24 resultados para Radioactive waste disposal in the ocean.


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Groundwaters and surface waters from an area of treatment of sand for industrial purposes at Analandia municipality, nearly in the center of Sao Paulo State, Brazil, were chemically and isotopically analyzed with two aims: to evaluate if the anthropogenic activities that has taken place for the last 6 years is affecting the quality of the hydrological resources and to relate the hydrogeochemical behaviour of the uranium isotopes 234U and 238U with the pattern of circulation of groundwaters.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A contaminated site from a downstream municipal solid waste disposal site in Brazil was investigated by using a 3D resistivity and induced polarization (IP) imaging technique. This investigation purpose was to detect and delineate contamination plume produced by wastes. The area was selected based on previous geophysical investigations, and chemical analyses carried out in the site, indicating the presence of a contamination plume in the area. Resistivity model has successfully imaged waste presence (rho < 20 Omega m), water table depth, and groundwater flow direction. A conductive anomaly (rho < 20 Omega m) outside wastes placement was interpreted as a contamination plume. Chargeability model was also able to imaging waste presence (m > 31 mV/V), water table depth, and groundwater flow direction. A higher chargeability zone (m > 31 mV/V) outside wastes placement and following conductive anomaly was interpreted as a contamination plume. Normalized chargeability (MN = m/rho) confirmed polarizable zone, which could be an effect of a salinity increase (contamination plume), and the clay presence in the environment.


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Different geoenvironmental site investigation techniques to assess contamination from a municipal solid waste disposal site in Brazil are presented here. Superficial geophysical investigation (geoelectrical survey), resistivity piezocone penetration tests (RCPTU), soil samples collected with direct-push samplers and water samples collected from monitoring wells were applied in this study. The application of the geoelectrical method was indispensable to identify the presence and flow direction of contamination plumes (leachate) as well as to indicate the most suitable locations for RCPTU tests and soil and water sampling. Chemical analyses of groundwater samples contributed to a better understanding of the flow of the contaminated plume. The piezocone presented some limitations for tropical soils, since the groundwater level is sometimes deeper than the layer which is impenetrable to the cone, and the soil genesis and unsaturated conditions affect soil behavior. The combined interpretation of geoelectrical measurements and soil and water samplings underpinned the interpretation of RCPTU tests. The interpretation of all the test results indicates that the contamination plume has already overreached the landfill's west-northwest borders. Geoenvironmental laboratory test results suggest that contamination from the solid waste disposal site has been developing gradually, indicating the need for continuous monitoring of the groundwater.


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This investigation reports the results of a study realized in an area related to the development of sand mining activities, which belongs to Sibelco Mineração Ltd. The site is located around Analândia municipality, nearly in the center of São Paulo State, Brazil. Hydrochemical analyses of groundwater were realized under different periods of time, with the aim of evaluating the possibility of release of several constituents to the liquid phase, which may be a source of pollution of the surface hydrological resources and of the deeper Guarani aquifer. This is because the site is located at the recharge area of Guarani aquifer and some tributaries from Corumbataí river may also be suffering contamination, implying on the impoverishment of the water quality that are very important resources in the region, as they are extensively used for drinking purposes, among others.© 2011 WIT Press.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fishes of the family Scorpaenidae are responsible for severe injuries and occasionally deaths in humans around the world. The more venomous fishes on the Brazilian coast and in the Southwestern Atlantic region are classified in the genus Scorpaena (family Scorpaenidae). However, there are few studies on the venomous apparatus, the effects of the venom, or clinical aspects of human envenoming provoked by Atlantic scorpionfishes.In this communication, the authors present 23 accidents caused by scorpionfishes of the genus Scorpaena among fishermen, and report the species that provoked the injuries, the circumstances of contacts, the clinical aspects observed and the therapeutic measures utilized for control of the symptoms of the victims. The intense pain and the systemic findings observed in the patients were very frequent and we think that the injuries provoked by scorpionfishes should be considered the most important manifestations caused by venomous fishes of the East Atlantic Ocean. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A total number of 4824 Mustelus schmitti was sampled. Females ranged from 25 to 93 em in spring and from 28 to 90 cm in summer. Males ranged from 34 to 82 and from 28 to 77 cm, respectively. Length composition of the population showed significant differences between spring and summer being females larger than males. Total length distribution did not show significant differences between cruises. Males density varied significantly between cruises while for the females no significant variation was observed. In the spring cruise, both sexes occurred at depths lower than 50 in. Females occurred in the whole area with adult occurrence only above 35 degrees 30'S. Mature males occurred throughout the area, immature males occurring in two trawls in Samborombon Bay. The summer cruise showed a discontinuous distribution of the species along the study area resulting in spatial segregation in two groups with immature females predominating in both of them.


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The sexual development of Atlantoraja platana from the south-west Atlantic Ocean was analysed. According to the reproductive variables considered for both sexes, males were found to mature at 620 mm and females at 715 mm total length. (c) 2008 The Authors Journal compilation (c) 2008 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.


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Habitat of juvenile Caribbean reef sharks, Carcharhinus perezi (Carcharhinidae), was identified using fishing surveys and capture of immature specimens at two Brazilian insular sites in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean, Fernando de Noronha Archipelago and Atol das Rocas. Standardized sampling at Fernando de Noronha indicated that parturition occurred from February to April and that a wide depth-range (at least 5-30 m) along the insular shelf was used by immature sharks throughout the year. The catch-per-unit effort of C. perezi was significantly higher inside than outside a marine protected area at this location, suggesting that these sharks are more common in pans of the reef least disturbed by human activities. More limited sampling at Atol das Rocas suggested that juvenile C. perezi occurred at similar depths and utilized similar substrate as sharks at Fernando de Noronha. These findings suggest that successful conservation and management of this economically important, protected species will need to include conservation of habitat around insular reef systems. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Groundwaters; and surface waters around two waste disposal areas at Rio Claro municipality, nearly in the center of São Paulo State, Brazil, were chemically analysed with the purpose of evaluating the influence on the water quality of the chemicals released without any care with the environment and using a prevention system for the containment of environmentally polluting substances.


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Um total de 4824 Mustelus schmitti foi amostrado. As fêmeas apresentaram comprimento total de 25-93 cm na primavera e 28-90 cm no verão enquanto os machos apresentaram 34-82 e de 28-77 cm, respectivamente. A composição de comprimentos da população mostrou diferenças significativas entre primavera e verão sendo as fêmeas maiores do que os machos. A distribuição de comprimento total não variou significativamente entre cruzeiros. A densidade variou significativamente entre cruzeiros nos machos sendo que a variação não foi expressiva nas fêmeas. No cruzeiro da primavera, ambos os sexos ocorreram em profundidades menores do que 50 m, as fêmeas ocorrendo em toda a área de estudo, as adultas somente acima da latitude 35°30'S. Os machos adultos foram observados em toda a área sendo que os imaturos somente em dois arrastos na Bahia de Samborombón. O cruzeiro de verão mostrou uma distribuição descontínua da espécie ao longo da área de estudo, resultando na segregação espacial em dois grupos, com predominância de fêmeas imaturas em ambos.