53 resultados para Slow tourism e storytelling dos residentes


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Although the prevalence of caries has decreased dramatically over the past decades, it has become a polarised disease, with most of subjects presenting low caries levels and few individuals accounting for most of the caries affected surfaces. Thus it become evident for the need of clinical approaches directed at these high-risk patients, in order to overcome problems related to compliance and low attendance at dental care centres. Slow-release fluoride devices were developed based on the inverse relationship existing between intra-oral fluoride levels and dental caries experience. The two main types of slow-release devices - copolymer membrane type and glass bead - are addressed in the present review. A substantial number of studies have demonstrated that these devices are effective in raising intra-oral F concentrations at levels able to reduce enamel solubility, resulting in a caries-protective effect. Studies in animals and humans demonstrated that the use of these devices was able to also protect the occlusal surfaces, not normally protected by conventional fluoride regimens. However, retention rates have been shown to be the main problem related to these devices and still requires further improvements. Although the results of these studies are very promising, further randomised clinical trials are needed in order to validate the use of these devices in clinical practice. The concept of continuously providing low levels of intra-oral fluoride has great potential for caries prevention in high caries-risk groups.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this study was to investigate if the Na+-channel activating alkaloid veratrine is able to change the oxidative and m-ATPase activities of a fast-twitch glycolytic muscle (EDL, extensor digitorum longus) and slow-twitch oxidative muscle (SOL, soleus) in mice. Oxidative fibers and glycolytic fibers were more sensitive to veratrine than oxidative-glycolytic fibers 15, 30 and 60 min after the i.m. injection of veratrine (10 ng/kg) with both showing an increase in their metabolic activity in both muscles. In EDL, the m-ATPase reaction revealed a significant (p < 0.001) decrease (50%) in the number of type IIB fibers after 30 min while the number of type I fibers increased by 550%. Type I fibers decreased from 34% in control SOL to 17% (50% decrease) in veratrinized muscles, with a 10% decrease in type IIA fibers within 15 min. A third type of fiber appeared in SOL veratrinized muscle, which accounted for 28% of the fibers. Our work gives evidence that the changes in the percentage of the fiber types induced by veratrine may be the result, at least partially, from a direct effect of veratrine on muscle fibers and else from an interaction with the muscle type influencing distinctively the response of a same fiber type. Based on the results obtained in the present study the alterations in EDL may be related to the higher number of Na+ channels present in this muscle whereas those in SOL may involve an action of veratrine on mitochondria. Although it is unlikely that the shift of enzymes activities induced by veratrine involves genotypic expression changes an alternative explanation for the findings cannot be substantiated by the present experimental approach. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The search for new non-routine emotions and sensations has become a decisive factor in taking part in adventure tourism. As Barros and Dines (2000) have pointed out, Brazil's natural resources are abundant and have been widely used to promote the nation's tourism. Empirical literature describes fear as one of the main emotions in adventure activities, and for this reason a questionnaire was designed to examine the presence of fear before and after three adventure activities (parachuting, white-water rafting, and rock-climbing). This study not only aimed to consolidate fear as a fundamental emotion in performing such activities but also to stimulate interest for further studies in this area. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Estudou-se a mortalidade de crianças menores de um ano de idade residentes no Município de Botucatu, SP (Brasil), em 1987. Tentando estabelecer o perfil de risco desses óbitos, tendo como seu principal responsável a desigualdade social, calculou-se o risco adicional (RA) em função de algumas variáveis usando a metodologia de estudos de caso-controle. O resultado obtido foi um RA de óbito de 15,58 para gestação pré-termo, 11,63 para o baixo peso ao nascer, 8,50 para inexistência de água intradomiciliar e 4,04 para escolaridade materna insuficiente. Verificou-se existir importante desigualdade entre as famílias das crianças que morreram e as das que sobreviveram, sugerindo que a melhor estratégia para enfrentar o excesso de mortalidade infantil residiria na melhoria sócio-econômica, isto é, todas as famílias deveriam ter a mesma capacidade de consumir os bens e serviços em igual quantidade e qualidade.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar o índice de qualidade da dieta de adolescentes residentes no Distrito do Butantã do município de São Paulo, SP. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal de base populacional com uma amostra de 437 adolescentes, de ambos os sexos, com idade entre 12 e 19 anos. Foram obtidas amostras probabilísticas em dois estágios, setor censitário e domicílio, da área estudada. O consumo alimentar foi medido pelo método recordatório de 24 horas e a qualidade da dieta avaliada pelo Índice de Qualidade da Dieta adaptado para a realidade local. RESULTADOS: Dos adolescentes avaliados, 4% apresentaram dieta saudável, 68% dieta que necessita de melhora e 28% dieta inadequada. O sexo masculino apresentou maior pontuação para os componentes do Índice de Qualidade da Dieta cereais, hortaliças, leguminosas e variedade da dieta. O aumento no número de anos de estudo do chefe da família apresentou-se associado ao maior consumo dos grupos de alimentos: cereais, verduras e legumes, leite e produtos derivados e variedade de alimentos; a relação foi inversa para o grupo de leguminosas e sódio. CONCLUSÃO: A maioria dos adolescentes estudada não segue as recomendações dietéticas preconizadas, fato que pode comprometer a saúde futura desses indivíduos.


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Heros Augusto Santos Lobo & Edvaldo Cesar Moretti: Tourism in Caves and the Conservation of the Speleological Heritage: The case of Serra da Bodoquena (Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil)The Serra da Bodoquena is the region in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil in which the Municipality of Bonito is located. This municipality is the primary calling card for tourism in the state and is one of the most developed areas of ecotourism and speleotourism in the country The tourism there is entitled ecotourism, and is designed to be sustainable. The present case study focuses on the ecologically Sustainable aspects of the spleotourism practiced there, especially the proposals for tourist carrying capacity adopted. The results and discussion provide Suggestions for the adoption of a different formulation of carrying capacity focusing on both operational and quantitative aspects. Ecologically Sustainable speleotourism in the Serra da Bodoquena should be possible as long as new proposals limiting visitation are adopted which conform to technical environmental management procedures and consider the interests of local stakeholders.


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This article extends results contained in Buzzi et al. (2006) [4], Llibre et al. (2007, 2008) [12,13] concerning the dynamics of non-smooth systems. In those papers a piecewise C-k discontinuous vector field Z on R-n is considered when the discontinuities are concentrated on a codimension one submanifold. In this paper our aim is to study the dynamics of a discontinuous system when its discontinuity set belongs to a general class of algebraic sets. In order to do this we first consider F :U -> R a polynomial function defined on the open subset U subset of R-n. The set F-1 (0) divides U into subdomains U-1, U-2,...,U-k, with border F-1(0). These subdomains provide a Whitney stratification on U. We consider Z(i) :U-i -> R-n smooth vector fields and we get Z = (Z(1),...., Z(k)) a discontinuous vector field with discontinuities in F-1(0). Our approach combines several techniques such as epsilon-regularization process, blowing-up method and singular perturbation theory. Recall that an approximation of a discontinuous vector field Z by a one parameter family of continuous vector fields is called an epsilon-regularization of Z (see Sotomayor and Teixeira, 1996 [18]; Llibre and Teixeira, 1997 [15]). Systems as discussed in this paper turn out to be relevant for problems in control theory (Minorsky, 1969 [16]), in systems with hysteresis (Seidman, 2006 [17]) and in mechanical systems with impacts (di Bernardo et al., 2008 [5]). (C) 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The Corumbau Marine Extractive Reserve was created in a region of rich biodiversity, located in the South of Bahia State, Brazil, to meet the revindications of artisanal fishermen in a context of increasing predatory industrial fisheries. The aim of the Marine Extractive Reserve is to improve the sustainability of fisheries stocks and the economy of artisanal fishermen's families, protecting the local biodiversity for the locals' collective use. However, at Corumbau the natives are facing social problems that have increased due to tourism growth. The present research contributes to the Management Plan in sectors that are crucial to assess the aspirations and subjective aspects related to the natives' daily life at individual, familiar and communitary levels. The Participatory Appraisal with a Gender Equity Perspective (PAGP) was applied to five communities at RESEX Corumbau, showing, by gender, the greatest problems artisanal fisheries' families are facing. Tourism is growing in the area, reflecting the residents different and contradictory interests. It can develop commerce and jobs, but also intensify some social and environmental problems in this area. © Society for Human Ecology.


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The tourism policies pursued by the Brazilian government since the 1990s have not produced the benefits that were expected from mass tourism. The example of two very successful cases of community-based tourism, stressing paths rooted in a development model that is fair and environmentally responsible, shows that tourism development can improve the quality of life in communities that receive an influx of tourists provided that the local community is taken into account and the planning and implementation of such development focus on creating opportunities and benefits for its members. © 2008 Latin American Perpectives.


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Background: This study was undertaken to test the hypothesis that diabetes and pregnancy detrimentally affect the normal function of urethral striated muscles in rats, providing a model for additional studies related to urinary incontinence. The aim of this study was to evaluate morphological alterations in the urethral striated muscles of diabetic pregnant rats. Materials and Methods: Twenty female Wistar rats were distributed into four experimental groups of five rats as follows: virgin, pregnant, diabetic virgin, and diabetic pregnant. Diabetes was induced using streptozotocin administration (40 mg/kg i.v.). The rats were lethally anesthetized, and the urethra and vagina were extracted as a unit. Cryostat sections (6 μm thick) were cut and stained with hematoxylin-eosin, and immunohistochemical procedures were performed and subjected to morphological and semi quantitative analysis. Results: The urethral striated muscle from the diabetic pregnant rats presented with the following variations: thinning and atrophy, disorganization and disruption associated with the colocalization of fast and slow fibers and a steady decrease in the proportion of fast vs slow fibers. Conclusion: Diabetes and pregnancy impair the urethral striated muscle and alter its fiber type distribution. © Copyright G. Marini et al., 2011.