72 resultados para Sieve
The ultrastructural features and the plastid changes caused by sample preparation were studied in sieve elements of Panicum maximum leaves. Samples of expanded leaves, taken near the ligule region, were fixed and processed by common light and transmission electron microscopy methods. In mature sieve-tube elements, the protoplast is electron-translucent and plastids are the most frequent organelles. Mitochondria and smooth endoplasmic reticulum segments are also visible and occupy a parietal position within the cell. The plastids are globular and show electron-dense proteinaceous inclusions in the stroma. The protein crystals are predominantly cuneate, but thin crystalloids and amorphous and/or filamentous proteins also occur. The presence of intact plastids plus others in different phases of plastid envelope rupture were interpreted as evidence that this rupture is a normal event in response to injury. This plastid envelope rupture is possibly activated by the release of pressure in the sieve-tube element. After plastid membrane vesiculation, the stroma and the protein crystals are dispersed within the sieve-element ground cytoplasm. The vesicles originating from the plastid envelope move to one cell pole, while protein crystalloids move to the opposite pole and agglomerate in the sieve-plate region. Our findings indicate that these protein crystalloids, which deposit in the sieve plate, may act in sieve-plate pores occlusion, preventing the release of phloem sap, similar to the role of P-protein in dicotyledons. (c) 2008 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Mature leaf fragments from eight species of Xyris from the Serra do Cipo, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, were prepared by the usual methods for electron microscopy. Ultrastructural analysis of phloem shows the occurrence of nacreous walls with a polylamellate structure in the sieve-elements of X. tortilis and plastids similar to P-plastids, form PIIcf in the sieve-elements of all investigated species.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a toxicidade do herbicida S-metolachlor em plantas de milho oriundas de sementes com diferentes características morfológicas. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, localizada no município de Capão do Leão, RS. Os tratamentos foram compostos pelas combinações de três grupos de tamanhos de sementes, classificadas em peneiras de crivo oblongo [sementes retidas nas peneiras de largura 14/64 (peneira 14), 18/64 (peneira 18) e 21/64 (peneira 21)], de dois formatos de sementes (chata e redonda) e de cinco doses do herbicida S-metolachlor (0,00; 0,48; 0,96; 1,44; e 1,92 kg ha-1), totalizando-se 30 tratamentos. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados em esquema fatorial (3 x 2 x 5), com quatro repetições. Após a separação e classificação das sementes, procedeu-se à semeadura em vasos preenchidos com solo homogeneizado. em cada vaso foram semeadas oito sementes de milho, na profundidade de 3,0 cm, realizando-se, 24 horas depois, a aplicação do S-metolachlor em pré-emergência. Foram realizadas as seguintes avaliações: velocidade de emergência das plântulas; número total de plântulas emergidas; toxicidade visual e altura de plantas aos 7, 14 e 21 dias após a emergência (DAE); e biomassa seca das raízes e da parte aérea aos 21 DAE. O formato das sementes se mostrou fator importante na tolerância das plantas aos efeitos tóxicos do herbicida S-metolachlor, aplicado em pré-emergência, quando as sementes de milho são de menor tamanho, sendo observada maior toxicidade quando as plantas eram provenientes de sementes redondas. O aumento das doses aplicadas do S-metolachlor ocasionou reduções na aquisição de biomassa seca tanto da parte aérea como das raízes de plantas de milho, porém maior decréscimo se observou quanto ao acúmulo de biomassa seca das raízes.
A compactação do solo tem causado decréscimos na produtividade de soja, e os valores de densidade do solo a partir dos quais a produtividade decresce são pouco conhecidos. Assim, este trabalho objetivou avaliar a produtividade de soja (cv. Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) 48) em relação à densidade relativa (Dsr) de Latossolo Vermelho textura média (LVd) e argilosa (LVef). em 2001/2002, foi realizado um experimento em casa de vegetação, com amostras coletadas nos dois solos na camada de 0,0-0,2 m, peneirados a 4,0 mm, adubados e compactados em camadas de 3,0 cm, em vasos de 20 cm de altura e 25 cm de diâmetro. Foram estabelecidos quatro níveis de compactação e dois de água no solo (tensão de 0,01 e 0,05 MPa), com três repetições. A soja foi semeada em novembro (duas plantas por vaso) e irrigada duas vezes ao dia. No segundo experimento, no campo (2002/2003), utilizou-se apenas o LVd que foi compactado por meio de passadas de trator com quatro pneus de mesma largura, estabelecendo-se cinco níveis de compactação, com quatro repetições. A soja foi semeada, em dezembro de 2002, no espaçamento de 0,45 m entre linhas e 20 plantas por metro. Foram determinadas a densidade do solo (Ds) e a Ds máxima pelo teste de Proctor, sendo a Dsr obtida por divisão da Ds pela Ds máxima. Na colheita, foi avaliada a produtividade de grãos. A Dsr ótima para a produtividade de soja, em casa de vegetação, foi superior no Latossolo Vermelho eutroférrico argiloso (0,84), comparada à do Latossolo Vermelho caulinítico de textura média (0,75), na tensão de água no solo de 0,01 MPa. No campo, a Dsr ótima para soja foi de 0,80.
O presente trabalho tee como objetivo estudar a emergência e o desenvolvimento de plantas de marmeleiro, com potencial para serem utilizadas como porta-enxertos. O trabalho foi desenvolvido no Centro APTA Frutas/IAC, de maio/05 a janeiro/06. Sementes dos marmeleiros 'Mendoza INTA-37', 'Provence', 'Portugal' e 'Japonês' foram extraídas de frutos maduros, lavadas em água corrente, secas à sombra por 48 h e estratificadas a frio por 20 dias. em seguida, foram semeadas em bandejas de poliestireno (72 células, capacidade de 120 cm³/célula) contendo a vermiculita como substrato. Foi feito contagem da porcentagem de emergência após 30 dias da semeadura, a cada 10 dias, em um total de quatro coletas. em seguida, foi retirada uma amostra de 10 plântulas por repetição e avaliados a altura média da parte aérea, nº de folhas, massa seca média da parte aérea e das raízes. Foram ainda separados 10 plântulas uniformes e representativos de cada repetição e transplantados para sacos plásticos (capacidade de 3 L) contendo como substrato solo + esterco de curral curtido + areia (1:1:1 v/v). As plântulas permaneceram em viveiro telado (sombrite 50%), sendo irrigadas periodicamente. A cada 30 dias, foram mensurados a altura e o diâmetro das plântulas até o final da sexta avaliação (após 180 dias do transplantio). Concluiu-se que o marmeleiro 'Japonês' apresenta maior porcentagem de emergência (70%), altura das plântulas (111,83 cm) e diâmetro (0,7 cm), possuindo maior performance e uma excelente alternativa como porta-enxerto para marmeleiros.
With the objective to determine the influence of the dehydration and of the size and/or weight on germination percentage and the vigor of jussara palm seeds (Euterpe edulis Mart.), 10 individuals' ripe fruits, picked in the Experimental Station of Ubatuba (IAC) they were classified by size in 5 sieves of circular sieve: 26/64" (10,31mm), 28/64" (11,11mm), 30/64" (11,90mm), 32/64" (12,69mm) and 34/64" (13,49mm). It was determined, the medium weight of the classified seeds. The quality of the seeds was evaluated through the following parameters: water content of the seeds; germination and vigor (first germination counting). It was evaluated the drying speed of different seed sizes for 48 hours, in dry chamber. The sizes of 28/64", 30/64" and 32/64" represented 98,7% of the total weight of the harvested seeds and showed similar drying speed, percentage of germination and vigor. With the increase of the drying period, the smaller seeds (28/64") had their germination less affected them the intermediate (30/64") and bigger sized seeds (32/64").
Recently, Dictyla monotropidia Stal was observed feeding on plants of black sage (Cordia verbenacea Al. DC). The colonies of this insect were observed on abaxial surface of leaves, with nymphs and adults sucking the phloem sieve, causing spot, yellow aspect and leaf fall. D. monotropidia was already related as pest in other Cordia species in countries of Central and South America. Although, this is the first report of this insect attacking plants of C. verbenacea in Brazil.
O leiteiro (Peschiera fuchsiaefolia) é uma infestante de pastagens de importância para as regiões Sudeste e Centro-Oeste do Brasil, cuja dispersão ocorre por sementes. Com o objetivo de avaliar a qualidade fisiológica das sementes de leiteiro, em função do estádio de maturação e armazenamento dos frutos, foram colhidos frutos em cinco regiões diferentes, constituindo cinco acessos: lote 1-Vitoriana/SP, lote 2-Botucatu/SP, lote 3Bauru/SP, lote 4-São Manuel/SP e lote 5-São Pedro/SP. Cada lote de sementes foi avaliado individualmente, seguindo-se o delineamento estatístico inteiramente casualizado, com os tratamentos dispostos em esquema fatorial 2x4, sendo dois períodos de armazenamento dos frutos (0 e 7 dias após colheita) e quatro estádios de maturação (verde-oliva, verde-limão, alaranjado-fechado e alaranjado-aberto). A polpa dos frutos foi retirada e as sementes extraídas mediante fricção em peneira sob água corrente. As sementes foram colocadas para germinar a 30 ºC com 8 h de luz, sendo as contagens realizadas semanalmente até os 42 dias do início do teste. Os resultados dos testes da primeira contagem de germinação, IVG e condutividade elétrica mostraram que o vigor das sementes foi superior em frutos colhidos nos estádios finais de maturação e que, de modo geral, o armazenamento dos frutos prejudicou a qualidade das sementes.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Purpose: This study assessed masticatory efficiency and duration of the masticatory cycle in 14 asymptomatic patients with severe bone resorption. All patients had worn complete dentures for over 10 years. Recall visits were scheduled at 5 months and 1 year after receiving new dentures.Materials and Methods: Fourteen patients were evaluated in this study. The Research Diagnostic Criteria questionnaire and tests of the efficiency and duration of the masticatory cycle were performed with artificial food before, 5 months after, and 1 year after new dentures were delivered. Masticatory efficiency was assessed using a sieve system; artificial food was ground for 35 masticatory cycles and monitored by the operator.Results: Masticatory efficiency at 5 months was significantly improved for the 0.42-mm mesh. An improvement in masticatory efficiency and a reduction in mastication time were observed with the new dentures after 1 year.Conclusion: The results of this study indicated that 5 months did not allow enough time to demonstrate improved muscular capacity and ability after receiving new dentures. After 1 year, the duration of the masticatory cycle was reduced, and masticatory efficiency was significantly improved.
The bark of Styrax camporum Pohl (Styracaceae) differs anatomically in the root and stem. Roots have layered secondary phloem; short sieve tubes with simple, transverse or more or less inclined sieve plates; fibres in tangential bands; astrosclereids; wide rays, and a poorly developed periderm. Stems have non-layered secondary phloem; longer sieve tubes with compound, scalariform, inclined sieve plates; sclerified cells and brachyselereids; a developed periderm, and a non-persistent rhytidome. Prismatic crystals, starch grains, phenolic compounds and lipidic contents were observed in root and stem bark cells. The differences between the secondary phloem of root and stem are discussed.
Previous studies on legume pulvini suggest that the vascular system plays an important role in the redistribution of ions and transmission of stimuli during leaf's movements. However, the number of anatomical and ultrastructural studies is limited to few species. The aim of this paper is to investigate the structure and cellular features of the pulvinus vascular system of nine legume species from Brazilian cerrado, looking for structural traits pointing to its participation in the leaf's movements. Samples were excised from the medial region of opened pulvinus of Bauhinia rufa, Copaifera langsdorffii, Senna rugosa (Caesalpinioideae), Andira humilis, Dalbergia miscolobium, Zornia dilphylla (Faboideae), Mimosa rixosa, Mimosa flexuosa and Stryphnodendron polyphyllum (Mimosoideae), and were prepared following light microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and histochemical standard techniques. The vascular system occupies a central position, comprises phloem and xylem and is delimited by a living sheath of septate fibers in all the species studied. This living cells sheath connects the cortex to the vascular tissues via numerous plasmodesmata. The absence of fibers and sclereids, the presence of phenolic idioblasts and the abundance and diversity of protein inclusions in the sieve tube members are remarkable features of the phloem. Pitted vessel elements, parenchyma cells with abundant cytoplasm and living fibriform elements characterize the xylem. The lack of lignified tissues and extensive symplastic continuity by plasmodesmata are remarkable features of the vascular system of pulvini of the all studied species. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Aim: To analyze the composition, species richness and spatial distribution of the fish fauna in the area under influence of the Salto Grande Reservoir; Methods: Fish were caught every two months from November/05 to October/06, using gill nets, seining nets and sieve; Results: It was registered 67 fish species, 1,964 individuals and 146.2 kg, representing CPUEn of 1,964 and CPUEb of 278 kg. The most representative orders were Characiformes, with 29 species, Siluriformes (21 species) and Perciformes (11 species) Nine non-native species were registered. The most abundant species in the reservoir were Astyanax altiparanae, Steindachnerina insculpta and Acestrorhynchus lacustris, indicating the predominance of medium and small fishes in this reservoir. The dendrogram of similarity separated the Dam and Pedra Branca stretches from Pardo River Mouth, indicating differences in the assemblages. The species turnover among the stretches was demonstrated by the beta diversity, which may be related to the diversity of habitat; Conclusions: Although being a small reservoir, it displays great habitat diversity, reflecting in the composition and structure of fish assemblages.
This study was carried out at the Department of Plant Production, Sector Horticulture, São Paulo State University-UNESP, Botucatu Campus, São Paulo State, Brazil in order to evaluate the effect of sources and increasing doses of potassium in roots of eggplant. The experimental design was randomized blocks in factorial scheme 2 x 4 (two sources of potassium: KCl and K(2)SO(4) and four doses of K(2)O, 250, 500, 750 and 1000 kg ha(-1)) and three replications. For the experiment, we used Oxisol medium texture (615 g of sand, 45 g of silt and 340 g of clay per kg soil). The soil passed through sieve of 5 mm and packed in plastic pots with a capacity of 32 liters of soil where plants were grown. The pots were distributed with a spacing of 0,63 m between plants and 1,0 m between rows each pot being grown with a plant. The evaluated characteristics were: root dry mass and volume of the root. It was concluded that sources and excessive doses of mineral K(2)O induces stress in eggplants and affect the roots being less harmful K(2)SO(4) source.
A review of recent literature shows that most taphonomic studies of Holocene and fossil macrovertebrates are not methodologically standardized. Hence, results from distinct studies are not comparable, even among researches sharing virtually identical goals, targeting the same biological group of similar age and depositional environment. The effects of the shell size in the taphonomic analysis are still poorly understood. In order to study this issue, the taphonomic signatures (articulation, valve type, fragmentation, abrasion, corrosion, edge modification, color alteration, bioerosion and encrustation) of brachiopod shells (Bouchardia rosea (Mawe)), from Ubatuba Bay in the northern coast of São Paulo State, were investigated according to the sieve sizes. In the study area, 14 collecting stations were sampled via Van Veen grab sampler, along a bathymetric gradient, ranging from 0 to 35 m of depth. Bulk samples were sieved through 8 mm, 6 mm, and 2 mm mesh sizes, yielding a total of 5.204 shells. The results indicate that, when taphonomic signatures were independently analyzed per size classes (8 mm, 6 mm, and 2 mm), the taphonomic signatures are recorded in a complex and random way. Additionally, cluster analysis showed that the similarity among the clusters vary according to the considered sieve size. Thus, the sieve size plays an important role in the distribution of taphonomic signatures in shells of distinct sizes. These results suggest that the concentration of the taphonomic analysis on one class (e.g., the largest sieve size, 8 mm) is not always the best method. Rather, the total data (all sieves included) seems more accurate in recording the whole spectrum of taphonomic processes recorded in shells of a given assemblage.