194 resultados para Photosynthesis


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This work demonstrates the usefulness of the Open Photoacoustic Cell Technique to study the effects of irradiance and temperature on photosynthesis. bl vivo and ill situ photosynthetic induction measurements were performed in three different species of eucalyptus plants (E. grandis, E. urophylla, and E, urograndis) previously dark-adapted at different temperatures. Photosynthetic activity curves were built as a function of light intensity, indicating the occurrence of photosynthesis saturation. E. urograndis presented higher photosynthetic activity than the other species, especially at low temperature, indicating its tolerance to stress conditions. The incidence of background saturation light of various intensities allowed the irt situ study of photoinhibition in eucalyptus plants through open photoacoustics. (C) 2001 MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica.


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In this work we study the photosynthetic induction in Eucalyptus urograndis leaves using the Open Photoacoustic Cell Technique. In vivo and in situ measurements were performed in leaves of four months-old E. urograndis seedlings and C041 cuttings previously dark-adapted for at least 10 h. Experimental results for the gas exchange component of the photoacoustic (PA) signal are interpreted considering that a gas uptake component would have a phase angle nearly opposite to that of the oxygen evolution component. Analysis of the photosynthetic induction data shows that seedlings present a net oxygen evolution before cuttings, but cuttings reach a higher steady-state photosynthetic activity.


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The effects of nitrogen availability on growth and photosynthesis were followed in plants of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L., var. CATISSOL-01) grown in the greenhouse under natural photoperiod. The sunflower plants were grown in vermiculite under two contrasting nitrogen supply, with nitrogen supplied as ammonium nitrate. Higher nitrogen concentration resulted in higher shoot dry matter production per plant and the effect was apparent from 29 days after sowing (DAS). The difference in dry matter production was mainly attributed to the effect of nitrogen on leaf production and on individual leaf dry matter. The specific leaf weight (SLW) was not affected by the nitrogen supply. The photosynthetic CO2 assimilation (A) of the target leaves was remarkably improved by high nitrogen nutrition. However, irrespective of nitrogen supply, the decline in photosynthetic CO2 assimilation occurred before the end of leaf growth. Although nitrogen did not change significantly stomatal conductance (gs), high-N grown plants had lower intercellular CO2 concentration (C-i) when compared with low-N grown plants. Transpiration rate (E) was increased in high-N grown plants only at the beginning of leaf growth. However, this not resulted in lower intrinsic water use efficiency (WUE). (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.


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Seasonal changes in vegetative growth, leaf gas exchanges, carbon isotope discrimination (Delta) and carbohydrate status were monitored in de-fruited coffee trees (Coffea arabica L.) grown in the field, from October 1998 through September 1999, in Vicosa (20degrees45'S, 42degrees15'W, 650 m a.s.l.), southeastern Brazil. of the total growth over the 12-month study period, 78% occurred in the warm, rainy season (October-March), and 22% during the cool, dry season (April-September). Throughout the active growth period, the rate of net carbon assimilation (A) averaged 8.6 mumol m(-2) s(-1), against 3.4 mumol m(-2) s(-1) during the period of reduced growth. In the active period, growth, unlike A or Delta, was strongly negatively correlated with air temperature. In contrast, growth and A were both correlated positively, and Delta correlated negatively, with air temperature during the reduced growth period. However, the depressions of A and growth might have simply run in parallel, without any causal relationship. Changes in A appeared to be largely due to stomatal limitations in the active growing season, with non-stomatal ones prevailing in the slow growth period. Foliar carbohydrates seemed not to have contributed appreciably to changes in growth rates and photosynthesis. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The metabolic switch From C-3-photosynthesis to crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM),and the antioxidative response of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L. plants cultured under severe salt stress and high light intensities, and a combination of booth stress conditions, were studied. High light conditions led to a more rapid CAM induction than salinity. The induction time was still shortened when both stress factors were combined. A main pattern observed in CAM plants was a decrease in mitochondrial Mn-superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity during the day. The activities of the chloroplastic Fe-SOD and cytosolic CuZn-SOD were increased due to salt treatment after a lag phase, while catalase activity was decreased. Combination of salt and light stress did not lead to a higher SOD activity as found after application of one stress factor alone, indicating that there is a threshold level of the oxidative stress response. The fact that salt-stressed plants grown under high light conditions showed permanent photoinhibition and lost the ability for nocturnal malate storage after 9 d of treatment indicate serious malfunction of metabolism, leading to accelerated senescence. Comparison of CuZn-SOD activity with CuZn-SOD protein amount, which was determined immunologically, indicates that the activity of the enzyme is at least partially post-translationally regulated.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Eleocharis (Cyperaceae) is a morphologically and physiologically diverse lineage of 250 + species with a cosmopolitan distribution. We here explore phylogenetic relationships in this lineage using maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference analyses of nrDNA ITS and cpDNA trnC-ycf6 and ycf6-psbM sequence data with the goals of comparing our phylogenetic hypotheses to previous classifications, morphological variation, and photosynthetic pathway variation. Our results suggest that in Eleocharis C, photosynthesis has been derived at least three times, with several cases of possible reversion to C-3-like or intermediate pathways and several additional origins of C-3-C-4 intermediate photosynthetic pathways, as inferred by carbon isotope ratio measurements. Many classification units currently recognized in Eleocharis are not monophyletic, however, E. subgenus Limnochloa and E. subgenus Scirpidium are monophyletic. Other classification units largely corresponding to clades include E. subgenus Zinserlingia, E. subseries Chaetariae, and E. series Maculosae. Problems with species circumscription and morphological variation in several groups are discussed in light of the phylogeny, particularly in the context of species membership of seven focal clades found in the analyses.


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We examined the effects of simulated folivory by caterpillars on photosynthetic parameters and nitrogen (N) resorption efficiency in Quercus pyrenaica saplings. We analyzed the differences between intact leaves in control plants, punched leaves in damaged plants, and intact leaves in damaged plants. We then established two levels of simulated folivory: low (approximate to 13% of the leaf area of one main branch removed per plant) and high (approximate to 26% of the leaf area of one main branch removed per plant) treatments. No differences were found in net assimilation rate and conductance between either leaf type or treatment during the most favourable period for photosynthesis. However, the N content was lower in punched than in intact leaves, and as a result PNUE was higher in damaged leaves from treated trees. In leaf-litter samples, N mass was significantly higher in punched than in intact leaves in treated plants, and LMA was significantly higher in damaged than in intact leaves of both the treated and control plants. Consequently, N resorption efficiency was around 15% lower in damaged leaves as compared with intact leaves from treated and control plants. Mechanical injury to leaves not only triggered no compensatory photosynthetic response to compensate a lower carbon uptake due to leaf area loss, but also affected the resorption process that characterizes leaf senescence.


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Photoinhibition, defined as the inhibition of photosynthesis caused by excessive radiance, affects field production to a great extent. This phenomenon is particularly relevant in reforestation practices, when one deals with forests of rapid growth such as Eucalyptus. The imposition of additional stress factors during exposure to high radiance increases the potential for photoinhibitory effects, so the inhibition of photosynthesis indicates that the plant is submitted to stressful conditions. Photoinhibition can be reversible, playing a protective role for the photosynthetic systems, but it can also reflect damage that has already occurred in the photosynthetic apparatus, being irreversible in this case. In this review, we present the physiological and molecular mechanisms of photoinhibition and discuss the interaction between light and other stress factors and its effects on plants destined for reforestation. In addition, the present work analyzes some of the features and strategies that help plants avoid or restrict the occurrence of photoinhibition. For instance, pigments and enzymes which naturally occur in plants can prevent photoinhibition, while preadaptation to nonideal conditions can enhance tolerance to a certain stress factor. Most of these morphological, metabolic, and biochemical mechanisms of defense are related to the dissipation of excessive energy such as heat. Understanding these mechanisms can help improve cultivation procedures, avoid the plants' death, and increase productivity in the field.


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Coffea canephora plants (clone INCAPER-99) were submitted to low N (LN) or high N (HN) applications and two watering regimes (daily irrigation and irrigation every 5 days for a month). Although water potential was not altered significantly by N, HN plants showed higher relative water content than did LN plants under water deficit. Only HN plants exhibited some ability for osmotic adjustment. Plants from both N treatments increased their cell wall rigidity under drought, with a more pronounced augmentation in HN plants. In well-watered plants, carbon assimilation rate increased with increasing N while stomatal conductance did not respond to N supply. Under drought conditions, carbon assimilation decreased by 68-80% compared to well-watered plants, whereas stomatal conductance and transpiration rate declined by 35% irrespective of the N applications. Stable carbon isotope analysis, combined with leaf gas exchange measurements, indicated that regardless of the watering treatments, N increased the long-term water use efficiency through changes in carbon assimilation with little or no effect on stomatal behaviour.


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Euonymus japonica Thunb. (euonymus) plants were submitted for 9 months to two irrigation treatments using water from different sources: a control (C) water with electrical conductivity (EC) less than 1.2 dS.m(-1) and reclaimed wastewater (RW) with EC approximate to 4 dS.m(-1). At the end of the experiment, no differences in the total dry weight were observed between treatments, whereas the leaf dry mass increased (to the detriment of the root part in RW plants). Throughout the day, the stem water potential (Psi(stem)) of the RW plants was lower than in C, whereas stomatal conductance (g(S)) was slightly reduced in RW from 0800 HR to 1200 HR, but no significant variation in photosynthesis (P-n) or energy conversion efficiency (F'(v)/F'(m)) in photosystem II was detected through the effect of salinity. Gas exchange and fluorescence showed a tendency to increase after midday in plants treated with RW. The photosynthetic behavior and fluorescence of RW plants may have been related to the nitrogen and chlorophyll content of the leaves, confirming the resistance of the photosynthetic mechanism to salinity in this species in these conditions. The toxic effects produced by high concentrations of boron (B), sodium (Na+) and chloride (Cl-) were offset by the effect of other ions like magnesium (Mg2+), potassium (K+), and phosphorus (P) in plants irrigated with RW, thus improving their physiological status without decreasing their ornamental value.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)