224 resultados para Recalcitrant Seedseed and Peroxidase


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of the present work was to evaluate the changes in polyamine (PA) content, peroxidase (POX) activity and levels of total protein and total soluble carbohydrates throughout the lifetime of leaves and inflorescences of chrysantemum 'Faroe' treated with gibberellic acidd (GA3) (used in production practices) and kept at room temperature and cold storage. The treatments were composed of four doses of GA3 (0, 15, 30 and 45 mg L-1) applied at the beggining of flower bud formation (28 days after transplanting of seedlings). After harvesting, the stems (95% of the expanded ligule) were stored at 10ºC and 95% relative humidity for 48 hrs, or kept at room temperature. For biochemical analysis samples of leaves and inflorescences were collected at the 4th, 8th, 12th and 16th day after harvest. The application of GA3 in the field and cold storage increased the content of PAs. There was an increase in POX activity in leaves and inflorescences during postharvest and this increase was related to oxidation of the PAs studied. The amount of proteins and carbohydrates in chrysantemum 'Faroe' decreased during the storage at 25ºC and under cold conditions.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Uma das utilizações da técnica de cultura de tecidos para o melhoramento vegetal é a identificação de linhas de células que apresentem tolerância ao estresse salino. Para se estudar os mecanismos bioquímicos envolvidos na expressão genética da tolerância a salinidade, calos oriundos de eixos embrionários de quatro cultivares de feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L.; cultivares IAC - carioca, IAPAR 14, JALO-EEP 558, BAT - 93), foram cultivados em meio sólido Murashige & Skoog (1962), suplementado com NaCl nas concentrações de 0, 20, 40, 60 e 80 mM. Após 14 dias de incubação, os calos foram coletados e analisados quanto aos padrões isoenzimáticos e de atividade das peroxidases. Os cultivares BAT e IAPAR apresentaram duas zonas de atividade em comum na região anódica e apenas uma zona enzimática específica a cada um deles (migração mais rápida).Possivelmente as duas zonas anódicas intermediárias sejam produtos do mesmo loco enzimático, porém com alelos diferentes, consequentemente diferentes mobilidades eletroforéticas. O cv. JALO apresentou duas zonas anódicas de atividade em comum com os cultivares IAC e IAPAR com uma zona anódica exclusiva de migração mais lenta, a qual apresentou atividade mais intensa de todos os cultivares analisados. Este cultivar revelou ainda uma zona catódica provavelmente dimérica e heterozigota nos indivíduos de todos os tratamentos aplicados. Provavelmente, esta é a mesma zona que ocorre em homozigose com fixação do alelo lento para os indivíduos de todos os tratamentos efetuados nos cultivares BAT e IAPAR. O cv. IAC apresentou duas bandas anódicas em comum com os cv. IAPAR e JALO. Apresentou também a banda anódica mais rápida em comum com o cv. IAPAR e uma banda anódica exclusiva de migração mais lenta. Curiosamente, os indivíduos deste cv. mantidos em meio suplementado com 20 mM de NaCl não apresentaram atividade nas três zonas anódicas mais lentas. Ocorreu no cv. IAC uma única zona de atividade catódica, dimérica e heterozigota para os indivíduos provenientes de todos os tratamentos, composta provavelmente de dois alelos diferentes da zona correspondente ao cv. JALO. Amostras provenientes dos tratamentos 40 e 60 mM de NaCl, desta zona catódica, apresentaram maior atividade enzimática. A análise da atividade da peroxidase no extrato bruto, revelou que os cultivares responderam diferentemente ao aumento da concentração salina no meio de cultura, com aumento pronunciado dessa atividade nos cultivares IAC e JALO.


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A influência de estresse induzido por cloreto de sódio (75 e 150 mM) sobre o conteúdo de carboidratos solúveis e atividade da peroxidase, foi estudada em plântulas de mandioca cultivadas in vitro. Os resultados mostraram que a atividade da peroxidase diminuiu gradualmente durante o crescimento de plântulas em todos os tratamentos. O conteúdo de açúcares redutores foi menor em plântulas submetidas a 75 mM de NaCl, nas fases mais adiantadas do desenvolvimento, em comparação com a dose mais elevada do sal (150 mM de NaCl) ou sua omissão. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que o NaCl alterou o metabolismo de carboidratos, atividade da peroxidase e o crescimento de plântulas cultivadas in vitro.


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O teor de poliaminas (putrescina, espermidina e espermina) e a atividade enzimática da peroxidase (EC foram determinados em plantas de Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv Carioquinha, após terem sido submetidas a estresse salino (50 e 100 mM de NaCl). Foram observadas alterações nos teores das poliaminas, principalmente putrescina, que aumentou com o tempo e a concentração de NaCl. Também ocorreu aumento na atividade da peroxidase em ambas concentrações de NaCl utilizadas. Os resultados mostraram alterações no metabolismo de poliaminas e peroxidases nas plantas de feijão cultivadas em meio salino.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The enzyme horseradish peroxidase HRP (EC:, has both acid and basic isoenzymes, catalyses a wide range of reactions (acting as an oxiredutase or an oxidase) and is thought capable of one- or two-electrons oxidations depending on the substrate employed. Today, the methodology for these assay can be chemiluminescent reactions and enhanced chemiluminescent. The enhanced chemiluminescent assay with system HRP, luminol, peroxide and an enhancer has provided the basis for a convenient and sensitive assay for peroxidase and peroxidase conjugates, DNA probe and blotting assay. It is particularly more advantageous than the others, because is very rapid, more sensitive (attomoles), easy to do and technically simple, and is relatively specific for HRP (reduces the effect of the interference).


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The studies on the characterization of eosinophils and neutrophils/ heterophils of turtles are contradictory. Some authors have pointed out the existence of two distinct cell types: eosinophils and heterophils. Other authors have proposed that eosinophils and heterophils may be the same cells in different stages of maturation. These interpretations are based only on a morphological analysis. In the blood of the turtle (Chrysemys dorbignih), a South American freshwater species, there are two types of granulocytes with eosinophilic staining pattern: the first with round cytoplasmic granules and the second with ellipsoidal cytoplasmic granules. In the present study by using histoenzymological methods for the analyses of enzymological cellular content, we found that the cells with round cytoplasmic granules were positive for nonspecific esterase and the cells with ellipsoidal granules were positives for acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase, nonspecific esterase and peroxidase. The results show that these cells are distinct cells and that the cells with ellipsoidal cytoplasmic granules have the same histoenzymological characteristics as the neutrophils/heterophils of mammalians and other vertebrates.


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Morphological, cytochemical and ultrastructural studies are important to demonstrate the function of the blood cells, which is very little understood in teleosts. In peripheral blood of piracanjuba' Brycon orbignyanus, thrombocytes, lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils and heterophils were studied and characterized. Thrombocytes had a fusiform or oval shape with PAS-positive granules. Lymphocytes presented small size with sparse basophilic cytoplasm. Monocytes were large in size, presented basophilic cytoplasm that may be foamy or vacuolated, with non-specific esterase staining. The neutrophils presented lightly neutrophilic granule cytoplasm, with positivity for PAS and peroxidase. The heterophils were large in size, with eosinophilic and basophilic granules cytoplasm and PAS-positive. Transmission electron microscopy study demonstrated that the thrombocytes, lymphocytes and monocytes features were similar to other teleosts. In ultrastructural study only one type of neutrophils was observed. Cytochemical findings indicated that neutrophils and monocytes of B. orbignyanus may be involved in phagocytosis, and neutrophils play an important microbicidal role.


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Although sugarcane consumption is very popular worldwide there are few studies regarding the postharvest storage of stalks that focus on controlling enzymatic browning. The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of sugarcane stalks stored at 10±1°C in controlled atmosphere with various oxygen (O2) levels (1kPa, 5kPa, 10kPa, 15kPa, and 21kPa) and to verify the effect of this storage on the activities of polyphenoloxidase (PPO) and peroxidase (POD). At 1kPa and 5kPa O2, the stalks' respiratory rate, POD activity, and reducing sugar content were significantly less (P<0.05) than at higher O2 concentrations. In contrast, low O2 levels did not affect PPO activity or influence cane coloration. These results can be used to guide the choice of plastic films, making it possible to store sugarcane stalks in a controlled atmosphere. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The canis lupus familiares is the only species besides human that spontaneously develop prostatic carcinoma (PCa). In addition, the metastatic sites are similar to those frequently reported in men. For these reasons, the dog is the best natural model to study the molecular mechanisms in PCa development providing a natural animal model for treatment by molecular targets. Previously, we investigated copy number alterations by arrayCGH (Canine Genome CGH Microarray 4x44K-G2519F, Agilent Technologies) in canine prostatic lesions: 3 benign prostatic hyperplasias (BPH), 4 proliferative inflammatory atrophies (PIA), and 14 PCa. Five histologically normal prostatic tissues were used as reference. Genomic alterations were evaluated using Genomic Workbench Standard Edition 5.0.14. This previous study revealed significant copy number losses of Atm and Pten exclusively in PCa. In the present study, ATM and PTEN immunoexpression were investigated using a tissue microarray (TMA) containing 149 canine prostatic paraffin-embedded lesions (BPH, PIA and PCa) collected from 67 animals. Immunohistochemical reactions were performed using the polyclonal rabbit antibody anti-PTEN (Santa Cruz Biotech, 1:50) and anti-ATM (Abcam, 1:50). The sections were developed with diaminobenzidine (DAB) and peroxidase. The immunohistochemical staining was assessed in each core by the distribution of positive cells for each antibody per lesion (score 1: <25% cells positive, 2: 26% to 50%, 3: being 51% and 75% and 4:> 75%) and intensity (1: weak, 2: moderate, 3: intense). Chi-square or Fisher exact test was used to determine the association between the categorical variables using GraphPad Prism 5 (GraphPad Software Inc., La Jolla, CA). Distribution of positive cells did not differ among lesions. PCa and PIA showed more samples with weak intensity for ATM when compared to normal prostatic tissue and BPH (PCa: p=0,032 and PIA: p=0,025). Benign prostatic hyperplasia and normal samples presented intense PTEN immunostaining than PCa (p=0,021) and PIA (p=0,0013). These results suggest that ATM and PTEN proteins expression in canine prostatic carcinoma are downregulated possibly by copy number losses. These findings are similar from those described in prostate carcinomas from human corroborating for the use of dogs as a natural model to study prostatic disease in men.