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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Stenocionops furcatus is a spider crab found in the western Atlantic, from Georgia, USA to Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, on sand, coral, rocks or mud bottoms from the intertidal zone to 180 m. We describe all laboratory-reared larval stages of S. furcatus obtained from the northern coast of São Paulo State, Brazil, and compare our data with existing larval descriptions for the genus and other mithracids. The larval development of S. furcatus consists of two zoeal stages and one megalopa. The durations of the first and second zoeal stage were similar to4 and 5 days respectively, the megalopa appearing 10-18 days after hatching. Our results show that the zoeae of S. furcatus differ from those of other Mithracidae by possessing four setae on the proximal lobe of the coxal endite of the maxilla, instead of five, and by the presence of mid-dorsal setae on the third abdominal somite in the second zoeal stage, which are lacking in other mithracids. Larval descriptions for Stenocionops in two previous publications were attributed to the subspecies S. furcatus coelatus from the Caribbean. Larvae from Brazilian waters closely resemble one of these accounts, suggesting that this taxon extends beyond the West Indies and that the other description represents larvae of S. furcatus furcatus. Additional morphological details, not available previously, are provided.


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O gênero Miogryllus inclui um número considerável de espécies, sendo que a maioria delas ainda não está descrita. A quantidade de detalhes morfológicos sobre as espécies conhecidas nem sempre é suficiente para seu reconhecimento, faltando dados sobre as estruturas fálicas e da pars stridens, bem como aqueles referentes à cariologia. O presente trabalho tem o propósito de suprir tal situação para o caso de M. piracicabensis.


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The phylogeny of Celastraceae subfamily Salacioideae (ca. 255 species in the Old and New World tropics) and tribe Lophopetaleae (ca. 29 species in southern Asia and the Austral-Pacific) was inferred using morphological characters together with plastid (matK, trnL-F) and nuclear (ITS and 26S rDNA) genes. Brassiantha, a monotypic genus endemic to New Guinea, is inferred to be more closely related to the clade of Dicarpellum (New Caledonia) and Hypsophila (Queensland, Australia) than it is to Hippocrateoideae or Salacioideae. This unambiguously supported resolution indicates that a nectary disk positioned outside the stamens has been convergently derived in these two lineages. The clade of Kokoona and Lophopetalum is resolved as more closely related to Breria and Elaeodendron than it is to Hippocrateoideae or Salacioideae. Sarawakodendron, a monotypic genus endemic to Borneo, is resolved as sister to Salacioideae. Salacioideae are inferred to have an Old World origin that was followed by a single successful radiation within Central and South America. We infer that capsular fruits are primitive within the clade of Hippocrateoideae + Sarawakodendron + Salacioideae, with berries a synapomorphy for Salacioideae. Based on the resolution of Sarawakodendron as sister to Salacioideae, we hypothesize that the filaments of Sarawakodendron arils are homologous to the spiral filaments in the mucilagenous pulp of Salacioideae.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Maytenus s. l. (including Gymnosporia) is a morphologically diverse genus of about 300 species that is widely distributed in the tropics and subtropics of both the Old and New Worlds. Its delimitation has been extensively debated and despite the segregation of Gymnosporia, Maytenus s. s. remains a heterogeneous, polyphyletic group. To delimit natural segregate genera we increased taxon sampling and generated sequences from two nuclear gene regions (ITS and 26S rDNA) and two plastid loci (matK and trnL-F) to analyze together with morphological characters. Both Moya and Tricerma were found to be nested within the New World Maytenus and are recognized as synonyms of Maytenus s. s.. In contrast, the three New World species of Gymnosporia are recognized as a new genus that is closely related to Gyminda. Haydenia is erected for these three species: H. gentryi, H. haberiana, and H. urbaniana. One or more previously proposed or novel genera are required to accommodate the systematically difficult African Maytenus. Putterlickia, and most likely Gloveria, are nested within Gymnosporia and should be synonymized with that genus. New binomials are required for four Chinese and one Rapan species of Gymnosporia that have been previously treated only as Maytenus: Gymnosporia austroyunnanensis, G. confertiflora, G. dongfangensis, G. guangxiensis, and G. pertinax. Austral-Pacific Maytenus are transferred to Denhamia, requiring eight new binomials: Denhamia bilocularis, D. cunninghamii, D. cupularis, D. disperma, D. fasciculiflora, D. ferdinandii, D. fournieri, and D. silvestris. Existing intrageneric classifications of Gymnosporia and Maytenus s. s. were not supported in their entirety. Gymnosporia is inferred to have had an African origin followed by dispersals to Madagascar, southeast Asia and the Austral-Pacific.


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Apiomithrax violaceus (A. Milne Edwards, 1868 ) is a pisid majoid crab occurring in tropical and subtropical coastal waters of the eastern and western South Atlantic. Larval development consists of two zoeal stages and a megalopa. Beginning with the first zoea, the duration of each larval stage at 24degreesC was 3-8 (5+/-1), 3-5 (4+/-0.5) and 9-15 (11+/-2) days, the megalopa and first crab instar appearing 9-11 (10+/-1) and 20-27 (23+/-2) days after hatching, respectively. Larval characters agree with those proposed for the Majoidea, in having nine or more setae on the scaphognathite in the first zoea and well-developed pleopods in the second zoea. However, larvae of A . violaceus do not fit larval pisid features. Zoeal stages differ from most other Pisidae in having lateral spines, a long rostral spine extending beyond the antenna, two spines per telson fork and a dorsolateral process on the third abdominal somite. The megalopa differs in having a spine dorsally on the carapace and on the basial segment of the second pereiopod. Two characters that are potentially unique to Apiomithrax include a zoeal antenna with an exopod that is much longer than the protopod, and a rostral spine that is longer than the dorsal spine. These characters should facilitate the identification of this taxon and could also be useful for phylogenetic studies. A review of larvae of 28 species among 14 genera indicated that there is no apparent single larval character that differentiates the Pisidae, with more limited phylogenetic analyses suggesting that this is a paraphyletic group. Apiomithrax , Eurynolambrus , Pisoides , Rochinia and Scyra have the most divergent morphological characters within the family. The analysis and inclusion of additional taxa is likely to shed more light on the sister-group relationships of the Pisidae. However, based on the extent of morphological interspecific variability of known larvae it is likely that the group, as presently defined by adult morphology, is not monophyletic.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this paper we proposed to estimate the heritability of seven morphological characters that compose the sting apparatus ofthe Africanized honeybee workers. An experimental design to estimate genetic parameters was based on the method developed by Oldroyd and Moran. This method was modified to eliminate within-colony environmental effects associated with the additive genetic variance. The estimated h2 values ranged from 0.17 ± 0.11 (maximum width of bulb of sting stylet and height of the valve of right lancet) to 0.74 ± 0.30 (length of the lancet).


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The digestive system of the capybara has been investigated because of its coprofagia habits, important for their absorptive activity. These species present differences in terms of gastrointestinal morphological characters when compared with other rodents. Macroscopiclly, the stomach of the capybara is constituted of the following parts: cardiac, pyloric, body, fundic and gastric diverticulum. It presents two curvatures, one big and another small. Externally, the presence of gastric bands (tenias) is observed. With regards to the volumetric view, the gastric capacity varies from 850 to 2010 ml, with an average of 1498.57 ml. So, the stomach of this animal can be classified as a simple stomach, in the format of a curved sack and similar to an inverted letter 'J'. The gastric mucous membrane presents a surface filled by numerous tortuous gastric folds and longitudinally distributed along all its extension. The mucous tunic also possesses recesses located among the successive gastric folds, which were denoted as gastric parts with numerous openings described as gastric pits. In the cardiac part, a glandular epithelium with cardiac glands is noticed containing a lot of parietal and mucous neck cells. The fundic part, body and gastric diverticulum contain proper gastric glands with main, parietal and mucous neck cells. Finally, the pyloric part has pyloric glands with two cellular types, mucous neck and parietal cells.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A entrada de agentes fitopatogênicos em novas localidades através de mudas infectadas constitui uma das principais formas de disseminação. Meloidogyne enterolobii é uma espécie de nematoide altamente virulenta que tem causado sérios danos a plantas cultivadas no Brasil. Neste trabalho é relatada a primeira ocorrência de M. enterolobii em mudas de muricizeiro (Byrsonima cydoniifolia), uma planta nativa da Amazônia e em mudas de goiabeira (Psidium guajava), no Estado de Mato Grosso. Com base nos caracteres morfológicos do padrão perineal de fêmeas, região labial dos machos e no fenótipo isoenzimático de esterase, foi confirmado que a espécie encontrada tanto nas mudas de muricizeiro quanto nas de goiabeira é M. enterolobii.


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Neste trabalho, as ninfas de Quesada gigas (Olivier) são descritas e ilustradas. Uma chave para o reconhecimento dos cinco ínstares ninfais é também apresentada. Foram analisados exemplares coletados em cafezais dos municípios de São Sebastião do Paraíso, Monte Santo de Minas e Patrimônio (Minas Gerais), Franca e Casa Branca (São Paulo). As amostras encontram-se preservadas em álcool a 80% e depositadas na Coleção Entomológica do Departamento de Fitossanidade da FCAV-UNESP, Câmpus de Jaboticabal. Os caracteres analisados foram: antenas, tecas alares, perna anterior, ápice da tíbia meso e metatorácicas e ápice abdominal do macho/fêmea. Foi adotada uma fórmula para indicar a configuração que é apresentada pelas estruturas presentes no fêmur anterior. Ninfas de Q. gigas de primeiro ínstar apresentam fórmula femoral 2-1-0, de segundo ínstar 2-1-3, de terceiro ínstar 2-1-5, de quarto ínstar 2-1-6 e as de quinto ínstar 2-2-8. O primeiro número refere-se à somatória dos dentes posteriores e dentes acessórios, o segundo ao número de dentes intermediários e o terceiro aos dentes do pente femoral. As estruturas apresentadas pelo fêmur protorácico constituem caracteres morfológicos adequados para a identificação dos ínstares ninfais de cigarras.


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Pathogens in seeds imply quarantine constraints for exportation. This research aimed to quantify nematodes and fungus populations in seed samples of forage grasses from the main Brazilian producing states, and to multiply the nematodes in vitro, as well to study the taxonomy of the nematodes detected. Seed samples of 237 lots of different forage grasses from São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso do Sul, Mato Grosso, Bahia, and Goias States were collected and shipped for analyses in the Nematology and Plant Pathology Laboratories at FCAV[long dash]UNESP [long dash] Jaboticabal( SP) by Comercio e Industria Matsuda Imp., Exp. Ltd. Nematodes were extracted from 10 g of seeds. To detect the fungus, the Blotter-test was applied. The identifications were done by using a photonic microscope and a stereomicroscope. For the study of in vitro multiplication of the nematodes, the following parthenogenetic species were selected: Aphelenchoides sexlineatus, Aphelenchus sp. and Ditylenchus montanus. Cultures of the fungi Fusarium sp. and Didymella brioniae were used as substrate to multiply the nematodes in Petri dishes. Each plate was inoculated with 10 mature females, then incubated in B.O.D. at 25 [plus or minus]1 [degree]C, in the dark. Thirty days after inoculation, the nematodes were extracted. The populations obtained in the suspensions were estimated in the microscope using Peters counting chamber, and the reproduction factor estimated. For the taxonomic study of the nematodes, morphological characters of specimens were recorded under the light and scanning electron microscopes. The results indicated a large distribution of nematodes and fungus in seeds of forage grasses in Brazil. The nematodes identified in the present study were: Aphelenchoides besseyi, A. bicaudatus, A. fragariae, A. sexlineatus, Ditylenchus myceliophagus, D. dipsaci, D. montanus, and Aphelenchus sp. In addition, species of the fungi Fusarium, Helminthosporium and Phoma were recovered.