117 resultados para M. pectoralis major
Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar as caracterÃsticas da qualidade da carne de matrizes pesadas de descarte. Para isto, foram coletadas 40 amostras de filés de peito (Pectoralis major) de matrizes da linhagem Ross com 68 e 69 semanas de idade. As coletas foram divididas em duas, com 20 amostras coletadas em cada uma delas. No tempo zero (após o resfriamento) foi medido o pH e coletados fragmentos para a avaliação do valor R. Nos tempos 4 e 24 horas post-mortem, foram feitas as seguintes análises: pH, valor R, cor objetiva, perda por exsudação (drip loss), capacidade de retenção de água (CRA), capacidade de absorção de água (CAA), perdas de peso por cozimento (PPC) e força de cisalhamento (FC). Houve diferença (p < 0,05) para os valores médios de pH entre os tempos zero (após o resfriamento), 4 e 24 horas que foram de 6,49; 5,78; e 5,65, respectivamente. O resultado médio encontrado para CRA foi de 26,45. Para a cor objetiva, os resultados médios para o L*, a* e b* foram de 52,20; 3,64; 0,51, respectivamente. Portanto, conclui-se que, quando observados os resultados das análises para os parâmetros perda por exsudato, perda de peso por cozimento e capacidade de absorção de água, a carne de peito das matrizes pesadas apresenta ótima qualidade tecnológica apesar de apresentar problemas na sua textura.
The electromyographic activity of the shoulder muscles deltoid - anterior portion (DA) and pectoralis major - clavicular portion (PMC) was tested on 24 male volunteers using a 2 channel TEC A TE4 electromyograph and Hewlett Packard surface electrodes during the execution of four different modalities of frontal-lateral cross, dumbbells exercises. The results showed that all of the tested exercises developed high levels of action potential for both muscles. So, we jusfity the indication of all of them for physical fitness programmes for DA and PMC. Some suggestions to the use of the tested exercises are presented.
The action potential level for shoulder muscles deltoid-anterior portion (DA) and pectoralis major-clavicular portion (PMC) determined by four different modalities of execution of rowing exercises, each one with two different grips, was recorded. These were compared with the action potential level determined for the same muscles by four different modalities of execution of the frontal-lateral cross, dumbbells exercises. Twenty-four male volunteers were examined using a 2 channel TECA TE4 electromyograph and Hewlett Packard surface electrodes. The statistic analysis showed significant (p<0,05) superiority for all the frontal-lateral cross, dumbbells exercises in comparison to all rowing exercises for the PMC, for the DA this generalized supremacy was not observed.
The muscles deltoid-anterior portion (DA) and pectoralis major-clavicular portion (PMC) were analysed to establish the muscular behavior and intensity patterns, as well to evaluate the connected participation of these muscles during supine and frontal elevation exercises. Twenty-four male volunteers were examined using a 2-channel TECA TE4 electromyograph and Hewlett Packard surface electrodes. Our results showed low levels of activity to PMC in frontal elevation exercises, whereas to DA the levels were very high. In the supine exercise, the action potential levels developed by the PMC were always lower than those presented by DA, however, with action simultaneity. Some suggestions to the use of the tested exercises are presented.
The effective activity of the pectoralis major and deltoideus anterior muscles in horizontal flyer exercises with external loads of 25, 50, 75 and 100% of the maximum load was studied in 11 male volunteers. The electromyographic analysis was done by using MEDI-TRACE-200 surface electrodes connected to a biological signal acquisition mode coupled to a PC/AT computer. The electromyographic signals were processed and the values obtained were normalized through maximum voluntary isometric contraction. It was statistically observed that in all types and loads of this exercise, the muscles presented significant differences in the concentric and eccentric phases. In the concentric phase, when different loads were compared, the muscles were more active with 75 and 100% of the maximum load, while in the eccentric phase, higher activity was observed with 100% of the maximum load. By analyzing each load effect in the concentric phase, it was verified that the muscles on the left side were more active than those on the right side with 25, 75 and 100% of the maximum load.
Inverted flying exercise with external loads of 25, 50, 75 and 100% of each individual maximum load in the pectoralis major and deltoideus anterior muscles was electromyographically analyzed in eleven male volunteers, using surface electrodes MEDI-TRACE-200 connected to a biological signals acquisition module coupled to a PC/AT computer. Electromyographic signals were processed and the effective values obtained were standardized through maximum voluntary isometric contraction. When the concentric phase of each muscle with the same load was statistically compared with the eccentric phase, it was observed that for all loads all the muscles presented significant electromyographic difference, and that the concentric phase was always higher. By analyzing the different loads for each muscle, it was noticed that in the concentric phase all the muscles presented significant electromyographic activity, being it higher with maximum load. When the effect of each load on different muscle in the concentric and eccentric phases was analyzed, the muscles presented a distinct activity profile.
Due to a shortage of textbooks with specific data on muscular activity concerning physical conditioning and sports, we analysed electromyographically the muscles pectoralis major and deltoideus anterior, bilaterally, in inclined flying exercises, during the concentric and eccentric phases, with external loads of 25, 50, 75 and 100% of the maximum load. The electromyographic analysis was performed in eleven male volunteers with MEDITRACE-200 surface electrodes connected to a six-channel biologic signal acquisition module coupled to a PC/AT computer. The electromyographic signals were processed and the obtained effective values were normalized through maximum voluntary isometric contraction. Statistically, the results showed that all the muscles studied presented significant differences between the concentric and the eccentric phases, with higher electromyographic activity during the concentric phase. By analysing the different loads for each muscle in both phases, significant electromyographic activity was observed for all muscles. When the effect of each load on each muscle during the concentric phase was analysed, it was noticed that the muscles on the left were more active than those on the right side, while in the eccentric phase the muscles had different behavior.
The electromyographic activity of the deltoideus (anterior portion) and pectoralis major (clavicular portion) muscles was analyzed in 24 male volunteers in two different modalities of pull-over exercises. The PMC activity varied from weak to moderate in both modalities, while the DA activity was moderate in the pull-over and strong in the pull-over with bent arms exercises.
It was analized the deltoid muscle anterior portion and the pectoralis major clavicular portion in 24 male volunteers using a two-channel electromyograph TECA TE 4, and Hewllet Packard surface electrodes, in 4 modalities of military press exercises with open grip. The results showed high inactivity for PMC in almost all the modalities while DA developed very high levels of action potentials in all the modalities assessed.
With the objective to know the electromyographic activity normal parameters of the deltoid (anterior portion) and pectoralis major (clavicular portion) muscles in the different modalities of military press exercises with middle grip, we analyzed 24 male volunteers using a two-channel electromyograph TECA TE 4, and Hewllet Packard surface electrodes. It was observed high inactivity levels for PMC in almost all the modalities and the concentration in the active cases, mainly, in the weak potential, while DA presented very high levels of much strong action potentials in all the modalities assessed.
The deltoid (anterior portion) and pectoralis major (clavicular portion) were evaluated in several execution ways of military press exercises with open and middle grips in order to know their behavior pattern. It was analyzed 24 male volunteers, using a 2-channel TECA TE4 electromyograph and Hewllet Packard surface electrodes. It was observed that the execution variation with open and middle grips does not present any significant difference as for the demanding level neither for the pectoralis major muscle nor the deltoid muscle.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV
Rastrearam-se a inclusão de farinha de vÃsceras de aves (FV) em dietas de frangos por ocasião de eventual substituição de dieta contendo FV por dieta estritamente vegetal, e vice-versa, por isótopos estáveis de carbono e de nitrogênio. Foram distribuÃdos aleatoriamente 192 pintos de um dia de idade, em 12 tratamentos com quatro repetições de quatro aves. Os tratamentos constituÃam-se de dieta de vegetais (VG) passando para dietas contendo FV, após certa idade, ou o inverso, em que as aves começaram se alimentando de dieta FV e depois passaram para dieta VG. Aos 42 dias de idade, foram coletadas amostras de músculo peitoral (Pectoralis major), quilha e tÃbia, para determinação das razões isotópicas (13C/12C e 15N/14N). A técnica dos isótopos estáveis somente não foi capaz de rastrear a utilização de FV na alimentação de frangos de corte, quando esse ingrediente fez parte da dieta das aves apenas nos primeiros sete, 14 ou 21 dias de idade. Entretanto, há a possibilidade da aplicação dessa técnica em aves mais jovens, amostradas antes de eventual mudança de dieta, pois elas podem ter a assinatura isotópica da alimentação estabilizada em torno de duas semanas de idade.
Bovine meat and bone meal (MBM) was widely used in animal diets until outbreaks of Bovine Spongiform Encefalopathy (BSE) occurred in some countries. It has not been confirmed yet whether or not BSE may be transmitted to man through chicken meat originated from poultry that had been fed diets containing MBM. Therefore, consumers nowadays express preference for meat originated from birds fed exclusively vegetable diets. This study analyzed samples of major breast muscle (Pectoralis major) using mass spectrometry of stable isotopes (carbon and nitrogen) as a means to assess the presence of MBM in broiler diets, a technique that might be used in the certification of poultry quality. A total of 150 day-old chicks were reared in five randomized treatments with increasing MBM dietary inclusion levels (0, 1, 2, 4 and 8%). on day 42, breast muscle samples were collected from three birds per treatment and used in the determination of 13C/12C and 15N/14N isotope ratios. The breast muscle isotope values were expressed as delta in parts per thousand (delta ). The following carbon isotope values (13C) were found: 18.74 ±0.11, 18.51 ±0.19, 18.24 ±0.10, -17.79 ±0.12, and -17.15 ±0.15 for 0, 1, 2, 4 and 8% MBM dietary levels, respectively. Nitrogen isotope values (15N) were 1.65 ±0.14, 1.65 ±0.28, 1.72 ±0.08, 1.95 ±0.16, and 2.52 ± 0.09 for 0, 1, 2, 4 and 8% MBM dietary levels, respectively. This study showed important differences in delta13C and delta15N values in breast meat, evidencing a simultaneous enrichment of this isotopic pair, which allowed tracing MBM in bird diets. Analysis of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes may be used to ensure feeding with exclusively vegetable diets, and might also be used as a reliable evaluation tool in broiler meat certification. The diet with 1% inclusion level of MBM and the exclusively vegetable diet showed similar results.