16 resultados para Misidentification


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Erros de identificação de paternidade são prejudiciais por reduzir o ganho genético anual e comprometer um programa eficiente de melhoramento genético. O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial de uso de nove microssatélites em testes de paternidade e investigar a freqüência de erro de identificação de famílias de um rebanho de animais da raça Gir. No experimento foram utilizadas amostras de sangue de quarenta famílias (touro/ vaca/ bezerro) de animais da raça Gir, Puros de Origem e registrados na Associação Brasileira dos Criadores de Zebu (ABCZ). A maior parte dos microssatélites avaliados neste trabalho são recomendados, para Testes de Paternidade em bovinos, pela Sociedade Internacional de Genética Animal (ISAG). As regiões microssatélites TGLA122, TGLA126, BM1824, BMS2533, SPS115, ETH3, ETH10, ETH225 e POTCHA foram amplificadas por meio da técnica de PCR. Os produtos da amplificação foram separados por eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida desnaturante. A partir dos dados obtidos foram calculadas as freqüências alélicas, diversidade gênica, conteúdo de polimorfismo informativo e probabilidade de exclusão para cada microssatélite. Também foram calculadas as freqüências genotípicas, heterozigosidade, probabilidade de exclusão combinada e probabilidade de Paternidade nas famílias consideradas. A probabilidade de exclusão combinada para todos os microssatélites estudados foi de 0,9789. Os resultados dos testes de paternidade acusaram erro de identificação em onze das 40 famílias estudadas, ou seja, 27,5% da amostra. A probabilidade de paternidade variou entre 0,8691 e 0,9999, com valor médio de 0,9512.


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The identification of the lebranche mullet in the western south Atlantic has long been problematical. In most recent works either Mugil liza Valenciennes and M. platanus Gunther, 1880 or M. liza and M. cephalus Linnaeus, 1758 were recognized from the region and more rarely the occurrence of only one species has been proposed but without sufficient morphological, biochemical or molecular data to allow the designation of the taxonomically appropriate name. Analysis of meristic and morphometric data taken from samples collected from Venezuela to Argentina, clearly indicates that there is only one species of lebranche mullet in the Caribbean Sea region and the Atlantic coast of South America and that Mugil liza is the appropriate name. The comparison of the combined data from all the samples of M. liza with the data taken from one sample of M. cephalus that originated in the Mediterranean, the possible locality from which type specimens were collected (Eschmeyer and Fricke, 2009), revealed significant differences indicating that they are different species. It is also suggested that individuals from the western north Atlantic identified as M. cephalus might represent a population of M. liza in this region.


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O apuim-de-costas-pretas [Touit melanonotus (Wied, 1820)] é uma espécie florestal endêmica da Mata Atlântica Brasileira e de relevante interesse conservacionista. Trata-se de uma ave com poucas informações disponíveis acerca de sua história natural e distribuição geográfica e novas observações são importantes fontes de informação para auxiliar na conservação da espécie. Aqui reavaliamos o primeiro registro da espécie e apresentamos novas observações no estado do Paraná, sul do Brasil. As vocalizações atribuídas a T. melanonotus e que consubstanciaram sua ocorrência no estado foram examinadas com auxílio de espectrogramas e identificadas como vozes de Pionopsitta pileata (Scopoli, 1769). Não obstante, T. melanonotus ocorre com certa regularidade no Paraná, como indicado por novos registros da espécie em sete localidades distribuídas por todo o litoral do estado. Esta ave foi registrada principalmente em florestas de terras baixas e, uma vez que esta fisionomia sofre intensas pressões antrópicas, sugerimos que esforços de conservação da espécie devem priorizar a preservação desses hábitats.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Background and Objectives. A combination of epidural and general anesthesia has been widely used to attenuate the surgical stress response and to provide postoperative analgesia. This case report illustrates the use of this anesthetic technique. Analgesia was induced with local anesthetic in the immediate postoperative period using unintentional 19.1% potassium chloride (KCI) as diluent. Methods. An ASA I male patient was scheduled for surgical correction of idiopathic megaesophagus under continuous epidural anesthesia combined with general anesthesia. In the postoperative period, while preparing 10 mt 0.125% bupivacaine to be administered through the epidural catheter for pain control, 5 mt 19.1% KCI was unintentionally used as diluent, resulting in a 9.55% potassium solution concentration. Results. The patient developed warmness of the lower limbs, tachycardia, hypertension, intense pruritus on the chest, agitation, exacerbation of sensory and motor blocks, and respiratory failure secondary to pulmonary edema, requiring ventilatory support. Total recovery was observed after 24 hours. Conclusions. Epidurally injected potassium leads to severe clinical manifestations caused by autonomic dysfunction, spinal cord irritation, and possible release of histamine. Despite continuous recommendations, ampule misidentification still happens in hospitals, frequently leading to serious accidents.


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Fish hybrids provide genetically manipulated products of excellent value for the commercial aquaculture industry. However, if handled or marketed incorrectly, they can cause great financial loss to producers as well as threaten the native species. Herein, molecular markers are established to identify hybrid lineages of pimelodids and characterize them in relation to their parental species, Pseudoplatystoma corruscans, Pseudoplatystoma reticulatum, Phractocephalus hemioliopterus and Leiarius marmoratus. The results show that the mitochondrial genes are useful for identification of the cross-direction through the characterization of the maternal lineage. The nuclear genes allow identification of the interspecific hybrids. Use of genetic markers can avoid misidentification of hybrids that occur in simple morphological analysis. Thus, the present results allow the routine monitoring of pimelodid hybrids for their correct management and trade in aquaculture. © 2013 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.


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Pós-graduação em Biologia Geral e Aplicada - IBB


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Experimental models composed by human and animal cell lines are simplified and informative, allowing them to be widely used for biomedical research. Most laboratories that use in vitro cultivated cells maintain a variation of cell lines stored and cultivated. Therefore, misidentification and cross-contamination events can happen during cell lines handling. This problem can generate a repertoire of dubious results and papers, which may prejudice biomedical research. Recently it was created the International Cell Line Authentication Committee (ICLAC), which aims to spread knowledge about cross-contamination and misidentification of in vitro cell lines. Despite of the efforts spent trying to aware scientific community about the importance of the correct identification of cells, the number of papers based on misidentified cell lines it´s still worrying, compromising the reliability of out coming results and conclusions regarding them. The present study aims to analyze and discuss the main advantages and limitations of eukaryote in vitro cell lines use, characterizing the cell lines authentication problems. Therefore, compilation and critical analyses of literature data was realized, aiming to improve the understanding about this subject. Based on information about 445 cell lines with issues published by ICLAC it´s clear that contamination in human cell lines represented 89,2 % of mentioned problems. HeLa cell line was the responsible for most contamination, especially in 92 normal tissue cell lines, representing 44,6% of the contamination. These results reinforce the importance of periodic maintenance of cell lines cultures by labs and implementation of authentication methods as polymorphic STRs, besides obtaining cell lines from reliable sources and cell banks


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas) - FCAV


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)