138 resultados para Sudden stops


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Citrus sudden death (CSD) has greatly affected sweet orange cultivars grafted on Rangpur lime in São Paulo and Minas Gerais States, Brazil. To characterize and quantify CSD damage, fruit yield and quality were assessed in each combination of sweet orange cultivar (Hamlin, Pera, Natal, and Valencia), age class (3 to 5, 6 to 10, and 11 to 15 years old), and CSD severity class (0 = no symptom, 1 = initial symptoms, and 2 = severe symptoms). For each combination, 10 trees were harvested and 20 fruit were taken for quality analysis. Damage was characterized by reduc_ tion of: (i) total weight of fruit/tree (36 and 67% for severity class 1 and 2, respectively), (ii) number of fruit/tree (27 and 55%), (iii) fruit size (13 and 25% in diameter and height [stem to styler distance]), (iv) fruit weight (32 and 56%), (v) total soluble solids (TSS)/fruit (18 and 42%), and increase of (vi) Brix (14 and 34%), (vii) acidity (16 and 41%), and (viii) TSS/90-1b. box (21 and 33%). There was no alteration on Brix/acidity ratio and percentage of juice on fruit of affected trees. Sweet orange cultivars did not differ in percentage of reduction or increase of all yield and quality variables, with the exception of Pera, which expressed increases of Brix and acidity. For more severe affected trees, the youngest plants showed a higher reduction in fruit number/tree, whereas plants 6 to 10 years old showed a higher increase in fruit acidity and TSS/box. However, no differences in percentage of reduction or increase for other variables were observed among different age classes. The damage to the above probably was associated with reduced water absorption capacity of CSD-affected trees.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We consider a model for rattling in single-stage gearbox systems with some backlash consisting of two wheels with a sinusoidal driving; the equations of motions are analytically integrated between two impacts of the gear teeth. Just after each impact, a mapping is used to obtain the dynamical variables. We have observed a rich dynamical behavior in such system, by varying its control parameters, and we focus on intermittent switching between laminar oscillations and chaotic bursting, as well as crises, which are sudden changes in the chaotic behavior. The corresponding transient basins in phase space are found to be riddled-like, with a highly interwoven fractal structure. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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O Diabetes mellitus é uma enfermidade crônica que leva a alterações sensitivas e motoras. Tais alterações comprometem o equilíbrio e a deambulação, predispondo seus portadores à ocorrência de quedas. Esta revisão teve por objetivo levantar, na literatura recente, estudos que visassem avaliar parâmetros da marcha e aspectos envolvidos com a deambulação. Para isso, foi realizada uma busca nas bases de dados MEDLINE, SciELO, LILACS e PEDro, cruzando as palavras-chave: Neuropatias Diabéticas x Marcha; Diabetes Mellitus x Marcha e Pé Diabético x Marcha. Após passarem pelos critérios de seleção, foram obtidos 15 artigos, os quais foram sintetizados e discutidos, sendo, portanto, incluídos nesta revisão. Ficou claro que a neuropatia diabética leva a déficits na amplitude do passo, velocidade e cadência da marcha em superfícies planas, sem mudanças bruscas de direção ou paradas, e déficits de equilíbrio e coordenação em aclives, declives e terrenos irregulares. Acarreta, também, aumento dos índices de pressão plantar e, devido à alteração de ativação do tríceps sural, dificuldade na fase de apoio terminal e pré-balanço. Assim, o próximo contato inicial ocorrerá de maneira inadequada, com o antepé e sem absorção de choques.


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Background: Air conditioning-induced rhinitis in allergic individuals is a common epidemiologic finding, but its physiopathology,is still controversial. The aim of this study was to describe and compare the effects of experimental air conditioning temperature changes on the nasal mucosa of individuals with persistent allergic rhinitis compared with a control group.Methods: A case-control challenge study was performed in a laboratory of thermal comfort with experimental twin challenge chambers set at a 12 C difference in temperature. A group of 32 patients with persistent allergic rhinitis and a group of 16 control subjects were exposed for 30 minutes, 3 times alternately in each chamber. Nasal symptom scores were recorded and nasal samples collected before, immediately after, and 24 and 48 hours after the challenge.Results: the rhinitis group showed a higher symptom score, epithelial shedding, percentage of eosinophils, total inflammatory cells, leukotriene C-4, eosinophil cationic protein, albumin, and tryptase levels compared with controls. There was also a significant increase in symptom score, total cells recovered, percentage of eosinophils, epithelial shedding, albumin, myeloperoxidase, and soluble intercellular adhesion molecule 1 in both groups compared with baseline levels.Conclusion: Sudden temperature changes led to a more pronounced inflammatory nasal response in the rhinitis group with the recruitment and activation of eosinophils.Clinical implications: Persistent allergic rhinitis is a risk factor for developing sudden temperature change-related rhinitis even in the absence of allergen exposure.


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Sudden-onset bilateral deafness as a clinical manifestation of hyperleukocytosis in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is a rare occurrence. We found only 27 clinical descriptions in 16 published papers. In this work, the authors present a review on deafness in CML and describe a new case with prominent hyperleukocytosis, where the neurological findings suggest slowing of the circulation through small blood vessels in the brainstem as the cause of deafness. The evolution was good after treatment. To our knowledge, this is the second case documented with electrical auditory brainstem-evoked potentials and the first with magnetic resonance imaging. Copyright (C) 2000 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Previous events evidence that sudden cardiac death (SCD) in athletes is still a reality and it keeps challenging cardiologists. Considering the importance of SCD in athletes and the requisite for an update of this matter, we endeavored to describe SCD in athletes. The Medline (via PubMed) and SciELO databases were searched using the subject keywords sudden death, athletes and mortality. The incidence of SCD is expected at one case for each 200,000 young athletes per year. Overall it is resulted of complex dealings of factors such as arrhythmogenic substrate, regulator and triggers factors. In great part of deaths caused by heart disease in athletes younger than 35 years old investigations evidence cardiac congenital abnormalities. Athletes above 35 years old possibly die due to impairments of coronary heart disease, frequently caused by atherosclerosis. Myocardial ischemia and myocardial infarction are responsible for the most cases of SCD above this age (80%). Pre-participatory athletes' evaluation helps to recognize situations that may put the athlete's life in risk including cardiovascular diseases. In summary, cardiologic examinations of athletes' pre-competition routine is an important way to minimize the risk of SCD. © 2010 Ferreira et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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It is known that quantum discord might experience a sudden transition in its dynamics when calculated for certain Bell-diagonal states (BDS) that are in interaction with their surroundings. We examine this phenomenon, known as the sudden change of quantum discord, considering the case of two qubits independently interacting with dephasing reservoirs. We first demonstrate that, for a class of initial states which can be chosen arbitrarily close to BDS, the transition is in fact not sudden, although it might numerically appear so if not studied carefully. Then, we provide an extension of this discussion covering the X-shaped density matrices. Our findings suggest that the transition of quantum discord might be sudden only for an highly idealized zero-measure subset of states within the set of all possible initial conditions of two qubits. © 2013 American Physical Society.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Angus x Hereford steers (n = 42) and heifers (n = 21) were ranked by gender and BW on d 0 of the experiment and randomly assigned to 1 of 3 treatments: 1) no transport and full access to feed and water (CON); 2) continuous road transport for 1,290 km (TRANS), or 3) road transport for 1,290 km, with rest stops every 430 km (STOP; total of 2 rest stops). Treatments were applied from d 0 to 1 of the experiment. Cattle from TRANS and STOP treatments were transported in separate commercial livestock trailers, within a single 2.1 x 7.2 m compartment, but through the exact same route. During each rest stop, STOP cattle were unloaded and offered mixed alfalfa-grass hay and water for ad libitum consumption for 2 h. Upon arrival of STOP and TRANS on d 1, cattle were ranked by sex and BW within each treatment and assigned to 21 feedlot pens (7 pens/treatment; 2 steers and 1 heifer/pen). Full BW was recorded before (d -1 and 0) treatment application and at the end of experiment (d 28 and 29). Total DMI was evaluated daily from d 1 to 28. Blood samples were collected on d 0 (before loading of TRANS and STOP cattle), 1 (immediately after unloading of TRANS and STOP cattle), 4, 7, 10, 14, 21, and 28. Body weight shrink from d 0 to d 1 was reduced (P < 0.01) in CON compared to TRANS and STOP, and reduced in STOP compared to TRANS. Mean ADG was greater (P < 0.05) in CON compared to TRANS and STOP, but similar (P = 0.68) between TRANS and STOP. No treatment effects were detected (P >= 0.18) on hay, concentrate, and total DMI. Mean G: F was greater (P = 0.05) in CON compared to STOP, tended to be greater (P = 0.08) in CON compared to TRANS, and similar (P = 0.85) between TRANS and STOP. Plasma cortisol concentrations were greater (P <= 0.04) in TRANS compared to CON and STOP on d 1, and greater (P = 0.04) in TRANS compared to CON on d 4. Serum NEFA concentrations were greater (P < 0.01) in TRANS compared to CON and STOP on d 1, and greater (P <= 0.05) in TRANS compared to CON on d 4 and 7. Mean plasma ceruloplasmin concentrations were similar (P = 0.19) among treatments. Plasma haptoglobin concentrations were greater (P <= 0.04) in TRANS compared to CON and STOP on d 1, and in STOP compared to CON on d 1. In conclusion, inclusion of rest stops during a 1,290-km transport prevented the increase in circulating cortisol and alleviated the NEFA and haptoglobin response elicited by transport, but did not improve feedlot receiving performance of transported cattle.


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A Morte Súbita dos Citros (MSC) afeta laranjeiras doces (Citrus sinensis) e algumas tangerineiras (Citrus reticulata) enxertadas em limoeiro 'Cravo' (Citrus limonia) no norte do Estado de São Paulo e sul do Triângulo Mineiro. O progresso da doença nos pomares têm causado grande preocupação para o agronegócio citrícola. Para caracterizar e quantificar os danos causados pela MSC, a produção de frutos (peso total e número de frutos por planta e tamanho dos frutos) foi avaliada em quatro talhões para cada combinação variedade ('Hamlin', 'Pêra', 'Natal' e 'Valência') / classe de idade (três a cinco anos, seis a dez anos e 11 a 15 anos). em cada talhão, as plantas foram classificadas de acordo com a severidade de MSC (0 = sadia, 1 = sintomas iniciais e 2 = sintomas severos). Para cada nível de severidade foram colhidas dez plantas escolhidas ao acaso. Os danos foram caracterizados pela redução do peso total de frutos por planta (28% e 50% para o nível 1 e 2, respectivamente), do número total de frutos por planta (12% e 26% para o nível 1 e 2, respectivamente) e do tamanho do fruto (22% e 41% para nível 1 e 2, respectivamente). As variedades de laranja não diferiram em relação à porcentagem de redução para todas as variáveis de produção avaliadas. As plantas mais jovens tiveram a maior redução no número total de frutos por planta e as plantas com mais de cinco anos de idade tiveram as maiores reduções no tamanho dos frutos. As classes de idade não diferiram na porcentagem de redução do peso total de frutos por planta.


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Existem poucas pesquisas que abordam estudos epidemiológicos de mortes em cavalos de corrida de uma forma ampla. A maioria restringe-se a uma afecção ou procedimento específico. O Brasil não possui um programa de monitoramento de mortes instituído. Através de um estudo descritivo em associação a metodologia multivariada de análise, realizou-se um estudo epidemiológico de causa mortis relacionadas com afecções musculosqueléticas (MS), gastrointestinais (GI), sistema respiratório (RES), neurológico (NEU) e mortes súbitas (SD) durante os anos de 2002 a 2008 no Hospital Octavio Dupont, Rio de Janeiro. Os machos representaram o sexo mais afetado e a causa mortis relacionada com a taxa geral de mortalidade por grandes grupos de causas determinadas apresentou a seguinte ordem decrescentemente: MS>GI>SD>NEU>RES. A maioria dos óbitos registrados foi de cavalos na faixa etária de quatro a cinco anos (ID4-ID5). Seguidamente, observaram-se as seguintes relações de correspondência: (Triênio = SM-ID>5-SD; ID>5-GI; ID4-5-MS; SF-ID<4-RES/NEU); (Quatriênio = SM - ID>5 - GI; SF - ID<4 - NEU; ID4-5 - MS; GI - ID>5). O presente estudo aponta a importância e necessidade de estudos epidemiológicos sobre lesões em cavalos atletas, objetivando o diagnostico, reconhecimento de fatores predisponentes e prevenção.