170 resultados para Pinus caribaea var. bahamensis


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The objective of this work was to study the effect of selective thinning on! the genetic divergence in progenies of Pinus caribaea var. bahamensis, aiming to identify the most productive and divergent progenies for the use of improvement program. The test of progenies containing 119 progenies and two commercial controls were planted in March 1990, using 11 x 11 square lattice design, sextuple, partially balanced, disposed in lineal plots with six trees in the spacing of 3,0 x 3,0m. 13 years after planting thinning was realized (selection for DBH), with 50% selection intensity based on Multi-effect index, leaving three trees per plot in all the experiment. The evaluations were done at four situations: A (before the thinning); B (thinned trees); C (remaining trees after thinning) and D (one year after thinning). The analyzed traits were: height, diameter at breast height (DBH), volume, form of stem and wood density. The genetic divergence among the progenies was studied with aid of the canonical variables and of clustering of Tocher method using the generalized distance matrix of Mahalanobis (D(2)) as estimate of the genetic similarity. The progenies were grouped in four groups in situation A, fourteen in the situation B, two in the situation C and three in the situation D. The selective thinning of the trees within of the progenies caused a change in the genetic divergence among the progenies, genetically homogenizing the progenies, as demonstrated by the generalized distances of Mahalanobis, clustering of Tocher' and canonical variables methods; The. thinning made possible a high uniformity in respect to the relative contribution, of the traits for the total genetic divergence. The techniques, of clustering were efficient to identify groups of divergent,progenies for the use hybridization and little divergent progenies for the use in backcross program.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objective of this work was to study the effect of selective thinning on the genetic divergence in progenies of Pinus caribaea var. bahamensis, aiming to identify the most productive and divergent progenies for the use of improvement program. The test of progenies containing 119 progenies and two commercial controls were planted in March 1990, using 11 × 11 square lattice design, sextuple, partially balanced, disposed in lineal plots with six trees in the spacing of 3,0 × 3,0m. 13 years after planting thinning was realized (selection for DBH), with 50% selection intensity based on Multi-effect index, leaving three trees per plot in all the experiment. The evaluations were done at four situations: A (before the thinning); B (thinned trees); C (remaining trees after thinning) and D (one year after thinning). The analyzed traits were: height, diameter at breast height (DBH), volume, form of stem and wood density. The genetic divergence among the progenies was studied with aid of the canonical variables and of clustering of Tocher method, using the generalized distance matrix of Mahalanobis (D2) as estimate of the genetic similarity. The progenies were grouped in four groups in situation A, fourteen in the situation B, two in the situation C and three in the situation D. The selective thinning of the trees within of the progenies caused a change in the genetic divergence among the progenies, genetically homogenizing the progenies, as demonstrated by the generalized distances of Mahalanobis, clustering of Tocher' and canonical variables methods. The thinning made possible a high uniformity in respect to the relative contribution of the traits for the total genetic divergence. The techniques of clustering were efficient to identify groups of divergent progenies for the use hybridization and little divergent progenies for the use in backcross program.


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O Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis Barret & Golfari tem elevada importância como espécie comercialmente plantada; aproximadamente 1,8 milhões de hectares estão ocupados por plantios desta espécie no Brasil. O trabalho teve como objetivo verificar por meio de marcadores microssatélites a variabilidade genética em Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis, bem como sua manutenção durante o processo de melhoramento genético, dentro de uma população- base de melhoramento, uma população de matrizes selecionadas e uma população melhorada F1. Para a realização das análises foi necessária a transferência de primers desenvolvidos para locos microssatélites de outras espécies do gênero. Dos 20 pares de primers testados, 8 foram transferidos para a espécie (RPS 25b, RPS 150, PSM 2, PR 4.6, PtTX 2037, PtTX 3029, RPTest 01 e RPTest 09). Verificou-se a existência de endogamia entre e dentro das populações estudadas, e o maior valor observado entre as populações foi F ST = 0,0213 (população base e F1). A heterozigosidade média observada e a heterozigosidade esperada na população-base foram, respectivamente, H0 = 0,2469 e He = 0,2489. A maior distância genética (D = 0,0119) foi observada entre as populações-base e a população melhorada F1. Através da distância genética entre as matrizes, foram indicados 10 cruzamentos potenciais entre as matrizes mais contrastantes, almejando a obtenção de vigor de híbrido nas progênies obtidas a partir destes cruzamentos.


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Larvas de Migdolus fryanus Westwood (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) foram encontradas danificando raízes de mudas de P. caribaea var. hondurensis (Sénéel) Barr. & Golf. no Estado de São Paulo. Isso aumenta a importância dessa espécie, cujos danos, em espécies florestais, têm aumentado, principalmente, em plantios de eucalipto. Esse é o primeiro registro de M. fryanus em plantios de Pinus, e o referido inseto pode ser considerado uma nova praga dessa espécie florestal. Detalhes das características morfológicas e biológicas, danos e possíveis métodos de controle de M. fryanus são discutidos.


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The present research has proposed to estimate the genetic variation of growth traits and to estimate the expected gain by multi-effect index (MEI), in order to transform a Pinus caribaea var. caribaea progeny trial into a seedling seed orchard. The progeny trial was set up in 1989, in Selviria, MS, Brazil, using a 10 x 10 triple lattice design, with 99 progenies and a commercial control, with linear plots of ten plants, by the 3 x 3 m spacing between plants and rows. Total plant height, diameter at breast height (Dbh), wood volume, stem form, wood density at breast height, and survival were the evaluated quantitative traits. The trial was measured through 14, 15, and 16 years old. The 50% intensity of thinning at 14.3 years old was done. No significant was the genetic variation of different traits. Heritability estimates have presented low magnitude with low variation by the different ages. The application of MEI to DBH, at two years after thinning, resulted in higher gains than the selection of within and among progenies. The best selection strategy to obtain higher gains and to keep genetic diversity is to select until five plants per progenies.


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Com o objetivo de determinar os sintomas visuais de carência e os efeitos da omissão de micronutrientes na produção de materia seca e crescimento em altura de mudas de Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis, Pinus caribaea var. bahamensis e Pinus caribea var. cavibaea realizou-se um experimente com vasos, em casa de vegetação, em Piracicaba,SP. Foram empregados os-tratamentos: completo, com omissão de boro, com omissão de ferro, com omissão de manganês. e com omissão de zinco. Usou-se silica lavada como substrato, irrigando-se as plantas duas vezes ao dia com as soluções correspondentes. Após o estabelecimento dos sintomas de carência as plantas foram colhidas e separadas em acículas, ramos e raízes, secas a 75°C e pesadas. Descreveram-se os sintomas de carência, sendo bastante característicos os de Fe e B para as três variedades e os de cobre para P. caribaea var. hondurensis e P. caribaea var. bahamensis. A deficiência de cobre reduziu severamente a produção de matéria seca de P. caribaea var. bahamensis e P. caribaea var. caribaea. A deficiência de boro reduziu a produção de matéria seca de Pinus caribaea var. caribaea e a de ferro a de P. caribaea var. hondurensis. A deficiência de boro limitou preponderantemente o crescimento em altura de P. caribaea var. hondurensis.


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A ultraestrutura das ectomicorrizas formadas por Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis inoculado com Pisolithus tinctorius (Pers.) Coker & Couch e Telephora terrestris (Ehrenb.) Fr. foi analisada antes do transplantio dessas mudas para o campo, com o intuito de verificar se o fungo estava estabelecido nas raízes. Os fungos ectomicorrízicos inoculados formaram um manto compacto e bem desenvolvido nas raízes laterais. Nas hifas desse manto foram observados vacúolos, núcleos e septos dolipóricos, enquanto que no citoplasma das hifas da rede de Hartig, que ficam adjacentes às células corticais, foram freqüentemente observados vários núcleos, retículo endoplasmático e mitocôndrias polimórficas. Células corticais altamente vacuolizadas, contendo gotículas de material elétron-denso, apresentaram núcleo e algumas organelas na sua estreita região citoplasmática periférica. As ectomicorrizas de P. caribaea var. hondurensis apresentaram características ultraestruturais de uma associação compatível e fisiologicamente ativa.


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The objective of this work was to study the effect of selective thinning on the estimates of genetic parameters in progenies of Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis. The progeny test was installed in June 1986, following a 10 × 10, triple square lattice design, containing ten trees in linear plots in 3.0 × 3.0m spacing. Twelve years after the planting, a selective thinning based on Multi-effect index (selection for DBH) was performed, leaving six trees per plot. The assessments were done in four situations: A (before thinning); B (among thinned trees); C (among remnant trees at 13 years of age) and D (two years after the thinning). The following traits were analyzed: total height (H), diameter at breast height (DBH), volume (VOL), stem form (FOR), foxtail (FT), wood density at 1.3 m (WD1) and wood density at the half height (WD2). The thinning led to increase in the estimates of variability among progenies for VOL and decrease for ALT and DBH. There was a high and positive genetic correlation among the growth traits, mainly between DBH and VOL. The latter remained unchanged after thinning. The narrow-sense heritabilities at the individual level, showed a slight increase while at the family mean level had a reduction with the thinning. The estimates of breeding values increased with the thinning. This may lead to an easier identification of the best progenies in further selection.


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The genetic variation in the growth of seven 19-year-old Liquidambar styraciflua provenances was studied in Paraguaçu Paulista, São Paulo State, Brazil. The trial was established in a complete randomized block design with seven provenances, four replications and twelve-tree square plots. Significant differences among provenances were detected for diameter at breast height, height and volume, indicating the possibility of increasing timber yield through selection of the most productive provenances. Genetic correlations between growth traits were high and statistically significant. The provenance from Finca las Victorias, Guatemala had the best and the provenance from Franklin, Virginia, United States the poorest performance for all traits. A growth comparison of Pinus caribaea var. bahamensis with the best provenance at the same site indicated that the potential of L. styraciflua for silviculture in the region of Paraguaçu Paulista is high.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)