169 resultados para Random Coefficient Autoregressive Model{ RCAR (1)}


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Este artigo considera um gráfico np x proposto por Wu et al. (2009) para controle de média de processo como uma alternativa ao uso do gráfico de. O que distingue do gráfico de controle np x é o fato das unidades amostrais serem classificadas como unidades de primeiro ou de segunda classe de acordo com seus limites discriminantes. O gráfico tradicional np é um caso particular do gráfico np x quando os limites discriminantes coincidem com os limites de especificação e unidade de primeira (segunda) classe é um item conforme (não conforme). Estendendo o trabalho de Reynolds Junior, Arnold e Baik (1996), consideramos que a média de processo oscila mesmo na ausência de alguma causa especial. As propriedades de Cadeia de Markov foram adotadas para avaliar o desempenho do gráfico np x no monitoramento de média de processos que oscila. de modo geral, o gráfico np x requer amostras duas vezes maior para superar desempenho do gráfico (enquanto que o gráfico tradicional np necessita tamanho de amostras cinco ou seis vezes maior).


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Adjusting autoregressive and mixed models to growth data fits discontinuous functions, which makes it difficult to determine critical points. In this study we propose a new approach to determine the critical stability point of cattle growth using a first-order autoregressive model and a mixed model with random asymptote, using the deterministic portion of the models. Three functions were compared: logistic, Gompertz, and Richards. The Richards autoregressive model yielded the best fit, but the critical growth values were adjusted very early, and for this purpose the Gompertz model was more appropriate.


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Data comprising 1,719 milk yield records from 357 females (predominantly Murrah breed), daughters of 110 sires, with births from 1974 to 2004, obtained from the Programa de Melhoramento Genetic de Bubalinos (PROMEBUL) and from records of EMBRAPA Amazonia Oriental - EAO herd, located in Belem, Para, Brazil, were used to compare random regression models for estimating variance components and predicting breeding values of the sires. The data were analyzed by different models using the Legendre's polynomial functions from second to fourth orders. The random regression models included the effects of herd-year, month of parity date of the control; regression coefficients for age of females (in order to describe the fixed part of the lactation curve) and random regression coefficients related to the direct genetic and permanent environment effects. The comparisons among the models were based on the Akaike Infromation Criterion. The random effects regression model using third order Legendre's polynomials with four classes of the environmental effect were the one that best described the additive genetic variation in milk yield. The heritability estimates varied from 0.08 to 0.40. The genetic correlation between milk yields in younger ages was close to the unit, but in older ages it was low.


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Mature weight breeding values were estimated using a multi-trait animal model (MM) and a random regression animal model (RRM). Data consisted of 82 064 weight records from 8 145 animals, recorded from birth to eight years of age. Weights at standard ages were considered in the MM. All models included contemporary groups as fixed effects, and age of dam (linear and quadratic effects) and animal age as covariates. In the RRM, mean trends were modelled through a cubic regression on orthogonal polynomials of animal age and genetic maternal and direct and maternal permanent environmental effects were also included as random. Legendre polynomials of orders 4, 3, 6 and 3 were used for animal and maternal genetic and permanent environmental effects, respectively, considering five classes of residual variances. Mature weight (five years) direct heritability estimates were 0.35 (MM) and 0.38 (RRM). Rank correlation between sires' breeding values estimated by MM and RRM was 0.82. However, selecting the top 2% (12) or 10% (62) of the young sires based on the MM predicted breeding values, respectively 71% and 80% of the same sires would be selected if RRM estimates were used instead. The RRM modelled the changes in the (co)variances with age adequately and larger breeding value accuracies can be expected using this model. © South African Society for Animal Science.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Foram estimados parâmetros genéticos para pesos do nascimento aos 570 dias de idade para 35.308 animais da raça Tabapuã, nascidos entre 1975 e 2000, pertencentes à ABCZ (Associação Brasileira de Criadores de Zebu) sob três modelos distintos. O modelo 1 incluiu o efeito genético aditivo direto como aleatório, além dos efeitos fixos de grupo de contemporâneos, definido pelas variáveis: proprietário, rebanho, criador, rebanho do criador, sexo, condição de criação, ano e mês de nascimento, ano e mês da pesagem, e os efeitos linear e quadrático de idade do bezerro e idade da vaca ao parto como covariáveis. O modelo 2 compreendeu, além dos efeitos supracitados, o efeito de ambiente permanente materno. O modelo 3 constou dos efeitos genético aditivo direto e materno e de ambiente permanente materno (aleatórios) e os mesmos incluídos no modelo 1 (fixos). de acordo com o teste de razão de verossimilhança, o modelo 3 foi o mais adequado para ajustar os efeitos estudados. As estimativas de herdabilidade direta foram baixas a moderadas (0,08 a 0,26), decrescendo do nascimento às idades subseqüentes, com picos aos 90 e aos 180 dias de idade. Aos 345 dias de idade, ocorreu novo aumento nas estimativas, com menor oscilação entre as estimativas subseqüentes até 570 dias de idade. As estimativas de herdabilidade materna foram baixas, sendo maiores no período da desmama.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This letter describes a novel algorithm that is based on autoregressive decomposition and pole tracking used to recognize two patterns of speech data: normal voice and disphonic voice caused by nodules. The presented method relates the poles and the peaks of the signal spectrum which represent the periodic components of the voice. The results show that the perturbation contained in the signal is clearly depicted by pole's positions. Their variability is related to jitter and shimmer. The pole dispersion for pathological voices is about 20% higher than for normal voices, therefore, the proposed approach is a more trustworthy measure than the classical ones. © 2007.


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In this paper we propose the Double Sampling X̄ control chart for monitoring processes in which the observations follow a first order autoregressive model. We consider sampling intervals that are sufficiently long to meet the rational subgroup concept. The Double Sampling X̄ chart is substantially more efficient than the Shewhart chart and the Variable Sample Size chart. To study the properties of these charts we derived closed-form expressions for the average run length (ARL) taking into account the within-subgroup correlation. Numerical results show that this correlation has a significant impact on the chart properties.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Biometria - IBB