Doria, R.G.S.; Canola, P.A.; Freitas, S.H. & Canola, J.C. [Equine chronic proliferative synovitis (villonodular synovitis): clinical, radiographic and ultrasonographic aspects: Relate of case.] Sinovite proliferativa cronica (sinovite vilonodular) em equino: aspectos clinicos, radiograficos e ultra-sonograficos: Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinciria 30(3):157-161, 2008. Departamento de Cirurgia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria, Universidade de Cuiaba, UNIC, Av. Antartica 788, Casa 26, Residencial Villas Boas, Ribeirao da Ponte, Cuiaba, MT 78040-500. Brasil. E-mail: redoria@uol.com.brThe development of intracapsullar masses at the dorsal aspect of the metacarpofalangeal joint for a period of several months is commonly secondary to the chronic synovitis. Although it is known as villonodular synovitis in horses probably is better to refer it as chronic proliferative synovitis. The most common causes are the non-treated osteocondral fractures of the dorsal portion of the proximal phalanx. In addition, the development of villonodular masses follows the degenerative process in the joint. A case of a lame animal is reported at the present study. The correct diagnosis and the adequate therapeutic propositions were given based on the clinical examination, therapeutic local-anesthetic test and radioghaphic and ultrasonographic imaging exams. The development of a criterious identification of this disease must be based on clinical findings, radiographic and ultrasonographic exams which assume fundamental importance to the treatment and prognostic. The aim of this study is to describe the clinical, radiographic and ultrasonographic findings' allowing the identification and diagnosis of chronic proliferative synovitis at the thoracic metacarpofalangeal joint in the horse.
This study examined the relationships between gross chemical composition and ultrasonographic characteristics of the ram testes. Ten testes from sexually mature Karakul rams were scanned ex situ with an 8-MHz linear-array transducer, in a transverse and longitudinal plane. All ultrasonograms were saved as digital images and subjected to computerized analyses. Crude protein content was determined by the Kjeldahl method, moisture was determined with an oven-drying method, and fat was measured by the Soxhlet extraction of dried samples. Mean pixel values (r = -0.64, P = 0.04), pixel heterogeneity (standard deviation of pixel values; r = -0.64, P = 0.04) and maximum pixel intensity (r = -0.76, P = 0.01) were all negatively correlated with parenchymal protein content. Pixel heterogeneity correlated directly with extractable lipids (r = 0.66, P = 0.02). The quantitative correlations between echotextural and biochemical parameters found in the present experiment confirm the utility of ultrasonographic imaging combined with computer-assisted image analysis for determining changes in testicular histophysiology. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The thyroid gland was assessed by ultrasound in healthy euthyroid mixed-breed medium size dogs in different age groups. The objective was to verify ultrasonographic imaging patterns in these groups, as well as to identify possible changes in imaging features resulting from ageing. Thirty dogs - 10 young (<1 year), 10 adult and 10 elderly - without clinical signs or history of thyroid gland disease with complete blood count and thyroid function tests within the reference values were evaluated. Each thyroid lobe was examined by ultrasound for shape, size, echogenicity and echotexture. The analysis of echogenicity and echotexture was made by histogram. Thyroid volume was estimated by the equation for ellipsoid (length x width x height) pi/6. The thyroid volume of the young dogs in this study had a tendency to be higher than in adult dogs (P = 0.068) and older dogs (P = 0.120). The height of the thyroid lobe in the longitudinal plane was significantly higher (P = 0.026) in young dogs compared with the other dogs. The echotexture and echogenicity had no significant differences between groups, but the echogenicity was greater in older dogs. The results point out that ultrasound imaging of the thyroid volume is influenced by age in euthyroid dogs.
Annually hundreds of crab-eating foxes (Cerdocyon thous) are referred to rehabilitation centers and zoos in Brazil. The ultrasonographic study of wildlife species is an important tool for a non-invasive and accurate anatomical description and provides important information for wildlife veterinary care. The aim of the present study was to determine the characteristics of the main abdominal organs as well as the vascular indexes of the abdominal aorta and renal arteries of crab-eating foxes (Cerdocyon thous) using mode B ultrasonography and Doppler ultrasonography, respectively. Ultrasonographic features of the main abdominal organs were described and slight differences were noticed between ultrasound imaging of abdominal organs of crab-eating foxes and other species. The bladder presented wall thickness of 12 +/- 0.01 mm, with three defined layers. Both, the right and left kidneys presented corticomedullary ratio of 1: 1 and similarly to the adrenals and the liver, they were homogeneous and hypoechoic compared to the spleen. The spleen was homogeneous and hyperechoic compared to the kidneys. The stomach presented 3 to 5 peristaltic movements per minute, wall thickness of 39 +/- 0.05 mm and lumen and mucosa with hyperechoic and hypoechoic features, respectively. Small and large intestines presented 2 to 3 peristaltic movements per minute, wall thickness of 34 +/- 0.03 mm and three defined layers with hyperechogenic (submucosa and serosa) and hypoechogenic (muscular) features. Ovaries of the female crab-eating fox were hypoechoic compared to the spleen and with heterogeneous parenchyma due to the presence of 2x2 mm ovarian follicles. Prostates of the six males were regular and with a well defined boundary, with a homogeneous and hyperechoic parenchyma compared to the spleen. Vascular indexes of the abdominal aorta (PSV: 25.60 +/- 0.32 cm/s; EDV: 6.96 +/- 1.68cm/s; PI: 1.15 +/- 0.07 e RI: 0.73 +/- 0.07) and right (PSV: 23.08 +/- 3.34cm/s; EDV: 9.33 +/- 2.36cm/s; PI: 1.01 +/- 0.65 e RI: 0.65 +/- 0.16) and left renal arteries (PSV: 23.74 +/- 3.94cm/s; EDV: 9.07 +/- 3.02cm/s; PI: 1.04 +/- 0.31 e RI: 0.64 +/- 0.10) were determined. Thus, conventional and Doppler ultrasonographic imaging provides basic information that can be used as reference for the species as well for other wild canids and it is a precise and non-invasive method that can be safely used to evaluate and diagnose abdominal injuries in these patients.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Study Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of transvaginal ultrasound and office hysteroscopy in the differentiation between endometrial polyps and endometrial adenocarcinoma. Design: This is a prospective 100 women longitudinal study, 24 to 80 years, submitted to hysteroscopic polypectomy (n = 80) or surgery due to endometrial adenocarcinoma (n = 20), from january 2010 to December 2011. Clinical, ultrasonographic and hysteroscopic parameters were analyzed and compared with histopathologic find. Statistical analysis were performed utilizing the Tukey, Kruskal-Wallis, Dunn and Mann-Whitney test, with a confidence interval of 95% and p\0, 05 statiscally significant. Setting: Botucatu Medical School. Intervention: Prospective analysis of clinical, ultrasonographic and hysteroscopic parameters in patients with diagnosis suspected of endometrial polyps and adenocarcinoma of endometrium were performed. According to the diagnosis, hysteroscopic polypectomy or pan hysterectomy with lymph node sampling was realized. After the surgery and histopathological study, statistical analysis of parameters was performed and the results were compared between groups. It was Research Ethics Committee approved. Measurements and Main Results: There were no differences between age, BMI, menopause, TH use and associated diseases among groups. The main symptom of endometrial cancer was the postmenopausal bleeding, affecting 84,2% of women against 34,8% of polypectomy group. The majority of women with endometrial polyps were asymptomatic. Transvaginal ultrasonography showed no ability to differentiate cases of endometrial cancer compared with the cases of endometrial polyps, considering the presence of endometrial thickness and blood flow on color Doppler. Office hysteroscopy showed significant changes in 75% of the adenocarcinoma cases, especially the presence of diffuse hypervascularity with atypical vessels. Conclusion: Still remains an inability to establish clinical parameters and reliable ultrasound imaging to differentiate endometrial polyps and cancer of endometrium. Attention should be given to hysteroscopic exams presenting diffuse endometrial hypervascularization with architectural distortion of the vessels. The recommendation of our service remains the systematic removal of all endometrial polyps.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Estudou-se o efeito de aplicações intratendíneas do polissulfato de glicosaminoglicanas (PSGAG) no tratamento de tendinite induzida pela colagenase. Dois grupos (GI e GII) de cinco eqüinos da raça Puro-Sangue Árabe, machos e fêmeas, com idades entre dois e seis anos, foram submetidos à tendinite do tendão flexor digital superficial do membro torácico esquerdo por aplicação intratendínea de 1,0ml de colagenase (2,5mg/ml). Decorridos sete dias da indução da lesão, os eqüinos do GI receberam cinco aplicações intralesionais de 1,0ml (125mg) de PSGAG, a intervalos de quatro dias, enquanto que os do GII receberam aplicações de solução fisiológica em igual volume e freqüência. Efetuaram-se avaliações clínicas e ultra-sonográficas, periodicamente, durante 150 dias. Todos os animais apresentaram claudicação e aumento local de sensibilidade, de temperatura e de volume 24 horas após a indução da lesão. Com exceção do aumento de volume, que permaneceu visível até o final do experimento, observou-se regressão de todos os sinais em todos os animais. A avaliação ultra-sonográfica evidenciou lesões de tamanho, forma e posição variados, de maior severidade entre o sétimo e 23º dia. Ao término do experimento, o grau de ecogenicidade encontrava-se entre 1 e 2, e o grau de paralelismo entre 0 e 2. A análise histopatológica evidenciou áreas cicatriciais com intensa fibroplasia e neovascularização, fibras colágenas pouco organizadas e endotendão hipercelular e espessado. Não se observou diferenças significativas entre os grupos quanto ao processo de reparação das lesões, concluindo-se que a aplicação intralesional de PSGAG não produziu efeito benéfico para tratar tendinite induzida por colagenase.
Rhodium phthalocyanine (RhPc) was synthesized and ultra thin Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films of RhPc were successfully fabricated. The LB film characterization was carried out using both UV-vis absorption spectra and Raman scattering. The Raman spectroscopy was carried out using 633 and 780 nm laser lines. LB films were deposited onto Ag nanoparticles to achieve the surface-enhanced pre-resonance Raman scattering (pre-SERRS) and surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) for both laser lines, respectively, which allowed the characterization of the RhPc ultra thin films. The morphology of the LB RhPc neat film is extracted from micro-Raman imaging. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A contaminated site from a downstream municipal solid waste disposal site in Brazil was investigated by using a 3D resistivity and induced polarization (IP) imaging technique. This investigation purpose was to detect and delineate contamination plume produced by wastes. The area was selected based on previous geophysical investigations, and chemical analyses carried out in the site, indicating the presence of a contamination plume in the area. Resistivity model has successfully imaged waste presence (rho < 20 Omega m), water table depth, and groundwater flow direction. A conductive anomaly (rho < 20 Omega m) outside wastes placement was interpreted as a contamination plume. Chargeability model was also able to imaging waste presence (m > 31 mV/V), water table depth, and groundwater flow direction. A higher chargeability zone (m > 31 mV/V) outside wastes placement and following conductive anomaly was interpreted as a contamination plume. Normalized chargeability (MN = m/rho) confirmed polarizable zone, which could be an effect of a salinity increase (contamination plume), and the clay presence in the environment.
Aim. Duplex scanning has been used in the evaluation of the aorta and proximal arteries of the lower extremities, but has limitations in evaluating the arteries of the leg. The utilization of ultrasonographic contrast (USC) may be helpful in improving the quality of the image in these arteries. The objective of the present study was to verify whether the USC increases the diagnostic accuracy of patency of the leg arteries and if it diminishes the time needed to perform duplex scanning.Methods. Twenty patients with critical ischemia (20 lower extremities) were examined by standard duplex scanning, duplex scanning with contrast and digital subtraction arteriography (DSA). The 3 arteries of the leg were divided into 3 segments, for a total of 9 segments per limb. Each segment was evaluated for patency in order to compare the 3 diagnostic methods. Comparison was made between standard duplex scanning and duplex scanning with contrast in terms of quality of the color-coded Doppler signal and of the spectral curve, and also of the time to perform the exams.Results. Duplex scanning with contrast was similar to arteriography in relation to patency diagnosis (p>0.3) and even superior in some of the segments. Standard duplex scanning was inferior to arteriography and to duplex scanning with contrast (p<0.001). There were improvements of 70% in intensity of the color-coded Doppler signal and 76% in the spectral curve after the utilization of contrast. The time necessary to perform the examinations was 23.7 minutes for standard duplex scanning and 16.9 minutes for duplex scanning with contrast (p<0.001).Conclusion. The use of ultrasonographic contrast increased the accuracy of the diagnosis of patency of leg arteries and diminished the time necessary for the execution of duplex scanning.