194 resultados para Paraffin


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Fifteen cases of viral meningoencephalitis in Colombian cattle were tested by nested PCR analysis for the detection of bovine herpesvirus 5 (BoHV-5). All fatal cases had shown severe neurological signs and had occurred following natural outbreaks of the disease. The neurological infection was histologically characterized by mild to moderate inflammatory changes in the brain and cerebellum, including meningitis, mononuclear perivascular cuffing, gliosis, haemorrhage, and the presence of Gitter cells (macrophages) accompanying large areas of malacia. No intranuclear inclusion bodies were seen in any of the cases. Results from BoHV-5 molecular extraction analyses showed there were five positive cases thus confirming the presence of the virus in Colombia.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the application of PCR technique for the detection of BoHV-5 in routinely formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded brain tissues in 20 naturally infected calves affected by fatal meningoencephalitis. Brains were divided into two halves, one kept fresh for virus isolation and PCR assay, targeting the glycoprotein C gene from BoHV-5 genome. The other half brain, corresponding to posterior cortex region, was submitted to formalin fixation and embedded into paraffin blocks for microscopic evaluation and total DNA isolation. Most of the slides showed severe multifocal non-supurative encephalitis with neuronal degeneration, neurophagia, and no acidophilic intranuclear inclusions could be found in neurons and glial. The 20 fresh samples were confirmed, by virus isolation and PCR assay, as having the BoHV-5 virus and, respective glicoprotein C sequence, while 15 of 20 formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded samples were considered positive for the same analysis. The results revealed the first description of PCR efficiency, applied to formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded brain collected from naturally infected calves, improving the detection of BoHV-5 from archival samples in South America. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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A solid paraffin-based carbon paste electrode modified with 2-aminothiazole organofunctionalized silica (SiAt-SPCPE) was applied to Ni2+ determination in commercial ethanol fuel samples. The proposed method comprised four steps: (1) Ni2+ preconcentration at open circuit potential directly in the ethanol fuel sample, (2) transference of the electrode to an electrochemical cell containing DMG, (3) differential pulse voltammogram registering and (4) surface regeneration by polishing the electrode. The proposed method combines the high Ni2+ adsorption capacity presented by 2-aminothiazole organofunctionalized silica with the electrochemical properties of the Ni(DMG)2 complex, whose electrochemical reduction provides the analytical signal.All experimental parameters involved in the proposed method were optimized. Using a preconcentration time of 20 min, it was obtained a linear range from 7.5 x 10(-9) to 1.0 x 10(-6) mol L-1 with detection limit of 2.0 x 10(-9) mol L-1. Recovery values between 96.5 and 102.4% were obtained for commercial samples spiked with 1.0 mu mol L-1 Ni2+ and the developed electrode was totally stable in ethanolic solutions. The contents of Ni2+ found in the commercial samples using the proposed method were compared to those obtained by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy by using the F- and t-test. Neither the F- nor t-values exceeded the critical values at 95% confidence level, confirming that there are not statistical differences between the results obtained by both methods. These results indicate that the developed electrode can be successfully employed to reliable Ni2+ determination in commercial ethanol fuel samples without any sample pretreatment or dilution step. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Solid paraffin-based carbon paste electrodes modified with 2-aminothiazole organofunctionalized silica have been applied to the anodic stripping determination of copper ions in ethanol fuel samples without any sample treatment. The proposed method comprised four steps: (1) copper ions preconcentration at open circuit potential directly in the ethanol fuel sample; (2) exchange of the solution and immediate cathodic reduction of the absorbate at controlled potential; (3) differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry; (4) electrochemical surface regeneration by applying a positive potential in acid media. Factors affecting the preconcentration, reduction and stripping steps were investigated and the optimum conditions were employed to develop the analytical procedure. Using a preconcentration time of 20 min and reduction time of 120 s at -0.3 V versus Ag/AgCl(sat) a linear range from 7.5 x 10(-8) to 2.5 x 10(-6) mol L(-1) with detection limit of 3.1 x 10(-8) mol L(-1) was obtained. Interference studies have shown a decrease in the interference effect according to the sequence: Ni > Zn > Cd > Pb > Fe. However, the interference effects of these ions have not forbidden the application of the proposed method. Recovery values between 98.8 and 102.3% were obtained for synthetic samples spiked with known amounts of Cu(2+) and interfering metallic ions. The developed electrode was successfully applied to the determination of Cu(2+) in commercial ethanol fuel samples. The results were compared to those obtained by flame atomic absorption spectroscopy by using the F-test and t-test. Neither F-value nor t-value have exceeded the critical values at 95% confidence level, confirming that there are no significant differences between the results obtained by both methods. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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New monoclonal antibodies have made the use of formalin fixed, paraffin embedded sections practical for immunotyping and immunodiagnosing many hematolymphoid neoplasms. In addition, they can be helpful in classifying malignant lymphomas and leukemias through patterns of immunoreactivity. The most useful. lymphoid antibodies and diagnostic situations in which they can be deployed are discussed.


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The authors studied the expression of estrogen receptor (ER) in tissues of breast carcinomas which were previously fixed in formalin and paraffin-embedded. The ER expression was correlated with several histological findings, namely grade of differentiation, tumor necrosis, desmoplasia, lymphocytic infiltration and elastosis. The ER was detected in tissues using the avidin-biotin immunoperoxidase technique associated with the H222 monoclonal antibody from Abbott. All 39 biopsies were of infiltrating ductal carcinoma of breast and 16 of them expressed ER. The statistical analysis showed that the expression of ER was correlated with histological findings of good prognosis as well differentiated carcinomas, no tumor necrosis, absence or mild lymphocytic infiltration around the tumor cells and severe elastosis.


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PCNA is a 36-KD proliferating cell nuclear antigen associated with the cell cycle. The immunocytochemical detection of PCNA represents a useful tool for the study of tumor proliferation activity. This study documents the detection of PCNA, using antibody PC 10 in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue, and correlates the proliferative activity of the non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHL) with histological grading assessed by the International Working Formulation (WF) and Kiel classification. In 92 cases of NHLs we found a strong correlation between the PCNA index and lymphoma grading. Statistically significant differences were also found between the proliferative index (PI) in low and high grade lymphomas according to the Kiel classification (t = 9.519; p < 0.001) and between low, intermediate and high grade lymphomas according to the WF classification (F = 79.01; p < 0.001). In the Kiel classification the mean of low grade lymphomas was 39.5% and of high grade 75.7%. In the WF the average of low grade lymphomas was 29.7%, intermediate 53.1% and high 75.1%. Although the differences among the groups had been significant, we found variations inside each histological subgroup in both classifications. The intermediate lymphomas were the most heterogeneous group, with PI inside the same histologic subtypes coincident with low and high grade lymphomas. Since PCNA may be used as a marker of cell proliferation in clinical studies to estimate the biological aggressiveness of lymphomas, its determination in intermediate grade NHL could be very useful to evaluate individual cases in this group and determine prognosis and probably the appropriate therapy.


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Ucides cordatus is the most commercially, important mangrove crab in Brazil. In spite of its economic importance, there are few studies of its reproduction, in particular the female reproductive system. The present study describes the histology and histochemistry of the spermathecae of U. cordatus. Adult females were can lit monthly from July 2004 through June 2005, at Iguape, State of São Paulo. The crabs were anaesthetized, and their spermathecae removed and fixed in Davidson's fluid, following the histological routine for paraffin. The slides were stained with HE, xylidine Ponceau, PAS, alcian blue (pH 1.0 and 2.5), Sudan black B and picrosirius-haematoxylin. Histologically, the spermathecae possesses a capsule of conjunctive tissue, rich in collalgen fibres, which surrounds the secretory columnar epithelium. In the lumen, individual sperm packets are not observed; the spermatophores are intermixed with the seminal fluid and secretions of the spermathecae itself. A large proportion of the free spermatozoids and spermatophores are arranged in homogeneous masses in the proximal part of the spermathecae. The secretion produced by the columnar epithelium appears to promote the movement of the gametes to the fertilization chamber, in a ventral position, allowing fertilization of the oocytes. Histochemically, the secretion produced by the columnar epithelium was strongly positive for neutral polysaccharides, positive for acid polysaccharides, and weakly positive for proteins and lipids. Tills secretion forms a glycoprotein matrix which is associated with maintenance of the spermatophores, which can remain stored for long periods.


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This work studied the ovarian development of the armored catfish Hypostomus strigaticeps. Between July 2002 and June 2005, 332 females were collected monthly from the Corumbatai River, São Paulo State [long dash] Brazil. The ovaries were processed using routine histological techniques [long dash] paraffin inclusion and 5 pm thick sections stained in hematoxylin-cosin. Six types of oocytes were observed: Chromatin-nucleolus, Perinncleolar, Cortical-alveolus, Vitellogenic, Ripe and Atresic. Four maturity stages were created based on macroscopic and microscopic morphological observations, as well as on analysis of the gonadossomatic index (GSI): Rest, Maturation, Ripe and Spawned.


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O objetivo do trabalho foi verificar a influência dos resíduos de calda sulfocálcica sobre a eficiência de acaricidas empregados no controle de Brevipalpus phoenicis. Inicialmente, o experimento foi instalado em um pomar de citros, em que foram selecionadas 10 plantas que continham frutos com verrugose. Realizou-se a aplicação de calda sulfocálcica (8g i.a. L-1 de água) em cinco plantas e as outras cinco plantas permaneceram sem aplicação de produto fitossanitário. Protegeram-se, com copos de plástico transparente de 500mL, 64 frutos nas plantas tratadas com calda e 64 frutos nas plantas não-tratadas, totalizando 128 frutos protegidos. Decorridos 30 dias da aplicação, os frutos foram colhidos e levados para o laboratório. Estes frutos foram parcialmente parafinados, deixando-se em cada fruto uma arena de 2,5cm de diâmetro com verrugose e sem parafina, delimitada com cola entomológica. em seguida, procedeu-se à aplicação sobre os frutos em Torre de Potter dos seguintes acaricidas nas concentrações expressas em mg de ingrediente ativo por litro de água: propargite a 720mg, óxido de fenbutatina a 400mg, cyhexatin a 250mg, azocyclotin a 250mg, fenpyroximate a 50mg, dicofol a 960mg e dinocap a 738mg e a testemunha sem aplicação de acaricida. Após 1, 7 e 16 dias da aplicação, transferiram-se para cada fruto 10 ácaros B. phoenicis para avaliar a mortalidade. Constatou-se que os resíduos de calda sulfocálcica não prejudicaram a eficiência dos acaricidas avaliados no controle de B. phoenicis.


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O ácaro Brevipalpus phoenicis é uma das principais pragas dos citros por ser vetor do Citrus Leprosis Virus (CiLV), agente causal da leprose, uma das mais graves doenças da citricultura. Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito tóxico de produtos à base de abamectina sobre o ácaro B. phoenicis. Foram realizados um experimento de ação direta e três de ação residual no Laboratório de Acarologia do Departamento de Proteção de Plantas (Fitossanidade) da FCAV - UNESP, Jaboticabal-SP. O delineamento adotado nos bioensaios foi o inteiramente casualizado, onde 10 tratamentos foram repetidos 7 vezes, sendo cada repetição composta por um fruto de laranja. Os tratamentos estudados (mL p.c./100 L de água) foram: Acaramik a 20; 30; 40 e 50 mL; Vertimec a 30 e 40 mL; Abamectin Nortox a 30 e 40 mL; Tricofol a 77 mL e uma testemunha sem aplicação. Utilizaram-se frutos com presença de verrugose, que foram lavados e parcialmente parafinados, deixando-se uma área sem parafina, que foi circundada com cola entomológica para contenção dos ácaros. Transferiram-se 20 ácaros adultos B. phoenicis para cada fruto. No bioensaio de ação direta, a transferência foi realizada antes das aplicações e, nos bioensaios de ação residual, aos 5; 10 e 15 dias após a aplicação dos produtos. A aplicação dos produtos sobre os frutos foi realizada em Torre de Potter. Os resultados obtidos nos bioensaios evidenciaram que os melhores tratamentos foram: Tricofol a 77 mL, Acaramik a 40 e 50 mL e Vertimec a 40 mL. de forma geral, os produtos testados podem ser utilizados no controle do ácaro B. phoenicis.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)