61 resultados para Postfire salvage logging


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Ferralsols have high structural stability, although structural degradation has been observed to result from forest to tillage or pasture conversion. An experimental series of forest skidder passes in an east Amazonian natural forest was performed for testing the effects of mechanical stress during selective logging operations on a clay-rich Ferralsol under both dry and wet soil conditions. Distinct ruts formed up to 25 cm depth only under wet conditions. After nine passes the initially very low surface bulk density of between 0.69 and 0.80 g cm(-3) increased to 1.05 g cm(-3) in the wet soil and 0.92 g cm(-3) in the dry soil. Saturated hydraulic conductivities, initially > 250 mm h(-1), declined to a minimum of around 10 mm h(-1) in the wet soil after the first pass, and in the dry soil more gradually after nine passes. The contrasting response of bulk density and saturated hydraulic conductivity is explained by exposure of subsoil material at the base of the ruts where macrostructure rapidly deteriorated under wet conditions. We attribute the resultant moderately high hydraulic conductivities to the formation of stable microaggregates with fine sand to coarse silt textures. We conclude that the topsoil macrostructure of Ferralsols is subject to similar deterioration to that of Luvisols in temperate zones. The stable microstructure prevents marked compaction and decrease in hydraulic conductivity under wetter and more plastic soil conditions. However, typical tropical storms may regularly exceed the infiltration capacity of the deformed soils. In the deeper ruts water may concentrate and cause surface run-off, even in gently sloping areas. To avoid soil erosion, logging operations in sloping areas should therefore be restricted to dry soil conditions when rut formation is minimal.


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Many studies have assessed the process of forest degradation in the Brazilian Amazon using remote sensing approaches to estimate the extent and impact by selective logging and forest fires on tropical rain forest. However, only a few have estimated the combined impacts of those anthropogenic activities. We conducted a detailed analysis of selective logging and forest fire impacts on natural forests in the southern Brazilian Amazon state of Mato Grosso, one of the key logging centers in the country. To achieve this goal a 13-year series of annual Landsat images (1992-2004) was used to test different remote sensing techniques for measuring the extent of selective logging and forest fires, and to estimate their impact and interaction with other land use types occurring in the study region. Forest canopy regeneration following these disturbances was also assessed. Field measurements and visual observations were conducted to validate remote sensing techniques. Our results indicated that the Modified Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index aerosol free (MSAVI(af)) is a reliable estimator of fractional coverage under both clear sky and under smoky conditions in this study region. During the period of analysis, selective logging was responsible for disturbing the largest proportion (31%) of natural forest in the study area, immediately followed by deforestation (29%). Altogether, forest disturbances by selective logging and forest fires affected approximately 40% of the study site area. Once disturbed by selective logging activities, forests became more susceptible to fire in the study site. However, our results showed that fires may also occur in undisturbed forests. This indicates that there are further factors that may increase forest fire susceptibility in the study area. Those factors need to be better understood. Although selective logging affected the largest amount of natural forest in the study period, 35% and 28% of the observed losses of forest canopy cover were due to forest fire and selective logging combined and to forest fire only, respectively. Moreover, forest areas degraded by selective logging and forest fire is an addition to outright deforestation estimates and has yet to be accounted for by land use and land cover change assessments in tropical regions. Assuming that this observed trend of land use and land cover conversion continues, we predict that there will be no undisturbed forests remaining by 2011 in this study site. Finally, we estimated that 70% of the total forest area disturbed by logging and fire had sufficiently recovered to become undetectable using satellite data in 2004. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Cutting analysis is a important and crucial task task to detect and prevent problems during the petroleum well drilling process. Several studies have been developed for drilling inspection, but none of them takes care about analysing the generated cutting at the vibrating shale shakers. Here we proposed a system to analyse the cutting's concentration at the vibrating shale shakers, which can indicate problems during the petroleum well drilling process, such that the collapse of the well borehole walls. Cutting's images are acquired and sent to the data analysis module, which has as the main goal to extract features and to classify frames according to one of three previously classes of cutting's volume. A collection of supervised classifiers were applied in order to allow comparisons about their accuracy and efficiency. We used the Optimum-Path Forest (OPF), Artificial Neural Network using Multi layer Perceptrons (ANN-MLP), Support Vector Machines (SVM) and a Bayesian Classifier (BC) for this task. The first one outperformed all the remaining classifiers. Recall that we are also the first to introduce the OPF classifier in this field of knowledge. Very good results show the robustness of the proposed system, which can be also integrated with other commonly system (Mud-Logging) in order to improve the last one's efficiency.


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BACKGROUND: Primary pulmonary choriocarcinoma (PPC) is rare and frequently leads to death.CASES: Two young patients presented with previous molar pregnancy and spontaneous serum human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) normalization. Patient 1 was referred to our center after partial response to chemotherapy. Pulmonary lobectomy was performed, and hCG rapidly declined. During further chemotherapy, liver metastasis was detected by positron emission tomography. Right hepatectomy was performed, and hCG declined for 28 days, but increased again despite chemotherapy. This patient died from hepatic failure 3 years after diagnosis. Patient 2 presented with persistently high hCG, though the affected organ was not identified. Chemotherapy was unsuccessful. Patient reevaluation showed an isolated pulmonary mass. Pulmonary lobectomy was performed; 2 weeks later, hCG was normal and consolidation with 2 cycles of chemotherapy was administered. The patient has been in remission for 24 months. PPC was confirmed by histo pathology and immunohistochemistry in both cases. Gestational origin of the tumor was confirmed by molecular genetic analysis (polymorphic microsatellite markers).CONCLUSION: The possibility of choriocarcinoma cannot be overlooked in young women with an isolated pulmonary mass. Early diagnosis, prompt chemotherapy, and surgical resection in a specialized center improves the prognosis. (J Reprod Med 2010;55:311-316)


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Replicative life span in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is increased by glucose (G1c) limitation [ calorie restriction (CR)] and by augmented NAD(+). Increased survival promoted by CR was attributed previously to the NAD(+)-dependent histone deacetylase activity of sirtuin family protein Sir2p but not to changes in redox state. Here we show that strains defective in NAD(+) synthesis and salvage pathways (pnc1 Delta, npt1 Delta, and bna6 Delta) exhibit decreased oxygen consumption and increased mitochondrial H2O2 release, reversed over time by CR. These null mutant strains also present decreased chronological longevity in a manner rescued by CR. Furthermore, we observed that changes in mitochondrial H2O2 release alter cellular redox state, as attested by measurements of total, oxidized, and reduced glutathione. Surprisingly, our results indicate that matrix-soluble dihydrolipoyl-dehydrogenases are an important source of CR-preventable mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS). Indeed, deletion of the LPD1 gene prevented oxidative stress in npt1 Delta and bna6 Delta mutants. Furthermore, pyruvate and alpha-ketoglutarate, substrates for dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase-containing enzymes, promoted pronounced reactive oxygen release in permeabilized wild-type mitochondria. Altogether, these results substantiate the concept that mitochondrial ROS can be limited by caloric restriction and play an important role in S. cerevisiae senescence. Furthermore, these findings uncover dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase as an important and novel source of ROS leading to life span limitation.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Human purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP) is a ubiquitous enzyme which plays a key role in the purine salvage pathway, and PNP deficiency in humans leads to an impairment of T-cell function, usually with no apparent effect on B-cell function. PNP is highly specific for 6-oxopurine nucleosides and exhibits negligible activity for 6-aminopurine nucleosides. The catalytic efficiency for inosine is 350,000-fold greater than for adenosine. Adenine nucleosides and nucleotides are deaminated by adenosine deaminase and AMP deaminase to their corresponding inosine derivatives which, in turn, may be further degraded. Here we report the crystal structures of human PNP in complex with inosine and 2',3'-dideoxymosine, refined to 2.8 Angstrom resolution using synchrotron radiation. The present structures provide explanation for ligand binding, refine the purine-binding site, and can be used for future inhibitor design. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The parasite Schistosoma mansoni lacks the de novo pathway for purine biosynthesis and depends on salvage pathways for its purine requirements. Schistosomiasis is endemic in 76 countries and territories and amongst the parasitic diseases ranks second after malaria in terms of social and economic impact and public health importance. The PNP is an attractive target for drug design and it has been submitted to extensive structure-based design. The atomic coordinates of the complex of human PNP with inosine were used as template for starting the modeling of PNP from S. mansoni complexed with inosine. Here we describe the model for the complex SmPNP-inosine and correlate the structure with differences in the affinity for inosine presented by human and S. mansoni PNPs. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP) is a ubiquitous enzyme, which plays a key role in the purine salvage pathway, and PNP deficiency in humans leads to an impairment of T-cell function, usually with no apparent effects on B-cell function. Human PNP has been submitted to intensive structure-based design of inhibitors, most of them using low-resolution structures of human PNP. Here we report the crystal structure of human PNP in complex with hypoxanthine, refined to 2.6 Angstrom resolution. The intermolecular interaction between ligand and PNP is discussed. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP) is a key enzyme in the purine-salvage pathway, which allows cells to utilize preformed bases and nucleosides in order to synthesize nucleotides. PNP is specific for purine nucleosides in the beta-configuration and exhibits a strong preference for purines containing a 6-keto group and ribosyl-containing nucleosides relative to the corresponding analogues. PNP was crystallized in complex with ligands and data collection was performed using synchrotron radiation. This work reports the structure of human PNP in complex with guanosine (at 2.80 angstrom resolution), 3' deoxyguanosine (at 2.86 angstrom resolution) and 8-azaguanine (at 2.85 angstrom resolution). These structures were compared with the PNP-guanine, PNP-inosine and PNP-immucillin-H complexes solved previously.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This paper summarizes floristic and phytossociology data of 11, out of 14 plots of 1 ha, allocated along an altitudinal gradient in the Serra do Mar, Silo Paulo, Brazil. The study was conducted at Serra do Mar State Park and the plots start at the sea level (10 m - plot of Restinga Forest that occurs at Praia da Fazenda, Picinguaba, municipality of Ubatuba) up to 1100 m above sea level (the Montane Ombrophilous Dense occurs alongside the Itamambuca Trail, municipality of Silo Luis do Paraitinga). The Restinga Forest occurs in Pleistocenic Coastal Plain where the soil is classified as a sandy Quartzipsamment (Quartzenic Neosol), while along the slopes of the Serra do Mar, the Ombrophylus Dense Forest grows on the top of a pre-Cambrian crystalline basement with granitic rocks, where the soil is a sandy-loam Dystrophic Inceptisol (Cambisol/Latosol). In all 14 plots soils are acidic (pH 3 - 4), chemically poor, with high dilution of nutrients and high saturation of aluminum. In the Restinga and at the foot of the slope the climate is Tropical/Subtropical Humid (Af/Cfa), with no dry season, an average annual rainfall over 2,200 mm and an average annual temperature of 22 degrees C. Towards the top of the Serra do Mar there is a gradual cooling along the slope, but there is no reduction in rainfall, so at 1,100 m above sea level the climate is classified as Humid Subtropical (Cfa/Cfb), with no dry season and an average annual temperature of 17 degrees C. It is important to remark that, almost daily, from 400 m above sea level up to the top of slopes the mountains are covered by a dense fog. In the 14 plots 21,733 individuals with DBH >= 4.8 cm, including trees, palms and ferns, were marked, measured and sampled. The average number of individuals sampled in each plot was 1264 ind.ha(-1)(+/- 218 SE 95%). Within the parameters considered trees prevailed (71% in the Montane ODF to 90% in the Restinga Forest), followed by palms (10% in the RF and 25% in the Montane Ombrophilous Dense Forest/ODF) and ferns (0% % in the RF and 4% in the Montane ODF). Regarding these proportions the Exploited Lowlands ODF differs from the others with only 1.8% of palm trees and striking 10% of ferns. The forest canopy is irregular with heights ranging from 7 to 9 m, rarely emergent trees reach 18 m, and due to this irregularity of the canopy the amount of light that gets through sets conditions for the development of hundreds of epiphytic species. Aside from Montana ODF, where the number of dead trees was more than 5% of individuals sampled, in the other phytophysiognomies this value was below 2.5%. In the 11 plots where the floristic study was conducted we found 562 species in 195 genera and 68 families. Only seven species - Euterpe edulis Mart. (Arecaceae), Calyptranthes lucida Mart. ex DC. and Marlierea tomentosa Cambess (both Myrtaceae), Guapira opposita (Veil.) Reitz (Nyctaginaceae), Cupania oblongifolia Mart. (Sapindaceae), Cecropia glaziovii Snethl. and Coussapoa microcarpa (Schott) Rizzini (both Urticaceae) - occurred from Restinga to Montane ODF, while 12 other species did not occur only in the Restinga Forest. Families with the greatest number of species are Myrtaceae (133 spp), Fabaceae (47 spp), Rubiaceae (49) and Lauraceae (49) throughout the gradient and Monimiaceae (21) specifically in portions Montane ODF. Only in the F plot, where logging has occurred between 1950 and 1985, the abundance of palm trees has been replaced by Cyatheaceae. The study shows a peak of diversity and richness, Shannon-Weiner index (H') ranging from 3.96 to 4.48 nats.ind(-1), in the intermediate altitudes (300 to 400 m) along the slope. Several explanations for this result are raised here, including the fact that these elevations are within the limits expansions and retractions of the different phytophysiognomies of the Atlantic ODF due to climate fluctuations during the Pleistocene. The results presented in this paper demonstrate the extraordinary richness of tree species of the Atlantic Rainforest from the northeastern coast of the State of São Paulo, reinforcing the importance of its conservation throughout the altitudinal gradient. The richness of this forest justifies a long term commitment to study its dynamics and functioning through permanent plots, and monitor the impacts of climate change in this vegetation.