38 resultados para Prosa latina s.V


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The article represents a theoretical and methodological approach to the analysis of organizational dynamics of political parties today, based on a study of the Party of Brazilian Social Democracy (PSDB) in the State of Sao Pãulo (period between 1988 to 2006). It is hypothesized that the structure and the institutional rules of a particular party, or even their election results, are insufficient to explain the inner workings, such as the role of party organization in the electoral system. An approach that articulates the relationship patterns, election results and posts held in the party, identified the factors that explain the political capital that circulated within the party and ensured its organizational dynamics over the period analyzed.


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The article represents a theoretical and methodological approach to the analysis of organizational dynamics of political parties today, based on a study of the Party of Brazilian Social Democracy (PSDB) in the State of Sao Pãulo (period between 1988 to 2006). It is hypothesized that the structure and the institutional rules of a particular party, or even their election results, are insufficient to explain the inner workings, such as the role of party organization in the electoral system. An approach that articulates the relationship patterns, election results and posts held in the party, identified the factors that explain the political capital that circulated within the party and ensured its organizational dynamics over the period analyzed.


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The article presents survey of public servants of a Higher Education Institution (HEI) that aimed to diagnose the presence of stress in this population, the stress phase in which individuals find themselves and the prevalence of symptoms, whether physical or psychological. This study aimed to characterize the symptomatology of the population experiencing stress and major stressors of the work context where participants act. The survey revealed that 46.6% of the participants are experiencing stress, mostly found in the resistance phase with predominantly psychological symptoms. Among the major stressors of work contexts, stood the physical environment of the workplace, sector infrastructure work, the process of professional performance evaluation adopted by IES, low recognition given to the work done and the small number of servers in certain sectors . The results revealed the presence of stress advancement of this sample and the need for appropriate policy actions and management practices of people who aim to act to minimize this phenomenon.


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Visa-se analisar a proposta de transformação da Argentina em uma potência econômica e militar hegemônica na América do Sul, levada a cabo por correntes de extrema-direita desse país, entre as duas Guerras Mundiais. Discutem-se os objetivos, conteúdos e fundamentação dessa proposta no contexto do cenário internacional e da conjuntura política argentina.


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Este artigo empreende a análise do discurso dos capítulos cinco e sete do documento do Banco Mundial: Para além do consenso de Washington: a importância das instituições, identificando e questionando a proposição de modelos teóricos para as reformas da administração pública e educacional na América Latina, com fundamento em autores preocupados em examinar o conceito de modelo teórico. A intenção é discutir as categorias envolvidas, suas ambigüidades e seu caráter inovador/conservador e definir se as propostas contidas no texto referido são nacional e regionalmente adequadas, se detêm o poder de transformar a realidade ou constituem apenas algo mais sobre a mesma coisa ou, pior, traduzem o resgate/elogio de modelos remodelados, inspirados na teoria empresarial, que alimentam a crítica dos acadêmicos regionais há décadas.


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In Latin America, adult influenza is a serious disease that exacts a heavy burden in terms of morbidity, mortality, and cost. Although much has been written about the disease itself, relatively little information has been compiled on what could be done to reduce its impact across the region, particularly from the perspective of clinicians with firsthand experience in confronting its effects. To fill this data gap, in 2011, the Pan American Health and Education Foundation (PAHEF) and the U.S.-based nonprofit Fighting Infectious Diseases in Emerging Countries (FIDEC) organized a conference and convened a panel of Latin American scientistclinicians with experience and expertise in adult influenza in the region to 1) discuss the major issues related to the disease and 2) develop and produce a consensus statement summarizing its impact as well as current efforts to diagnose, prevent, and treat it. The consensus panel concluded a more concerted and better-coordinated effort was needed to reduce the adverse impact of seasonal influenza and future pandemics, including more surveillance, more active involvement by both governmental and nongovernmental organizations, and a much greater effort to vaccinate more adults, especially those at high risk of contracting the disease. In addition, a new approach for diagnosing influenza was recommended.


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A trajetória do desenvolvimento do capitalismo latino-americano entre os anos 60 e 80 é analisada. Estudos de caso e problemas teóricos ligados à dependência, ao autoritarismo e à democracia são contemplados. Destaca-se a capacidade explicativa de algumas formulações teóricas, em contraste com a funcionalidade política de discursos pró-desenvolvimento com liberdade de mercado.


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Neste artigo, abordaremos a percepção do governo de George W. Bush sobre o significado da emergência na América latina de lideranças oriundas da esquerda, tendo como referência os desafios associados à agenda estadunidense na chamada Guerra Global contra o Terrorismo.


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A distinção fonética x fonologia é decisiva no estudo da prosódia latina, pois propicia o estudo dos versos dessa língua sem recurso à pronúncia em voz alta dos seus fonemas. Assim, para que o a inicial da Eneida cumpra seu papel, basta contar-se com que ele contém, por sua abertura máxima, todas as vogais da língua. O tempo, como unidade da língua, é importante na constituição do verso latino. Mas é preciso insistir em que tempo, aí, não é sílaba, portanto o verso latino t em constituição diferente do verso em idiomas modernos. Por isso, em latim, versos são realidade em grande parte psíquica, pouco importando se, para os romanos, eram também física. Só no conceito greimasiano de efeito de ou dos sentidos é que se tem um indicador seguro para a leitura de versos latinos.


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The present article discuss how world economic transformations, meanly in the course of structural crisis, conditioned the development strategies of Latin America in the large period between the Great Depression in the 1930s and the 2007 open crisis in the USA. The article provides special attention to national development projects. This paper defends that the outbreak and crisis of developmentism, as well the neoliberal accumulation standard advent, may only be explained, not disregarding the great importance of internal factors, from the international division of labor transformations, the policies and actions of main countries, the geopolitical position of countries and the forces correlation in international scale.