17 resultados para MICROSURGERY TEM
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Granulomas são lesões bilaterais e pediculadas das apófises vocais. Etiologias: intubação, refluxo, traumatismos, fonotraumatismo e idiopática. OBJETIVO: Analisar aspectos clínicos e morfológicos dos granulomas de intubação. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo dos pacientes submetidos à microcirurgia por granulomas de intubação, atendidos na Instituição onde foi realizado, a partir de 2002. Analisaram-se: idade, sexo, indicação e tempo da intubação, sintomas, laudos de videolaringoscopia e número de biópsia. Realizou-se estudo histológico em todos os casos e de microscopia eletrônica em três deles. RESULTADOS: 10 pacientes (7 F e 3 M), idade entre 2 anos e 72 anos e tempo de intubação entre 4 horas e 21 dias. Rouquidão foi o principal sintoma. A histologia mostrou hiperplasia epitelial, intenso inflamação importante no corion e proliferação vascular. Na MEV observou-se epitélio escamoso com escassa descamação. À MET, junções intercelulares alargadas e desmossomos alterados. No corion havia lagos sanguíneos, intensa inflamação, e fibroblastos com alterações estruturais como núcleos irregulares e cisternas dilatadas. CONCLUSÕES: Granulomas pós-intubação aparecem em qualquer idade, mesmo em intubação por curto período, e causam rouquidão precocemente. As principais alterações morfológicas são observadas no corion, como proliferação vascular, inflamação e alterações estruturais em fibroblastos indicando disfunção e dano celular.
Although veins and arteries present similar wall structures, there are differences which may be relevant in peripheral nerve reconstruction. Inside-out vein grafts (IOVG) have been satisfactorily used to repair both motor and sensitive nerves. However, the inside-out artery graft (IOAG) is a new technique and not fully investigated. Our study presents comparative morphological data on nerve regeneration achieved with IOVG and IOAG in the repair of Wistar rat sciatic nerves. Jugular veins and aorta arteries were harvested from donor animals and used inside-out to bridge a 10-mm gap. Animals were sacrificed at 10 weeks to evaluate nerve regeneration. Both techniques presented great variability in nervous tissue, though some animals showed satisfactory results. Different intensities of scarring processes might have interfered with nerve regeneration. Although IOVG and IOAG techniques showed similar morphometric results, in general, IOVG presented a closer-to-normal nerve organization than IOAG.
OBJETIVOS: Comparar a neurorrafia término-lateral com epineuro versus sem epineuro. DESENHO: Foram operados 20 ratos. O nervo fibular foi seccionado e seu coto distal suturado na face lateral do nervo tibial. do lado direito nós removemos janela de epineuro e no lado esquerdo o epineuro foi deixado intacto. Depois de seis meses, os 14 animais sobreviventes foram submetidos a testes eletrofisiológicos, sacrificados e os nervos e músculos removidos para exames histológicos. O teste eletrofisiológico foi realizado mediante estímulo elétrico fornecido por um neuro-estimulador (LHM-110) com 2 milisegundos de duração, num modo repetido e 30 Hz. O estímulo foi aumentado progressivamente partindo de zero até atingir 1 volt. LOCAL: Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu. RESULTADOS: No lado direito, os músculos que tiveram resposta positiva necessitaram uma média de 258,89 mv (±92,31) de estímulo elétrico para apresentar uma resposta e no lado esquerdo uma média de 298,34 mV (±139,32). O músculo tibial cranial apresentou peso médio para o lado direito de 0,47 g (±0,18) e para o lado esquerdo de 0,45 g (±0,15). O coto distal do nervo fibular apresentou uma média 310 fibras nervosas (±191,34) para o lado direito e 287,71 (±183,60) para o lado esquerdo. O nervo tibial acima da neurorrafia mostrou médias de 939,46 (±223,51) fibras nervosas para o lado direito e 959,46 (±327,48) para o lado esquerdo. O nervo tibial abaixo da neurorrafia mostrou médias de 935,17 (±298,65) fibras nervosas para o lado direito e 755,31 (±323,26) para o lado esquerdo. As fibras do músculo tibial cranial do lado direito apresentaram uma área média de 0,0162 (±0,008) m2 depois de 230 vezes de magnificação e 0,0152 (±0,0064) para as fibras do músculo tibial cranial do lado esquerdo. O aspecto histológico do músculo tibial cranial, tomando-se o normal como 100% foi de 78,21 (±20,75) para o lado direito e 82,14 (±15,89) para o lado esquerdo. A análise estatística (testetde Student) não mostrou diferenças (p>0,05) entre os lados esquerdo e direito para todas as variáveis. CONCLUSÕES: Ambas as neurorrafias (com e sem epineuro) não mostraram diferenças relacionadas aos aspectos morfológicos e eletrofisiológicos estudados.
Outbred Wistar rats were randomly assigned to three experimental groups: GI, 10 nondiabetic control rats; GII, 10 alloxan-diabetic control rats; GIII, 25 alloxan-diabetic rats that received pancreaticoduodenal transplantation (PDT) from normal donor Wistar rats and were immunosuppressed with cyclosporin A. For 7 prior and 4, 7, 14, 21, and 30 days posttransplantation (during which the animals were housed in metabolic cages for periods of 24 hours) body weight, water and food intake, urine output, blood and urinary glucose, plasma insulin, and glucagon were recorded. These parameters were also concurrently recorded for diabetic and nondiabetic control rats. Animals were sacrificed after 30 days and histological and immunohistochemical studies of the pancreas were performed. Pancreatic transplants consistently and significantly improved the metabolic abnormalities of the diabetic rat (P < 0.01) by restoring body weight gain, and by immediate relief of hyperglycemia, glucosuria, polyuria, polydipsia, and also the low levels of plasma insulin. The plasma glucagon, elevated in diabetic control rats, did not change after transplant.
We present an optimistic neural solution to the depressing challenge of decubitus pressure ulcers in the paraplegic patient. This is a limited study of two paraplegic men followed for several years. Sural nerve grafts, performed end-to-side, successfully bridged the sciatic nerve to intercostal nerves with surprising benefits for both men.
In this study we present the technical details, adaptations and modifications of the original procedure of pancreaticoduodenal transplantation in rats described by Lee et al. in 1972. We also present the results and technical failures observed in a follow-up of 12 years. From March, 1982 to December, 1994, we performed in the Laboratory of Surgical Technique and Experimental Surgery of Faculty of Medicine, Botucatu - UNESP, Brazil, 665 duodenopancreatectomies in donor rats and 592 surgeries for revascularization of the pancreatic graft in recipient animals. The observed percentage of technical failures in donor rats was 11% due to bleeding and/or vascular complications, irregular flushing of the graft with saline and respiratory insufficiency. In recipients of grafts, we observed a percentage of technical failures of 22,5% due to porto-caval thrombosis, vascular bleeding, pancreatitis and graft ischemia. In both surgeries, the successful results are directly related to the technical performance of the surgeon and the cares in the postoperative period.
The purpose of the present study was to emphasize the technique of micro-marsupialization as an alternative for the treatment of mucus retention phenomena. Out of 41 patients, 14 were selected for treatment by the micro-marsupialization technique on the basis of clinical criteria. Patient age ranged from 5-9 years. The technique was performed as follows: the area was disinfected with 0.1% iodine; a topical anesthetic was applied to cover the entire lesion for approximately 3 min; a 4.0 silk suture was passed through the internal part of the lesion along its widest diameter; and a surgical knot was made. Of the original 14 patients treated by the micro-marsupialization technique, 12 presented full regression one week after treatment. Recurrence occurred in two cases. It was possible to conclude that the micro-marsupialization technique is an alternative to be considered, especially in pediatric dentistry.
Purpose: To determine the effects of end-to-side nerve repair performed only with fibrin glue containing nerve growth in rats. Methods: Seventy two Wistar rats were divided into six equal groups: group A was not submitted to nerve section; group B was submitted to nerve fibular section only. The others groups had the nerve fibular sectioned and then repaired in the lateral surface of an intact tibial nerve, with different procedures: group C: ETS with sutures; group D: ETS with sutures and NGF; group E: ETS with FG only; group F: ETS with FG containing NGF. The motor function was accompanied and the tibial muscle mass, the number and diameter of muscular fibers and regenerated axons were measured. Results: All the analyzed variables did not show any differences among the four operated groups (p>0.05), which were statistically superior to group B (p<0.05), but inferior to group A (p>0.05). Conclusion: The end-to-side nerve repair presented the same recovery pattern, independent from the repair used, showing that the addition of nerve growth factor in fibrin glue was not enough for the results potentiating.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Applications of ultrasound were starting from 1912 with the primary objective the detection of icebergs on prevention of maritime accidents. Algae, fish deaths and destruction were observed in the vicinity of sonar that equipped ships and submarines during the First World War.The evolutions of research and studies with ultrasound have big advances following the discovery of piezoelectric transducers in science and technology. As an example we can mention its application in microsurgery, fatigue detection in aerospace mechanics, catalysis sonochemical, biotechnology and others.The work presented here aims to demonstrate the application of ultrasonic in pulsed mode beams in biotechnology with the aim of improving the fermentation of a culture broth containing biological agents. In these experiments we used as ultrasound equipment and oscilator Sonics VCX-600 (20KHz), probe type wave guide. The experiments were conducted in a glass reactor of 200 mL of biomaterial containing cane juice and Saccharomyces cerevisiae in suspension. The parameters analyzed were related to the content Alcohlic (FID gas chromatography), and cell viability (Neubauer chamber), TRS (refractometry). Analysis of results showed that the total production exceeded in irradiated samples compared to normal fermentation (without ultrasound), suggesting additional advantage of ultrasound activation. Lastin Trials 1400 min, showed ethanol production systems 12% more than non-enabled systems. In this context alternatives for ethanol production, bio fuel and many other byproducts of the alcohol industries and chemicals could benefit from the use of ultrasound beams in this range of frequencies.
Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)