270 resultados para Maçonaria feminina
L'article discute la structure discoursive de deux oeuvres qui représentent des voix féminines en défense de l'éducation et du travail des femmes et qui ont eu quelque répercussion au Brésil au XIXe siècle : Opúsculo humanitário (1853), de la brésilienne Nísia Floresta (1809 ou 1810-1885), et Mulheres e crianças (1880), de la portugaise Maria Amália Vaz de Carvalho (1847-1921). Nous avons essayé d'identifier à qui les textes étaient adressés et comment ils justifiaient le droit d'auteur et l'érudition féminine à un moment où la traditionnelle interdiction du mot public et de la presse aux femmes commençait à être questionnée.
OBJETIVO: avaliar a concordância dos diferentes parâmetros urodinâmicos comparados à cistometria simplificada, permitindo uma diminuição na relação custo-benefício no diagnóstico da incontinência urinária de esforço (IUE) na mulher. MÉTODOS: foram coletadas e avaliadas retrospectivamente as informações contidas dos prontuários de trinta pacientes acompanhadas, no período de janeiro de 2000 a março de 2001. Todas foram submetidas a exame físico geral e ginecológico. O estudo urodinâmico foi realizado pela técnica convencional, utilizando-se aparelho Dynograph Recorder R-611. A cistometria simplificada foi realizada com auxílio de um equipo em Y de PVC (pressão venosa central), conectado a um sonda de Foley 14 F, que permitia tanto a infusão de soro fisiológico como a captação da pressão intra-vesical. Foram analisados os parâmetros: volume residual, capacidade vesical, complacência, presença de contrações involuntárias do detrusor e perdas urinárias aos esforços. Para determinação da proporção de concordância entre os métodos foram utilizados o teste de concordância de Pearson e o teste de Wilcoxon, para amostras relacionadas. RESULTADOS: a média de idade foi de 50 anos, com extremos variando de 28 a 70 anos. O índice de concordância entre os estudos, na demonstração das perdas urinárias aos esforços, foi de 67%. Para a detecção das contrações involuntárias do detrusor, a proporção de concordância foi de 90%. A média do volume residual encontrado na cistometria simplificada foi de 16,8 ml contra 2 ml da urodinâmica convencional, com diferença significativa (p < 0,01). A média de capacidade vesical máxima no estudo urodinâmico foi de 440,5 ml, enquanto que, na cistometria simplificada, foi de 387 ml (p < 0,05). A complacência vesical foi, em média, significativamente maior na cistometria simplificada (43,0 ml/cmH2O) quando comparada ao estudo urodinâmico (31,5 ml/cmH2O), com p < 0,01. CONCLUSÃO: Avaliações preliminares sugerem que a propedêutica uroginecológica associada à cistometria simplificada é uma opção a ser considerada na avaliação clínica e pré-operatória de pacientes com IUE em substituição à urodinâmica convencional, particularmente onde esta última não se encontra disponível. A cistometria simplificada é um exame acessível que é capaz de detectar contrações involuntárias do detrusor, assim como identificar perdas urinárias com relativa sensibilidade, proporcionando ao examinador noções fidedignas do comportamento vesical.
This paper refers to issues related to the harmonic language of Claudio Monteverdi, its harmonic procedures and resulting melodic movements, its use as a dramaturgical resource and its potential allegorical meanings, based on theories and classifications of modes of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. At first, it approaches the matter of the multiple names and meanings of the modes and their potential allegorical references according to different authors. Secondly, it presents the analysis of two examples from his operas that deal with the representation of the death of Euridice and Clorinda (Orfeo & Il combattimento de Tancredi e Clorinda, respectively), correlating their harmonic procedures to the corresponding dramaturgical situations.
This article discusses how the conflict between decentered subjectivity and the bourgeois identity constitutes the female character in Clarice Lispectorś work, and how it serves the questioning of patriarchal and modern traditions.
Purpose: to compare in a retrospective way, 51 women who underwent tubal ligation, 30 through microlaparoascopy (Gmicrol) and 21 through minilaparotomy (Gminil). Methods: the analyzed parameters were: total time for accomplishment of the procedure and the surgical technique, time of hospital stay and return to the habitual activities after the surgery, postoperative pain, morbidity, satisfaction degree and esthetic effect, considering values of p<0,05 as significant, and also standard cost. Results: Gmicrol took less time to accomplish the surgery than the Gminil (43 against 57 minutes respectively, p<0,05), less time to accomplish the surgical technique (6.48 against 30.32 minutes respectively, p<0,05), and lower hospital stay (9,90 hours as against 41,7 hours respectively, p <0,05). There was no significant difference between the two groups regarding time to return to the habitual activities after surgery. To evaluate postoperative pain, a scale of 0-10 it was applied. Gmicrol present a lower pain score on the 1st and 2nd postoperative days (1.13 and 0.26 to Gmicrol and 4.52 and 1.14 to Gminil, respectively, p<0,05). There was no significant difference between immediate postoperative the most common complaint being pain at the site of pain and that on the 3rd postoperative day. Gminil presented a higher morbidity rate incision. To evaluate the satisfaction degree and esthetic effect, numeric values were attributed to as good, regular, poor and very bad as answered by the patiets. Gmicrol presented a higher satisfaction degree (p<0,05) and better esthetic effect as compared to Gminil (p <0,05). The microlaparoscopy standard cost was R$ 109.30 being lower than that of minilaparotomy. Conclusions: tubal ligation by microlaparoscopy, under local anesthesia and conscious sedation presented some advantages compared to minilaparotomy.
Aims: To discuss the importance of studying animal models to test hypotheses about the mechanisms of urinary continence and pathophysiology of diabetes and urinary incontinence. Source of Data: A literature review was conducted in PubMed and SciELO. The key words used were diabetes, urinary incontinence, urethra, human and rats. Summary of Findings: There is a strong relation between the genesis of urinary incontinence and diabetes mellitus. Due to the similarity of normal distribution of skeletal muscle and urethra anatomy between humans and rats, these animal models have been used in current research about these disorders. Conclusions: The use of rats as an animal model is suitable for experimental studies that test hypotheses about the mechanisms of continence and pathophysiology of the binomial diabetes mellitus and urinary incontinence, thus enabling solutions of great value in clinical practice.
This paper refers to issues related to the harmonic language of Claudio Monteverdi, its harmonic procedures and resulting melodic movements, its use as a dramaturgical resource and its potential allegorical meanings, based on theories and classifications of modes of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. At first, it approaches the matter of the multiple names and meanings of the modes and their potential allegorical references according to different authors. Secondly, it presents the analysis of two examples from his operas that deal with the representation of the death of Euridice and Clorinda (Orfeo & Il combattimento de Tancredi e Clorinda, respectively), correlating their harmonic procedures to the corresponding dramaturgical situations.
Participation in adventure sports have increased recently, perhaps because of its appealing and emotional aspects. Despite this overall increase, women's participation is restricted due to ingrained gender prejudice in society, however, there are some initiatives aimed at expanding women's participation in several adventure sports. In scientific literature there is a lack of studies on adventure sports, especially on gender issues, prejudice and female athletic performance. These aspects motivated this study, which aims to investigate from the female athletes' perspective; the prejudice and behaviors of male athletes when in their presence and the male athletes' acceptance of them. This exploratory research consists of a qualitative study developed through an open on-line questionnaire. This tool was posted on web logs and websites of sixteen well-known female Brazilian adventure sports athletes. The questionnaire answers were analyzed based on the Thematic Content Analysis Technique and indicate that, although most female athletes do not report the prejudice and rejection of men, these attitudes appear subliminally, deserving more attention in future studies. © FTCD/FIP-MOC.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)