71 resultados para PERIODONTIA


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Lasers are widely used tools in many therapeutic modalities in medical lasers and can be divided into low and high intensity. For the treatment of periodontal disease, lowintensity lasers are related to reduce the number of bacteria and to induce inflammatory and analgesic properties. The high intensity lasers can be used in surgical procedures, improving hemostasis, promoting more accurate cuts, removal of dental calculus as well as thermomechanical and photochemical interactions with tissue. The high-intensity laser Erbium impregnated with chromium: YSGG laser has shown satisfactory results when applied in endodontic, restorative denstistry, surgical procedures and non-surgical periodontal treatment. The purpose of this review is to evaluate the studies that investigated the effects of Er, Cr: YSGG laser on the morphology and biocompatibility of titanium and root surfaces irradiated with these lasers, even beyond the effect on the treatment of periodontitis and periimplantitis.


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Current dental treatments search for alternatives to achieve restablishment of esthetics and function. The increased demand for high esthetic patterns stimulates an interaction between the dental specialties towards a comprehensive treatment in order to solve slinical cases effectively. Knowing the components involved in the dental smile harmony is essential for treatment planning and implementation. It is also important to be aware of the changes that may impair suck harmony and become a patient's complaint. This article addresses a multidisciplinary treatment that involved the integration between Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry. After the surgical-restorative planning, periodontal procedures were performed to obtain an adequate balance between the teeth and soft tiessues.


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The development of new dental materials has expanded dental therapeutic modalities ensuring excellence in aesthetic restorative treatments. Thus, the direct restorative procedures have been used in cases of dental reconstruction allowing an effective treatment with a low cost, while preserving healthy tooth structure. However, the clinician must be used to the techniques and the material in order to ensure longevity and success in the direct restorative procedure. The aim of this paper is to descrive, after completion of periodontal surgical procedures, the direct restorative step performed for dental reconstruction and diastema closure. The integration between Restorative Dentistry and periodontics enableb the restoration of a harmonious smile in a conservative manner, ensuring aesthetics and patient stisfaction.


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Objective: This study aimed at evaluating the difficulties reported by last-year dentistry course students regarding basic and surgical periodontal procedures. Methods: A proposed questionnaire with 24 questions, 14 related to basic periodontal procedures and 10 to surgical procedures, was applied to 45 undergraduate students with jobs involving these procedures, during the practical activities of the Integrated Clinic Discipline, a compulsory subject in the curriculum of the course, taught to last-year students. Students were asked about their own perceptions of the difficulties in implementing the various steps related to the treatments. The degree of individual difficulty was determined according to the Likert scale: 0 = none, 1 = mild, 2 = moderate, 3 = high, 4 = very high. Exploratory analysis of data was applied, and the difficulty level was also dichotomized into none to mild (scores 0 and 1) and moderate to very high (scores 2–4). Results: Regarding the basic periodontal treatment, bone level probing was the procedure with the highest number of student difficulties (57.5%). As for the difficulties reported by students regarding the stages of periodontal surgery, only the procedures related to anesthesia and suture removal had no report of doubts. Conclusion: Periodontal surgery was the procedure involving the most prevalent questions reported as moderate to very high, and the indication for the most suitable surgical technique was the stage with the highest percentage of questions (66.6%) among the undergraduates.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the mean of alveolar bone loss (%) in radiographies of patients referred to specialist for periodontal treatment. Full mouth series of periapical radiographies (paralelism technique) were used. A total of 9808 proximal surfaces in 4804 teeth of 213 patients (90 males and 123 females), mean age, 44.3 years, were assessed. The alveolar bone loss was measured in relation to root lenght expressed as an average similar to Schei 's technique (1959) without the use of ruler. The references used were the distances cement-enamel juntion (CEJ) - alveolar crest (AC) and CEJ- dental apex taken with a digimatic caliper. The results showed that the mean values of alveolar bone loss (%ABL) was 22.39%. Men showed higher mean values of %ABL than women; the %ABL increased with the age, but the difference among age groups was no statistical significant (p>0.05); the mean values of %ABL of distal surfaces was higher than mesial surfaces (p<0.01), ríght quadrants exhibited higher %ABL values than left quadrants (p<0.01); maxillary sites showed mean values of %ABL higher than mandibular sites; the highest mean values of %ABL was found in molar group, followed by incisor groups, and premolar group; the canine group exhibited lower mean values of %ABL; the differences among the groups was considered statitistically significant (p<0.01). lt was suggested the usage of this technique in the dentistry offices and radiological services for the patient 's documentation and assortment and for later comparison about alveolar bone level


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To treat periodontal disease is essential to establish a control in all etiological factors that cause destructive activity in periodontal tissues. Basic periodontal therapy may be applied to eliminate or/and to control all etiologic factors involved in disease development. In this paper, some aspects to stabilize advanced periodontal disease using basic periodontal therapy are analyzed and discussed.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Odontologia Preventiva e Social - FOA


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)