to nitrate with Calopogonium mucunoides, a tropical South American perennial legume, native to the cerrado (savannah) region. It was found that nodule number was reduced by about half in the presence of high levels of nitrate (15 mM) but nodule growth (total nodule mass per plant) and nitrogen fixation (acetylene reduction activity and xylem sap ureide levels) were not affected. Other sources of N (ammonium and urea) were also without effect at these concentrations. At even higher concentrations (30 mM), nitrate did promote significant inhibition (ca. 50%) of acetylene reduction activity, but no significant reduction in xylem sap ureides was found. The extraordinary insensitivity of nodulation and N2 fixation of C. mucunoides to nitrate suggests that this species should be useful in studies aimed at elucidating the mechanisms of nitrate inhibition of these processes. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Xylella fastidiosa is a fastidious, xylem-limited bacterium that causes a range of economically important plant diseases. Here we report the complete genome sequence of X. fastidiosa clone 9a5c, which causes citrus variegated chlorosis - a serious disease of orange trees. The genome comprises a 52.7% GC-rich 2,679,305-base-pair (bp) circular chromosome and 'two plasmids of 51,158 bp and 1,285 bp. We can assign putative functions to47% of the 2,904 predicted coding regions. Efficient metabolic functions are predicted, with sugars as the principal energy and carbon source, supporting existence in the nutrient-poor xylem sap. The mechanisms associated with pathogenicity and virulence involve toxins, antibiotics and ion sequestration systems, as well as bacterium-bacterium and bacterium-host interactions mediated by a range of proteins. Orthologues of some of these proteins have only been identified in animal and human pathogens; their presence in X. fastidiosa indicates that the molecular basis for bacterial pathogenicity is both conserved and independent of host. At least 83 genes are bacteriophage-derived and include virulence-associated genes from other bacteria, providing direct evidence of phage-mediated horizontal gene transfer.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Xylella fastidiosa is the causal agent of citrus variegated chlorosis and Pierce's disease which are the major threat to the citrus and wine industries. The most accepted hypothesis for Xf diseases affirms that it is a vascular occlusion caused by bacterial biofilm, embedded in an extracellular translucent matrix that was deduced to be the exopolysaccharide fastidian. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analysis demonstrated that virulent cells which form biofilm on glass have low fastidian content similar to the weak virulent ones. This indicates that high amounts of fastidian are not necessary for adhesion. In this paper we propose a kinetic model for X fastidiosa adhesion, biofilm formation, and virulence based on electrostatic attraction between bacterial surface proteins and xylem walls. Fastidian is involved in final biofilm formation and cation sequestration in dilute sap. (C) 2004 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The cambial activity and periodicity of secondary xylem and phloem formation have been less studied in tropical tree species than in temperate ones. This paper describes the relationship between seasonal cambial activity, xylem and phloem development, and phenology in Schizolobium parahyba, a fast growing semideciduous seasonal forest tree from southeastern Brazil. From 2002 to 2003, wood samples were collected periodically and phenology and climate were recorded monthly in the same period. S. parahyba forms annual growth increments in wood, delimited by narrow initial parenchyma bands. The reduction of the cambial activity to a minimum correlates to the dry season and leaf fall. The higher cambial activity correlates to the wet season and the presence of mature leaves. In phloem, a larger conductive region was observed in the wet season, when the trees were in full foliage. The secondary phloem did not exhibit any incremental zone marker; however, we found that the axial parenchyma tends to form irregular bands.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.) is a perennial herbaceous aquatic ornamental plant with potential to be used as a new cut flower for the Brazilian ornamental market. It shows exotic and attractive flowers and has a strong market appeal, once it is known as a symbol of purity, holiness and immortality. However, flowers have a short-vase life. Lotus flower stem exudes a large quantity of sticky milky sap from the cut surface, which is produced in laticifers, spatially associated with both xylem and phloem. It has been reported that latex coagulates on the cut surface preventing or reducing water absorption and reducing flowers' vaselife, requiring treatments to stop the flow of latex. The objective of this study was to report observations of lotus postharvest characteristics and evaluate treatments to overcome latex flow. The experiment was conducted as a complete randomized design with three replications of four stems in each vase and eight treatments; a control (distilled water), pretreatment of cut stem-ends with hot water (40° C/1 minute), boiling water (3 seconds), isopropyl alcohol 90% (10 minutes) or citric acid (pH = 2.8/1h) and, maintenance of stems in a holding solution of Tween® 20 (0.01%), citric acid (200 mg L-1) or Tween® 20 (0.01%) plus citric acid (200 mg L-1). Treatments had no significant effect on flowers vaselife which was only about three days, although isopropyl alcohol, hot and boiling water completely stopped latex flow. Cut stem-ends pretreated with citric acid (pH = 2.8/1 h) showed a significantly higher relative water content of petals compared to others treatments. The senescence symptom of lotus cut flowers was mainly characterized by abscission of turgid petals and dehiscence of stamens without any visual change of petal color and brightness.
In recent years a great worldwide interest has arisen for the development of new technologies that enable the use of products with less environmental impact. The replacement of synthetic fiber plants is a possibility very important because this fiber is renewable, biodegradable and few cost and cause less environmental impact. Given the above, this work proposes to develop polymeric composites of epoxy resin and study the behavior of these materials. Both, the epoxy resin used as matrix in the manufacture of sapegrass fiber composite, as tree composites formed by: epoxy/unidirectional sapegrass long fiber, 75% epoxy/25% short fiber, by volume, and 80% epoxy/20% short fiber, by volume, were characterized by bending, and the composites produced with short fibers random were inspected by Optical Microscopy and Acoustics Inspection (C-Scan). For the analysis of the sapegrass fiber morphology, composites 75% epoxy/25% short fiber (sheet chopped) and 80% epoxy/20% short fiber images were obtained by optical microscope and the adhesion between polymer/fiber was visualized. As results, the flexural strength of composites epoxy/unidirectional long fibers, 75% epoxy/25% short fiber and 80% epoxy/20% short fiber were 70.36 MPa, 21.26 MPa, 25.07 MPa, respectively. Being that composite showed that the best results was made up of long fibers, because it had a value of higher flexural strength than other composites analyzed