190 resultados para MASSLESS PARTICLES


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Photon propagation is non-dispersive within the context of semiclassical general relativity. What about the remaining massless particles? It can be shown that at the tree level the scattering of massless particles of spin 0, 1/2, 1 or whatever by a static gravitational field generated by a localized source such as the Sun, treated as an external field, is non-dispersive as well. It is amazing, however, that massive particles, regardless of whether they have integral or half-integral spin, experience an energy-dependent gravitational deflection. Therefore, semiclassical general relativity and gravitational rainbows of massive particles can coexist without conflict. We address this issue in this essay.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We solve the generalized relativistic harmonic oscillator in 1+1 dimensions, i.e., including a linear pseudoscalar potential and quadratic scalar and vector potentials which have equal or opposite signs. We consider positive and negative quadratic potentials and discuss in detail their bound-state solutions for fermions and antifermions. The main features of these bound states are the same as the ones of the generalized three-dimensional relativistic harmonic oscillator bound states. The solutions found for zero pseudoscalar potential are related to the spin and pseudospin symmetry of the Dirac equation in 3+1 dimensions. We show how the charge conjugation and gamma(5) chiral transformations relate the several spectra obtained and find that for massless particles the spin and pseudospin symmetry-related problems have the same spectrum but different spinor solutions. Finally, we establish a relation of the solutions found with single-particle states of nuclei described by relativistic mean-field theories with scalar, vector, and isoscalar tensor interactions and discuss the conditions in which one may have both nucleon and antinucleon bound states.


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Massive particles of spin 0 and 1 violate the equivalence principle (EP) at the tree level. on the other hand, if these particles are massless, they agree with the EP, which leads us to conjecture that from a semiclassical viewpoint massless particles, no matter what their spin, obey the EP. General relativity predicts a deflection angle of 2.63' for a nonrelativistic spinless massive boson passing close to the Sun, while for a massive vectorial boson of spin 1 the corresponding deflection is 2.62'.


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In this paper we deal with an alternative approach to the description of massless particles of arbitrary spin. Within this scheme chiral components of a spinor field are regarded as fundamental quantities and treated as independent field variables. The free field Lagrangian is built up from the requirement of chiral invariance; This formulation is parallel to the neutrino theory and allows for a formulation that generalizes, to particles of arbitrary spin, the two-component neutrino theory. We achieve a spinor formulation of electrodynamics. In the case of the photon, the nonzero helicity components satisfy Weyl's equations and are associated to observables (electromagnetic fields) whereas the zero helicity components are related to nonobservables (electromagnetic potentials). Within the spinor formulation of electrodynamics the minimal coupling substitution follows as a consequence of the linearity of the interaction and the preference of nature for chiral components, that is, of the left-right asymmetry of nature. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.


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In this letter we apply an alternative approach, recently developed, to the description of massless particles of arbitrary spin to the case of spin-two particles. This provides a non-geometrical approach to the theory of linearized gravitation. Within this method the chiral components of a spinor field are treated as independent field variables. The free field Lagrangian is built up from the requirement of chiral invariance. This formulation is parallel to the neutrino theory and leads to a formulation that generalizes, to particles of spin-two, the two-component neutrino theory. At the free field level the analog of curvature tensor, spin connection tensor, and metric tensor are independent quantities. By introducing left-right asymmetric linear interactions of these chiral components we get the linearized gravitation theory.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Resonance capture is studied numerically in the three-body problem for arbitrary inclinations. Massless particles are set to drift from outside the 1: 5 resonance with a Jupiter-mass planet thereby encountering the web of the planet's diverse mean motion resonances. Randomly constructed samples explore parameter space for inclinations from 0 to 180 degrees with 5 degrees increments totalling nearly 6 x 10(5) numerical simulations. 30 resonances internal and external to the planet's location are monitored. We find that retrograde resonances are unexpectedly more efficient at capture than prograde resonances and that resonance order is not necessarily a good indicator of capture efficiency at arbitrary inclination. Capture probability drops significantly at moderate sample eccentricity for initial inclinations in the range [10 degrees,110 degrees]. Orbit inversion is possible for initially circular orbits with inclinations in the range [60 degrees,130 degrees]. Capture in the 1:1 co-orbital resonance occurs with great likelihood at large retrograde inclinations. The planet's orbital eccentricity, if larger than 0.1, reduces the capture probabilities through the action of the eccentric Kozai-Lidov mechanism. A capture asymmetry appears between inner and outer resonances as prograde orbits are preferentially trapped in inner resonances. The relative capture efficiency of retrograde resonance suggests that the dynamical lifetimes of Damocloids and Centaurs on retrograde orbits must be significantly larger than those on prograde orbits implying that the recently identified asteroids in retrograde resonance, 2006 BZ8, 2008 SO218, 2009 QY6 and 1999 LE31 may be among the oldest small bodies that wander between the outer giant planets.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Starting from general properties of a spin-2 field, we construct helicity wave functions in the framework of the Weyl-van der Waerden spinor formalism. We discuss here the cases of massless and massive spin-2 particles.


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We examine the recently found equivalence for the response of a static scalar source interacting with a massless Klein-Gordon field when the source is (i) static in Schwarzschild spacetime, in the Unruh vacuum associated with the Hawking radiation, and (ii) uniformly accelerated in Minkowski spacetime, in the inertial vacuum, provided that the source's proper acceleration is the same in both cases. It is shown that this equivalence is broken when the massless Klein-Gordon field is replaced by a massive one.


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In this article we present the complete massless and massive one-loop triangle diagram results using the negative dimensional integration method (NDIM). We consider the following cases: massless internal fields; one massive, two massive with the same mass m and three equal masses for the virtual particles. Our results are given in terms of hypergeometric and hypergeometric-type functions of the external momenta (and masses for the massive cases) where the propagators in the Feynman integrals are raised to arbitrary exponents and the dimension of the space-time is D. Our approach reproduces the known results; it produces other solutions as yet unknown in the literature as well. These new solutions occur naturally in the context of NDIM revealing a promising technique to solve Feynman integrals in quantum field theories.


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The negative-dimensional integration method is a technique which can be applied, with success, in usual covariant gauge calculations. We consider three two-loop diagrams: the scalar massless non-planar double-box with six propagators and the scalar pentabox in two cases, where six virtual particles have the same mass, and in the case all of them are massless. Our results are given in terms of hypergeometric functions of Mandelstam variables and also for arbitrary exponents of propagators and dimension D.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We quantize the low-energy sector of a massless scalar field in Reissner-Nordström spacetime. This allows the analysis of processes involving soft scalar particles occurring outside charged black holes. In particular, we compute the response of a static scalar source interacting with Hawking radiation using the Unruh (and the Hartle-Hawking) vacuum. This response is compared with the one obtained when the source is uniformly accelerated in the usual vacuum of Minkowski spacetime with the same proper acceleration. We show that both responses are in general different in opposition to the result obtained when the Reissner-Nordström black hole is replaced by a Schwarzschild one. The conceptual relevance of this result is commented on. ©2000 The American Physical Society.