46 resultados para Marching drills.


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The purpose of this study was to compare temperature variation during osteotomies with trephine drills under different irrigation conditions: without irrigation, external irrigation, and double irrigation.Synthetic blocks of bone (type I density) were used for drilling procedures with an experimental computed machine, which measured the maximum temperature in the cortical bone during osteotomy with a bone cut that was 5 mm in both diameter and depth. Three groups were formed depending on the irrigation conditions: no irrigation (G1), external irrigation (G2), and double irrigation (G3). Fifty drillings were performed for each group.The average thermal increase in the groups was 21.7 +/- 1.52 A degrees C in G1, 14.2 A +/- 0.70 A degrees C in G2, and 12.4 A +/- 0.75 A degrees C in G3. The results presented statistically significant differences among all groups (alpha = 0.05).The double irrigation technique resulted in a smaller increase in temperature in the cortical bone model, demonstrating a greater efficiency, which may be beneficial when compared to external irrigation alone.The trephine has been widely used in removing small blocks for bone graft, especially the posterior mandible, where the possibility of heating may be higher due to the density of cortical bone in this area. So it is important that the professionals select instruments that can reduce the risks of complications in the proposed treatment.


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Purpose: This study sought to evaluate the effect of repeated implant drilling on the immediate bone-cell viability, and to evaluate drill wear by scanning electron microscopy.Materials and Methods: The tibiae of 10 rabbits were used, divided into 5 groups (G): G1 corresponded to new drills, and G2, G3, G4, and G5 corresponded to drills used 10, 20, 30, and 40 times, respectively. The animals received 10 sequential osteotomies in each tibia. The animals were euthanized immediately after the osteotomies by perfusion with 4% formaldehyde. Samples then underwent immunohistochemistry processing for ordinal qualitative analysis of osteoprotegerin (OPG), the RANK ligant (RANKL; a tumor-related necrosis factor receptor family), and osteocalcin protein immunolabels, as detected by the immunoperoxidase method and revealed with 3,3-diaminobenzidine. Drill wear and plastic deformation were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM).Results: The proteins were expressed in osteocytes of the superior bone cortical during the 40 drillings. However, in G4 and G5, a discrete increase in the expression of RANKL was observed, when compared with OPG; this increase was statistically significant in G5 (P = .016). The SEM analysis revealed major plastic deformation and drill wear in G4 and G5.Conclusion: Based on the present methodology, it may be concluded that cell viability is preserved if a less traumatic surgical protocol is used. However, the repeated use of drills alters the protein balance as of the thirtieth perforation. (C) 2008 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Aim To evaluate differences between anatomic and radiographic measurements of root canal wall thickness (RCWT) after each root canal preparation stage during post placement.Methodology Twenty mandibular premolars with a single canal were decoronated and the roots embedded in resin using a teflon muffle. Roots were sectioned horizontally at a pre-established level and canals were prepared for post placement. Endodontic hand files were used for root canal preparation, followed by Gates Glidden drills and Peeso reamers. Standardized radiographs and photographs at pre-established measurement levels were taken before preparation, after root canal instrumentation, after Gates Glidden preparation and after Peeso enlargement. All images were digitized and RCWT at the mesial and distal walls measured (IMAGETOOL 3.0). Differences between radiographic and anatomic measurements were analysed with paired t-tests. ANOVA was used to compare the percentages of radiographic distortions.Results Regardless of the time-point evaluated, RCWT determined by radiographs were greater than the respective anatomic measurements (P < 0.05). The difference detected at each stage was similar and constant (P > 0.05).Conclusions Throughout preparation for post placement, radiographic images overestimated the RCWT by approximately 25%, regardless of the clinical stage evaluated.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Objectives: The transmission of light through translucent posts was observed, and the microhardness of light-cured cement used to secure these posts was evaluated at different depths. Methods: Fifteen single-rooted standard bovine teeth, 16 mm in size, were used. The root canals were prepared using #3 drills Light-Post (five teeth) and Aestheti Post (five teeth) systems (BISCO), with a working-length of 12 mm. In five teeth, translucent posts were cemented (Light-Post #2), while another five teeth received opaque posts (Aestheti Post #2). The roots were painted with black nail varnish to prevent the passage of light through the lateral walls of the roots. The root canals of all the specimens were treated with the All-Bond 2 adhesive system (BISCO) and cemented with light-cured cement (Enforce, Dentsply). All the roots were transversally cut to obtain six specimens 1.5 mm thick. Every two sections corresponded to a specific region of the root (cervical, middle, apical), making it possible to observe the cement microhardness at different levels. The groups (n=10) were defined as: G1: translucent post (TP)/cervical region; G2: TP/middle region; G3: TP/apical region; G4: Opaque post (OP)/cervical region; G5: OP/middle region; G6: PO/apical region. Five root canals were only filled with cement for use as a control (G7). Then, Vickers microhardness analyses were performed. Results: In G3, G5 and G6, the cement was not sufficiently hard to allow for microhardness analysis. When submitted to the ANOVA test, G1 (35.07), G2 (24.28) and G4 (28.64) presented no statistical differences. When the previous groups were compared to G7 (51.00) using the Kruskal-Wallis test, a statistical difference was found. Conclusion: Translucent posts allow cement polymerization up to the middle portion of the root.


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Purpose: the aim of this study was to evaluate bone regeneration in bone cavities filled with particulate autogenous bone either harvest in blocks and subjected to milling procedures or collected during osteotomy with implant burs. Materials and Methods: In 12 rabbits, 3 noncritical unicortical cavities 7 mm in diameter were prepared with a trephine drill on the right tibia. The cavities were filled respectively with particulate autogenous bone achieved with a manual bone crusher ( particulate group), with particulate autogenous bone obtained using bone collector during osteotomy ( collected group), and with blood clot ( control group). Animals were sacrificed at 7, 15, and 30 days after surgery ( 4 animals for each time period). The sections were examined by histologic and histomorphometric analysis. Results: At 7 days, the samples were filled by coagulum, and bone particles were observed only in the collected (24%) and particulate groups (44.75%). At 15 days, there was connective differentiation in all groups, with presence of grafted bone particles and onset of newly formed bone in the collected (38.88%) and particulate groups (46.0%). At 30 days, there was bone fill ( immature trabecular bone) of the cavities in the control (50%), collected (64.63%) and particulate groups (66%). Conclusion: No significant difference was demonstrated between noncritical unicortical bone defects in rabbit tibiae filled with particulate bone harvested as a block and subjected to milling and those filled with bone collected during osteotomy with implant drills when the defects were observed up to 30 days following their creation.


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Although visualization in the field of dentistry has some of the same requirements as the medicine field, the differences in goal demand specific approaches. This paper reports on the implementation of two fundamentally different approaches to reconstruction of structures from planar cross sections and their application to dentistry data. One of the approaches was an implementation of a distance-based sampling technique, and the other is a new algorithm, based on the Delaunay triangulation. Both were tested using contour data of teeth and the results are compared here in the light of the target applications, which are teaching and training dentistry, as well as simulation of dental procedures and illnesses. Widely mentioned problems encountered in local reconstruction methods such as marching cubes for these cases are clearly illustrated in this paper, and a very satisfactory alternative is given. © 2000 SPIE and IS&T.


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The present work begins with a review of the literature on bit selection methods for oil well drilling. A proposal for the structure and organization of a drilling database and a knowledge base, is described. Previous studies formed the principal elements in the process of selection of drills for proposed drilling. The procedure was implemented as a computer system for the selection of tricone bits. A drilling bit database for three different Brazilian sedimentary basins was obtained for several wells drilled, and knowledge was collected from drilling engineers from different fields both electronically and also by means of interviews. It can be concluded that the selection process showed good results based on tests, which were carried out.


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This study evaluated the effect of mechanical cycling on the bond strength of zirconia posts to root dentin. Thirty single-rooted human teeth were transversally sectioned to a length of 16 mm. The canal preparation was performed with zirconia post system drills (CosmoPost, Ivoclar) to a depth of 12 mm. For post cementation, the canals were treated with total-etch, 3-steps All-Bond 2 (Bisco), and the posts were cemented with Duolink dual resin cement (Bisco). Three groups were formed (n = 10): G1 - control, no mechanical cycling; G2 - 20,000 mechanical cycles; G3 - 2,000,000 mechanical cycles. A 1.6-mm-thick punch induced loads of 50 N, at a 45° angle to the long axis of the specimens and at a frequency of 8 Hz directly on the posts. To evaluate the bond strengths, the specimens were sectioned perpendicular to the long axis of the teeth, generating 2-mm-thick slices, approximately (5 sections per teeth), which were subjected to the push-out test in a universal testing machine at a 1 mm/min crosshead speed. The push-out bond strength was affected by the mechanical cycling (1-way ANOVA, p = .0001). The results of the control group (7.7 ± 1.3 MPa) were statistically higher than those of G2 (3.9 ± 2.2 MPa) and G3 (3.3 ± 2.3 MPa). It was concluded that the mechanical cycling damaged the bond strength of zirconia posts to root dentin.


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The influence of soil drill rod length on the N value in the SPT-T test has been studied extensively by Mello (1971), Schmertmann & Palacios (1979), Odebrecht et al. (2002) and Cavalcante (2002). This paper presents an analysis of the Standard Penetration Test supplemented with torque measurement (SPT-T). A theoretical study of the resistance of the rod material to torsion and bending indicated that the shear stress caused by the rod self-weight represents less than 1% of that caused by the torsional moment. An experimental study with electric torquemeters attached to a horizontal rod system, as well as two field tests in the vertical direction, were also carried out to compare and substantiate the results. The purpose of these tests was to analyze changes along the length of the rod in response to successive increments at 1-meter intervals. Torque measurements were taken at each increment of the length to ascertain the accuracy of the theoretical data. The difference between the applied torque and the measured torque at the end of rod system was lower than the minimum scale of mechanical torquemeters used in practice.


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Objective: To evaluate and compare the fracture strength of different composite resins used for core buildup. Method: Thirty-six bovine teeth were decoronated at the cervical third to standardize the length of specimens at 20 mm. Under constant irrigation, the canals were prepared with #5 Largo drills corresponding to the size and diameter of #3 Reforpost fiberglass post. The posts were cemented with Enforce resin sealer, being 16 mm inside the root canal and 4 mm outside the root canal, and the material was light-activated for 30 seconds at each side. The specimens were divided into 3 groups (n=12), in which cores (4 mm diameter and 5 mm high) were prepared from a prefabricated standard with three types of composite resins: Group 1: Z100 (3M), Group 2: Z250 (3M) and Group 3: P60 (3M). The specimens were fixed in a cylindrical device with an adaptor at 45o inclination. This device was adapted to a universal testing machine (EMIC) to simulate the force until fracture of the specimen. Data were subjected to ANOVA (p<0.05). Results: The Z250 resin cores presented the highest mean fracture strength (45.453 kgf), while the mean fracture strengths in Group 1 and Group 3 were 38.014 and 39.506 kgf, respectively. P60 caused the largest number of root fractures. Conclusion: Considering the characteristics and properties of the tested resins, Z250 appears as the most indicated for core buildup.


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Taking into account the bone repair process in pigs has shown a greater similarity among the histological variables studied compared to other biological models, the present study has as its aim to evaluate the histological bone repair process of osteotomy performed on alveolar and extra-alveolar bones, using drilling tools with liquid refrigeration. Material and method: Eighteen Large White pigs weighing between 20 and 25 Kg were divided into three groups of six animals in order to evaluate the osteotomy repairs with low and high speed in the alveolar bone and threes in the extra-alveolar area, study periods of 7, 14 and 28 days. Results: It was observed that in the alveolar bone at the postoperative times of 14 and 28 days, the best repair results were in the osteotomy performed with low speed, while in the 7 day postoperative period, the results with high speed were slightly better, in alveolar areas as well as extra-alveolar areas. There no statistically significant differences between the alveolar and extra-alveolar bone repair process. Conclusions: The repair process, by means of microscopic analysis in the alveolar and extra-alveolar areas, are similar with better results observed in osteotomies performed with low speed drills in the 14 and 28 day study periods, and at 7 days postoperative the results with high speed drills and refrigeration were slightly better. Research works using pigs as an animal model are perfectly viable. © 2011 SECOM.


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A numerical study of mass conservation of MAC-type methods is presented, for viscoelastic free-surface flows. We use an implicit formulation which allows for greater time steps, and therefore time marching schemes for advecting the free surface marker particles have to be accurate in order to preserve the good mass conservation properties of this methodology. We then present an improvement by using a Runge-Kutta scheme coupled with a local linear extrapolation on the free surface. A thorough study of the viscoelastic impacting drop problem, for both Oldroyd-B and XPP fluid models, is presented, investigating the influence of timestep, grid spacing and other model parameters to the overall mass conservation of the method. Furthermore, an unsteady fountain flow is also simulated to illustrate the low mass conservation error obtained.