623 resultados para Root canal treatment


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The aim of this report is to contribute to a better understanding of the radiographic, clinical and anatomic findings in maxillary second premolars. This paper reports the endodontic treatment of two cases of three-rooted three-canal maxillary second premolars in different patients, and two sound maxillary second premolars also with three canals and three independent roots in a sibling of one of the patients. Although the presence of maxillary second premolars with one or two canals and one root is much more common, other anatomic conditions can be found. A correct clinical and radiographic diagnosis based on knowledge of root canal anatomy and critical interpretation of radiographs is necessary for a safer and successful endodontic treatment of these teeth.


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The object of the study was to compare two commercial root canal sealers: Ketac-Endo (a glass ionomer cement) and Fill Canal (a zinc oxide-eugenol cement). A total of 34 root canals from dog premolars with vital pulps were used. After instrumentation, the root canals were sealed with Ketac-Endo and Fill Canal cements using gutta-percha and a lateral condensation technique. After 270 days the animals were sacrificed with an anesthetic overdose and the maxillae and mandibles were removed and fixed in formalin for 48 h. After routine histological processing the sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin and Mallory trichrome stains. Microscopic analysis revealed that Ketac-Endo cement presented better results than Fill Canal cement.


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Dogs' teeth with induced chronic periapical periodontitis were treated endodontically by two different methods, and the results were compared. A total of 40 root canals from the upper and lower premolars of two dogs were prepared chemomechanically. In method 1, a high-concentration (5.25%) hypochlorite solution was used during the instrumentation of the root canal, and an antibacterial dressing was applied between sessions, followed by filling of the root canal. In method 2, a low-concentration (0.5%) sodium hypochlorite solution was used as an adjunct to mechanical debridement, and the root canal was filled during the same session. The histopathological results showed that method 1 led to better periapical repair than method 2.


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Aim To report the diagnosis and successful clinical management of a patient with anatomical variation in maxillary first and second premolars.Summary Maxillary premolars have a highly variable root canal morphology, but it is rare, especially in the second premolar, to find three canals. This article describes the diagnosis and clinical management of first and second premolars with three canals and three separate roots, drawing particular attention to radiographic interpretation and access refinements.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objective. The objective of this study was to evaluate the histopathologic response of periapical tissues after root canal treatment of necrotic dog teeth with chronic apical periodontitis by using 2 calcium hydroxide-based root canal dressings and 2 root canal sealers.Study design. Seventy-eight root canals were instrumented by using 5.25% sodium hypochlorite as the irrigating solution, after which a calcium hydroxide paste (Calen/PMCC or Calasept) was placed for 30 days as a dressing. The root canals were then filled by using cold lateral gutta-percha condensation and an enclodontic sealer (Sealapex or AH Plus). After 360 days, the animals were killed by anesthetic overdose; then, the teeth were histologically prepared, sectioned, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin for optical microscopic analysis of apical and periapical tissue repair.Results. Statistical analysis showed that the poorest histopathologic results were observed in the Calasept/AH Plus group and that the Sealapex sealer overall resulted in better apical repair than the AH Plus sealer. The histopathologic results of Calen/PMCC paste with both AH Plus and Sealapex and Calasept paste with only Sealapex were statistically similar but were different from the results of Calasept with AH Plus.Conclusions. The results of this study in the dog showed differences in apical and periapical tissue repair of teeth with chronic apical periodontitis by using 2 calcium hydroxide root canal dressings and 2 sealers. More research is necessary to determine the best combination of dressings and sealers.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the apical and periapical repair after root canal treatment of dogs' teeth with pulp necrosis and chronic periapical lesion using different root canal sealers. After periapical lesion induction, forty-four root canals of 3 dogs were submitted to biomechanical preparation using 5.25% sodium hypochlorite as an irrigating solution. A calcium hydroxide dressing (Calen PMCC) was applied for 15 days and the root canals were filled using the lateral condensation technique with gutta-percha points and Sealapex, AH Plus or Sealer Plus for sealing. After 180 days, the animals were sacrificed by anesthetic overdose and the obtained histological sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin for optical microscopic analysis of the apical and periapical repair. The groups filled with Sealapex and AH Plus had better histological repair (p < 0.05) than the group filled with Sealer Plus, that had unsatisfactory results.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of the type of vehicle (distilled water or propyleneglycol) on the response of apical tissues of dogs' teeth after root canal filling with mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) at two different limits. Forty roots of incisors and premolars of two adult dogs were used. After pulpectomy, the root canals were prepared biomechanically, and the roots had the apical cemental barrier penetrated with a #15 K-file and widened to a #25 K-file. The root canals were assigned to four groups according to the vehicle used for MTA (ProRoot-MTA; Tulsa Dental, Tulsa, OK) preparation and the limit of root canal filling: group 1, filling with MTA/distilled water to the limit of the cemental canal; group 2, overfilling with MTA/distilled water, group 3, filling with MTA/propyleneglycol to the limit of the cemental canal; and group 4, overfilling with MTAlpropyleneglycol. The animals were killed by anesthetic overdose 90 days after endodontic treatment and the anatomic pieces were prepared for histomorphological analysis. The sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and Brown and Brenn techniques. The results showed that MTA pastes prepared with either distilled water or propyleneglycol as vehicles had similar biological behavior (p > 0.05); root fillings placed at the cemental canal limit showed better results than the overfillings (p = 0.01), and MTA/propyleneglycol paste was more easily placed into the root canals than MTA/distilled water paste.


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Foi propósito deste trabalho observar o processo de reparo de dentes de cães após obturação dos canais com dois cimentos diferentes, fazendo ou não a patência apical. Após uma sobreinstrumentação, os canais receberam um curativo de uma solução de corticosteróide-antibiótico por 7 dias, com o objetivo de obter invaginação de tecido conjuntivo para dentro dos canais. Após esse período, esse tecido foi totalmente removido em metade dos casos (grupos com patência apical) e preservados no restante dos casos (grupos sem patência apical). Os canais foram obturados pela técnica da condensação lateral empregando um cimento a base de hidróxido de cálcio (Sealer Plus) ou um cimento de Grossman (Fill Canal). Os animais foram sacrificados por overdose anestésica 60 dias após o tratamento endodôntico e as peças anatômicas foram obtidas e preparadas para análise histológica. Os dados obtidos foram analisados com base em diversos parâmetros histomorfológicos. Os resultados foram melhores nos grupos sem patência apical (p=0,01) do que nos grupos com patência. Dentre os cimentos estudados, os melhores resultados foram observados com o cimento Sealer Plus (p=0,01). em conclusão, tanto a patência apical (presença ou ausência) quanto o tipo de material obturador de canal influíram no processo de reparo apical de dentes de cães com polpas vitais após tratamento endodôntico. O emprego de um cimento a base de hidróxido de cálcio em dentes sem patência apical promoveu os melhores resultados, dentre as condições experimentais propostas.


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The objective of the present study was to evaluate two different types of root canal sealers: AH Plus (an epoxy resin-based sealer) and Fill Canal (a zinc oxide-eugenol based sealer). A total of 34 root canals with vital pulp from dogs' premolars were used. After instrumentation, the root canals were filled with gutta-percha and AH Plus or gutta-percha and Fill Canal sealers using a classical technique of lateral condensation. After histological processing, the sections were stained with hematoxylineosin or Mallory's trichrome stain. Inflammatory cells or areas of necrosis were not associated with AH Plus. Hard tissue formation apically to the material was observed in 14 specimens. The Fill Canal sealer presented an inflammatory response of moderate intensity in the periapical region, mainly adjacent to the material.


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Objective. To compare the periapical repair of teeth with periapical lesion following root canal treatment by using a calcium hydroxide-based intracanal dressing for several time periods or filling in a single visit.Study design. After induction of periapical lesions in 4 dogs, the root canals were prepared using 5.25% sodium hypochlorite for irrigation, and animals were separated into 4 experimental groups; in group I, root canals were filled in a single session; in groups II, III, and IV, a calcium hydroxide-based dressing was kept in place for 15, 30, or 180 days, respectively. Root canals from groups I, II, and III were filled with gutta-percha cones and AH Plus sealer. After 180 days, animals were killed and histological sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin to evaluate periapical repair.Results. Periapical repair was better in groups II, III, and IV (intracanal dressing) compared with group I (single session; P <.05).Conclusion. The use of a calcium hydroxide-based intracanal dressing was important for periapical repair in teeth with periapical lesion. Dressing with calcium hydroxide paste results in better periapical repair than when the root canal is filled in a single-session treatment.


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Some divergencies in the literature about periodontal healing after surgical injury stimulated the development of this experiment. The root canals of dogs' teeth were negotiated and filled by the lateral condensation technique with two kinds of sealers: Sealapex and zinc oxide-eugenol cement. In the second session, the bone tissue was exposed and one cavity was made at the apical third of the root and another at the border between the coronal and middle thirds, both penetrating into the root canal. Six months later the animals were sacrificed and the specimens prepared for histopathologic analysis. The results showed that the kind of filling material and the level of the periodontal wound exposing the root canal can influence the healing process (P<0.01).


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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the increase of the cervical area and dentin thickness in mesial and distal walls of the mesial canals from mandibular molars after the use of LA Axxess (LA), CP Drill (CP) and Gates-Glidden (GG) rotary instruments. Material and Methods: Sixty root canals from thirty mandibular first molar were sectioned 3 mm below the cement-enamel junction, divided in 3 groups (n = 20 root canals, each) according to rotary instrument used, and the cervical images were captured before and after pre-enlargement instrumentation. The increase of the instrumented cervical area (mm2) and the dentin removal thickness (mm), at mesial and distal walls were calculated using Image tools software, by comparison of images. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey tests (p=0.05). Results: All rotary instruments promoted thickness reduction in dentin walls. In mesial wall, all rotary instruments promoted similar thickness reduction of dentinal wall and did not differ from each other (p>0.05). In distal wall, LA Axxess instrument promoted higher dentin thickness reduction than other groups (p<0.05). The three rotary instruments promoted different increase at the instrumented cervical area (p<0.05), LA promoted the highest increase area and GG and CP presented similar results. Conclusion: LA 20/0.06 promoted the highest thickness reduction in distal wall and increase of cervical area of root canal. On the other hand, CP was the safest instrument, with lower dentin removal of distal wall and similar increased area to GG.


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Aim: To evaluate the effectiveness of ProTaper universal retreatment system in the removal of root canal filling material with thermomechanical compaction, in comparison to manualmechanical technique, associated with orange oil or eucalyptol. Materials and methods: Forty extracted lower incisors were filled with thermomechanical compaction technique. After 3 years, the root canal filling was removed by: G1 - manualmechanical technique with orange oil; G2 - manual-mechanical technique with eucalyptol; G3 - ProTaper universal retreatment system with orange oil and G4 - ProTaper universal retreatment system with eucalyptol. In sequence, all root canals were instrumented to F5 instrument. The teeth were longitudinally grooved, images of buccal half were obtained in stereomicroscope and covered area by root canal filling material was measured using image tool software, in cervical, middle and apical radicular thirds. The results were subjected ANOVA and Tukey test (p = 0.05). Results: In all thirds, the manual-mechanical technique showed lower presence of root canal filling material on root canal dentin in comparison to ProTaper retreatment universal system, regardless of organic solvent used (p < 0.05). There is no difference between organic solvents in removal root canal filling material (p > 0.05). Conclusion: The ProTaper universal retreatment system showed lower effectiveness in removal root canal filling material than manual-mechanical technique, regardless of organic solvents (orange oil or eucalyptol oil) used. Clinical significance: Recently rotary instruments have been proposed to removal of root canal filling material. However, there are no studies evaluating its effectiveness in removal root canal filling material in association with orange oil or eucalyptol oil.