21 resultados para T lymphocyte activation


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The potential sequelae of intestinal infection with Yersinia enterocolitica include reactive arthritis, erythema nodosum, Reiter's syndrome and other autoimmune diseases. The role of the immune response in the pathogenesis of these diseases has not been fully defined, but autoimmune manifestations may be a consequence of the increase in autoantibodies as a result of polyclonal B-cell activation induced by Yersinia. We investigated the effects of Y enterocolitica 0:3 derivatives on B lymphocyte activation in vivo. Groups of five specific pathogen free (SPF) Swiss mice were inoculated with bacterial cell extract, Yersinia outermembrane proteins (Yops) or lipopolysaccharide (LPS) obtained from Y enterocolitica 0:3 and their immunoglobulin-secreting spleen cells were detected by isotype-specific protein A plaque assay. The presence of specific anti-Yersinia antibodies and autoantibodies was determined in mouse sera by ELISA. In all experiments a marked increase in the number of secretory cells of different isotypes was observed as early as the third day after inoculation. IgG and IgM anti-Yersinia antibodies were detected in the sera of all inoculated mice, and autoantibodies against myosin in the sera of those inoculated with bacterial cell extract. The sera from animals stimulated with LPS reacted with myelin, actin and laminin, while the sera from mice inoculated with Yops reacted with myelin, thyroglobulin and cardiolipin. These results suggest that SPF Swiss mice inoculated with any one of the Y enterocolitica derivatives tested exhibited polyclonal activation of B lymphocytes as a result of stimulation by various bacterial components and not only LPS stimulation.


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The mechanisms by which arthritis-provoking pathogens such as Yersinia enterocolitica interact with the human immune system to produce inflammatory synovitis are not well known. One of the immunomodulating mechanisms used against these pathogens is the polyclonal activation of lymphocytes. In this study, we investigated the extent of the B-lymphocyte activation induced in mice by a strain of Y. enterocolitica O:3 (FCF 526) isolated from a patient with arthritis, and compared it with two other strains, a virulent one (FCF 397[+]) isolated from a patient without arthritis and its plasmidless isogenic pair (FCF397[-]). Also we investigated the production of autoantibodies in mice infected with these different strains. SPF Swiss mice were infected intravenously with a suspension of Y. enterocolitica . Spleen cells were taken on days 7, 14, 21 and 28 after infection and the number of cells secreting nonspecific and specific antibodies of IgG 1 , IgG 2a , IgG 2b , IgG 3 , IgM and IgA isotypes were determined by the ELISPOT technique. The presence of autoantibodies in mouse serum was investigated by the dot-blot assay. The pattern of infection of the three bacterial strains were almost the same. We observed a general increase in the number of nonspecific Ig-secreting cells with all three strains, and the greatest increases observed were in the IgG 2a and IgG 3 isotypes. Only a small fraction of the immunoglobulins detected were antibacterial, suggesting that the rest resulted from polyclonal B cell activation. The strain isolated from the patient with arthritis (FCF526) induced the greatest production of autoantibodies, coinciding with the period in which the greatest activation of nonspecific B lymphocytes was seen. There were no signs of arthritis or inflammation in the joints of the infected animals. Based on our results, we were unable to determine whether there is an association between the arthritogenic capability of Y. enterocolitica and polyclonal activation of B cells.


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We evaluated propolis influence on polyclonal activation of lymphocytes by concanavalin A (Con A). The in vitro experiments showed that propolis decreases splenocyte proliferation both in the absence or presence of Con A. The supression in mitogen-induced splenocyte proliferation also occurred when mice were treated intraperitoneally with propolis for 3 days. An increased of IFN-gamma production in the culture supernatants of the same cells was, observed. A dual action of propolis on lymphocyte activation was proposed: it decreases splenocyte proliferation in the presence or absence of Con A and stimulates IFN-gamma production by spleen cells. These results are important to understand the immunomodulatory action of propolis on the host's specific and non-specific immunity. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Eight-week old conventional female Swiss mice were inoculated intravenously with Yersinia enterocolitica O:3. A second group of normal mice was used as control. Five mice from each group were bled by heart puncture and their spleens were removed for spleen cell collection on the 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 14th and 21st day after infection. Immunoglobulin-secreting spleen cells were detected by the isotype-specific protein A plaque assay. Total immunoglobulin levels were determined in mouse serum by single radial immunodiffusion and the presence of autoantibodies was determined by ELISA. We observed a marked increase in the total number of cells secreting immunoglobulins of all isotypes as early as on the 3rd day post-infection and the peak of secretion occurred on the 7th day. At the peak of the immunoglobulin response, the total number of secreting cells was 19 times higher than that of control mice and most immunoglobulin-secreting cells were of the IgG2a isotype. On the 10th day post-infection, total serum immunoglobul in values were 2 times higher in infected animals when compared to the control group, and continued at this level up to the 21st day post-infection. Serum absorption with viable Y. enterocolitica cells had little effect on antibody levels detected by single radial immunodiffusion. Analysis of serum autoantibody levels revealed that Y. enterocolitica infection induced an increase of anti-myosin and anti-myelin immunoglobulins. The sera did not react with collagen. The present study demonstrates that Y. enterocolitica O:3 infection induces polyclonal activation of murine B cells which is correlated with the activation of some autoreactive lymphocyte clones.


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A DNA vaccine based on the heat-shock protein 65 Mycobacterium leprae gene (pHSP65) presented a prophylactic and therapeutic effect in an experimental model of tuberculosis. In this paper, we addressed the question of which protective mechanisms are activated in Mycobacterium tuberculosis-infected mice after immune therapy with pHSP65. We evaluated activation of the cellular immune response in the lungs of infected mice 30 days after infection (initiation of immune therapy) and in those of uninfected mice. After 70 days (end of immune therapy), the immune responses of infected untreated mice, infected pHSP65-treated mice and infected pCDNA3-treated mice were also evaluated. Our results show that the most significant effect of pHSP65 was the stimulation of CD8+ lung cell activation, interferon-γ recovery and reduction of lung injury. There was also partial restoration of the production of tumour necrosis factor-α. Treatment with pcDNA3 vector also induced an immune stimulatory effect. However, only infected pHSP65-treated mice were able to produce significant levels of interferon-γ and to restrict the growth of bacilli.


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Polyclonal lymphocyte stimulation is one of the immunomodulatory mechanisms induced by arthritogenic pathogens. In this study we examined the polyclonal activation potential of a virulent strain of Y. enterocolitica serotype O:8 (WA 2707+) and its plasmidless isogenic pair (WA 2707-). SPF Swiss mice were infected intragastrically and spleen cells were obtained on days 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42 after infection. The number of cells secreting nonspecific immunoglobulins of IgG, IgM and IgA isotypes was determined by the ELISPOT technique. The presence of serum-specific antibodies was investigated by ELISA and the presence of autoantibodies by dot-blot assay. Although the patterns of infection of the two bacterial strains were almost the same, only the animals infected with the virulent strain presented clinical anomalies. Neither arthritic nor inflammatory signs were observed in the joints of the infected animals. The greatest activation observed was that of the nonspecific IgM-secreting cells, and their peak of secretion occurred between the 28th and the 42nd day after infection, for both strains of Y. enterocolitica O:8. Only the animals infected with the virulent strain (WA 2707+) produced IgG-specific antibodies in the serum, from the 28th day after infection. The serum of animals infected with either strain showed reactivity to all the autologous constituents tested, mainly on the 28th and 42nd day after infection. It was concluded that infection of mice with either the virulent strain of Y. enterocolitica O:8 or with its plasmidless isogenic pair resulted in the polyclonal activation of the splenic B lymphocytes including some autoreactive clones.


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The immunological status of five children with West syndrome consequent to previous cerebral lesions was investigated. Three children had West syndrome and two were in transition from West to Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. All of them showed cellular immunological deficiencies in the following tests: sensitization to DNCB, intracutaneous reaction to PHA, inhibition of leukocyte migration, blastic transformation of lymphocytes, T and B lymphocytes in peripheral blood and levels of serum immunoglobulins. These immunological deficiencies, of different degrees of severity, were associated with frequent infections in these children. A possible association between the immunological deficiencies and autoimmunity is discussed.


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Cellular immune response to specific and non-specific stimulants was investigated, both in vivo and in vitro, in 29 healthy controls and in 53 previously untreated patients with the chronic isolated organic form (CIOF), the chronic mixed form (CMF) and the acute progressive form (APF) of paracoccidioidomycosis. The study included skin tests to Paracoccidioides brasiliensis antigen (PbAg) and phytohaemagglutinin (PHA), DNCB sensitization, determination of T lymphocytes and complement rosette-forming cells, lymphocyte transformation and leucocyte migration inhibition tests using PbAg and PHA. Patients displayed staggered cutaneous response to PHA and to PbAg, with marked decrease in intensity in the APF group. DNCB sensitization test and proliferative response of lymphocytes to PHA and PbAg were severely depressed in most of the patients. Leucocyte migration inhibition indices to PbAg were highly positive, while response to PHA was slightly decreased regardless of the clinical form. The number of T lymphocytes was reduced in most of patients and in them the number of complement-rosette forming cells was normal. The distribution of patients according to a suppression index, based in the results of the tests employed, revealed a tendency towards an increased degree of cellular immunosuppression from the least severe (CIOF) to the most severe (APF) clinical form of the disease. On the whole, the present study demonstrated a gamut of immunological reactivity in paracoccidioidomycosis. © 1985.


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The exoantigen of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis standardized by Camargo et al. [1] (AgR) was used to evaluate the in vivo and in vitro cell immune response of experimental animals and of patients with paracoccidioidomycosis (PBM). Fava Netto antigen (AgF) was tested in parallel as a control antigen. The study was conducted with mice and guinea pigs infected with P. brasiliensis or immunized with its fungal antigens, on patients with PBM and on their respective control groups. The cell immune response was analysed by skin tests, and by the macrophage and leucocyte migration inhibition tests (MMIT and LMIT) in the animals and in the patients, respectively. The skin test with AgR as paracoccidioidin was positive in infected or immunized mice and guinea pigs and negative in control animals. The skin tests with AgR (24 h) showed 96.7% positivity in patients with PBM and were negative in control individuals. Histopathological study of the in vivo tests in the different experimental models was consistent with a delayed hypersensitivity response (DHR). Immunohistochemical study of the skin tests of PBM patients demonstrated a predominance of T lymphocytes, confirming the nature of a DHR to the fungal antigens. The in vitro cell immune response showed variable results for the various experimental models, i.e. significant rates of MMIT in immunized mice, a tendency to positivity in infected guinea pigs, and the absence of migration inhibition in PBM patients. Taken together, the data indicate that the AgR is efficient as paracoccidioidin in the evaluation of DHR in PBM, with an optimum time of reading the test of 24 h.


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Treatment of patients with paracoccidioidomycosis is still a challenge. Patients present defective lymphoproliferation and IFN-γ responses to the main Paracoccidioides brasiliensis antigen (gp43), which correlates with disease severity. Here, we demonstrated that the patients show also a defective synthesis of interleukin (IL)-12. Therefore, we attempted to revert this immune disfunction by adding IL-12 and neutralizing anti-IL-10 antibody to gp-43-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cell cultures. Both treatments increased IFN-γ secretion to levels observed with healthy sensitized individuals, but affected proliferation only modestly. When combined, the treatments further increased IFN-γ synthesis and cell proliferation. The addition of suboptimal concentrations of IL-2 also further increased the IL-12-mediated secretion of IFN-γ. Interestingly, the immune modulation was mostly antigen-specific, since the responses to Candida albicans' antigen were not affected. These results suggest that appropriate immune intervention with cytokines and/or anti-cytokines may help in the treatment of PCM. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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