93 resultados para R1


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Com o objetivo de quantificar a quantidade e a uniformidade dos depósitos da calda de pulverização em duas cultivares de soja ('CD 208' e 'CD 216'), no estádio R1, por meio de diferentes pontas e volumes de pulverização, foram conduzidos dois experimentos na área, na Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas UNESP- Botucatu, São Paulo (SP). Os tratamentos avaliados foram: pontas de jato plano (AI 110015 a 150L ha-1, AI 11002 a 200 e 250L ha-1); pontas de jato plano duplo (TJ 60 11002 a 150, 200 e 250L ha-1); pontas de jato cônico (TX-6 a 150, TX-8 a 200 e TX-10 a 250L ha-1) e pontas de jato plano duplo e baixa deriva (DGTJ 11002 a 200L ha-1). O delineamento utilizado foi de blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições. Para a avaliação da deposição, foi utilizado na pulverização o corante Azul Brilhante FDC- 1 (500mg L-1). Foram coletadas 25 plantas em cada repetição, divididas em região basal e apical. A determinação do conteúdo depositado foi realizada com a leitura de absorbância no comprimento de onda de 630nm, e os dados transformados em depósitos por grama de matéria seca foram ajustados às curvas de regressão, por meio do modelo de Gompertz. Os maiores depósitos avaliados nas cultivares 'CD 208' e 'CD 216' corresponderam aos tratamentos AI 11002 250L ha-1 e TJ 60 11002 250L ha-1, respectivamente. Os resultados da uniformidade da distribuição da calda de pulverização foram contraditórios aos da quantidade de depósitos. em todas as avaliações, o tratamento de maiores depósitos apresentou menor uniformidade na distribuição.


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Intermittent exposure to social defeat stress can induce long-term neural plasticity that may influence escalated cocaine-taking behavior. Stressful encounters can lead to activation of dopamine neurons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA), which are modulated by corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) neurons.The study aims to prevent the effects of intermittently scheduled, brief social defeat stress on subsequent intravenous (IV) cocaine self-administration by pretreatment with a CRF receptor subtype 1 (CRF-R1) antagonist.Long-Evans rats were submitted to four intermittent social defeat experiences separated by 72 h over 10 days. Two experiments examined systemic or intra-VTA antagonism of CRF-R1 subtype during stress on the later expression of locomotor sensitization and cocaine self-administration during fixed (0.75 mg/kg/infusion) and progressive ratio schedules of reinforcement (0.3 mg/kg/infusion), including a continuous 24-h "binge" (0.3 mg/kg/infusion).Pretreatment with a CRF-R1 antagonist, CP 154,526, (20 mg/kg i.p.) prior to each social defeat episode prevented the development of stress-induced locomotor sensitization to a cocaine challenge and prevented escalated cocaine self-administration during a 24-h "binge". In addition, pretreatment with a CRF-R1 antagonist (0.3 mu g/0.5 mu l/side) into the VTA prior to each social defeat episode prevented stress-induced locomotor sensitization to a cocaine challenge and prevented escalated cocaine self-administration during a 24-h "binge".The current results suggest that CRF-R1 subtype in the VTA is critically involved in the development of stress-induced locomotor sensitization which may contribute to escalated cocaine self-administration during continuous access in a 24-h "binge".


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Compreendendo basicamente o uso dos seguintes materiais: efluente de abatedouro avícola proveniente de operações de abate e lavagem de frangos.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This study analyses the blink reflex in 20 adult male patients with terminal chronic renal failure undergoing hemodialysis. Abnormalities were found in ten patients (50%), eight of them with conduction studies showing axonal peripheral neuropathy. Dialysis time was longer for patients with blink reflex alterations (median 55.1 months) than for patients with normal blink reflex (median 36.3 months). Different types of early R1 and late R2 component abnormalities were recorded. The late response abnormalities may indicate subclinical functional or anatomical impairment of the low brainstem reticular formation in patients with chronic renal failure. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Latências do reflexo trigêmino-facial e índices cefalométricos foram analisados em 30 voluntários adultos normais, de 3 diferentes raças, sendo 10 brancos, 10 negros e 10 orientais. Idades variaram de 15 a 59 anos, alturas de 1,6 a 1,8 m e pesos de 60 a 80 kg. Os reflexos trigêmino-faciais foram obtidos por estimulação elétrica unilateral do nervo supra-orbital e captação nos músculos orbicularis oculi, para análise quantitativa de 3 respostas, ipsolateral precoce (R1), ipsolateral tardia (R2i) e contralateral tardia (R2c). Índices cefalométricos foram obtidos multiplicando-se por 100 a razão entre maior diâmetro transverso e maior diâmetro sagital do crânio. As médias dos índices cefalométricos de cada grupo foram compatíveis com as respectivas características raciais. As respostas R1, R2i e R2c não mostraram diferenças de latências estatisticamente significativas entre as 3 diferentes raças analisadas neste estudo.


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ObjectiveTo investigate the cardiorespiratory, nociceptive and endocrine effects of the combination of propofol and remifentanil, in dogs sedated with acepromazine.Study designProspective randomized, blinded, cross-over experimental trial.AnimalsTwelve healthy adult female cross-breed dogs, mean weight 18.4 +/- 2.3 kg.MethodsDogs were sedated with intravenous (IV) acepromazine (0.05 mg kg-1) followed by induction of anesthesia with IV propofol (5 mg kg-1). Anesthesia was maintained with IV propofol (0.2 mg kg-1 minute-1) and remifentanil, infused as follows: R1, 0.125 mu g kg-1 minute-1; R2, 0.25 mu g kg-1 minute-1; and R3, 0.5 mu g kg-1 minute-1. The same dogs were administered each dose of remifentanil at 1-week intervals. Heart rate (HR), mean arterial pressure (MAP), respiratory rate (f(R)), end tidal CO(2) (Pe'CO(2)), arterial hemoglobin O(2) saturation, blood gases, and rectal temperature were measured before induction, and 5, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, and 120 minutes after beginning the infusion. Nociceptive response was investigated by electrical stimulus (50 V, 5 Hz and 10 ms). Blood samples were collected for plasma cortisol measurements. Statistical analysis was performed by anova (p < 0.05).ResultsIn all treatments, HR decreased during anesthesia with increasing doses of remifentanil, and increased significantly immediately after the end of infusion. MAP remained stable during anesthesia (72-98 mmHg). Antinociception was proportional to the remifentanil infusion dose, and was considered satisfactory only with R2 and R3. Plasma cortisol concentration decreased during anesthesia in all treatments. Recovery was smooth and fast in all dogs.Conclusions and clinical relevanceInfusion of 0.25-0.5 mu g kg-1 minute-1 remifentanil combined with 0.2 mg kg-1 minute-1 propofol produced little effect on arterial blood pressure and led to a good recovery. The analgesia produced was sufficient to control the nociceptive response applied by electrical stimulation, suggesting that it may be appropriate for performing surgery.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We compared the fish assemblage structure from streams with different intensities of physical habitat degradation and chemical water pollution by domestic sewage in southeastern Brazil. Eight streams (R1-R8) showing less disturbed or more disturbed conditions of chemical water quality and of physical habitat quality were selected. Cumulative abundance and biomass, combined in ABC plots, revealed (i) biomass curves above the abundance curves, represented by the streams R1-R2 (water and habitat less disturbed) and R5-R6 (water more disturbed and habitat less disturbed), and (ii) biomass curves below the abundance curves, represented by the streams R3-R4 (water less disturbed and habitat more disturbed) and R7-R8 (water and habitat more disturbed). The quantitative structure of the ichthyofauna showed significant correspondence with physical habitat condition but not with chemical water quality. The most significant species to cause the dissimilarity between less disturbed and more disturbed physical habitats was the exotic Poecilia reticulata. Such results indicate that in the focused region-with little influence of industrial pollution, noncritical domestic sewage discharge, and soil predominantly used for pasture-streams with high physical habitat integrity possess a differently structured ichthyofauna than streams with relatively low physical habitat integrity, reinforcing the importance of the physical habitat quality and riparian conservation along these water courses, warranting the conservation of these systems. Indeed, our results also reinforce the importance of including biotic descriptors, particularly of the ichthyo-fauna, in water-monitoring programs designed to reveal signs of human interference.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Rhodocyclus gelatinosus R1 foi cultivado fotoautotroficamente em águas residuais de abatedouro de aves dentro de colunas de vidro (90x670 mm) durante sete dias a 31 ± 4ºC, sob anaerobiose e intensidade luminosa fornecida pela luz do dia e por três lâmpadas incandescentes (100W) mais quatro lâmpadas fluorescentes (40W). O cultivo obtido foi centrifugado (4.500xg/20 min) e liofilizado, originando a biomassa bacteriana, que continha 7,1% de umidade. A determinação da composição centesimal indicou (base seca) 67,6% de proteína bruta, 27,6% de carboidratos totais, 0,6% de lipídeos e 4,2% de cinzas. A composição em aminoácidos da fração protéica da biomassa mostrou-se semelhante à relatada na literatura para Rhodocyclus gelatinosus e para outras bactérias fotossintetizantes. A redução na DQO do efluente após o cultivo e a retirada da biomassa foi da ordem de 90%. A valiosa composição química da biomassa de Rhodocyclus gelatinosus R1 e o alto conteúdo em aminoácidos essenciais indicam o uso potencial desse produto na suplementação de ração para aves.