27 resultados para Margulis Spacetimes
Recent data on supernovae favour high values of the cosmological constant. Spacetimes with a cosmological constant have non-relativistic kinematics quite different from Galilean kinematics. de Sitter spacetimes, vacuum solutions of Einstein's equations with a cosmological constant, reduce in the non-relativistic limit to Newton-Hooke spacetimes, which are non-metric homogeneous spacetimes with non-vanishing curvature. The whole non-relativistic kinematics would then be modified, with possible consequences to cosmology, and in particular to the missing-mass problem.
We study and look for similarities between the response rates R-dS(a(0),Lambda) and R-SdS(a(0),Lambda,M) of a static scalar source with constant proper acceleration a(0) interacting with a massless, conformally coupled Klein-Gordon field (i) in de Sitter spacetime, in the Euclidean vacuum, which describes a thermal flux of radiation emanating from the de Sitter cosmological horizon and (ii) in Schwarzschild-de Sitter spacetime, in the Gibbons-Hawking vacuum, which describes thermal fluxes of radiation emanating from both the hole and the cosmological horizons, respectively, where Lambda is the cosmological constant and M is the black hole mass. After performing the field quantization in each of the above spacetimes, we obtain the response rates at the tree level in terms of an infinite sum of zero-energy field modes possessing all possible angular momentum quantum numbers. In the case of de Sitter spacetime, this formula is worked out and a closed, analytical form is obtained. In the case of Schwarzschild-de Sitter spacetime such a closed formula could not be obtained, and a numerical analysis is performed. We conclude, in particular, that R-dS(a(0),Lambda) and R-SdS(a(0),Lambda,M) do not coincide in general, but tend to each other when Lambda-->0 or a(0)-->infinity. Our results are also contrasted and shown to agree (in the proper limits) with related ones in the literature.
It was shown recently that in four dimensions scalar sources with fixed proper acceleration minimally coupled to a massless Klein-Gordon field lead to the same responses when they are (i) uniformly accelerated in Minkowski spacetime (in the inertial vacuum) and (ii) static in the Schwarzschild spacetime (in the Unruh vacuum). Here we show that this equivalence is broken if the spacetime dimension is more than four.
We study massless Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau (DKP) fields in the context of Einstein-Cartan gravitation theory, interacting via minimal coupling procedure. In the case of an identically vanishing torsion (Riemannian spacetimes) we show that there exist local gauge symmetries which reproduce the usual gauge symmetries for the massless scalar and electromagnetic fields. on the other hand, similarly to what happens with the Maxwell theory, a nonvanishing torsion, in general, breaks the usual U(1) local gauge symmetry of the electromagnetic field or, from a different point of view, imposes conditions on the torsion.
We investigate the conformal invariance of massless Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau theory coupled to Riemannian spacetimes. We show that, as usual, in the minimal coupling procedure only the spin I sector of the theory - which corresponds to the electromagnetic field - is conformally invariant. We also show that the conformal invariance of the spin 0 sector can be naturally achieved by introducing a compensating term in the Lagrangian. Such a procedure - besides not modifying the spin I sector - leads to the well-known conformal coupling between the scalar curvature and the massless Klein-Gordon-Fock field. Going beyond the Riemannian spacetimes, we briefly discuss the effects of a nonvanishing torsion in the scalar case.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
We analyze free elementary particles with a rest mass m and total energy E
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Up to now, the only known exact Foldy-Wouthuysen transformation (FWT) in curved space is that concerning Dirac particles coupled to static spacetime metrics. Here we construct the exact FWT related to a real spin-0 particle for the aforementioned spacetimes. This exact transformation exists independently of the value of the coupling between the scalar field and gravity. Moreover, the gravitational Darwin term written for the conformal coupling is one-third of the corresponding term in the fermionic case. There are some arguments in the literature that seem to favor the choice lambda=1/6. We rehearse a number of claims of these works.
Wisdom has recently unveiled a new relativistic effect, called spacetime swimming, where quasirigid free bodies in curved spacetimes can speed up, slow down or deviate their falls by performing local cyclic shape deformations. We show here that for fast enough cycles this effect dominates over a nonrelativistic related one, named here space swinging, where the fall is altered through nonlocal cyclic deformations in Newtonian gravitational fields. We expect, therefore, to clarify the distinction between both effects leaving no room to controversy. Moreover, the leading contribution to the swimming effect predicted by Wisdom is enriched with a higher order term and the whole result is generalized to be applicable in cases where the tripod is in large redshift regions.
The cosmological constant is shown to have an algebraic meaning: it is essentially an eigenvalue of a Casimir invariant of the Lorentz group acting on the spaces tangent to every spacetime. This is found in the context of de Sitter spacetimes, for which the Einstein equation is a relation between operators. Nevertheless, the result brings, to the foreground the skeleton algebraic structure underlying the geometry of general physical spacetimes. which differ from one another by the fleshening of that structure by different tetrad fields.
The original Casimir effect results from the difference in the vacuum energies of the electromagnetic field, between that in a region of space with boundary conditions and that in the same region without boundary conditions. In this paper we develop the theory of a similar situation, involving a scalar field in spacetimes with closed spatial sections of negative curvature.