72 resultados para Settling basins


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Por meio de observações sub e supra-aquáticas foram registradas associações alimentares do tipo nuclear-seguidor entre três espécies de peixes characiformes - Chalceus epakros, Hemiodus semitaeniatus e Hemiodus unimaculatus - e uma espécie de raia de água doce - Potamotrygon orbignyi - nas bacias dos rios Teles Pires e Xingu, no Centro-Oeste do Brasil. Os peixes teleósteos foram observados seguindo as raias quando estas revolviam o substrato à procura de invertebrados, formando discretas nuvens de sedimento. Essas situações atraíram os peixes que se aproximaram das raias para se alimentar de pequenas presas e outros tipos de alimentos expostos desta forma. Esse é um típico exemplo de relação comensal onde um participante é beneficiado enquanto o outro não é prejudicado e representa o segundo registro na literatura de associação alimentar do tipo nuclear-seguidor entre raias potamotrigonídeas e peixes teleósteos, demonstrando o potencial de estudos naturalísticos para a descoberta de novas interações envolvendo espécies de peixes de água doce.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Three drainage basins belonging to different drainage systems, but in close proximity, were evaluated to compare the distribution of macroalgal communities in the northwest region of São Paulo State, southeastern Brazil. Monthly samplings were carried out from September 1992 through September 1993 in three sites along the main river of each basin. 10 m length cross segments were evaluated for species per cent cover and richness, on both the population and community levels. Selected stream variables were measured: specific conductance, temperature, turbidity, mean cross-sectional area of the reach, current velocity, pH, and oxygen saturation (%). Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCO), chi-square good-of-fitness, and Pearson Product-Moment correlation coefficient were applied to evaluate the distribution of the macroalgal species. The survey resulted in 36 taxa of macroalgae, of which Cyanophyta was the dominant group (17 taxa or 41.7% of the total), followed by Chlorophyta (15 taxa or 41.7%), Rhodophyta (3 taxa or 8.3%) and Chrysophyta (1 taxon or 2.8%). Stigeoclonium helveticum, 'Chantransia' stage of Batrachospermum spp., and B. delicatulum were the most widespread and frequent macroalgae throughout the basins. The analyses showed that conductance and current velocity were the factors most closely related to the distribution of the macroalgal species. Positive correlation between richness and percent cover was determined, which reinforces the patchiness of stream macroalgal distribution.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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We investigate the dynamics of a Duffing oscillator driven by a limited power supply, such that the source of forcing is considered to be another oscillator, coupled to the first one. The resulting dynamics come from the interaction between both systems. Moreover, the Duffing oscillator is subjected to collisions with a rigid wall (amplitude constraint). Newtonian laws of impact are combined with the equations of motion of the two coupled oscillators. Their solutions in phase space display periodic (and chaotic) attractors, whose amplitudes, especially when they are too large, can be controlled by choosing the wall position in suitable ways. Moreover, their basins of attraction are significantly modified, with effects on the final state system sensitivity. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We consider a model for rattling in single-stage gearbox systems with some backlash consisting of two wheels with a sinusoidal driving; the equations of motions are analytically integrated between two impacts of the gear teeth. Just after each impact, a mapping is used to obtain the dynamical variables. We have observed a rich dynamical behavior in such system, by varying its control parameters, and we focus on intermittent switching between laminar oscillations and chaotic bursting, as well as crises, which are sudden changes in the chaotic behavior. The corresponding transient basins in phase space are found to be riddled-like, with a highly interwoven fractal structure. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The karyotypes, location of nucleolus organizer regions (NOR) and constitutive heterochromatin pattern of Sternopygus macrurus (Pisces, Gymnotoidei) of natural populations from the Amazon River, Sao Francisco River and Tiete River (the last belonging to the Upper Parana River system) are reported. All specimens had 2n = 46 chromosomes and presented small differences in karyotypic formulae, but populations of each river basin had a different fixed NOR phenotype. The loss of the satellite and a gradual deletion of the heterochromatin block adjacent to the NOR may be the origin of the variants. The possible mechanism of fixation of the NOR phenotypes, and the implications of the occurrence of intraspecific differences in fixed NOR phenotype in this species are discussed.


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This paper provides an insight to the trade-off between settling time and power consumption in regulated current mirrors as building parts in micropower current-switching D/A converters. The regulation-loop frequency characteristic is obtained and difficulties to impose a dominant-pole condition to the resulting 2nd-order system are evaluated. Raising pole frequencies in micropower circuits, while meeting consumption requirements, is basically limited by parasitic capacitances. For such cases, an alternative is to impose a twin-pole condition in which design constraints are somewhat relieved and settling slightly improved. Relationships between pole frequencies, transistor geometry and bias are established and design guidelines for regulated current mirrors founded. By placing loop-transistors in either weak or strong inversion, small (W/L) ratios are allowed and stray capacitances reduced. Simulated waveforms suggest a good agreement with theory. The proposed approach applied to the design of a micropower current-mode D/A converter improves both simulated and experimental settling performance.


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An analysis of covariance relating basin area (A, km2) to river length (L, km) and discharge rate (D, m3 s-1) was performed for two continents and showed that the two covariates (L and D) were highly significant and that the strength of the relationship changed between continents. For comparison, D was excluded but the result remained the same. Although geomorphological models are useful for establishing global levels of production, these regressions should be applied with caution. Historically, simple statistical models were developed to predict fish catches in rivers. These, based upon regression of catches on channel length or basin area for Africa and Central Amazonia, are contrasted in this paper because of their generally similar approach.


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This work describes the relative condition factor of the Hypostomus strigaticeps, Astyanax altiparanae, Astyanax scabripinnis, Astyanax fasciatus, Astyanax sp1., Characidium aff. zebra, Piabina argentea, Hypostomus ancistroides, Hypostomus sp1., Parodon tortuosus, Serrapinus heterodon, and Bryconamericus sp., of the APA of São Pedro and Analândia (22°-23°S and 47°30'-48°30'W). The condition factor provides information about the physical state of the animal in the environment. In order to compare different species, the relative condition factor was used. Variations in this factor were correlated with variations through the year and with subsequent alterations in the physiological state of the fishes. The relative condition factor was shown to be efficient in indicating changes in fish condition throughout the year.