60 resultados para Qualitative-socio-cognitive methodology


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Avaliou-se o uso de linguagem documentária alfabética de catálogos coletivos, na perspectiva das bibliotecas universitárias e no contexto sociocognitivo dos indexadores e dos usuários. Concluiu-se que o uso adequado de linguagens documentárias de áreas científicas especializadas faz-se por meio da avaliação quanto à atualização, especificidade e compatibilidade para atender às necessidades de indexação e recuperação da informação.


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The use of indexing language in university libraries collective catalogs and the socio-cognitive context of indexing and users were evaluated. The methodology consisted of a diagnostic study elaboration of the functioning and treatment procedures of the indexing information from nine libraries of the UNESP Network, representing the Civil Engineering, Pedagogy and Dentistry areas from a data collection using the Verbal Protocol introspective technique in the Individual and Group forms. The study conducted a reflection upon the statements issued by the seventy-two participating individuals whose the results revealed unsatisfactory results about the use of the Subject Headings List of the BIBLIODATA Network, indexing language utilizing by the UNESP Libraries Network, Brazil, in the representation and in the information retrieval process in the ATHENA catalog, about the sequent aspects of the language: lack of specialized vocabulary as well as updated; lack of remissives and of specific headings, and others. We have concluded that the adequate use of indexing languages of specialized scientific areas becomes by means of evaluation as to updating, specificity and compatibility in order to meet the needs of indexing and information retrieval.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We evaluated study of the indexing process in the cataloging at university libraries, using a socio-cognitive approach to analyze procedures, difficulties and perceptions of librarians, users, and managers. The methodology consisted of the Individual and Group Verbal Protocols applied in university libraries. The results were the absence of procedures for book subject analysis and representation, incompatibility of indexing language, and problems of subject retrieval from the catalog. We have concluded that is tendency of catalogs to act as databases. Therefore, the cataloguer should present a posture of commitment similar to that of an indexer who works in the production of these bases.


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Introduction: Studies about human cognition represent a relevant perspective in information science, considering the subjective actions of information professionals and dialogic process that should permeate the activity of subjects dealing with the organization and representation of information. Objective: Explore the approach of the cognitive perspective in information science and their new settings by contemporary needs of information to reflect on the process of meeting the professional information through the social reality that permeates the contexts of information. Methodology: Reflection on theoretical aspects that deal with the cognitive development to discuss the implications of the cognitive approach in information science and its evolution in the scope of the representation and processing of information. Results: Research in Information Science must consider issues of cognitive and social order that underlie information processing and the process of knowing the information professional as knowledge structures must be explained from the social context of knowing subjects. Conclusions: There is a need to investigate the process of knowing the information professional in the bias of socio-cognitive approach, targeting new elements for the understanding of the relationship information (cognitive manifestations) and its implications on the social dimension.


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It is proposed the search of teaching methodology with socio-cognitive approach to present teaching strategies that simulate the experience of professional context that is propitious to work out the tasks of subject analysis for the indexing of documents. Taking into account the contact of the learner indexers with the actual professional context, the proposals of Fourie Portfolio (2002) and Hjørland (2002) principle of the information science social context were applied in the discipline “Indexing” at UNESP Librarianship course in Marília, SP, Brazil. The results taken from this research on teaching strategies in documentary reading show that the methodological and theoretical knowledge, in socio-cognitive perspective, provide a view of a professional context in which the learner indexer is conscious of his strategies of documentary reading and can develop his previous professional knowledge in order to accomplish the indexing tasks compatible to the user informational demand.


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)