115 resultados para Territories


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The expansion of agrofuel crops challenges us to rethink policies, territories, human agency, and the paradigms used to explain them. In Brazil, policies supporting the expansion of agrofuel crops and the intensification of agrofuel production are reorganising rural land use and undermining some forms of participation in the capitalist and family modes of production. To reflect on this new reality, we study peasant movement reactions, proposals, and territorial disputes with agribusiness. Using the Pontal do Paranapanema region of São Paulo state as a case in point, the paper analyses territorial disputes between expanding sugarcane plantations and agrarian reform settlements as well as biodiesel production projects developed by the Landless Workers Movement (MST) and the Western São Paulo Federation of Settlement and Family Farmer Associations (FAAFOP). It also analyses the agrofuel policies of other peasant organisations, including Via Campesina. The production of agrofuels has changed the processes of land acquisition and use by both agribusiness and the peasantry, provoking new insights into the nature of territorial conflicts and thereby stimulating the need to revise perspectives on the agrarian question in Brazil.


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Se os cronistas espanhóis inventaram paulatinamente o que viria a ser a América, como O' Gorman propôs, os cronistas portugueses da primeira metade do século XVI foram bem mais cautelosos na construção de uma identidade para os territórios do ultramar visitados por Colombo e por Cabral. Esses cronistas quinhentistas, com os olhos na Ásia, só tardiamente deixaram de pensar esse quase um outro mundo como lugar de passagem para pensá-lo como lugar de parada. Embora distanciando-se do tom de espanto que marca cartas e relatos utilizados como fontes e revelando uma preocupação em atribuir um lugar específico para a viagem de Cabral na construção da história portuguesa, as peripécias dos navegadores sobressaem às peculiaridades das terras e gentes que viriam futuramente a merecer dos seus congêneres uma atenção especial. Neste ensaio, o alvo visado é o lugar, na cronística portuguesa quinhentista, conferido a esses territórios de pouco prestígio, melhor, o lugar que lhe é concedido na memória portuguesa desses primeiros tempos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The parasite Schistosoma mansoni lacks the de novo pathway for purine biosynthesis and depends on salvage pathways for its purine requirements. Schistosomiasis is endemic in 76 countries and territories and amongst the parasitic diseases ranks second after malaria in terms of social and economic impact and public health importance. The PNP is an attractive target for drug design and it has been submitted to extensive structure-based design. The atomic coordinates of the complex of human PNP with inosine were used as template for starting the modeling of PNP from S. mansoni complexed with inosine. Here we describe the model for the complex SmPNP-inosine and correlate the structure with differences in the affinity for inosine presented by human and S. mansoni PNPs. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Caste polyethism has been recorded in some termite species, however the foraging behavior of subterranean termites remains poorly known. Heterotermes tenuis Hagen (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) is a subterranean termite that is native to Brazil and is an agricultural and urban pest. The aim of this study was to investigate which caste acts as scouts when searching for food sources and determinate the percentages of each caste present in the foraging territories of field colonies of H. tenuis. Our results showed no significant differences among the caste proportions present in the foraging territories of the three colonies studied in the field. Laboratory experiments showed that minor soldiers were the most frequent initiators of foraging activities. This result suggests that the exploratory phase of the foraging behavior may be regulated by the number of soldiers present in the foraging territories of each colony.


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Parrotfishes are important components of the herbivore and detritivore guilds of tropical and subtropical reefs. Most of parrotfish species are protogynous hermaphrodites that change colour and sex, from initial phase females or males (IP) to terminal phase males (TP). We studied the foraging behaviour of Sparisoma amplum, S. axillare and S. frondosum, three syntopic scarids on the rocky reefs of Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, Tropical West Atlantic. The three parrotfish species differed in food selection and preference, but IP and TP individuals of the same species preferred the same food types, except for S. amplum. Feeding rates of IP individuals were higher than those of TP individuals, but the distribution of feeding frequencies throughout the day of IP and TP individuals of the same species was similar. IP individuals had higher feeding rates than TP ones, which seems related to the fact that TP individuals spend a large amount of time patrolling their territories and chasing away conspecific individuals at the study site. The general foraging pattern we found for S. amplum, S. axillare and S. frondosum is similar to patterns found for other parrotfish species in the Western Atlantic.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A regulação da homeostasia intra e extra-celular da glicose está diretamente relacionada ao controle preciso da expressão dos genes que codificam as diferentes isoformas de proteínas transportadoras de glicose, as quais se expressam de maneira tecido-específica, em conseqüência do padrão de ativação dos fatores transcricionais reguladores de cada gene, em cada tipo celular. A síndrome metabólica (SM) abrange uma grande variedade de alterações fisiopatológicas, todas de repercussões sistêmicas, acometendo os mais distintos territórios do organismo, nos quais alterações nos transportadores de glicose presentes são observadas em maior ou menor grau. A presente revisão abordará as alterações na expressão de transportadores de glicose claramente demonstradas na literatura, cujas repercussões nos fluxos territoriais de glicose auxiliam na compreensão de mecanismos fisiopatológicos da SM, assim como dos tratamentos propostos para esta entidade.


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Apresentamos neste artigo algumas problematizações a respeito da expressão travesti, que, não se apoiando em um modelo único de referência sexual e de gênero para sua efetivação, nos permitiria falar em processos de 'travestilização'. Esses processos se constituem através de dispositivos em que lineamentos duros, flexíveis e de fuga participam da criação de seus corpos, desejos e prazeres, transitando entre efeitos-consequências de discursos normativos e singularizadores. Sua circulação no mundo coloca em xeque as matrizes binárias heteronormativas do sistema sexo/gênero/desejo, que se desmancham diante de modos de subjetivação orientados por potências subversivas criadoras de novos campos possíveis de existencialização. Nessa perspectiva, queremos mostrar que as expressões sexuais e de gêneros das travestis formulam novas questões a respeito dos modelos identitários vigentes, demonstrando que a coerência e a inteligibilidade impostas pelos códigos heteronormativos precisam ser urgentemente revistas, de modo a questionar a respeito da ordem social que apresenta o gênero associado ao sexo reprodutivo, para ressignificar as expressões sexuais, gendradas e subjetivas, em sua processualidade histórica que explode os binarismos, despreza os universais e desmancha o absolutismo da ideia de verdade, enraizados nos sistemas binários de pensamentos sedentários, fechados, universais e a-históricos.


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We studied the lek behavior of the Swallow-tailed Hummingbird (Eupetomena macroura) in an urbanized area in S (a) over tildeo Paulo state, Southeastern Brazil. During the 22-month study we identified a total of 26 lekking territories in one lek that covered an area of approximately 12 ha. The lek was active throughout the year; the number of singing males per morning ranged from 6-15. The abandonment of territories and the establishment of new ones caused continuous rearrangement of lek boundaries. Lekking territories had a mean size of 217 m(2) and were separated from each other by 24-120 m. on average, males started singing 27 min before sunrise and kept singing for 17 min. At the end of this period and after a few minutes of silent perching, they abandoned their lekking territories until the next morning. During the singing period. males spent 72-100% of the time inside their territories. The lek behavior of E. macroura is unusual compared to other lekking hummingbirds because of the short daily period of lekking, restricted to just before Sunrise. Since males and females of E. macroura possibly defend feeding territories throughout the rest of the day, the short lekking period may represent a tradeoff between two different time budget pressures from lekking and feeding activities.


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During the past decade, influenced strongly by World Bank land policies, many governments instituted a new mode of recreating the peasantry, one supposedly led by market forces through credit programs secured by land. Supported by large landowner organizations, defended as a conquest by the rural labor movement and combated by member organizations of the Via Campesina, the new mode of peasant renovation has inspired a diversity of interpretations both positive and negative. To evaluate these events, this article seeks to demonstrate the World Bank's intentionality in urging the implementation of market-led agrarian reform in developing countries; discusses the construction of immaterial territories in the context of this policy; analyzes the development of a people's think tank in response to the agitation of the Via Campesina Brazil and the negative impact of the credit system on peasants.